Article from NewsReal Blog
Summary: These are films that instill conservative values and are fun for your kids, too.
"I know some hate it, but the Harry Potter movies are loaded with conservatism. Old fashioned family values, where people mistrust a powerful government and instead count on friends and family for the help they need. The overreaching intrusiveness of government and power. The fifth book is huge for the second amendment.
I am of the opinion that all those kids that read Harry Potter are going to be ripe for conservative ideals."
And I contend that all who know the background of Harry Potter should run as far away as possible from this satanistic programming. Conservative values? No, more like witchcraft, which the Bible forbids.
The woman who wrote the series is involved in the occult. Please don’t suggest this crap to families.
Even if its not intentional A Bugs Life is nothing but a Conservative Movie, you have a hard working people that have to give up most of their harvest to a group that does nothing for them but if they don't pay the grasshoppers will "protect" them out of existence.
Another unintentional conservative movie is the Star Wars movies especially III and IV, even though I knew that in III George Lucas wanted it to be allegory for the EEEVVVILLL Bush, but the Clone Wars, Palpatine’s rise to Power and the oppressive Empire are all tricks that LEFTISTS use. In episode IV their is a deleted scene where one of Luke Skywalkers friends talk about the Nationalization of Commerce and how that will drive his uncle out of business.
The Lion King has powerful conservative themes.
Scar, the bad lion, tells Simba “Truth is in the eye of the beholder” during the climax of the movie. This statement of relativism is clearly portrayed as wrong.
Also, the resolution to the problem in the storyline is that Simba has to grow up and face responsibility.
In general, the ideas in the movie are contrary to notions of egalitarianism.
--- I find this particularly funny because I have a (liberal) friend who made a joke argument about this for our debate club, specifically that The Lion King is a conservative allegory for baby boomers.
How did Mary Poppins get on there? She’s a witch and she made the hard-working father into a goof-off who shirked his job at the end of the movie.
A better choice would be The Sound of Music.
““Kung Fu Panda” The lesson of the magic scroll is the same one the noodle shop owning adopted father tells. There is no magic ingredient,”
The Chinese really liked this movie and then complained how their own film industry can’t produce anything that good.
It’s kind of a paradox. They’ve moved towards capitalism, but are still a socialist nation that can’t make a decent movie, while we’ve moved towards socialism but are still a capitalist nation that can make great movies.
(same person who said JK Rowling was into the occult)
Harry Potter is well known for his thunderbolt scar on his forehead. The scar is described as: “...a curiously shaped cut, like a bolt of lightning.” (Philosopher’s Stone, p. 17). As Harry grows older he eventually learns that the scar on his forehead came as the result of a powerful evil curses from the evil dark wizard, Voldemort (Philosopher’s Stone, p. 45).
The startling thing about the thunderbolt, is that it is often used in occultic imagery, especially in Satanism. Anton Szandor Lavey, the founder of the Church of Satan, often wore a medallion of an inverted pentagram with a thunderbolt through the centre of it. Thunderbolts also appeared as the ss symbol of Hitler’s special forces (bearing in mind that Hitler was into the occult), and in various Heavy Metal and Death Metal bands.
People need to dig very deep into what this series of books and movies is really about. It has nothing to do with conservative values, and everything to do with the occult.
Scar reminds me of obama, and his hyenas remind me of obama’s snarling media henchmen, and the suffering in the land under Scar reminds me of the miserable obama economy.
I’d like to see the top 10 kids movies with *overt* conservative messages, along with a healthy dose of skits, plays, and comedy shows to poke fun at PC nannies, liberals, the media, and big government types. They are so ripe for exposure and ridicule it’s not even funny.
"Actually, the books are not just about magic, they are largely constructed around alchemy which has a deep tradition in the Christian Church. They also draw on pre-Christian traditions like the hero narratives. And of course, the messianic narrative throughout. Harry goes down into the depths in each book and rises in conjunction of a symbol of Christ. In the last book he is the symbol of Christ. And throughout the books the theme is of self sacrifice and love for others. It is also the modern narrative of acceptance of and love for others, even those who are different like muggles and werewolves and giants. If you are simply relying on the movies, I recommend that you read and reread the books. The movies are wonderful because of the casting and the sets but leave a lot of the wonderful plots out."
No, you learn to use YOUR mind and think. You also need to do research on the author and the books she has read which inspired this series. Yes, its boogeyman, and the author shows kids how to reject parental authority and gain power for themselves through this school of wizardry. Interesting isn’t it, that the school teaches spells, etc.?
Its apparent that you are ignorant of the spiritual warfare we engaged in on a daily basis. Satan wants people to think and believe its harmless fiction.
How easily it is to deceive so many!
" “Harry Potter is the Devil” people are ridiculous, and you NEVER have the facts straight. You ALWAYS make up garbage and try to pass it off as the truth. Harry repeatedly shuns gaining personal power."
Sorry, but it is YOU who are ignorant of the dangers of this movie. But, carry on your love affair with the occult. Its none of my business.
Hey, enjoy the deceit that is Harry Potter! You can defend it all you want, but, it is occult material. Children don’t necessarily see the good and evil. What they DO see is that they want magical powers.
Subject your household to anything you wish. None of my business, but, people used to say the same thing about the OUIJA boards - that they were harmless fun. When you crack open the door to the devil - you invite him in. He always uses deceit and that is how he entraps people.
But, hey carry on your love affair with the occult - none of my business!
Many parents, regardless of their faith, may not wish to have their children read about evil non-physical beings who drink the blood of animals to gain power. But the books are marketed to children ages 9-12. For Christians in particular, the acclamation given Harry Potter’s world should be extremely disturbing.
Might Harry Potter seem as real as life to his young fans around the world? Do children accept Harry’s lessons in practical witchcraft as an open door to an occult reality? Many Christian leaders have denied any such danger, but author J.K. Rowling admits that this happens. In an interview with Newsweek’s Malcolm Jones, she said...
“I get letters from children addressed to Professor Dumbledore [headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the books’ setting], and it’s not a joke, begging to be let into Hogwarts, and some of them are really sad. Because they want it to be true so badly they’ve convinced themselves it’s true.” (-Malcolm Jones, “The Return of Harry Potter!”, Newsweek (Online), July 1, 2000, page 4.
These are actual quotes on current and past news topics from members of the far right forum FreeRepublic.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Huma Abedin taking time off from Weiner, job
Article from the New York Post
Summary: Huma is taking a vacation to an undisclosed location in order to "chill" after her husband's sex scandal caused him to resign.
No solace from Huma’s real husband, her boss?
as if we needed more proof; marriage to a democrat in an infinitely fungable arrangement.
--- By the way, when Huma said she'd stand by her man, Freepers accused her of both (a) being spineless, and (b) staying in the marriage for the money/success/fame/etc. Classic damned if you do, damned if you don't.
LOL! She’s been taking time off from weiner since she was at least 16...
Huma should go to Pakistan and really see how women are treated. Isn’t she part Pakistani? I thought it kind of odd that she would hook up with a Jewish guy from NY.
I wonder if they have a “dyke” parade the day before the gay parade as they do in New York. or do they have a parade every day?
I didn’t know Muzzies “chilled”. They always appear pissed off and uptight as if they’ve got their Barbara Boxer thong on.
Weiner made two trips to London to speak to Huma’s brother before they got engaged.
There is no way a Jewish man marries a devout Muslim woman without converting.
Weiner gave up liquor and “celebrates” Ramadan with her as a sign of respect.
Huma knew all about his tweeting proclivities before they were married.
The Clintons all knew this and Huma agreed to the marriage.
They all probably didn’t realize that Tony was such a pervert.
They should have kept better tabs on him.
How much would you wager that she slips and falls or some other such “accident” and miscarries during these next two weeks? Miscarriage being a synonym for abortion.
"Just because her "crowd" is immoral, doesn't mean she is.
I have to hope for the best for her....this is a huge embarrassment and plenty of stress...she does need to get away..."
BS, total BS
She works for the Obama administration. She is incapable of being embarrassed
Summary: Huma is taking a vacation to an undisclosed location in order to "chill" after her husband's sex scandal caused him to resign.
No solace from Huma’s real husband, her boss?
as if we needed more proof; marriage to a democrat in an infinitely fungable arrangement.
