Friday, November 8, 2013

Heart-broken grandmother refuses to think of five-year-old ‘transgender’ grandson as a girl

Excerpts: "After a psychologist diagnosed him with “Gender Identity Disorder,” the family has asked everyone to treat [Zach] as a girl.


But Recknell, Zach’s maternal grandmother, says she cannot get on board.

“I’d rather see him kicking a football than parading in a pink dress,” she told People. “He was born a boy. It says so on his birth certificate.”"

why isn’t someone taking this child away from his idiot parents?
In the good old days they would have been beaten senseless for this child abuse


"...he became obsessed with the cartoon character Dora the Explorer...."

I wish someone who has the technical know-how would study that series — and a lot of others— to look for subliminal messages. I am betting they are there.


I am so sick of “wetback” and enviroMental promotion on kids’ shows. It is absolutely saturated.


I’m with you, Granny: I can’t bear it. It is sheer wickedness to mess with any child biologically in the name of “gender confusion”, a diagnosis invented out if thin air.


Child abuse, plain and simple. My advice to the grandmother, as heartbreaking as it may be, is to just cease contact with them all. Not worth the heartache, and there’s nothing you can do. Not with the fascist government of Britain, which for decades harbored child-molesters at their state-run media agency.

I’ll tell you this, I have many pro-homo agenda family members, and if ANY of them did this to their child, I would disown them. Just sickening.


“Remember Granny raised one of the parents.”

I know a lot of conservative Grannies wondering why their kids turned lib. One told me “I did not raise my kid this way”. I believe her.


"In lots of kids cartoons, the girls are presented as smart, beautiful, and competent. Many of the shows have awkward, bumbling boy characters who are manipulated or shown up by the girls."

I suppose that just mirrors the way the relationship between the sexes has been portrayed on TV aimed at adults. Seems like the 1970s is when I first started noticing commercials and programs portraying men as incompetent dolts interacting with bright, confident women.

Never have been much of a TV watcher, but I remember not liking what I saw. I am convinced now that all of this was the result of calculated efforts to undermine the family.

Conservative Parents, Left-Wing Children

Link to article, which is pretty funny

Summary: Some conservatives sadly have children who grow up to hate America, Christ, and everything we at Townhall stand for. And that's sad.

Hence why with few exceptions people that tell me they graduated from Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Stanford et. al. I scorn and do not seek further interaction. I to this day will not hire one either.

All their money was spent to make them the dumbest people in the room.


Turning your kids over to the public schools will do that. I have five kids in private school and even still I need to work mightily to help them understand the myths and falsehoods of liberalism. The key is not just telling them the way it is, but taking the time to explain why. My oldest is out on her own at college now and I’m very proud of the independent thinking conservative she has grown to become. She still emails me and says she knows something she’s hearing has to be wrong and could I help her understand it better. It’s a lot of work, but so is every other aspect of raising a child properly.


Wait until “reality” slaps the faces of these children. As always, they realize their parents were RIGHT.


Yeah, I’ve got one like that. Happened when she went to college. But, unlike liberals, I don’t believe in group think. She is free to choose, hopefully life experience and a crushing tax burden will be the “I told you so”.


Mr. Prager neglects the K-12 indoctrination. After 13 or more years of government schooling the children have become comfortable with both the godlessness forced on them in their government schools and the socialism that is the very foundation upon which “public” education is built.

Here are some facts:

1) Children in secular schools **will** learn to think and reason godlessly. They must just to cooperate in the classroom.

2) If they attend government schools they risk learning to be comfortable with the single payer and tuition-free entitlement that is the very foundation of government schooling. Hey! If the government can give the citizen tuition-free schooling, why not use that power to get lots of “free” stuff?

3) Nearly all the K-12 teachers in this nation ( both public and private schools) were trained by godless Marxists in Marxist run colleges and universities. The indoctrination continues into the highest levels of university graduate school!

4) Drive by nearly any of those Marxist run K-12 schools, colleges, or universities in this nation, and you will see schools stuffed full to the brim ( **willingly**) with the children of conservatives and God fearing so-called “patriots”.

5) The children are being indoctrinated by Marxists to hate their nation and heritage. The boys, especially, are being humiliated and drugged into submission. The Marxists are hard at work producing girly Peter Pans who are incapable of defending themselves, their families ( if they can figure out how to form one!), and our nation. The indoctrination of our youth is already having consequences in the voting booth, culture, and birth rate. It will only get worse.

Will God save this nation? I doubt it. Why should He when conservatives and God fearing parents mistreat their children in this way and subject them to such evil? ( It's a millstone thing.) 


Look, even Reagan couldn’t keep two our of his four children from the clutches of liberalism. His adopted son Mike understood more readily than his natural born kids. I guess it’s just not easy.


If you can't explain conservatism it's pretty hard to teach it to your kids. I have two beautiful daughters, one in college and one still in high school. They are both conservative because we have presented conservatism in a logical manner. It's really that simple. It's not about religion, it's about logic. If you are a liberal, it's because you either aren't okaying attention, or you are an illogical person. If you are illogical, you are not intelligent. 


My kids hated public school, and I think it is one reason my kids are conservative.

My kids hated how the public school did all sorts of things for the underaceivers. There were all sorts of awards for kst improved (gehavior, grades, tet scores), but there were never awards for kids who were smart and well-behaved.

I remember my son had to write a paper takng a side on whether or not everyone should go to college. My son said no because some kids were lazy and didn’t work hard enough.

Then the public school treated my special needs daughter poorly. They would make her miss recess because she wasn’t finished writing or coloring something. They did not take the time or effort to understand what she needed, even though we provided the test scores and data to show what was going on with her.

My kids think public school is a disaster, they hate going to the department of motor vehicles, and they can’t belueve how much we spend in taxes.


