Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Russian expert predicts Obama will declare martial law by the end of 2012

<a href="http://occupycorporatism.com/russian-expert-predicts-obama-will-declare-martial-law-in-america-by-end-of-2012/">Article</a>

An extended family member (who is a Ron Paul fanatic) sent this to me and I was about to dismiss it as more tinfoil hat stuff.
But after viewing the very calm documentary 2016: Obama's America, I'm not so sure I would put it past him, win or lose in November.


If he loses the military will politely tell him to FO and defer to President Romney. If he insists on this path they will make his departure lightning fast and it will not be pretty.


This administration has wiped it’s rump with the constitution and gone against the will of the people in such a lawless manner that if they feel November is a lost cause, they’ll steal it. No doubt about it.


We’ll see, at this point, anything can happen. There’s no doubt that Obama is a potential repeat of some of the worst dictators in history. The question is: Will we, the people, allow it?


I'm expecting the WMD’s in Syria that the news media suddenly realized were mainly from Iraq, to pop up in a number of cities prior to the election.   Since the WMD’s are from Iraq it will obviously be Bush's fault that the terrorist got the WMD’s.   *   I've considered it to be a very real possibility since he was elected, more so by the day.

Given his temperment, integrity and belief system, obama is the most dangerous president yet, dangerous to the Constitution, the Republic and to We, the People. When you add his supporters to the mix, those like minded, fellow travelers, anarchists and revolutionary useful idiots, then anything is not only possible, it is radically likely.   History has much to say about the condition we find ourselves in, many of those chapters are written in Russian.


If he pulls that stunt and actually decalre martial law, I will make it my life’s work to make everyone’s life I find that voted for the Kenyan Klown a living hell. They are the ones who would be responsible for that. They will be made to pay the price. And family members are not exempt from my wrath.


"When Clinton was president, I heard plenty of talk from people convinced he would declare martial law (or do something similar) to avoid an election.
  When Bush was president, I heard plenty of talk from people convinced he would declare martial law (or do something similar) to avoid an election.   When Obama was president..."

As did I. The big difference is that both Bush and Clinton considered themselves at least somewhat retrained by the constitution and public opinion. The model Obama follows isn't American history, but Kenyan history.

((In response to the same comment about Clinton and Bush not declaring martial law))

The difference here is race. If/when 0bama loses there will definitely be riots across the nation. Every major city will be on fire. The local police will be overwhelmed and ask for state or federal help. The question then is will 0bama sit back and smugly watch America burn or will he take action. This scenario was never a likelihood for Bush or Clinton. It certainly is with zero.

That is why Jefferson wanted a Republic of informed self reliant citizenry.   Who mostly made their living on Farms and such, with produce made by their own hands and resistant to taxes from government.   Not a vast, balkanized, inner city, mass of people voting on the "gimmies" from the capital.

"Obama's the worst, but there will be an election, and if he loses he'll leave. "
I'd certainly hope so, but I wouldn't bet the family farm on it.
You really need to see the movie 2016: Obama's America to understand how the guy thinks. His life's work is to downsize America, a goal which can be accomplished even quicker by provoking a civil war than by continuing on the path he is on.


"I don’t believe it. Only a fool would think that would ever fly. Such a move would split the military or likely result in a military coup. If that didn’t happen you can be sure that you’d see all out civil war in the streets. Any President who decides to declare martial law will be effectively starting a civil war. Its just not going to happen. Obama isn’t even well liked in Democrat circles behind the scenes who is going to follow him to oblivon?"

Blacks! That's who.


Now don’t all those orders and projects just make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Look at all he is getting done for the infrastructure! /sarc.

As someone else said, “Even Hilter made the trains run on time.”



  1. Getting tired of saying this...

    ...but don't call them racist.

  2. "If he pulls that stunt and actually decalre martial law, I will make it my life’s work to make everyone’s life I find that voted for the Kenyan Klown a living hell. They are the ones who would be responsible for that. They will be made to pay the price. And family members are not exempt from my wrath."

    Watch out, we got a badass over here!