--- By the way, when Huma said she'd stand by her man, Freepers accused her of both (a) being spineless, and (b) staying in the marriage for the money/success/fame/etc. Classic damned if you do, damned if you don't.
LOL! She’s been taking time off from weiner since she was at least 16...
Huma should go to Pakistan and really see how women are treated. Isn’t she part Pakistani? I thought it kind of odd that she would hook up with a Jewish guy from NY.
I wonder if they have a “dyke” parade the day before the gay parade as they do in New York. or do they have a parade every day?
I didn’t know Muzzies “chilled”. They always appear pissed off and uptight as if they’ve got their Barbara Boxer thong on.
Weiner made two trips to London to speak to Huma’s brother before they got engaged.
There is no way a Jewish man marries a devout Muslim woman without converting.
Weiner gave up liquor and “celebrates” Ramadan with her as a sign of respect.
Huma knew all about his tweeting proclivities before they were married.
The Clintons all knew this and Huma agreed to the marriage.
They all probably didn’t realize that Tony was such a pervert.
They should have kept better tabs on him.
How much would you wager that she slips and falls or some other such “accident” and miscarries during these next two weeks? Miscarriage being a synonym for abortion.
"Just because her "crowd" is immoral, doesn't mean she is.
I have to hope for the best for her....this is a huge embarrassment and plenty of stress...she does need to get away..."
BS, total BS
She works for the Obama administration. She is incapable of being embarrassed
huma abedin,
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
"Obama messes up his daughter's age"
Article from the A.P.
Summary: Malia is 12, Obama called her 13.
With all the separate family vacations, it should not come a surprise he’s detached from his kids.
He doesn’t know his daughter’s age, he thinks the year is “2008”, that there are 57 states, and on and on.
(He must’ve done a lot of those illegal substances back in the day).
His daughter was born on July 4th. He must find that such an embarrassment. Except he has probably gotten some political mileage out of it.
Well, maybe she isn't his. Just maybe, she isn't even Michelle's....hmmmmmmm? Enquiring minds want to know!
[This reminds me of my tramp niece. She um 'co-habitated' with a professional - a frickin' tatoo artist. Produced a baby that looks rather Hispanic...he swears his lineage is Greek (ha! that has real credentials now days)....I digress. Anyway, they split - she sues in court for child support. His lawyer says "gotta prove the baby is his"...expected tactics...then, this guy, brilliant actually, says "You have to prove the baby is even hers!" Talk about going on the attack...]
Obumbler is to getting his facts wrong as president Ford was to falling down the stairs. How can the smartest man to EVER sit in the oval office get so many things wrong? Example: “I think I’ve visited all 57 states!”
"She turns 13 on July 4."
At least that's what's on her birth certificate.
I’d bet he knows his handicap.
"Actually, I can cut him some slack on this one."
I for one will NOT cut him any slack. Liberals are always telling us how brilliant The One is and how stupid Conservatives are, especially Conservatives like Michelle Bachman. All righty then I expect “brilliant” people like Obama to know how old his daughter is.
"Maybe she's 2008 in Austrian."
Obumbles was learning Austrian while his parents marched at Selma and re-conceived him three years after he was already born.
Betcha Bachman knows the ages of all 5 children and 20+ foster children.
For the record, lot of people agreed with the "cut him some slack" person.
Summary: Malia is 12, Obama called her 13.
With all the separate family vacations, it should not come a surprise he’s detached from his kids.
He doesn’t know his daughter’s age, he thinks the year is “2008”, that there are 57 states, and on and on.
(He must’ve done a lot of those illegal substances back in the day).
His daughter was born on July 4th. He must find that such an embarrassment. Except he has probably gotten some political mileage out of it.
Well, maybe she isn't his. Just maybe, she isn't even Michelle's....hmmmmmmm? Enquiring minds want to know!
[This reminds me of my tramp niece. She um 'co-habitated' with a professional - a frickin' tatoo artist. Produced a baby that looks rather Hispanic...he swears his lineage is Greek (ha! that has real credentials now days)....I digress. Anyway, they split - she sues in court for child support. His lawyer says "gotta prove the baby is his"...expected tactics...then, this guy, brilliant actually, says "You have to prove the baby is even hers!" Talk about going on the attack...]
Obumbler is to getting his facts wrong as president Ford was to falling down the stairs. How can the smartest man to EVER sit in the oval office get so many things wrong? Example: “I think I’ve visited all 57 states!”
"She turns 13 on July 4."
At least that's what's on her birth certificate.
I’d bet he knows his handicap.
"Actually, I can cut him some slack on this one."
I for one will NOT cut him any slack. Liberals are always telling us how brilliant The One is and how stupid Conservatives are, especially Conservatives like Michelle Bachman. All righty then I expect “brilliant” people like Obama to know how old his daughter is.
"Maybe she's 2008 in Austrian."
Obumbles was learning Austrian while his parents marched at Selma and re-conceived him three years after he was already born.
Betcha Bachman knows the ages of all 5 children and 20+ foster children.
For the record, lot of people agreed with the "cut him some slack" person.
So someone named Montana left the following comment on my post about Bachmann and Tom Petty:
And I found it a little weird because it, as I pointed out in my comment, sounded like the liberal version of a Freeper. Regardless, I went on with my life.
Then, while checking my stats and search keywords today, I saw that one was "Michele Bachmann" All hail Astroturf. Apparently Montana has been leaving this odd comment in multiple blogs and then disappearing.
So, either there's a conservative plant around, or somewhere out there is a Freeper mirror universe.
If there are mirror-Freepers, does anyone know where they hang out? I might get a hankering to do an opposite day post.
All hail to Astroturf TeaBparty Queen (ASQ), Michele Bachmann. Isn’t she the one that who rails against the Federal Government while every year she benefits from farm subsidies and adopts kids to work them on same farm. Oh yeah she is also a self-proclaimed historian on the US Founding Fathers and US history. The sad truth she will lie to get her way, what honor is there in that? But if you manipulate our US history and double down when you are found out, well don’t go crying to Fake News when you lose. Kind of like the Former half-term Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (Most recent quitter of her Bus Tour to restore America). We remember what happen when after “W” manipulate Florida (w/ the help of brother Jebb) to win the presidency and his failure to win any of the two wars he started that devastated our treasury and ruined our economy for the next 50 years. If the GOP thinks that Michele Bachmann is the answer, good luck with that.
And I found it a little weird because it, as I pointed out in my comment, sounded like the liberal version of a Freeper. Regardless, I went on with my life.
Then, while checking my stats and search keywords today, I saw that one was "Michele Bachmann" All hail Astroturf. Apparently Montana has been leaving this odd comment in multiple blogs and then disappearing.
So, either there's a conservative plant around, or somewhere out there is a Freeper mirror universe.
If there are mirror-Freepers, does anyone know where they hang out? I might get a hankering to do an opposite day post.
Various articles. Starting with the speech on the withdrawl.
Remember: Every time the Teleprompter in Chief says "I" or "me", ya gotta drink!
--And if he used the term 'we' to describe his actions, I'm pretty sure they'd accuse him of acting like a monarch.
Let me be clear::lie, lie, lie::I, I, I, I, Me, Me, Me, Me, Hope, Change.
Can’t stand to hear his voice or look at him.
Immediately turned him off.
Obama playing commander in chief again. I could just spit in his face after his opening remarks.
His speaking style is angry hectoring. I can barely stand to listen to him, it is so obvious he is a thin-skinned narcissist who would try to suppress any dissent if he had half a chance.
who cares about you Obama??
resign now. you don’t have the guts to fight.
he’s exploiting our military to make a reelection speech, quite disgusting
Its dangerous to watch him. He is hypnotic in an evil type of way and you can feel those forces pulling you along and you start looking at his purple lips and up to his mascara and you say I must have got lost!
This picture
Oh, Lord, noooooooooooooo.....
why didn’t his troops do us all a favor and frag him years ago!
this is all I heard : george bush sucks. half a loaf solution. cut and run. george bush sucked 10 years ago. I killed bin laden. look, over there! something shiny! bad people disagree with me. paying for bullets is seriously screwing up my plans to enforce green energy by force of law. there are no boots in libya. no sandals, either. did I mention that bin laden was dead? george bush really, really, sucks. good night.
Its hard I tell ya. I’d like him to take questions and have an HONEST reporter ask, “Mr. Soerto, can you explain why US combat deaths are 5 times higher under your leadership than the previous administration? Do you care to elaborate on your soldier-killing rules of engagement”?