Question your own values in front of your kids when they are young, and repeatedly as they age. Articulate why those values are correct, and defend them against criticism explaining why the criticisms are invalid. Whether sending our kids to the public schools, to a university, or into the general society, it is not enough for them to have accepted traditional values. Our kids must know why conservative values are correct and why progressive values are wrong, destructive, and harmful to everyone including those they claim to champion as special cases in need of special help. 


I don’t get it. If my kids were to become liberals, i would consider it a personal failing of mine and my husband’s. I have kids 19, 22, and 25. Each of them is politically informed and as conservative as possible. the 19 yo daughter has door knocked for Ken Cuccinelli. my 22 yo son is at Syracuse University, leftwing bastion, and wears NRA and Prolife tshirts on campus regularly {he is on the hockey team and hasn’t gotten any crap for it from anyone}.my 25 yo daughter faced off with Caroline Matthews in her all girls Catholic HS class over whether you can be Pro abort and Catholic, and came out the winner. I think conservatives need to do a better job of raising their kids to know and understand conservative values and WHY we think the way we do.


People like liberal indoctrination even if most couldn’t define it or even spell “indoctrination”.


My (currently) left-winger was a good, solid conservative all thru undergraduate school. It was grad school that created the current thinking. Makes me sick, but I’m praying it’s a phase that will be passed thru.

Bombshell – Obama High School Friend: Barry Soetoro “Portrayed Himself as a Foreigner”

Summary: "Former high school classmater ... Mia Marie Pope says that Obama identified himself as a foreigner and a crack-smoking homosexual."

Seems legit!

Mia Marie sounds very believable as she says things about the liar that she observed in his murky past. Thanks to this interview we can all see this evil phony for what he truly was and is today.

Unfortunately this mass conspiracy, wasn't acted upon by the FBI on what she told them years ago,
Soetoro-Obama is indeed a man to be feared because so many people have already been murdered in his close circle. Mia is putting a target on her back, but perhaps by speaking out it just might keep her safer because we all know who she is.

This evil cancer in the White Hut must go NOW. Everything he does continues to affect our lives in a tremendous adverse way. Just watch the stock market as the crap hits the fan every time he moves his lips! 


Why have the Democrats not walked B-HO out of the White House? At least Joe Biden is not a muslim and probably cares about his children and grandchildren.


One would think that a conspiracy so vast would crumble by its sheer weight. OR, we are in worse shape as a nation than we might think.


In the movie “Now you see me”, it showed that some “tricks” are setup years in advance. It seems we’ve been setup for the biggest magic trick ever performed: Obama’s puppet-masters are going to make the USA disappear, right before our eyes...


I hope and pray this will bring many more out of the woodwork with more of the REAL details on Barry Soetoro.


I listened to the whole interview and she sounds *very* credible but do I even have to guess the MSM will completely ignore her?


Stalin would have been proud to have had our main street media.


"I am afraid that to me she sounds a bit like a rejected lover.

I would love to say she is legitimate, but the tone of this keeps saying she was a rejected lover. But even that does not mean she isn’t telling the truth."

I don’t think she is lying. What Manning pointed out which was interesting was she kept referring to BHO as “Barry” which if she were lying she would have screwed up a few times - called him Obama or Barack but she never does, she always calls him Barry. Yeah I know, where the hell was she in 2008. She could have possibly saved us a hell of a lot of problems. I am sending this to everyone I know.


"Mia Pope better watch her six !!

Strange things happen to critics of this adminsitration !"

We FReepers had better check in daily to make certain we’re all still here.


Just the fact that this is happening in America today scares me more then anything he is doing. It makes me wonder who really controls this country? There has to be some real power behind the curtain pulling the strings. Whoever it is, they are not looking out for our best interests. 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Shutdown Averted

Summary: Senate leaders reached agreement Wednesday to avert a threatened Treasury default and reopen the government after a partial, 16-day shutdown, according to a Republican senator who also said the House might vote first on the plan to speed its approval.

GOP. Done, toast. Stick a fork in it.


Really all these guys are set for life... what does it matter to them?

bring on amnesty for borders for all criminals of the world. In a decade we will be a third world nation and we have brought it on ourselves.


We will all be in internment camps inside of 10 years.


Boehner has no intention of doing the right thing, even with the backing of We The People.
His incompetency is undermining what his position should be doing and he should resign, Now!

Maybe Cruz can turn his attention to Boehner and set a fire under his drunk ass. This is unacceptable. 


I have been a reliable Republican voter for my entire life. If this is the way it goes down then I will continue to vote in the primaries for real conservatives but if they are defeated I will sit out the general election. Yes the Dems will get to run things if conservatives do this - let them - let them tax and spend us over the edge and after the collapse we can pick up the pieces. I won’t have a compliant hand in this charade anymore.


there never was a RISK OF DEFAULT. the media has been lying just trying to get the Republicans to cave
the media and Obama have been lying about that not raising the debt limit will result in default


keep the gov shut down and do NOT raise the debt ceiling. call R’s tell them to hold the line

the media has been lying saying Armageddon will happen Oct 17 if the debt limit is not raised. that is a big lie. the media lied. Obama lied. Reid lied.

we have to call and email Republicans and tell them not to believe the media lies. what is the capital switchboard or their emails or phone numbers?


As the rules stand now, a bill has to be submitted, go through the rules committee, and in the Senate, get either unanimous consent or cloture. We're a long procedural process away from there being a bill for anyone to cave on.

There will be plenty of time for whining when something actually happens, but a lot can happen in the meantime.


The “deal” is they increase the debt and spend your children’s money and grandchildren’s money for “benefits” for voters to vote for them. Generational robbery, practiced by both “parties”.


Obama hopes to create another crisis with immigration to deflect from Obamacare failures. I hope we don’t bite the bait. Focus needs to continue to be the epic failures of Obamacare. He doesn’t have the votes to pass amnesty right now I don’t think. It is just a shell game.


