Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Congressional Black Caucus Travels US Cities: Declares ‘War’ on Racist Tea Party

Article from THE BLAZE here.

So basically they are coming out publicly supporting flash mobs. Why not openly admit it?


"Am I a bad person for having this thought:

They’re not doing anything to dispel any stereotypes now, are they?"

What do you CARE what others think...even on this forum...and especially about THIS subject?

Worrying about what others think of us is what got us into this mess in the first place!
Worrying about what others think is what got the Zer0 elected!

One of the primary reasons I moved from NYC to this area of WV was the state's 93+% WHITE population and I don't care what ANYBODY thinks of my reasoning!


Yeah... let’s declare war on people with a 7 to 1 numerical advantage, and who knows what the ratio for the wealth advantage would be.

I think they assume that the government would have their backs if they started this.


How does burring down your house or your neighborhood help improve the situation?

The “black” caucus is a bunch of street trash punks and agitators without a shred of decency or leadership in the whole shameful lot of them.


Conservatives need to develop a concise rebuttal stating how conservatives agenda FREE MINORITIES FROM THE GRASP OF GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS!


This should be a good recruiting tool for Tea Parties.


The CBC is by name, a racist org., whose sole purpose is the promotion of the black race at the expense of all other races.

I hate racists. You wanna fight. Let’s get it on!

Whites in Congress should form their own Congressional White Caucus in symbolic opposition, & see what blacks think of that.


There’s no logic to it.
The leftist communists are agitating the racial grievances and trying to push for the final, violent revolution that overthrows our capitalist system.
Communists INSIST that this final putsch be violent. Probably because they have to achieve mass extermination of any resistance or potential resistance, and can only do so under the cover of general violence.


Not 1 American in the collective called Congress standing up to this totalitarian collective inside their collective? What is wrong with this picture?

Another PERFECT example of why legislatures (state and federal) should be part-time jobs with 1/10th pay, NO retirement, NO medical insurance, NO perks and NO benefits. These POS politicians can get a job doing something productive not “progressive”.

...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness...Declaration of Indedpendence



Tragic thing is the “tea party”, on the whole, is probably the least racist demographic.


Obama created the strife. He promised the blacks a heaven on earth, and then gave it all to the muslims overseas instead.
So, instead of going after white folks, the two should join together against the Oboma administration. He nailed the whites just as much as he did the blacks.
The caucuses anger is misdirected. They can't admit to themselves it was one of their own who did all the damage. Blaming it on white people is just a bad, and dangerous, habit that needs to be resolved.


Race war => rioting => looting => FREE STUFF FOR HOMEY


Same plantation; different owners. Free yourselves; vote Republican


uhh....hate to say it, but if they declare war, they’ll get war, and it ain’t gonna end good for their side

They'll be battling the Hispanics as well. The Hispanics have been the target of black gangs for decades.


So sick of this BS. I am fed up as are alot of folks. All I have to say is come get some I am very well armed, have a carry permit, and know how to use my weapons efficiently not like some gangbanger. Lets get it over with already, sh*t or get off the pot CBC, you will be revealed for the savages you are. Gibs me dat mentality will be met with lethal force.


“Political Correctness” was originally referred to as “Cultural Marxism”, a more accurate, but ironically less PC name.


Holder and Obama will stand by while this happens.Like they didn’t incite it! Obama going on the radio calling for it (telling them to MOBILIZE)and blaming whitey Bush. They are too busy appointing a terrorist sympathizer like them to replace Melson.


Where's my free helfcare at?


People havent seen an insurgency until you see pissed off well armed americans whos government has turned on it. This isnt the civil war 2 this would be asymmetrical warfare you know the kind the libs loved when our soldiers were dying because it got them into power. Woah unto the UN peacekeepers on American soil thats all Im saying.

1 comment:

  1. These guys are literally jizzing their pants at the prospect of RAHOWA