The following ones are on the car bombing in Afghanistan near a hospital that resulted in 60 deaths.
Wow, that pullout statement of Obama's really did the trick in getting them to stop fighting.......
You know, I actually support the pullout under the present circumstance. Our fighting me are dying for nothing under this administration and obviously the administration supports the Taliban and Omar.
We’ve lost 9 Marines in the past 5 days. For what? Bring our boys home. NOW!
moozlum credo: I love you. I will kill you and your family. Slash! Boom!
It would be pacified and subservient if we had fought that war for total Victory... the pokis and the iranians would not be a problem today either... blame obama for being an idiot and blame Bush for not committing to total Victory and finishing Afghanistan before liberating an ungrateful iraq. Kill enough of them and they get real passive. We should have finished the First Crusade.
There isn’t one person in Afghanistan worth the life of one US soldier, IMO.
There is no war anywhere that America can or should win while Obama is potus. Unless maybe another Revolutionary war, and that’s a should, not a can.
In 2001, the USA/Bush should have bombed Afghanistan with ‘extreme prejudice’ until one of the tribes gave up Bin Laden’s head on a silver platter.
A strong message would have been sent to the Middle East:
Don’t F__ with US!!
But with a lefty media,utopian dreamers in the State Department and academia nut jobs all blaring their fake sympathy for high Afghan civilian loss, I’m sure this plan was never really considered.
No matter what a handful claim, the ME is AQ and the Taliban. If they weren't, we wouldn't still be over there for the past two decades. Twenty years and nothing has changed but that our good son and daughters, and fathers and mothers have been killed by the murderous scum.
"We’ve lost 9 Marines in the past 5 days. For what? Bring our boys home. NOW!"
I'll say the same thing I say to liberals when they say "our boys". These are men and women who choose to serve their country. The decision of whether they should remain or withdrawn shouldn't be tainted by making them into children and/or victims.
"As you wish. My 21 year old Marine son will always be my boy. Just the way I talk.
There should not be a military woman in a combat zone. Ever"
Bring the troops home ASAP and stick ‘em on our Mex border, where they can protect grateful Americans rather than ungrateful, turban-wearing 3rd world jackasses who hate us.
what an asinine policy to occupy and nation-build this stupid Flintstonian country. Just carpet-bomb the bastard when needed.
Remember: Every time the Teleprompter in Chief says "I" or "me", ya gotta drink!
--And if he used the term 'we' to describe his actions, I'm pretty sure they'd accuse him of acting like a monarch.
Let me be clear::lie, lie, lie::I, I, I, I, Me, Me, Me, Me, Hope, Change.
Can’t stand to hear his voice or look at him.
Immediately turned him off.
Obama playing commander in chief again. I could just spit in his face after his opening remarks.
His speaking style is angry hectoring. I can barely stand to listen to him, it is so obvious he is a thin-skinned narcissist who would try to suppress any dissent if he had half a chance.
who cares about you Obama??
resign now. you don’t have the guts to fight.
he’s exploiting our military to make a reelection speech, quite disgusting
Its dangerous to watch him. He is hypnotic in an evil type of way and you can feel those forces pulling you along and you start looking at his purple lips and up to his mascara and you say I must have got lost!
This picture
Oh, Lord, noooooooooooooo.....
why didn’t his troops do us all a favor and frag him years ago!
this is all I heard : george bush sucks. half a loaf solution. cut and run. george bush sucked 10 years ago. I killed bin laden. look, over there! something shiny! bad people disagree with me. paying for bullets is seriously screwing up my plans to enforce green energy by force of law. there are no boots in libya. no sandals, either. did I mention that bin laden was dead? george bush really, really, sucks. good night.
Its hard I tell ya. I’d like him to take questions and have an HONEST reporter ask, “Mr. Soerto, can you explain why US combat deaths are 5 times higher under your leadership than the previous administration? Do you care to elaborate on your soldier-killing rules of engagement”?
The following ones are on the car bombing in Afghanistan near a hospital that resulted in 60 deaths.
Wow, that pullout statement of Obama's really did the trick in getting them to stop fighting.......
You know, I actually support the pullout under the present circumstance. Our fighting me are dying for nothing under this administration and obviously the administration supports the Taliban and Omar.
We’ve lost 9 Marines in the past 5 days. For what? Bring our boys home. NOW!
moozlum credo: I love you. I will kill you and your family. Slash! Boom!
It would be pacified and subservient if we had fought that war for total Victory... the pokis and the iranians would not be a problem today either... blame obama for being an idiot and blame Bush for not committing to total Victory and finishing Afghanistan before liberating an ungrateful iraq. Kill enough of them and they get real passive. We should have finished the First Crusade.
There isn’t one person in Afghanistan worth the life of one US soldier, IMO.
There is no war anywhere that America can or should win while Obama is potus. Unless maybe another Revolutionary war, and that’s a should, not a can.
In 2001, the USA/Bush should have bombed Afghanistan with ‘extreme prejudice’ until one of the tribes gave up Bin Laden’s head on a silver platter.
A strong message would have been sent to the Middle East:
Don’t F__ with US!!
But with a lefty media,utopian dreamers in the State Department and academia nut jobs all blaring their fake sympathy for high Afghan civilian loss, I’m sure this plan was never really considered.
No matter what a handful claim, the ME is AQ and the Taliban. If they weren't, we wouldn't still be over there for the past two decades. Twenty years and nothing has changed but that our good son and daughters, and fathers and mothers have been killed by the murderous scum.
"We’ve lost 9 Marines in the past 5 days. For what? Bring our boys home. NOW!"
I'll say the same thing I say to liberals when they say "our boys". These are men and women who choose to serve their country. The decision of whether they should remain or withdrawn shouldn't be tainted by making them into children and/or victims.
"As you wish. My 21 year old Marine son will always be my boy. Just the way I talk.
There should not be a military woman in a combat zone. Ever"
Bring the troops home ASAP and stick ‘em on our Mex border, where they can protect grateful Americans rather than ungrateful, turban-wearing 3rd world jackasses who hate us.
what an asinine policy to occupy and nation-build this stupid Flintstonian country. Just carpet-bomb the bastard when needed.
suicide bomber
Reconciling Ayn Rand with the Gospel
Requested by Anon
Article from American Thinker
Summary: It's fine that Ayn Rand was an atheist because Pope John Paul II probably dug her stuff.
"I know that many Christians read Rand and want to stand up and cheer, but at the same time are racked with guilt because of her atheism and decidedly anti-church professions."
Anti-church? Hardly. Anti-organized, dogmatic institutions, regardless of origin? Absolutely.
I don't know that much about Ayn Rand. Did she proclaim herself an atheist or was she branded an atheist like Thomas Paine?
I know Paine believed in God but didn't believe that Jesus was the literal Son of God or God in the flesh.
It sounds like Rand may be in that category. But I don't know.
Everything great in Western Civilization -- the Rights of Man, modern science, free markets -- all stem from the Christian religion.
That's why the leftists hate it so much.
(Of course, a lot stems from Islam too: pedophilia, rape, murder, subjugation of women, jihad, boys humping boys... got to give credit where credit is due.)
Ayn Rand’s philosophy is interesting but evil. Either God is on the throne of your heart or you are. If you are, then you are serving the Devil himself. Enjoy the ride.
I love how she flees an atheistic nation to a Christian nation and realizes how good it is but says, “Too bad its not atheistic enough.”
This is a typical liberal problem: after they completely ruin a state with liberalism, they move to a conservative state and think, “Hmm, its so nice here, but it needs to be more liberal!”
It is interesting that this article if featured at this time of year when Christians commemorate the resurrection. Ayn Rand the objectivist yet she rejects the most objective religious fact, the resurrection. The resurrection actually happened.
Rand was right on her stand against collectivism, I’ll give her that, but as a Christian conservative when you leave out the “Christian” part you can count me out. No wonder she is such a darling of the Libertarians. Rand is an atheist, that’s all I need to know. Her so called objectivism is just so much blah, blah.
>> “ To argue that the work of atheists be dismissed is to argue for the dismissal of a large percentage of the advances and breakthroughs in mathematics, physics, and biomedical science that have been achieved over the last several centuries.” <<
Sorry, but that is false.
