Thursday, March 22, 2012

Miami High School Students Walk Out to Protest Sanford Shooting

Again, not mentioned were George Zimmerman's injuries and witness accounts of Mr. Martin being on top of Mr. Zimmerman and punching him were also ignored.


Way to go, geniuses ... that’ll un-shoot him, you betcha!

Anyone who skips school to protest anything other than the fact that the school is a Marxist hellhole swindle should be expelled.


Close down the school, fire the teachers, and return the money to the taxpayers.

Then let the protestors eat cake.


Give a test on the days subject, fail them, and nail them for truancy!


There’s something very wrong with this whole story.


I’m no fan of vigilante justice. But IMO if this had been a white boy killed I doubt we’d be hearing as much about it.


Anytime students leave a school in a “boycott” its laughable.. I don’t think every kid that does it does not have true intentions, but for every 1 that does, there are 40-50 who just are enjoying cutting class.


  1. "I’m no fan of vigilante justice. But IMO if this had been a white boy killed I doubt we’d be hearing as much about it."

    Of course you would, as Zimmerman's a non-white. It would clearly be the first shot of the race wars.

    1. First shot of the race wars #17,964. It's like when an engine just won't turn over.
