Saturday, October 22, 2011

NYPD arrests OWS organizer Debra Sweet

The link is dead, so I can't find the article. Also, every time I read this headline my mind goes "Debra Sweet is addicted to the knife."

"I long for Mcarthyism"

I agree... McCarthy was right... and McCarthy-ism lives... there is you... and there is me... and certainly there are many more like us.


” Debra Sweet; Known Communist”, to be interviewed by PressTV, which is a propaganda organ for Iran...

How odd....


Communists involved with OWS?? I'm Shocked!! Shocked, I tell you. (Well, not really).


Every freedom loving soul should mark these would-be tyrants as enemies. Keep them in your sights, for it may come to serious confrontation. They want everything we have and they intend to take it.


Throughout my whole life we have been at war with communists and communism. I lost friends and relatives in Vietnam that were fighting the spread of communism. Now I see the hammer and sickle flags parading down our streets and 'youths' talking about socialism, income redistribution, making many anti-capitalist remarks and wearing Che T-shirts.

Are we no longer at war with communism? Why hasn't DOJ raided the CPUSA headquarters and taken all their hard drives and started prosecuting active communists in the United States? What has changed? They are still our enemy . . . aren't they?


Along with this Debra Sweet you now have experienced lifelong Communist agitators/activists-— who are probably on the FBI watch list. This ALL now fits the CHINA/Clintons/Soros/Obama leftist agitation-— and the events ARE being coordinated as part of re-elect obammy in 2012— by none other than David Axelrod (another compadre of Ayers)


I’d love to see MCarthy t-shirts, kinda like the Che ones, at Tea Party events.


The blending of Communism and Islamo-fascism. Two peas in a pod working in perfect harmony.

--- I don't think he knows what any of the nouns he used in those two sentences mean.


What’s the surprise? We all, including me, stood by watching the Marxist train coming and did nothing. It just never occured to us that a country as great and powerful as ours could be subverted.


Always suspected communists were organizing this protest by the intellect level of the protesters. Dumb as a box of rocks.


“We used to hunt and kill this garbage in this country...”

When? They have burrowed into the guts of government and education like liver flukes since the FDR years at the latest.


How can anyone be so stupid as to believe in communism? The former communist countries have all rejected it. Who’s their hero, Kim Jong-Il?


Can you even imagine what Reagan would think of the mess the country is in now - a communist in the WH, ows, the czars, Obamacare, how far left the dem party is now. Even Tip O'Neil would be surprised.


EVERY Eastern European, or Cuban, for that matter - that I have ever talked to expresses stunned disbelief at what we’re doing to ourselves...

Communism and its bastard cousin, socialism SUCKS!


It would be kind of interesting to know what she was arrested for.

Organizing a protest that the President of the USofA, the Governor of NY and the Mayor of NY City welcomes doesn't fit getting arrested for it.


Art, I don’t know where the REAL MEN are anymore, or if there are any even left in the GOP. I fear they have all sold out to the NWO gang.

The future of America lies in the hands of those Patriots willing to make the ultimate sacrifice to defend our freedoms.

We must fight Communism, Socialism and Totalitarian rule on every front, every day, every minute. Giving up will only ensure our slavery and the slavery of our children.

Never give an inch.

It’s coming......sooner than most think.


"“We stand by no longer.”

I'm with you. We'd better shake off this air of complacency and get good and mad and then stand up, join forces and get rid of these socialists/marxists/communists/revolutionaries in this country. Some of the commentary on this site regarding leftists in this country sounds like it's coming from people who have no fight in their bellies, no desire enough to do what it takes to remove this vile scum from our country. NOW that we know that the foxes are in the hen house big time, let's get our act together and work toward the eradication of the fox. Remember how our fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers handled their business in wars past?..they killed the enemy and won the war. What the hell is our excuse? Let's get this done, or WE are done for."

I'm in. Like I said, my mind set is to see what happens on November 6, 2012. If he wins, I think it is our duty to begin. . . if we can wait that long. . .

--- These are legitimately frightening comments. What's worse is that the reply I posted above, the one agreeing with him, was the only reply to the comment about possibly shooting people. No one chastised either commenters.


Whenever someone whines to me about McCarthyism, I say, “What if McCarthyism were about Fascists instead of Communists in the US government, or their subversive activities throughout the US?”

Within a minute, I usually get called a name, and then I grin because I know I’ve won. :)


HERE ARE YOU REASONS... how about john boehner and eric “we do have a problem with wealth distribution in this country” cantor... THEY ARE WHY THERE IS NO NEW COMMITTEE ON UNAMERICAN ACTIVITIES... THEIR OWN ACTIONS (lying to us and conspiring behind closed doors with obama, reid and pelosi) HAVE BEEN UNAMERICAN.


Tell them about the KILLING FIELDS in Cambodia... and tell them that this is AMERICA and that one day those bones will be their own. There is some reality that will scare them!


McCarthy was right and that was confirmed by the KGB's own records after the end of Cold War I (Cold War II is on the horizon) but it was scary for anybody who believes in the US Constitution and real personal liberty. Anybody who wants to see a return hasn't thought of the ramifications of all that rage being directed in a different direction. It's already happened. What about the post Katrina gun grabs? What about TSA bodily intrusions? We can all think of examples if we try. Still, all this is but a pale shade of how bad it's eventually going to be. Ever read the final book of the Bible? That's the true essence of McCarthyism. The Anti Christ goes after everybody who refuses his mark, the Mark of the Beast. How does he treat the children of the Living God? The folks who stand up for Jesus Christ? We haven't reached that point yet, but the beginnings can be seen around us all the time. How does that make you feel?


“...because when the firing squads start,...”

They can have our liberals for target practice.

Then we’ll take over and take care of THEM.

Pretty hard to shoot people who can AND WILL shoot back. This isn’t Europe. We’ve had over half a century of training our people to shoot and kill communists. It’s NOT a problem.

They want a war... Fine. It’s been a long time coming.

I’m sick of their sh*t, sick of their smears and propaganda and bullsh*t.

“Let’s roll.”


  1. "EVERY Eastern European, or Cuban, for that matter - that I have ever talked to..."


    no, really I need a vomit bag now

    this isn't funny

  2. You post there and don't get banned FI? You must be a shade more diplomatic than I could force myself to be ;p

  3. I don't actually post there, I just observe. I'm not diplomatic, not at all!

  4. Jesus christ. I hope the FBI is keeping tabs on these terrorist wannabes, because one of these days one of them will grow a pair and actually try something. As poster #1 said, this isn't funny, this is terrifying.

  5. ah I must have misread you above where you were commenting on the revolutionary fellow. Quite impressive enough to wade through all that muck as it is nevermind commenting without getting kicked off the site for your trouble!

  6. Oh yeah, haha, I would have been banned. I mean, dude, they banned people for not being entirely against DADT! Recently there was a post by Jim Robinson (founder of FreeRepublic) indicating that you could be up for bannination if you supported Mitt Romney, even as a back-up plan.

  7. Liberals own guns too, you traitorious fuckwagons.