Until the age of government financing of “research” few atheists produced anything at all.
Payne sure sounds like an atheist.
"The bottom line is that Paine did believe in God, just not the God of The Bible.
There is no other."
There is no other.
[argument between two Freepers:]
1: "Apparently you believe one should love his neighbor more than himself. Any liberal would agree with that. Thanks to people like you we have a collectivist society."
2: "Everyone already loves himself. When there’s a fire in a building, who stays in to fry?
Jesus is obviously saying - “You already love and take care of yourselves. So, now you should care about others the way you already care about yourselves.”
But his first commandment is to love God. The second part, which is based upon the first, is to also care about others.
This is not sectarian, but univerally applicable.
And your accusation that caring about others is collectivism is insanely laughable. You will not find less of a collectivist than myself."
1: "Your simplistic interpretation misses the point.
God loves himself first of all yet shows mercy to insolent humans.
Besides, aren’t you the Hindu who promotes wanting the government to dictate to people what they can or cannot do in their private lives"
2: "God’s position and conciousness cannot be imitate by human beings.
Moral absolutes are essentially the same in every religion, that is why they are absolutes.
Private life activities like abortion? Porn? Rest stop sodomy?
Libertarianism is the kook anarchy ultra fringe element of the left."
1: "I'm not familiar with all the terminology or intricacies of your pagan religion but isn't it basically pantheistic? ya know... we all have a spark of divinity or some such? God is in everything... yada yada. What exactly is God's "position" and what is it about his consciousness that cannot be imitated? Moralists of any stripe are all the same. They always contradict themselves claiming they want what's best for their neighbor when in reality they only want to impose their own selfish interests."
2: "Makes no sense. You are basically saying anyone who promites morality is bad; ie - immoral. You sound like a libertarian who wants no holds barred porn, dope, prostitution and homo-agenda everything.
IOW, an immoralitst. People wither promote morality or immorality. Your choice. I make my choice clear. I guess you do too, since you fault me for not supporting dope, porn, prostitution and the homo-agenda."
1: "One of my absolute morals is that anyone who worships a false god deserves death.
Should I have the government enforce that?"
Article from American Thinker
Summary: It's fine that Ayn Rand was an atheist because Pope John Paul II probably dug her stuff.
"I know that many Christians read Rand and want to stand up and cheer, but at the same time are racked with guilt because of her atheism and decidedly anti-church professions."
Anti-church? Hardly. Anti-organized, dogmatic institutions, regardless of origin? Absolutely.
I don't know that much about Ayn Rand. Did she proclaim herself an atheist or was she branded an atheist like Thomas Paine?
I know Paine believed in God but didn't believe that Jesus was the literal Son of God or God in the flesh.
It sounds like Rand may be in that category. But I don't know.
Everything great in Western Civilization -- the Rights of Man, modern science, free markets -- all stem from the Christian religion.
That's why the leftists hate it so much.
(Of course, a lot stems from Islam too: pedophilia, rape, murder, subjugation of women, jihad, boys humping boys... got to give credit where credit is due.)
Ayn Rand’s philosophy is interesting but evil. Either God is on the throne of your heart or you are. If you are, then you are serving the Devil himself. Enjoy the ride.
I love how she flees an atheistic nation to a Christian nation and realizes how good it is but says, “Too bad its not atheistic enough.”
This is a typical liberal problem: after they completely ruin a state with liberalism, they move to a conservative state and think, “Hmm, its so nice here, but it needs to be more liberal!”
It is interesting that this article if featured at this time of year when Christians commemorate the resurrection. Ayn Rand the objectivist yet she rejects the most objective religious fact, the resurrection. The resurrection actually happened.
Rand was right on her stand against collectivism, I’ll give her that, but as a Christian conservative when you leave out the “Christian” part you can count me out. No wonder she is such a darling of the Libertarians. Rand is an atheist, that’s all I need to know. Her so called objectivism is just so much blah, blah.
>> “ To argue that the work of atheists be dismissed is to argue for the dismissal of a large percentage of the advances and breakthroughs in mathematics, physics, and biomedical science that have been achieved over the last several centuries.” <<
Sorry, but that is false.
Until the age of government financing of “research” few atheists produced anything at all.
Payne sure sounds like an atheist.
"The bottom line is that Paine did believe in God, just not the God of The Bible.
There is no other."
There is no other.
[argument between two Freepers:]
1: "Apparently you believe one should love his neighbor more than himself. Any liberal would agree with that. Thanks to people like you we have a collectivist society."
2: "Everyone already loves himself. When there’s a fire in a building, who stays in to fry?
Jesus is obviously saying - “You already love and take care of yourselves. So, now you should care about others the way you already care about yourselves.”
But his first commandment is to love God. The second part, which is based upon the first, is to also care about others.
This is not sectarian, but univerally applicable.
And your accusation that caring about others is collectivism is insanely laughable. You will not find less of a collectivist than myself."
1: "Your simplistic interpretation misses the point.
God loves himself first of all yet shows mercy to insolent humans.
Besides, aren’t you the Hindu who promotes wanting the government to dictate to people what they can or cannot do in their private lives"
2: "God’s position and conciousness cannot be imitate by human beings.
Moral absolutes are essentially the same in every religion, that is why they are absolutes.
Private life activities like abortion? Porn? Rest stop sodomy?
Libertarianism is the kook anarchy ultra fringe element of the left."
1: "I'm not familiar with all the terminology or intricacies of your pagan religion but isn't it basically pantheistic? ya know... we all have a spark of divinity or some such? God is in everything... yada yada. What exactly is God's "position" and what is it about his consciousness that cannot be imitated? Moralists of any stripe are all the same. They always contradict themselves claiming they want what's best for their neighbor when in reality they only want to impose their own selfish interests."
2: "Makes no sense. You are basically saying anyone who promites morality is bad; ie - immoral. You sound like a libertarian who wants no holds barred porn, dope, prostitution and homo-agenda everything.
IOW, an immoralitst. People wither promote morality or immorality. Your choice. I make my choice clear. I guess you do too, since you fault me for not supporting dope, porn, prostitution and the homo-agenda."
1: "One of my absolute morals is that anyone who worships a false god deserves death.
Should I have the government enforce that?"
ayn rand,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Food Network posts
Jackson Herring asked me to post something that doesn't make him want to put his head through a wall, and since he's my #1 fan, I agreed. I thought to myself, "What magical force could bring together the commenters on FreeRepublic, and a girl who was once naively liberal enough to vote for Carol Mosley Braun in the 2004 primary?" (That girl was me, by the way. Not Jackson Herring. I hope.)
The answer is Food Network. So come read about how Guy Fieri is a tool, Racheal Ray's voice is annoying, and Giada has boobs. I'm not saying I agree with all of these quotes, of course; I just thought this would be humanizing.
But remember, guys, I'm still a divider, not a uniter.
Fieri (pronounced Fi-et-ti)
Which ALWAYS struck me as pretentious as the sunglasses on the back of the head. This guys is a sels-centered tool.
And he cooks nothing any of us couldn’t.
"His show is great and really showcases old-fashioned diners."
The show would be better without him. :)
"The problem with Giada is that she smiles too much. If she lived in Italy, she’d be locked up in a mental institution."
There is not problem with Giada that I couldn’t overlook.
I love to cook. I must have 100 cookbooks. None of them have a recipe for brain sugery, but lately they are treated as if they can do it. "I don't see your personality in this dish" Gimme a break. How does it taste. Cook and shut up.
Every time we see [Fieri], wifey and I wonder how long it takes him to decorate and fluff himself each morning.
""As single man, I ask, is there any batchelor out there who would not eagerly spend open evenings listening and watching Sandra Lee slink around their kitchen?"
"As a single man, she can slink around my kitchen any time, but I'll do the cooking."
Maybe since I am a woman I am immune to Sandra’s looks and only see the bat poop crazy in her eyes. She looks like the type that if you didn’t call her back when you said you would, she would calmly come over to your house and burn it down.
I once joked that I made my very own Sandra Lee cookbook by taping the back of several Hamburger Helper boxes to a Boone’s Farm catalog.
"Anthony Bourdain’s show was pretty funny"
I would punch Anthony Bourdain just on general priciples, and he wounldn’t have to say a word.
"Ray's dog might have to be put down due to him attacking people"
I would be doing all I could to be put down if I had to live with Rachael Ray.
