Sunday, September 25, 2011

Herman Cain wins Florida straw poll in stunning victory; Rick Perry in deep trouble

Summary: During the Florida Straw Poll, "Cain’s victory with 37 percent of the vote was a major defeat for Perry, the frontrunner in Florida and national polls, who garnered only 15 percent after wooing the nearly 3,000 party faithful with a free breakfast and mailers. "

“Many straw poll voters were especially dissatisfied by the answers Perry gave over his moderate immigration position”

It was not a moderate answer. It was a classic liberal answer. Amazing that Perry isn’t even conservative enough to even pretend to speak like one.


Still is time for Perry to right his ship. Question remains whether I WANT him to. (I guess I just have no heart. /sarc)


"Mitt wouldn’t be trying to muddy the RINO Cowboy’s water by conducting a little Operation Chaos action, would he?"

Liberal blood runs in his veins and I would not put it past him.

I would like nothing better than both of them announcing they are leaving the race.


This just may be the kick Cain needs to get ahead from here on. He’s my man, above all others. I love Sarah, I love Michelle, but I honestly believe in this day and hour, we need a man at the helm (flame away that I’m sexist - not so - it’s just that neither S nor M are a Margaret Thatcher...)

Taking another risk, I’ll post what I said in another thread:

Cain is the one for me: Straight shooter with solutions that can out-debate almost anyone; true blue conservative & Christian; proven executive with turn-around expertise; brilliant, articulate, counters with between-the-eyes strikes, ALWAYS directly answers the question asked of him, and he’d get at least 40% of the black vote. His answers always #1. Identify the problem; #2. Explains the solutions. Lastly he disarms the liberal claims that to oppose Obama is racist.

He’d clobber Obama in any debates because O would have his TOTUS.

I don’t like his 9% national sales tax (all libs have to do is later double it), but it’s better than what we have now and does solve a LOT of problems.

I do believe Cain is the MAN of the hour above all others...


It's not "society's" education dollars, that is the money earned by each family, and worked to earn it for their own kids, Rick. We passed the 13th Amendment abolishing slavery. Charity is a positive force for good, but each individual retains the right to make that charitable decision, including the choice to give funds voluntarily to help poor children from around the world obtain more education - it's not the government's decision.


Ricardo Perry lost it when at first he went on the states rights when it came to the homo agenda when homo’s are trying to get even more special laws and now openly serve along with cross dressing freak but then blew it when it came on to the immigration and then called many bigots


I’m not sympathethic with the anchor’s and the education thing.....They need to go....Education for our AMERICAN children...fine.....Other then that, good bye...


I love this.

The idea of putting a real CEO in charge of the Executive Branch following a proven business plan (the Constitution of the United States of America) - seems fitting.


I am not shocked, but nicely surprised. Hooray for the man who is best qualified to get this country running right again.

I have been a Cain supporter since the first debate. I noticed then, and as always, that he does not get into the "fray" when it comes to picking on, or degrading other GOP candidates. He is straight business, very direct and concise with his answers, very sure of himself, and maintains his composure. All marks of a true leadership abilities...which his record of achievements proves 100%.


Sarah will choose the time to announce when she's good and ready and not when the media tells her to. She's running an unconventional campaign. She's not in it to please the establishment.

Palin is the superior candidate. Why would she give the media time to pick her apart on the issues and pick apart her family when she can wait until the right time to announce.

On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 I suspect Sarah Palin will make her decision based on whether or not Cain has beat Obama.

That way he can hand her over the Presidency. She'll be the default President. Cain will be Palin's VP. Whoever ran on the ticket with Cain will just claim they cannot serve due to family problems.


"Herman Cain deserves the top of the ticket and would make a far better President than Sarah Palin."

Cain appears to be a nice fellow, seems sincere, and speaks of some conservative truths. But, stating he would make a "far better President than Sarah Palin" is stretching things to the point of leaving me wondering on just exactly WHY this case can be made.

What is his "record" that would support that versus former Gov. Palin?
What are his stated "positions" that would support that versus former Gov. Palin?
And the trump card here (for any candidate) versus Sarah Palin...

What are the ACCOMPLISHMENTS that would support that versus Sarah Palin?

I would engage this debate with FACTS and not rhetoric!


"I love Sarah, I love Michelle, but I honestly believe in this day and hour, we need a man at the helm (flame away that I’m sexist - not so - it’s just that neither S nor M are a Margaret Thatcher...)"

Since I'm wearing my flame retardant suit, I'll draw away some of the flame by agreeing with you. I'm as big a Sarah fan as the next person, but the Oval Office is a MAN's place. The most grave responsibility that the occupant of the Office is burdened with is the choice of who lives and who dies. Women of Sarah's ilk want everyone to live. There are circumstances that render that render that desire moot.

It's one thing to send uniformed military against another country's uniformed military in armed conflict. It's an altogether different thing to vaporize 2 million North Koreans or 100,000 Chinese babies in a strike on Beijing. Yet the thought that an American President will not hesitate to do so to protect America goes a long way toward giving the despots pause. My fear is that a woman will act according to her nature and seek resolutions that aren't possible to avoid doing the unthinkable when she should be launching ICBM's.

Having said that, If Sarah ends up being the nominee, I promise I'll be the first in line to vote for her and work for her victory.


Everybody is NOT deserving of a college education.



  1. "On Wednesday, November 7, 2012 I suspect Sarah Palin will make her decision based on whether or not Cain has beat Obama.

    That way he can hand her over the Presidency. She'll be the default President. Cain will be Palin's VP. Whoever ran on the ticket with Cain will just claim they cannot serve due to family problems."

    Holy cow!

    Cain wins and hands SP the Presidency?? My head hurts.

  2. "I may be sexist, BUT DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME SEXIST!"

    Amazing how hypocritical these people can be.