Establishment Republicans are the real, underlying problem. Opposing them at every turn (even if it means fewer "R"s and more "D"s) is a pre-requisite for any meaningful opposition to the transformation of America. 


And I guarantee you that CommieCare is fully funded and Obama’s worthless Congress is still exempt and his campaign donors are still except. CommieCare is only for those that can’t afford to buy their way out of it.


I’m quite philosophical about this. Even if the GOP blinked, there was still a big stink. People knew there was a clash going on. Now they are seeing the sticker shock and technical incompetence too. Something is poised to gel in the dazed US mind, perhaps. It won’t be paradise on earth, but the pendulum will move. The fact it doesn’t keep moving to the good is our fault. We get lazy when we think things are nice enough on earth, forgetting that there is a heaven to forge on towards.


Invest in liberal unicorns.
The unicorns will poop out golden skittles.
Debt problem solved.
Well, except that this won’t work.
Anti-Christ (fake Christ) is term that comes to mind.


It's not over. It's just delayed until January. We wouldn't be having this conversation if not for Cruz.
And the most Cruz could have done with this is delay it 30 hours, according to the rules.


Maybe Cruz should have read Sarah Palin’s column where she says there is no threat of default. so it was a news media manufactured crises


"Ted Cruz can take a hike. I started out leaning his way but have done a 180.

What a useless twit. Boy am I angry. Like in football ... next man up because Cruz is not a man.

Go away Teddy. You are not wanted"

How right you are. Without Cruz we could have surrendered 2 weeks ago like we have on everything else. The only thing Cruz did was shine the light on the liberal roaches that infest the republican party and they are just mad.

In a way Cruz has hastened the coming civil war in the republican party which is a good thing as the way it is currently being ran it will never win another national election. Whey vote for liberal lite when you can have the real thing by voting (D).

There is not opposition party to the democrats currently. The GOP has essentially adopted the “me too only a little cheaper” approach, where is the choice here? There is none.


I am not happy with Boehner, but the real failure here are the REPUBLICANS IN THE SENATE!!!
They need gone far more than Boehner!
They are the ones who capitulated... A default was not going to happen, but the Senate republicans gave away the store.
Tea Party needs to focus on increasing its caucus in the Senate and growing its house presence, period.
Blaming it all on Boehner is silly.


I think I was the first person here at F.R. who said that Boehner should never have been made the Speaker in the first place. I got a lot of invective thrown my way, one person even called me a Nazi, etc.

Most of those people have long since disappeared, or they're singing a different tune now. 


Boehner: "I'm HAPPY to announce today that I get to keep my Health Care!
Good Luck to the rest of you who will have to continue to slave away to pay for it". 


I am EXTREMELY PISSED OFF that voter registration is somehow relevant to a website for health care. I am ever MORE pissed off that the GOP didn't fight to strike this website feature.
Obama will push to make illegal invaders from Mexico U.S. Citizens. Guess what? Because it's MANDATORY, they'll sign up for Obamacare AND ALSO BE LURED INTO REGISTERING AS 'DEMOCRATS' WHILE THEY'RE THERE. MILLIONS OF THEM!<.b>
Goodbye, America. I had the honor and privilege of knowing you when you existed but you are now gone and done. Only in America could voter registration and health care be linked together and NO ONE QUESTIONS IT. Good bye, America. 


We are now in a formal Constitutional Crisis. The House leadership has allowed the Executive Branch to preempt its “power of the purse.” See the clips by Mark Levin and Bob McClintock that have been on various threads to see why I make this comment. And this House leadership allowed that to happen.

Sad day for this country...

New Jersey Election

As you've surely noticed, I only have the opportunity to do this sporadically now, so I apologize for the long breaks between posts. That said, I hope you continue to enjoy what I can share, and let me know if you have any questions or requests. 

I know there's bigger fish to fry today, but I grew up in New Jersey so I was a little curious about this. Hopefully I'll also be able to update with some shutdown stuff as well.

Nathan Bedford's first Maxim of American politics: all politics in America is not local but ultimately racial.
New Jersey is making its choice and it is not difficult to predict. That choice is not determined by equity or even by enlightened self-interest, rather it is determined by tribe.



There was NOBODY voting this AM and I live in freakin big lib city Hoboken! Maybe that’s a good sign? I was in and out in literally three minutes.


The libs aren’t out of bed yet.

"True. It's not as if they have to get up to go to work, or anything like that."


New Jersey have the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to change the course of history in these United States of America today by turning out in massive numbers to vote for and support Steve Lonegan for the US Senate!!! Do it and save America from the destruction brought forth by POTUS Barack Hussein Obama and his “Hate America” ilk of Obamabot Democrats!!!

This special election offers an opportunity for Steve Lonegan to pull off the election upset of the century. His fate, the fate of the great state of New Jersey, the fate of our magnificent nation, the fate and destiny of your beloved children, your adored grandchildren and all fine American children yet to come is in your capable hands!!!

Go New Jersey, the “crossroad” state of the American Revolution!!! Remember...Monmouth....remember Trenton!!! When the despair of defeat was right at hand...General George Washington, crossed over the Delaware river, landing on the New Jersey shoreline and marched his troops through freezing weather and snow fall, some militia...with no shoes surprise attack the British and Hessians bedded down in Trenton...and history records the massive victory of the American regulars & militia that changed the course of the Revolutionary war!!!

New it again this evening...elect Steve Lonegan as your next US Senator and change the course of American history forever. Bring Freedom, Liberty and Opportunity back to America today!!! Vote for STEVE LONEGAN!!


Am I correct in understanding that they’ll run again next year? I think that Booker will win this time, thought it will be close...but if Obamacare is a real disaster, Lonegan could win in 2014.