What drives me absolutely crazy is on her 30 Minute Meals show she goes to the pantry, cupboard, refigerator and insists on trying to get every possible ingredient she needs and stacks everything in her arms before taking it over to the preparation area. Rachel! it's okay if you get two or three items at a time! instead of all 20 at once! It's not like the pantry is 5 miles away!
And Jackson, let me know if you're just not a Food Network fan, making this post largely irrelevant.
The answer is Food Network. So come read about how Guy Fieri is a tool, Racheal Ray's voice is annoying, and Giada has boobs. I'm not saying I agree with all of these quotes, of course; I just thought this would be humanizing.
But remember, guys, I'm still a divider, not a uniter.
Fieri (pronounced Fi-et-ti)
Which ALWAYS struck me as pretentious as the sunglasses on the back of the head. This guys is a sels-centered tool.
And he cooks nothing any of us couldn’t.
"His show is great and really showcases old-fashioned diners."
The show would be better without him. :)
"The problem with Giada is that she smiles too much. If she lived in Italy, she’d be locked up in a mental institution."
There is not problem with Giada that I couldn’t overlook.
I love to cook. I must have 100 cookbooks. None of them have a recipe for brain sugery, but lately they are treated as if they can do it. "I don't see your personality in this dish" Gimme a break. How does it taste. Cook and shut up.
Every time we see [Fieri], wifey and I wonder how long it takes him to decorate and fluff himself each morning.
""As single man, I ask, is there any batchelor out there who would not eagerly spend open evenings listening and watching Sandra Lee slink around their kitchen?"
"As a single man, she can slink around my kitchen any time, but I'll do the cooking."
Maybe since I am a woman I am immune to Sandra’s looks and only see the bat poop crazy in her eyes. She looks like the type that if you didn’t call her back when you said you would, she would calmly come over to your house and burn it down.
I once joked that I made my very own Sandra Lee cookbook by taping the back of several Hamburger Helper boxes to a Boone’s Farm catalog.
"Anthony Bourdain’s show was pretty funny"
I would punch Anthony Bourdain just on general priciples, and he wounldn’t have to say a word.
"Ray's dog might have to be put down due to him attacking people"
I would be doing all I could to be put down if I had to live with Rachael Ray.
What drives me absolutely crazy is on her 30 Minute Meals show she goes to the pantry, cupboard, refigerator and insists on trying to get every possible ingredient she needs and stacks everything in her arms before taking it over to the preparation area. Rachel! it's okay if you get two or three items at a time! instead of all 20 at once! It's not like the pantry is 5 miles away!
And Jackson, let me know if you're just not a Food Network fan, making this post largely irrelevant.
Tom Petty won't back Michele Bachmann's use of 'American Girl'
Article from the Star Tribune
Summary: Michele Bachmann wants to use 'American Girl' for her campaign, but Tom Petty doesn't want her to.
Song sucks, anyhow
This is what acid, cocaine, booze and meth combined with Liberalism will do to your brain.
Maybe we need some songs from the Revolutionary War period. Appropriate for our current needs & no writer to whine about the use of the song.
this is just cya of the musician. Does he even OWN the song?
I’d use the Taylor Swift version of it anyways. I never liked Petty Tom’s voice.
"Republicans should just avoid using any contemporary music because 99% of the authors are going to be drug-addled liberals and will refuse permission to use some song they wrote 40 years ago, thinking this demonstrates political sophistication instead of just being , well, petty."
You need to listen to more country music and less of the empty-headed, valueless junk on top 40 radio. I know multiple people in the country music industry, and they're far more tea party types and put their families first then anything that's been festering in Los Angeles.
Baraq has no problems like this.
Rights to The Internationale are free.
"Why would she want to use a song about suicide, anyway? Someone answer me that."
It’s just a ‘tune’ to the vast majority. Nobody pays attention to lyrics.
How about “Born in the USA”? 0bama certainly can’t use it.
Summary: Michele Bachmann wants to use 'American Girl' for her campaign, but Tom Petty doesn't want her to.
Song sucks, anyhow
This is what acid, cocaine, booze and meth combined with Liberalism will do to your brain.
Maybe we need some songs from the Revolutionary War period. Appropriate for our current needs & no writer to whine about the use of the song.
this is just cya of the musician. Does he even OWN the song?
I’d use the Taylor Swift version of it anyways. I never liked Petty Tom’s voice.
"Republicans should just avoid using any contemporary music because 99% of the authors are going to be drug-addled liberals and will refuse permission to use some song they wrote 40 years ago, thinking this demonstrates political sophistication instead of just being , well, petty."
You need to listen to more country music and less of the empty-headed, valueless junk on top 40 radio. I know multiple people in the country music industry, and they're far more tea party types and put their families first then anything that's been festering in Los Angeles.
Baraq has no problems like this.
Rights to The Internationale are free.
"Why would she want to use a song about suicide, anyway? Someone answer me that."
It’s just a ‘tune’ to the vast majority. Nobody pays attention to lyrics.
How about “Born in the USA”? 0bama certainly can’t use it.
Michele Bachmann's foster children are "threatened"
These are generally about the GMA interview that Stephanopoulus had with Bachmann, but the majority of the outrage is directed at this question that he asked:
Finally one—one final question. I think one of the most impressive things that people find in your background is the fact that you and your husband have helped raise 23 foster children and I know you want to shield them but are they prepared and are you prepared for the loss of privacy that comes with the president campaign? And is that something you are concerned about for them?
Just wanted to put that out there pre-derp.
Sounds like an attempt to threaten her into leaving the race.
This is a personal threat from that POS,Attacking children NOW, Ok that works both ways.
The Libs will offer one or more of the kids vast sums of money to lie about their treatment while in foster care.
Stephy (in a fake manly voice): “Nice foster kids ya got there. Be a real shame if anything happened to ‘em.”
Yeah, well raising foster children is sure to be turned into a negative when you are fighting the filthy, degraded, druggie, baby-killing lefties.
If we as Conservatives do not unite and fight the War systematically being waged upon us by the Media then we will cease to exist.
The REAL opponent now is the Media.
Without them doing these things Obama would never be viable.
This so disgusts me, I am unable to respond any other way.
It is a War.
Good grief, people. Chill out. A threat?
You sound like star-struck school girls who just read a bad review of Justin Bieber concert.
The One’s children were shielded from the media during the whole campaign. The media was happy to comply.
That is unless the Obamas wanted to use them as props at the rallys ... like little Sasha’s ridiculous act at her dad’s faux Greek temple.
Not only has the media not threatened a Democrat this way, but Michelle Obama bragged that the media protects her and her children. Remember how Chelsea Clinton was off limits, but how the media relentlessly dogged the Bush twins?
When will Americans — Democrats and Republicans and whatever else — finally stand up and say “ENOUGH!” It is patently indecent to scrutinize the children of our leaders, whether they are minors or adults.
This is one place Independents could wield some real power: tell the MSM that Americans are not interested in gossip. We ARE interested in One Nation under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.
Stephonopolis is absolutely disgusting.
Our founders were raised in a country where slavery was the norm. The created a government that put all the levers in place to end slavery, a 200 year institution in America. Their actions put slavery on course for extinction.
Stephy can go to hell or Greece. Take your Pick Stephy.
I predict that in the near future Michele and Sarah will embrace each other onstage, with Sarah saying something like “One helluva cat fight here, eh?”
Some how I do not think Stephanopoulos interviewed Obama the same way? Now the media wonders why people think they are bias. Look no further than this interview and compare it to Obama worship and slob fest.
OMG!! I thought kids were off limits!!!! Have they NO shame?? No, Democrats are VILE and EVIL!!!!!!
Anyone who lived through Germany in the 30’s would surely be appalled by this today.
Yet, four years later Steponallofus is still studiously ignoring anything and everything about 0bowWow.
0bamas’ hidden records: Why are these off limits?
1 Certified copy of original birth certificate
2 Columbia University transcripts
3 Columbia thesis paper
4 Campaign donor analysis requested by 7 major watchdog groups
5 Harvard University transcripts
6 Illinois State Senate records
7 Illinois State Senate schedule
8 Law practice client list and billing records/summary
9 Locations and names of all half-siblings and step-mother
10 Medical records (only the one page summary released so far)
11 Occidental College Transcripts
12 Parent’s marriage Certificate
13 Record of baptism
14 Selective Service registration records
(Did Obama Actually Register for Selective Service?
