Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Obama faces a white flight

Op-ed from Philly.com, by Melissa Harris-Perry a black political scientist and professor at Tulane (who recently subbed for Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, so the Freepers are becoming peripherally aware of who she is).

Summary: "In 1996, Clinton was reelected with a coalition more robust than his first. His vote among whites increased from 39 to 43 percent. President Obama has experienced a swift, steep decline in support among whites - from 61 percent in 2009 to 33 percent now. I believe much of that can be attributed to their disappointment that choosing a black man for president did not prove to be their redemption or the nation's."

“Melissa Harris-Perry is a professor of political science at Tulane University.”

Perfectly indoctrinated, poorly educated, too.


I can’t eat hope and change,sweetie!


"whether Obama will be held to standards never before imposed on an incumbent"

FDR was reelected three times while pursuing much the same economic lunacy as Zero has, with the same results. But at least he wasn't trying to help the Iranians get nuclear weapons.


"I found Melissa Harris-Perry’s picture on Google, and she looks like a liberal."

Wasn’t your first clue the hyphenated name?


You've got it exactly bass-ackwards babe. We witnessed electoral racism in its most egregious form in 2008 when essentially the entire black population voted for a person because of the color of his skin, NOT the quality of his character (or any other damned thing).


"These comparisons are neither an attack on the Clinton administration nor an apology for the Obama administration. They are comparisons of two centrist Democratic presidents"

It had my interest until I came to that statement and then, I had to stop reading. Neither was or is "centrist" and to refer to Obama as centrist is incredible.


There is racism in America... and it is rampant in the black community... obama is the movement's leader... black liberation theology... **** whitey... and that is exactly what obama has done since day one... in fact he has harmed the black community even more... and set race relations back 100 years... and this author is a blatant racist pig.


It’s okay for 95% of blacks to vote for a candidate because of his race, but not okay for whites not to vote for someone because of the candidate’s race (although the reason for white flight from Obama is not race, it’s policy and performance).


Melissa Perry is anything but an intellectual. The truth is Melissa, Obama is an abject failure at governing. He is an absolute success at destroying. Blacks should be turning their backs also if they want any semblance of this country to remain


This “professor” is one of many people who have been teaching multiple generations of her own race that they are instantly “disadvantaged” at the moment of birth by reason of the color of their skin. She and many others continue to perpetrate white racism towards blacks whether it is real or imagined, while ignoring the rampant racism among themselves.

Antisemitism, hatred of whites, hatred of different Asian races and black on black violence and murder are the modern hallmarks of Professor Harris-Perry’s people, but you can be sure she does not focus on any of those issues.


Look at the bright side, this line of attack by the liberals is going to BACKFIRE bigtime. I had an apolitical female friend who supported Barack Obama tell me the other day that she is really sick all opposition to Obama being labeled a racist. She said she won’t vote for him again based on that reason alone.


Yeah yeah white conservative here so I gots to b racist


Hey Melissa,
Call me what you want, but I’ll NEVER vote for this muslim, gay, crackhead, commie..



150 years of freedom and it's still racism that keeps blacks down.

Hey Melissa!

Want to know what keeps blacks down?

Talk a walk, at anytime during the day or night, through Louis Armstrong Park, right there in New Orleans.

Then take a walk through the Garden district.

Teach THAT!


I didn’t vote him, because I’m not stupid. I can see an idiot for what they are and no amount of hype n hope will change that. This article is all about stirring up a little of the lost white guilt that helped 0bama get elected in 2008. Nice try miss perry, but not only would I not vote for that marxist a-hole, I wouldn’t pi$$ in his mouth if his teeth were on fire.


“Electoral racism in its most egregious form is the unwillingness of whites to vote for blacks regardless of qualifications or ideology.”

QUALIFICATIONS???!!!??? What the hell are you talking about??? This assclown doesn’t even have a legitimate BIRTH certificate!!! Looks like affirmative action is alive and well where you are concerned, sweetheart. Gotta love that white guilt...


Affirmative Action PERSONIFIED. Imagine the spittle the students sitting in the front row of her “lectures”, have to wash off their faces every day, as a result of her “honky bashing” diatribes.

1 comment:

  1. I hate when my teeth are on fire and no one is around to piss on them