Usually there is a huge outpouring of Democratic voters before the pols close. (It takes time to round up the needed voters to swing the election.)


How could anyone vote for Booker...honestly....are we that lost as a nation...? 


"The main Dem constituencies don't like getting up early."

Yep. Typical dem voter needs time to get up, brush his tooth, drink breakfast, watch porn, shuffle out to the mailbox for the welfare check, check for the new loaded minutes on the Obamaphone, watch porn, drink lunch, watch porn, catch the bus down to the QuikCash store to cash the welfare check, chill at the street corner, buy crack and a side of meth, walk to Popeye's and pick up a couple super-sized orders, go home, eat the two supersized Popeye's meals while watching porn, fall asleep, wake up and watch porn, then ride the SEIU bus to the voting precinct, vote for whoever has a (D) beside their name, go home and proceed to bitch at the baby mama about how long a day he had. 


I remain optimistic, but I do remember the Markey/Gomez race. Very low turnout, and Markey won by just over 10%. Polls had predicted 13%.

However, Gomez was a fraud, so I doubt many turned out for him. Lonegan is the real deal, which could bring the race within reach.
Some strategist recently opined, if blacks don’t turn out, Booker is toast.

That’s another thing, ethnics play here much more than in Mass.
I think whites are more likely to turn up in a special election, especially one where Booker has been out of state when he should have been stirring racial hatred.


Cory Crackhouse doesn’t even live in Newark.

C’mon, New Jersey, stand up & get rid of this turkey!


Great job. Let’s flush T-bone down the crapper.

It will destroy the entire media narrative that the shutdown is hurting us.


Is Booker a real person, or DeVal Patrick under an alias?

Monday, September 16, 2013

Miss New York wins Miss America pageant

Nina Davuluri became the first contestant of Indian heritage and the second consecutive contestant from New York to win the Miss America pageant Sunday night.

Great choice! /s


Seems more Americans put more interest in the Miss America pageant than they do absolving and eradicating Odumbocare. 


"Miss Kansas is a Drop Dead Gorgeous, in the Nat Guard, loves to bow-hunt, M16 marksman, can skin a deer, attends Kansas State, Serenity Prayer tattooed on here side, supports the NRA, Father a 33 year veteran.

No the Progressive could not bring themselves to vote for Miss Kansas. She has too many historical American values. Miss Kansas may have reminded them of Sarah Palin, also DDG, a hunter, supports NRA, etc.

Add in Tebow and Nugent, and I am sorry to admit Miss Kansas did not stand a chance with the bigoted progessive Liberals"

I don’t believe Sarah Palin has Tattoos.

When a person mutilates their body with ink they should not expect to win a beauty contest.


Did she grovel before the homos?


i had to the tape of her winning...she looks to the skies and says “thank you swami” was nice seeing her parents who were quite humbled (and ugly)...


Yeah, I’m done celebrating diversity. We’re all different in some ways, great... whatever. I’m good with anyone acting like a good Christian and a good American. Short of that, GFYS. I’ll respect others just fine and I’m not going around being hateful. Just don’t think I’m going to put backward cultures and darwin-award religions in any sort of esteem. I’ll nod and say hello, try to be a good neighbor, but otherwise go screw.


I tried to find a good picture of Nina Davuluri on google images...

I failed

sure, she’s more attractive then Hilary or Helen Thomas... but only barely


The 24-year-old Davuluri, who’s from Syracuse, competed on a platform of “Celebrating Diversity through Cultural Competency.”

Can anyone that is not a flaming liberal understand what that title even means?

She is not that pretty and her platform was Politically Correct nonsense.



"“Miss America? You mean Miss 7-11,” tweeted Jalin Leatherman, perpetuating the tired stereotype about Indians and convenience stores.""

So if 75% of the convenience stores in my city are operated by Indians we are not to acknowledge that? Why? Not playing anymore. If a statement is true if it is a fact then it is legit commentary! Period!


“Celebrating Diversity through Cultural Competency.” What?

No Whites Allowed. 


I haven’t paid attention to Miss America pageants since that first black M.A. who had an ugly “spread” in Penthouse Magazine. The pageant was such a nice thing until it was ruined forever by her and her racist sponsors. Oh, and she was ugly with clothes on too.


We are a conquered people, and things like this (times a million) are just a way of rubbing our noses in it.

I think she is gorgeous

Are you guys going blind?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Michelle Obama: "Drink More Water"

"First Lady Michelle Obama's office is holding a conference call with reporters now to tout her "New Effort To Encourage Everyone to Drink More Water," according to the White House."

Ok, so if we were to listen to her.ppffttt! What do we do when the water crisis/shortage hits?


Coming from a water buffalo herself, it doesn’t surprise me...


Like I’m going to take dietary advice from a hermaphrodite with an ass two ax handles wide...


Moochie's platforms have a definite note of tyrannical hollowness.

Laura Bush's platform was reading for children.

Nancy Reagan's was a real anti-drug message.

Jackie Kennedy completely and tastefully renovated the White House.

And, Lady Bird got some highways beautified.

But, Michelle is working to force us to eat what she wants us to eat, and then when that seems to backfire on her, when kids in school refuse to eat her tofu and weird green stuff, she comes out with "encouraging" us to drink water.

How fricking lame is that? 


To draw attention away from the daily butt-whipping Vladimir Putin is administering to President O’Bozo, the Jarrett Brain Trust is bringing Big Moochie out of the holding pen.

They hope that by turning her loose to push another of her goofball initiatives she can divert some citizen anger and ridicule away from President O’Bozo.


But.....won't this reduce the world's supply of fresh water?

What about the thirsty kids in Africa, India, etc.? 