This supposed revelation of 0's SS records has been debunked here and here.)
15 Schedules for trips outside of the United States before 2007
16 Passport records for all passports
17 Scholarly articles
18 SAT and LSAT test scores
19 Access to his grandmother in Kenya
20 List of all campaign workers that are lobbyists
21 Punahou grade school records
22 Noelani Kindergarten records are oddly missing from the the State of Hawaii Department of Education.
23 Obama 1964 Divorce Papers - 13 Pages - Missing Pg 11
24 Why isn't Barack Obama still a member of the Illinois bar and where are all of the relevant documents?
25 Why isn't Michelle Obama still a member of the Illinois bar, after only about four years of practice, and where are all of the relevant documents?
Anyone who cares about their country would be very concerned that a POTUS had hidden every scrap of information of his life that he possibly could.
Finally one—one final question. I think one of the most impressive things that people find in your background is the fact that you and your husband have helped raise 23 foster children and I know you want to shield them but are they prepared and are you prepared for the loss of privacy that comes with the president campaign? And is that something you are concerned about for them?
Just wanted to put that out there pre-derp.
Sounds like an attempt to threaten her into leaving the race.
This is a personal threat from that POS,Attacking children NOW, Ok that works both ways.
The Libs will offer one or more of the kids vast sums of money to lie about their treatment while in foster care.
Stephy (in a fake manly voice): “Nice foster kids ya got there. Be a real shame if anything happened to ‘em.”
Yeah, well raising foster children is sure to be turned into a negative when you are fighting the filthy, degraded, druggie, baby-killing lefties.
If we as Conservatives do not unite and fight the War systematically being waged upon us by the Media then we will cease to exist.
The REAL opponent now is the Media.
Without them doing these things Obama would never be viable.
This so disgusts me, I am unable to respond any other way.
It is a War.
Good grief, people. Chill out. A threat?
You sound like star-struck school girls who just read a bad review of Justin Bieber concert.
The One’s children were shielded from the media during the whole campaign. The media was happy to comply.
That is unless the Obamas wanted to use them as props at the rallys ... like little Sasha’s ridiculous act at her dad’s faux Greek temple.
Not only has the media not threatened a Democrat this way, but Michelle Obama bragged that the media protects her and her children. Remember how Chelsea Clinton was off limits, but how the media relentlessly dogged the Bush twins?
When will Americans — Democrats and Republicans and whatever else — finally stand up and say “ENOUGH!” It is patently indecent to scrutinize the children of our leaders, whether they are minors or adults.
This is one place Independents could wield some real power: tell the MSM that Americans are not interested in gossip. We ARE interested in One Nation under God, with Liberty and Justice for All.
Stephonopolis is absolutely disgusting.
Our founders were raised in a country where slavery was the norm. The created a government that put all the levers in place to end slavery, a 200 year institution in America. Their actions put slavery on course for extinction.
Stephy can go to hell or Greece. Take your Pick Stephy.
I predict that in the near future Michele and Sarah will embrace each other onstage, with Sarah saying something like “One helluva cat fight here, eh?”
Some how I do not think Stephanopoulos interviewed Obama the same way? Now the media wonders why people think they are bias. Look no further than this interview and compare it to Obama worship and slob fest.
OMG!! I thought kids were off limits!!!! Have they NO shame?? No, Democrats are VILE and EVIL!!!!!!
Anyone who lived through Germany in the 30’s would surely be appalled by this today.
Yet, four years later Steponallofus is still studiously ignoring anything and everything about 0bowWow.
0bamas’ hidden records: Why are these off limits?
1 Certified copy of original birth certificate
2 Columbia University transcripts
3 Columbia thesis paper
4 Campaign donor analysis requested by 7 major watchdog groups
5 Harvard University transcripts
6 Illinois State Senate records
7 Illinois State Senate schedule
8 Law practice client list and billing records/summary
9 Locations and names of all half-siblings and step-mother
10 Medical records (only the one page summary released so far)
11 Occidental College Transcripts
12 Parent’s marriage Certificate
13 Record of baptism
14 Selective Service registration records
(Did Obama Actually Register for Selective Service?
This supposed revelation of 0's SS records has been debunked here and here.)
15 Schedules for trips outside of the United States before 2007
16 Passport records for all passports
17 Scholarly articles
18 SAT and LSAT test scores
19 Access to his grandmother in Kenya
20 List of all campaign workers that are lobbyists
21 Punahou grade school records
22 Noelani Kindergarten records are oddly missing from the the State of Hawaii Department of Education.
23 Obama 1964 Divorce Papers - 13 Pages - Missing Pg 11
24 Why isn't Barack Obama still a member of the Illinois bar and where are all of the relevant documents?
25 Why isn't Michelle Obama still a member of the Illinois bar, after only about four years of practice, and where are all of the relevant documents?
Anyone who cares about their country would be very concerned that a POTUS had hidden every scrap of information of his life that he possibly could.
Citizens United ruling
Requested by Anon. From various articles.
The first few comments will be from before Obama came out against the ruling; the Freepers were more or less unconcerned with it then.
The “people” at DU are absolutely apoplectic about this ruling. They are even more exercised about it than their defeat in Mass.
It’s been a rough week for them: losing Teddy’s seat in Mass., Air America shutting down, and the SC ruling that allows free speech.
It’s fun to watch them squirm.
"Fortunately, five of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court disagreed."
Just a little clarification. Keep remembering that there are four Justices who don't care about Free Speech or the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Also remember that they are one vote from being a majority.
A great victory but still I find it a bit obscene that it wasn’t a unanimous decision.
I guess Obama’s thugs aren’t the only ones who can spend money on politicians now. LMAO!
John McCain with his stupid "McCain-Feingold" law and the crappy campaign he ran against HUSSEIN has done more damage to this country in the last 20 years than any other entity including the terrorists.
Thank God Hayworth is going to challenge him.
The following comments address Obama's reaction to the ruling (he called it a "blow to democracy"):
Someone born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii, wouldn’t have a clue about the value of free speech.
Hawaii ain’t America.
As if Obama would know what democracy was! Lemme give you a hint, pal, it does not mean the permanent, unelected rule of the Democrat Party - that's tyranny, not democracy. Stupid idiot.
a translation of the blue lipped elitist's truck hating words:
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh schucky dernos and whoopy ew dad nab the unions money and all of that money we doled out in stimulous meant to help democrats in future elections is going to have dad burned competition....I need a beer and a cigarette....get me to the golf course ASAP!"
Freedom of Association implies that people who are assembled can speak with one voice, doesn’t it? Banning associations of people from having a voice is unconstitutional on its face.
The Democrats have a free voice with the sympathetic main stream media plus the luxury of Union and Soros money. They don’t like competition. The SCOTUS has corrected a mistake. The federal gov’t can’t limit free speech.
I can't help laughing at Obama's remarks about a blow to democracy for this reason:
To me, one of the biggest blows to democracy occurred when the courts turned down lawsuits time after time that asked Obama to produce his Hawaii long form birth certificate and his undergraduate college records at Occidental in California and Columbia in New York City.
The way he is protesting, this is a great ruling for Democracy. A way to counter the MSM bias during elections.
You mean, letting entities other than the Unions spend money on campaigns harms democracy? Hmmm?
Tens of millions of Americans are still upset with Roe v. Wade. Yet the feminists and other abortion supporters sneer "it's the law of the land."
This recent decision is also "the law of the land" the President Obama, who raised his hand and said he would support and defend the Constitution, is obligated by oath to defend the decision. But like all radical leftists, he hates to be constrained by this magnificent document and wants to shred it. The Republicans need to call him on his statements and remind him of his oath.
True freedom means allowing those with natural, real-world advantages to leverage those advantages in the realm of politics and government.
People at the top are there for a reason. Maybe they are more productive, smarter, born to the right parents, or simply chosen to be one of God’s elect. Whatever the reason, they deserve to be where they are. No society that values its survival and prosperity seeks to stifle its best people in order to empower the mediocre masses — or worse, its worst degenerates.
---So wait, people who are the top are more productive, smarter, born to the right parents, or chosen by God to be there, which is why we need to trust people who are in power, like Barack Obama, right?
