Sunday, May 22, 2011

"For First Time, Majority of Americans Support Gay Marriage"

Article from Fox News

If true, just shows how sick we are in America.


If you believe it, you need some fresh air. You’ve been teleported to the SRM parallel universe.


Even in the uber-liberal state of Kalifornistan voters approved Proposition 8, which said, "only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California" by over 52%.

This poll is a fraud. The only polls that count and the only polls that are believable are those taken in the polling booths on election day.


Wgere did they take this poll?

The Castro Street Fair in San Francisco, the queer bathhouses in NY City and the cloak room in the US Senate?

---Bathhouses? Dude, have you seriously not left your house since Reagan stopped being president?


My conclusion is that the poll is lying because in EVERY state where the people have a chance to vote on it, they overwhelmingly reject gay marriage.


"I don’t believe it for a second"

Me neither. Nobody I know was polled. Everyone I know is against permitting sexual deviants from marrying -- without exception. It's an abomination and we all know how God deals with it.


BF Skinner at work in the school system with the Marxists conditioning young children through the public school system and media to think good is evil and evil is good. Kill Christianity and the Natural family (and the Constitution).

Sex Education is to destroy morality in the sex act—make it into something meaningless and just a commodity to make marriage impossible== and convince children that man and woman are interchangeable....they condition and brainwash with nonsensical books (biological lies) Heather has Two Mommies. Cognitive Dissonance—so people’s foundational knowledge is so screwed up they can not recognize Truth.

Marxism is designed to destroy all traditions (marriage) to destroy the transmission of culture so that Truth becomes meaningless so that the elites can become gods and redesign the world into their vision of “utopia”. Of course, the masses will all be slaves. There is no Universal Natural Law Theory.....No property rights. No God. They have totalitarian control over all aspects of your life.

Homosexual marriage is all about making up, down, right, wrong....destroying logic and reason and creating a totally irrational world so elites can dictate their own vision of reality which is evil because it denies the laws of nature and nature’s God.


Does that mean that homosexual men can marry their gerbils?


I was thinking about this this morning. Almost every prime time show has gay characters, especially the shows pushed to younger ones.

I figured out the reason. With the general consensus to abortion, genocide, population reduction, etc......gays don’t breed.

Simple really. It works for the world view.


But the Cali polls showed Prop 8 losing and it’s passage was unexpected according to the Obama state media!

--- Apparently Obama has a hot tub time machine and was president when that happened.


When you survey the gay community sir, which is better, a dead queer or a dangerous AIDS Queer.


Homosexual polls are like homosexuals —liars all!


  1. Glad to see you're still truckin' Freep.

    We'll miss you on Fark.

  2. "Does that mean that homosexual men can marry their gerbils?"

    Wow, this one actually resembles a joke. Keep trying, Freeper! Eventually you'll get it!

  3. When you survey the gay community sir, which is better, a dead queer or a dangerous AIDS Queer.

    I....I have no idea what that even means.

    Also, Freep Impact, it is now apparently a deletable offense to even mention you on Fark now. There's some heavy dudty deleting going down today.

  4. I saw that, Mr. Beltway. I do have my non-alt account over there still.

    I hope in the future we can still redirect people to this site without deletion; a lot of people probably don't realize I'm not posting yet.

  5. B.F. Skinner is brainwashing our children? wut

  6. I had missed you for a while, but only today managed to catch some posts where the problem (and this blog) were mentioned. Wonder how long they'll last.