I have enough issues with the doctors telling me to drink more. Now this IDIOT who does not have a medical degree is giving me medical advise? Already drink the required amount. Don’t want any more.
Lord I already float in the stuff, can’t drink any more of it. It is all I drink after my 2 cups of coffee, real coffee not that fake decaf made that way with poison.


Yeah, drink the kool-aid.

No thanks.


Actually, it’s good advice. But who needs it from Michelle?
My doctor told me to drink more water, or else, calcium/kidney/blood pressure problem would manifest. He’s black. I’m taking his advice.
“Drink up” sounds like she’s advertising booze. Not cool.


OMG another message from the Nutritionist-In-Chief. What a nanny state we have become - why aren't people rising up and marching on the District of Corruption demanding the FED GOVT get out of our lives? 


Out of all the spirit-lifting, affirming messages our leadership could deliver to 300 million souls the one chosen is "drink more water"?

Shocking and very Big Brother. 


When I want to listen to a low land gorilla, an ugly one at that, I’ll drive over to the zoo.
What could that criminal (forced to surrender her licence to practice law) possibly have to say that would be of any importance?


In Watertown, Wisc. which also just HAPPENS to be home to one of the largest bottling operations for PEPSICO.

Just in case people were clever!! Promote WATER in WATERTOWN! Isn't she the cutest thing?

Nope, still a capitalism-hating Marxist with an in-your-face F.U. to business. 


Right. She dines on Wagyu beef, BBQ ribs and lobster and drinks the finest champagne, while the rest of us are to be relegated to peas, hummus and water. Screw that.


Drink milk....damn....Vitamins and minerals...imagine that...

Water and soda goes with chips and other cr** food. 


This anti-American shelf ass bitch if she weren’t black or in a sham marriage with this Marxist fag would be working a fry line and eating half the product.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Trayvon Martin

PRAISE BE TO GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OMG!!!!!!!!! I’m bawling my head off!!


If there’s rioting you can thank the main stream media, Obama, Sharpton and Jesse for their racial hype.


TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! JUSTICE WAS SERVED... now let’s pray for George, the JURY and the FAMILIES!!!

....and go after that JUDGE!!!!!!!!


But best buy is closed. Timing good for looting and burning cars and

general mayhem.


Yes! I feel like I’ve been acquitted!


"I just heard some fireworks in NW Harris County, Texas. At least I hope it wasn’t gunshots.

You too? I am in Richmond. Heard some as well. We are ready. Got all the pmags topped up and the shotgun is maxed.


Now maybe I can go back to having a semi normal life, lol. Whew, dodged the bullet. Problem is, I was just listening briefly to PMSNBC to gloat, and Rev. Al was being interviewed. Says family will now be pursuing a civil suit against Zimmerman, and Rev. Al says he will now be asking the Fed Gov’t to reopen (they have now closed the investigation against Zimmerman) the investigation again. So, the play is not over, but my guess is because Zimmerman is 1/2 Peruvian, 1/8 Black, the rest White, any civil rights case by the Feds would be very difficult if not impossible to launch. But you never know while Eric Holder is at the helm. Zimmerman is going to be stuck with the civil case, but I’ll bet he wins that one too. So, a good night all around. Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.


Time to buy Zimmerman a new handgun and put him back on neighborhood watch.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

U.S. moves one step closer to Civil War – SCOTUS strikes down DOMA

From various articles (I liked this one's title the best, though). 

I don’t think this is the 1776 moment, but I believe that it is close at hand.


G-d is going to do something about it. Make sure you know Him.


Our founding fathers would have been shooting by now. No question.

We have more to lose. And they know it.


AMERICA is dead...... No more.
We are living in aMeriKa. Now get over it. Don’t get your pink panties in a wad.


America had become a deviant, evil farce of a country. A pathetic, putrid embarrassment of its former greatness. It’s no longer a country worth taking up arms to protect. However, I’d take up arms in a split-second for red-states like my state of Texas, to fight this cancer.


Civil War may the only answer. America is lost and will never be corrected without bloodshed. The rights of the States have been taken away. Marriage or gay rights is not a matter for the Federal Government but States rights. The SCOTUS are communists led and that is the final place for rule of Constitutional law could be supported and the court has failed. It has mostly now the arm of the communists political beliefs. Disappointing.


I no longer consider SCOTUS a legitimate government entity - they have joined our dreadful White House as enemies of the American people. SCOTUS has no legitimate or moral authority at all, just the power to attempt to compel compliance in some situations. We all know where it leads when the organs of government lose their legitimacy; I just hope the thugs will back off before it reaches that point.


I no longer consider this the United States of America, but a fallen, reprobate shell of what was once the most blessed nation to have ever graced the earth.


In other news, the Justices also voted 5-4 to rewrite the Holy Bible.

Somehow I don’t think they’ll get away with that. It’ll probably take Der Leader’s executive order.


First, gay marriage will be back in California and will be legalized in many other states. Then, there will be federal action to compell ALL states to let gays marry. Then, there will be direct legal persecution of all religious organizations that “discriminate” in any way against gays. As the above are happening, marriages among heterosexuals will continue to decline and the fight for polyamory will be kicked off. Also, as religions and religious schools are killed by “anti-discrimination” laws, the public schools will step-up the brain-washing and even young children will be taight by out of the closet gays who are married to people of the same sex.

It's over, folks. 


Yeah we are dangerously close to a conflict. If amnesty passes, Obamacare gets fully implemented and the coal industry is bankrupted and we still do Quantitative Easing after all that then plan on conflict to spill. Especially when fraud happens at the ballot box and the DOJ, IRS, DHS and NSA come after us. Enough will be enough. I hadn’t even thought about gay marriage until today. Then there is Sharia and Common Core and Agenda 21 and a secret attempt to get a North American Union.