So the “natural born citizen” imposter believes that We the People of the USA should not follow the US Constitution.
Surprise! How easy that American people get conned by a Communist that wants to supress our Rights and Freedoms.
The first few comments will be from before Obama came out against the ruling; the Freepers were more or less unconcerned with it then.
The “people” at DU are absolutely apoplectic about this ruling. They are even more exercised about it than their defeat in Mass.
It’s been a rough week for them: losing Teddy’s seat in Mass., Air America shutting down, and the SC ruling that allows free speech.
It’s fun to watch them squirm.
"Fortunately, five of the nine Justices of the Supreme Court disagreed."
Just a little clarification. Keep remembering that there are four Justices who don't care about Free Speech or the Right to Keep and Bear Arms. Also remember that they are one vote from being a majority.
A great victory but still I find it a bit obscene that it wasn’t a unanimous decision.
I guess Obama’s thugs aren’t the only ones who can spend money on politicians now. LMAO!
John McCain with his stupid "McCain-Feingold" law and the crappy campaign he ran against HUSSEIN has done more damage to this country in the last 20 years than any other entity including the terrorists.
Thank God Hayworth is going to challenge him.
The following comments address Obama's reaction to the ruling (he called it a "blow to democracy"):
Someone born in Kenya, raised in Indonesia and Hawaii, wouldn’t have a clue about the value of free speech.
Hawaii ain’t America.
As if Obama would know what democracy was! Lemme give you a hint, pal, it does not mean the permanent, unelected rule of the Democrat Party - that's tyranny, not democracy. Stupid idiot.
a translation of the blue lipped elitist's truck hating words:
"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh schucky dernos and whoopy ew dad nab the unions money and all of that money we doled out in stimulous meant to help democrats in future elections is going to have dad burned competition....I need a beer and a cigarette....get me to the golf course ASAP!"
Freedom of Association implies that people who are assembled can speak with one voice, doesn’t it? Banning associations of people from having a voice is unconstitutional on its face.
The Democrats have a free voice with the sympathetic main stream media plus the luxury of Union and Soros money. They don’t like competition. The SCOTUS has corrected a mistake. The federal gov’t can’t limit free speech.
I can't help laughing at Obama's remarks about a blow to democracy for this reason:
To me, one of the biggest blows to democracy occurred when the courts turned down lawsuits time after time that asked Obama to produce his Hawaii long form birth certificate and his undergraduate college records at Occidental in California and Columbia in New York City.
The way he is protesting, this is a great ruling for Democracy. A way to counter the MSM bias during elections.
You mean, letting entities other than the Unions spend money on campaigns harms democracy? Hmmm?
Tens of millions of Americans are still upset with Roe v. Wade. Yet the feminists and other abortion supporters sneer "it's the law of the land."
This recent decision is also "the law of the land" the President Obama, who raised his hand and said he would support and defend the Constitution, is obligated by oath to defend the decision. But like all radical leftists, he hates to be constrained by this magnificent document and wants to shred it. The Republicans need to call him on his statements and remind him of his oath.
True freedom means allowing those with natural, real-world advantages to leverage those advantages in the realm of politics and government.
People at the top are there for a reason. Maybe they are more productive, smarter, born to the right parents, or simply chosen to be one of God’s elect. Whatever the reason, they deserve to be where they are. No society that values its survival and prosperity seeks to stifle its best people in order to empower the mediocre masses — or worse, its worst degenerates.
---So wait, people who are the top are more productive, smarter, born to the right parents, or chosen by God to be there, which is why we need to trust people who are in power, like Barack Obama, right?
So the “natural born citizen” imposter believes that We the People of the USA should not follow the US Constitution.
Surprise! How easy that American people get conned by a Communist that wants to supress our Rights and Freedoms.
"We're All Communists Now"
Summary: The article's from WND, so a summary would be useless. Let's just say the article describes how the activities of the Communist Party in the US, "brazenly openly operating since 1919", have succeeded and we're all commies.
The American public is the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water. The heat has been turned up slowly, not fast. Obama didn’t foist Socialism on us—its been going on for 80 years, including under Republican presidents.
[Communism in the US] started in the mid-1800 to early 1900s when the first government schools were foisted upon Americans. Gone was the father's responsibility to educate his children. Government schools were like any virus. First there is the infection. It takes a while for the actual disease to manifest itself with symptoms.
If generations of children attend schools that socialist-funded, collectivist and voter mob managed, prison-like, filled with watered down and generic Protestantism, and compulsory, the following will happen in one to three generations:
** IRS,
** federal reserve,
** unions,
** feminism,
** League of Nations,
** Wilson,
** usurpation of large tracts of state land for federal parks,
** FDR and the New Deal
** abolishment of the ownership of gold,
** ...etc.
Simply by attending prison-like government schools since the mid-1800, generations of children have become comfortable with:
** socialism
** collectivism
** government compulsion
** prison-like behavior as seen in the airport screening and elsewhere
** voter mob control of their lives, deaths, and even “correct” thinking
It is possible to turn this nation around...BUT...closing down the government schools and getting children into private and conservative schools must be a major part of the plan.
We should have a Constitutional amendment outlawing Communists and Islam.
And don’t criticize Muslims flying airliners with passengers into building with people in them. You aren’t allowed to say anything against them.
Second article: "Public Schools and Libraries: The Failure of Socialism"
Summary: It's a video, so I can't give better context than the title here at work. Sorry!
Homeschooling is much better for children then public schools which by now teach nothing but liberal propaganda.
It’s funny....we functioned well without a national education agenda until the 1970s. We were fifty different state agendas...and pretty much based on what the local district wanted to do or not do. If they didn’t have money...they said so and you had find money via bond programs or just toss out costly requirements. Seems like we did ok for 170-odd years.
Actually this whole mess started with LBJ “Great Society” programs. In 1965, he signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the Higher Education Act of 1965. The US Department of Education building is named after him.
My sister makes $130/hr from multiple libraries all across nassau county in Long Island, NY. She went in looking to make $30/hr, they told her the going rate was $100/hr and over the last 3-4 years gave her raises.
She teaches arts & crafts once or twice a week.
Oh the library also teaches yoga!!! Got to compete with the gym after all.. The gym probably pays their teacher $30 /hr..
American schools brainwash children to accept socialism. Look at the numbers of public schooled kids who voted for N0bama vs homeschooled kids who voted for him. The message is clear.
That's why I'm against taxes and looking at conservative liberty theories. I didn't ask for those schools or libraries so why does the gov. FORCE me to pay for them? Taxes are killing me.
Kids if your parents can't afford private school or don't have the resources or don't want to homeschool then DONT GO. Liberal state education is poison. You can educate yourself by reading the Bible, using the internet and watching the news. Most of what you learn in gov. school won't even help you in real life.
I want to know how many teachers in gov. schools are socialists or have socialist leanings. I would guess 90% do and the 10% who don't won't dare say they don't.
Face it. America’s children think there too educated for their own good these days. People in my extended family have just graduated from college with liberal arts degrees and can’t find a job up to their “standards”, but won’t take a low-end job because they “went to college” and those jobs arent “good enough”. I see that with a lot of other American kids. Even kids who graduate from gov. schools think there too educated to be working their way up by starting at McDonalds. No wonder all our manufacturing jobs are going to illegals and China. College-”educated” Americans won’t do them. Let the responsible Americans homeschool or pay for private schools for their children. The children of the irresponsible will be our next labor force and b/c of that more Americans will be willing to do the jobs illegals and China are taking.
Let businessmen open their own libraries if people need libraries so much but leave MY HARD EARNED MONEY alone.
The American public is the proverbial frog in the pot of boiling water. The heat has been turned up slowly, not fast. Obama didn’t foist Socialism on us—its been going on for 80 years, including under Republican presidents.
[Communism in the US] started in the mid-1800 to early 1900s when the first government schools were foisted upon Americans. Gone was the father's responsibility to educate his children. Government schools were like any virus. First there is the infection. It takes a while for the actual disease to manifest itself with symptoms.