Next steps the communists will take:

1. continue campaigns in each state to have statutes against homosexual marriage overturned;

2. sue traditional churches for not performing gay marriages and pressure state & local legislatures into revoking the tax-exempt status of these churches, specifically the Catholic Church. As John Marshall warned in 1803, the power to tax is the power to destroy.

3. begin in friendly local jurisdictions (CA, MA, etc.) to have the age of consent for children lowered dramatically. They will tread lightly here at first, since there is still widespread public opposition to child molestation, but once they taste some success, that will go nationwide as well.

4: Tell parents htey have no right interfering i ntheir kid’s ‘descisions’ to be gay or sexually active, or oppose anythign they want- oh wait- it’s already happening in NJ

5: Parents will no longer be able to make decisions cocnernign the care their children get- hospitals are to be the sole determinors and hsould a parent object, the parent will be arrested and the children taken away... oh wait, alreadyu happening in several cases where parents wanted secodn opinions but were denied and bullied by hospitals and chuild welfare organizations

6: Parents shall have no say as to what their kids are taught, leavign hte door open for public schools to ram perverted disgusting vile immoral pedophilic teachigns down their throats- oh wait- again, already happening

7: Conservatives shall be abused by powers over them without any way to protect themselves- yep- happenign already

on and on it goes

Our country is VERY quickly devolvign into a sewer pit


"We need to split this country”.

I can see God supporting this...more than once he called for the people to stand on one side or the other...and sometimes that meant traveling to where they took on the name of “ One Nation UNDER GOD”.

He could do it again...however I am of the mind this nation has served it’s purpose to be a “safe” haven for the worlds people...and it has become now Un-American..and no longer under God....therefore no longer “safe” from dictatorship...we’ve become one...or very close to that.


I can’t wait until God destroys them all!


Time for All Good Men to apply for a marriage license to marry the Dog - a Male Dog - and Why Stop at One Dog. Let’s do away with the Unconstitutional Bans on Bestiality and Polygamy. Damn the GOP and Conservatives.


"This is the end for this country. I expect God to unleash his full wrath on us now. He is patient, but ultimately will judge."

Thankfully he is very patient, he put up with Sodom and Gomorrah until there were less than ten good men left. So he'll put up with a lot, and give us chances to correct our mistakes. But when his patience finally runs out.... 


Jose: Hey Pedro! Do you want free, instant American citizenship!
Pedro: I'd love it Jose, but I'm at the back of the line, it will be ten years before I'm even considered.
Jose: No, No Amigo! Just say you're my same sex partner!
Pedro: But I like the senorita's...
Jose: So do I! It doesn't matter, it's not like we have to prove we are gay.
Pedro: Ha! Ha! Sounds like a plan... Seriously! Those Gringo's are such fools! 


As I read Leviticus, the next appointed day for God is July 7/8 and it is the feast of weeks or Pentecost.... that would be an interesting day to watch for news.


It all starts at the top folks. And when you have a Christian-hating president, who is probably bisexual, and who openly comes out and advocates for sodomite “marriage”, all bets are off. Elections have consequences. I would rather have Putin as president than this sickening, disgusting POS.


"Game, set, match. Now, on to polygamy!"

That's right. If people of the same sex have a "right" to marry, then so too do multiple people.

1 man, multiple women.
1 woman, multiple men.
groups of people
Mothers and sons.
Fathers and daughters.

If the argument is, that gay's can not have their right to marry be denied by the state, then the state can not deny the rights of those people involved in any of those other situations either (so long as the individual is an adult).
Clearly, this is a dangerous slippery slope. 


God gave us the rainbow as a symbol that He will not destroy the Earth again with rain. He destroyed Sodom & Gomorrah for their wickedness, but he gave no sign to say that He would not repeat this. Beware America.


Americans have been desensitized to intolerance. Mostly as a result of the Civil Rights Act and employers fear of being sued, the workplace conditions people to tolerate the intolerable or lose their jobs. Tolerating the intolerable is an epidemic in America. I agree that we are WAY past the point of no return. If we can accept a Marxist, Muslim, gay illegal alien president, we'll accept anything beyond that and we have. George Washington would be disgusted that we are more obsessed with our toys and goodies and keeping our jobs than we are the fate of America. We're more worried about being called a racist for questioning 0bama and his protected class minions than we are ensuring our children have an America to live in tomorrow. Washington walked away from a cushy life on his farm and risked death in battle numerous times to oust Tyranny from America.

The story of the 33 year old reporter who crashed into a tree is very chilling. There is more evidence he was working on exposing details of 0bama's police state. I have no doubts this guy was 'taken out' and that his car was electronically commandeered by someone else. 


This will eventually drive bible believing churches underground, sooner than later.


"Ping me when the civil war starts"

With 3% (queer) and 15% (black) of the population driving the cultural and political agenda, it won't be long. 


Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.

Lord, please take me quickly and do not prolong my suffering for the sins of my countrymen.


That great sucking sound that Ross Perot spoke about is getting louder and louder. Soon I, being heterosexual, will be able to claim it a disability. 


The Supreme Court of The United Socialist States of Sodom and Gomorrah has spoken, greasing the skids for the downfall of America.


I remember when we only feared losing all our jobs overseas; and when we laughed at the idea that queers would want to "marry" (they began conditioning us to that in the 9th grade in Massachusetts). 


Now, how many ‘fake marriages’ will be done just to avoid INCOME TAXES?.....................


I would argue that there are no legally married same sex couples, since such a union can’t be consummated due to the biology required.


What a degenerate cesspool America has become. Throughout the years, I always took the stand that I would have given my life fighting for my country. Not this faggotized sewer of Homo-America. It’s not worth lifting a finger to preserve.


The country is beyond saving...cry out to G-d as individuals. King Josiah comes to mind...


The really tragedy of this decision is for what it means for our Military. If you think the attacks were bad before, they now have a LICENSE to attack Christian views unhindered.


My first thought was, “What would our founding fathers tink of this?” I believe they would have been surprised that the most important issue of the day is buggery. They would be saddened that what they worked to create in the Constitution and the guarantee of basic rights in the Bill of Rights are being thrown away in a “Fundamental Transformation”.


It’s over! I was in Seattle last week. Gay magazines on the newstands. Guys licking on eachother, etc. If angels from the Most High appeared today, some queer would try to faggocize them. We really had a good run. Over 200 years of G0d-fearing liberty. Now we have to live in this cesspool called America. “Even so come Lord Jesus!”


Keep repeating

That’s what the liberal activists tried to claim when Rick Santorum spoke of the “slippery slope” in the wake of the Supreme Court decision protecting homosexuality as an afflicted behavior.

The fact that they pushed for same sex marriage (because their love should not be denied), same sex divorce (because they should not be forced to be in a relationship with someone they hate), same sex adoption (because a child does not need to consent to be brought up in an alternative lifestyle home of consenting adults), gay scout leaders, et al.... just a coincidence. Really...


Next are our children.


Talk of group marriage was much more chic in the 1970s than it is today. Group marriage isn’t simply polygamy (one man with several wives).

Can’t let the secret out the bag too soon. The sex positive proponents want to get their ducks in a row first.
The goal ultimately is to smash monogamy and smash the patriarchy. Feminists and The Weather Underground were quite open about that in the 1970s. Those same libs are still out there pushing the same anti-West agenda items.

Reflect on that when they ask “but how does this hurt YOUR marriage?”


“If that is accomplished, what’s to stop the Federal Gov’t from trying to force religious institutions to perform these same sex marriages?”

My worst fear. Will my pastor have to choose between jail and freedom to practice his religion?


Yep, we now have a federal government that can see no difference between a husband-and-wife and two degenerate pervs.

America has truly descended into evil. I used to wonder if the country was even salvageable. Now, I question if it’s even ‘worth’ salvaging.


Absolutely evil, the people did not have the right to defend their own vote in court.

We are done.


I'm almost too sickened to be angry. 


Polygamy will be legal in the US in 5 years and child marriage not long after.


The role of government is to "secure the blessings of liberty". . .in this regard the government interest in marriage is proper when focused on protecting the rights of children, who are not yet able to protect their own rights.

Our inalienable rights are endowed to us at conception/birth, which means the first right endowed, in application, is the right for a child to be raised and cared for by the biological father and mother who conceived that child. Other than that, government is not needed because no one has a right to be married. . .gay or otherwise. . .we have a right to an attorney. . but not to a spouse. The true victims of today's ruling are children. 


"A very dark day. Words cannot express the depth of my disgust and loathing for Roberts. I can only hope now for something (whatever it/they might be) that will bring this monstrous evil to an end."

God knows I have my own sins, but this country deserves judgement. Some even say this is it. 


ok-so now they have embedded themselves in every aspect of our once great American society- schools, scouts, military, marriage, raising children etc....will they please just GO AWAY???
I am sooooo sick and tired of them and their “what about me” crap; they are NOT special people just because they like to screw their own sex. Having a different (and perverse according to nature) kind of sex only makes you weird not brave...


"Then, can we apologize to Utah for being so bigoted in making them invalidate plural marriages to be admitted as a state, Justice Kennedy? How about now? Why only couples?"

and we can apologizxe to all thsoe folks who wanted to marry their farm animals, marry their brothers, theiur sisters, their mothers, marry multiple wives or husbands, marry farm equptment, declared their cats as dependants, on and on it goes-

When did marriage becoem a ‘right’? when did it becoem a person’s ‘liberty’ to marry? IF marriage is nothign more than a ‘liberty’ granted to everyone, then peopel can mRRY whomever or whatever they damn well please accordign to the idiots on the supreme court who don’t have backbone enough to Admit that marriage is NOT a fundamental right, and that it is a financial issue meant for couopels to produce and rasie healthy individuals to becoem the next generation s of taxpayers

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Boston Marathon Bombs Have Hallmarks Of "Lone Wolf" Devices, Experts Say

“Lone Wolf” = Muslim terrorist but we don’t want to say that.


"I bet the hotline been buzzing non stop between the FBI and the whitehut.

Find a white guy, doesn’t matter if its real, CGI, drawn by Disney or Japanese anime, just get the MSM hooked on right wing terrorists."

I'm very sad to say this, but that is believable, in this stage of our country with our current leaders. We are communist bound, and it's all over but the shooting. 


I suspect these are the same ex-spurts that told us the attack in Bengazi was caused by a video.


It is similar to Lanza and the guy who shot Gifford and the anti-war bomb in NYC and Eric Rudolph and Tim McVeigh except none of them were right-wing.

But a bunch of right wingers wanted to do it in their heart because Rush Limbaugh told them to do it.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they never find who did it because they are probably aware that the culprit would embarrass the White House.


“...When you have an agenda the facts matter little..”
The Soviet way, make your own facts.


One of the devices in the car in Times Square in 2008 was a device made exactly like the ones found in Boston. That was initially a TEA Party Right wing, white supremacist red neck... who was later found to be a Pakistani Taliwacker. FU press and FU Administration... we no longer believe anything that you say... lying to us non stop has that causal effect.


IF it was a White, Christian, Licensed Gun Owning, Republican, He would have been found, tried, convicted and executed by now.

The long delays, speculations, denials, and coverups point to the “Religion of Peace” more than anything else.

Just my opinion.


this type of bomb is used pretty often in Central Asia. Certainly doesn’t indicate Tea Partiers to me...

--- "Yeah, I mean, we're so racist we wouldn't even use Asian bombs."


"“Lone Wolf” = Muslim terrorist but we don’t want to say that."

Ditto. "Patriot's Day" is not a big deal anywhere other than Massachusetts. Besides those who have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, who has heard about pressure-cooker bombs before this? There was one used in the 2010 Times Square bombing but details about it are always buried deep in the story. The fact that both of the bombs detonated and no duds were found suggests that the bomber knew what he was doing, and that suggests more knowledge than might be found reading a recipe from the internet. (Remember how Bill Ayers' friends blew themselves up in 1970 building a bomb in Greenwich Village?)

My $0.02. If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck... 


I’ve followed the news for decades, and I don’t recall a “pressure cooker bomb” ever being used by an American. For that matter, I don’t recall a bomb being used by an American that was directed at “soft targets”...

Can someone correct me if I’m wrong.


Someone please explain to me why the descriptive verbiage regarding a possible perp is always an “extreme right wing terrorist”. Why not an “extreme left wing terrorist”?



Pressure cookers aren’t tiny.

If there was 1 bomb then maybe the lone wolf would be credible.

Multiple bombs mean multiple people salting them.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Egypt's Islamists warn giving women some rights could destroy society

They may be on to something, if Sandra Fluke is an example.


They’re absolutely correct! Look what happened to the US! lol


I think it was Rush Limbaugh who said many years ago that the best way to bring down a repressive enemy regime would be to export radical feminism to that country.

These women are by no means radical feminists, but his observation seems to be largely correct.


Rights are not given by government.


I always wonder where the National Organization Women have been hiding with all the atrocities of the Muslim world occurring on a daily basis. Fluke and such wants free contraceptives, but doesn't say a word about the women of Africa and Middle East being raped, tortured (genital mutilation), honor killings, not to mention having no civil rights. No one does.

Seems only conservatives on boards like this care and are outspoken about the above inhumane acts against women. 


Looking at the direction that Western Civilization has been going since “liberating” women — downhill on a path to self-destruction — one almost can believe that they have a point….

(And I’m absolutely serious with that comment)


Sorry, gals: I side with the Muzzies on this truth. They will eventually conquer us, because their men are strong and ours have abdicated their strength and their responsibilities as men. All the wishful thinking and feminist propaganda in the world is not going to change the fundamental realities involved here.


This affirmative action BS gave us 0bama; The emasculated coward raised by a Feminist single mother and transgender cross-dressing nanny. Generations of boys raised without fathers in the home is costing us dearly. The Female influence and control of the schools, the workplace, the media and politics has disenfranchised males and destroyed the progress of mankind. Stagnation abounds. ‘War on Women’ my azz.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Obama DHS Purchases 2,700 Light-Armored Tanks to Go With Their 1.6 Billion Bullet Stockpile

Excerpt: "The Department of Homeland Security (through the U.S. Army Forces Command) recently retrofitted 2,717 of these ‘Mine Resistant Protected’ vehicles for service on the streets of the United States."


I don’t like where this is going.

Are we headed for a violent takeover?


phase ii/phase iii of freedom from war, state dept pub 5277,tying in agenda 21 goals at the same time.


Who the hell is allowing payment for that stuff?. The U.S. couldn’t buy body arm for our soldiers but can buy this stull for his upcoming civil war. Call your congress dofusses to stop the payment for this stuff. I have no doubt Odumbo is getting ready for his planned civial war that will take place right HERE when he creates his marshall Law event and names himself a King of the U.S.

Enough is enough! (I’m getting piss#d)


Those thing are not going over seas.

They aren’t going to be used on Illegal immigrants.

They are expensive when times are hard.

There are two thing that might happen here. They will sit around and rust or thay will be used against citizens of these United States.


What I don’t get is that the DHS does not have a branch called “Homeland Security”. They have the TSA, US Secret Service, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement, US Coast Guard, US Citizenship and Immigration Services, and US Customs and Border Patrol. Who do the characters driving these things actually work for? Looks like barry’s private army is getting equipped to seal the takeover.


 You have to remember who is going to be running the show when the Left finally bares its fangs... a bunch of affirmative action know-nothings. 

Once they start their assault, we will no longer be restrained by political correctness, and we will have the non-affirmative action types on our side... the ones who actually know how to do things. 

Once they rile the beast, it will devour them.

This is not right! What is the government planning? They’re planning something. Otherwise, what do they need these 2717 vehicles for? The answer is they don’t. I really object to spending this money at a time when we have a budget problem. I would object to it even without the current state of finances of the federal government.

The founding fathers did not want a standing army. These armoured vehicles are the beginnnings of a standing army. Vote Republican next time.


Methinks Lord Zero wanted the sequester all along in order to fund his private army....where else would he get the dough to do this....??


"Your handgun will protect you from your local gang members. When the federal government comes, they will come with a platoon of hit men in armor. You stand no chance what so ever. Welcome to Nazi controlled America."
Sure we do. While they attack our families we attack theirs. All is fair in love and war.

Once they begin any operation, it will be known who they are, where they live, and their families too.

They have to stop to get gas, go to the bank, all those little things done each day.

Getting to work may become a life threatening proposition for anyone on the wrong side of right...


He’s becoming more like Mugabe every day.


Don’t know if true but heard on the inter-web;
Fill mason jars with ammonia, throw at ventilation intakes. There is no way to filter out ammonia. Occupants will exit vehicle, act on threat.


We have to find out how many body bags they have in the warehouse.


the war has already begun
has anyone in Congress/GOP even brought this up as an issue??


"[Responding to "Does the left think they'll be in charge forever?"] Moochie is being groomed to be the RAT Candidate in 2016. She is going to be getting more and more media face time. Put money on it."

No question---but I think it's backfiring bigtime. 

Face it, she's not a very likeable matter how she grooms and adorns herself. 

When she makes w/ that toothy grin and snarl---it's over for her. 

Frankly, I think the bangs were a huge mistake.