If generations of children attend schools that socialist-funded, collectivist and voter mob managed, prison-like, filled with watered down and generic Protestantism, and compulsory, the following will happen in one to three generations:
** IRS,
** federal reserve,
** unions,
** feminism,
** League of Nations,
** Wilson,
** usurpation of large tracts of state land for federal parks,
** FDR and the New Deal
** abolishment of the ownership of gold,
** ...etc.
Simply by attending prison-like government schools since the mid-1800, generations of children have become comfortable with:
** socialism
** collectivism
** government compulsion
** prison-like behavior as seen in the airport screening and elsewhere
** voter mob control of their lives, deaths, and even “correct” thinking
It is possible to turn this nation around...BUT...closing down the government schools and getting children into private and conservative schools must be a major part of the plan.
We should have a Constitutional amendment outlawing Communists and Islam.
And don’t criticize Muslims flying airliners with passengers into building with people in them. You aren’t allowed to say anything against them.
Second article: "Public Schools and Libraries: The Failure of Socialism"
Summary: It's a video, so I can't give better context than the title here at work. Sorry!
Homeschooling is much better for children then public schools which by now teach nothing but liberal propaganda.
It’s funny....we functioned well without a national education agenda until the 1970s. We were fifty different state agendas...and pretty much based on what the local district wanted to do or not do. If they didn’t have money...they said so and you had find money via bond programs or just toss out costly requirements. Seems like we did ok for 170-odd years.
Actually this whole mess started with LBJ “Great Society” programs. In 1965, he signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the Higher Education Act of 1965. The US Department of Education building is named after him.
My sister makes $130/hr from multiple libraries all across nassau county in Long Island, NY. She went in looking to make $30/hr, they told her the going rate was $100/hr and over the last 3-4 years gave her raises.
She teaches arts & crafts once or twice a week.
Oh the library also teaches yoga!!! Got to compete with the gym after all.. The gym probably pays their teacher $30 /hr..
American schools brainwash children to accept socialism. Look at the numbers of public schooled kids who voted for N0bama vs homeschooled kids who voted for him. The message is clear.
That's why I'm against taxes and looking at conservative liberty theories. I didn't ask for those schools or libraries so why does the gov. FORCE me to pay for them? Taxes are killing me.
Kids if your parents can't afford private school or don't have the resources or don't want to homeschool then DONT GO. Liberal state education is poison. You can educate yourself by reading the Bible, using the internet and watching the news. Most of what you learn in gov. school won't even help you in real life.
I want to know how many teachers in gov. schools are socialists or have socialist leanings. I would guess 90% do and the 10% who don't won't dare say they don't.
Face it. America’s children think there too educated for their own good these days. People in my extended family have just graduated from college with liberal arts degrees and can’t find a job up to their “standards”, but won’t take a low-end job because they “went to college” and those jobs arent “good enough”. I see that with a lot of other American kids. Even kids who graduate from gov. schools think there too educated to be working their way up by starting at McDonalds. No wonder all our manufacturing jobs are going to illegals and China. College-”educated” Americans won’t do them. Let the responsible Americans homeschool or pay for private schools for their children. The children of the irresponsible will be our next labor force and b/c of that more Americans will be willing to do the jobs illegals and China are taking.
Let businessmen open their own libraries if people need libraries so much but leave MY HARD EARNED MONEY alone.
Monday, June 27, 2011
The school from hell: Teachers fear for lives as students run amok (New York City
Anon requested a post about education.
Article from the New York Post
Summary: This middle school in Harlem is one of the worst performing schools in the country, and there is an ongoing debate about whether it needs to be shut down.
“MS 344, the Academy of Collaborative Education in Harlem”
A little of their home country,set up Here.
Just a wild guess here, but I would guess this school is run by...
Just have the teacher up in front with an armed guard or two with 870s in the back. Take out a few each day and by th eend of the first week things improve, if not, continue the practice...great for student teacher ratios too.
Where are the parents? They are at home teaching their children hate. The children come to school with minds so full of hate they have a hard time learning anything new. It’s not just in Harlem. There are schools in the south where the students no longer even listen to the black teachers. The students say, “Don’t have to! Got Obama now!”
Why do we have to pay for animals to go to school?
When my dog gets dropped for play day at PetSmart, I don’t expect my fellow taxpayers to foot the bill.
The school is probably run by mostly black teachers.
I am always nonplussed about the situation with inner city schools. In that, in most of these schools, there are black teachers, black principals, and black administrators. Many of the cities have black mayors, and mostly black members of school boards overseeing the schools. So by definition, the problems in these schools are not due to racism, because the people running these schools are members of minority groups, just as the students are.
As to why such behavior is tolerated in these schools, God only knows. Except for those rare people, such as Joe Clark, the principal years ago at an inner city school who walked around with a bullhorn, and worked to instill discipline, too many people running these schools are unable/unwilling to instill discipline that the rest of us would take for granted in a school
The villain in the piece sounds like the principal, Rashaunda Shaw, with assists from the NAACP and teachers' union.
I wouldn't hire someone with a name like Rashaunda to work for my company, so I sure as hell wouldn't want my kid going to a school where this mutant is in any position of authority as a teacher or administrator.
Everything I ever needed to know about race relations in America, I learned from Bill Cosby.
"Indeed. In my day the teachers hit back."
Oh yeah. The other eighth-grade teacher in my school (there were only two), Mr. Lytle who was a Vietnam Vet, picked up a kid named Jamie and THREW him against a wall. I don't remember what Jamie had done, but Mr. Lytle seemed to be a pretty reasonable guy so I'm sure it wasn't for nothing.
When heredity and environment are bad, school is a waste of time and money. The frank realization that only custodial care need be given would help; i.e. physically large well trained guards giving lots of physical exercise.
Article from the New York Post
Summary: This middle school in Harlem is one of the worst performing schools in the country, and there is an ongoing debate about whether it needs to be shut down.
“MS 344, the Academy of Collaborative Education in Harlem”
A little of their home country,set up Here.
Just a wild guess here, but I would guess this school is run by...
Just have the teacher up in front with an armed guard or two with 870s in the back. Take out a few each day and by th eend of the first week things improve, if not, continue the practice...great for student teacher ratios too.
Where are the parents? They are at home teaching their children hate. The children come to school with minds so full of hate they have a hard time learning anything new. It’s not just in Harlem. There are schools in the south where the students no longer even listen to the black teachers. The students say, “Don’t have to! Got Obama now!”
Why do we have to pay for animals to go to school?
When my dog gets dropped for play day at PetSmart, I don’t expect my fellow taxpayers to foot the bill.
The school is probably run by mostly black teachers.
I am always nonplussed about the situation with inner city schools. In that, in most of these schools, there are black teachers, black principals, and black administrators. Many of the cities have black mayors, and mostly black members of school boards overseeing the schools. So by definition, the problems in these schools are not due to racism, because the people running these schools are members of minority groups, just as the students are.
As to why such behavior is tolerated in these schools, God only knows. Except for those rare people, such as Joe Clark, the principal years ago at an inner city school who walked around with a bullhorn, and worked to instill discipline, too many people running these schools are unable/unwilling to instill discipline that the rest of us would take for granted in a school
The villain in the piece sounds like the principal, Rashaunda Shaw, with assists from the NAACP and teachers' union.
I wouldn't hire someone with a name like Rashaunda to work for my company, so I sure as hell wouldn't want my kid going to a school where this mutant is in any position of authority as a teacher or administrator.
Everything I ever needed to know about race relations in America, I learned from Bill Cosby.
"Indeed. In my day the teachers hit back."
Oh yeah. The other eighth-grade teacher in my school (there were only two), Mr. Lytle who was a Vietnam Vet, picked up a kid named Jamie and THREW him against a wall. I don't remember what Jamie had done, but Mr. Lytle seemed to be a pretty reasonable guy so I'm sure it wasn't for nothing.
When heredity and environment are bad, school is a waste of time and money. The frank realization that only custodial care need be given would help; i.e. physically large well trained guards giving lots of physical exercise.
The Stuuuupidest Bumper Sticker Ever
Link goes to a right wing site (I'll spare you), where the author shows a picture of the bumper sticker he saw: "It Wouldn't Kill You To Learn Spanish"
It wouldn’t kill you to go back to Mexico.
Oh, wait...
I speak enough Spanish to keep them off guard. Once coming out of a 7-11 near where I live(and the Mexican illegals hang out) I had one looking at me kinda funny so I said in German “Guten tag, schissekopf!’’(Good morning sh!thead!’’) Man did he look at me weird!
I speak, read, and write French as they wont allow you to graduate from HS in canadastan without it. I learned Japanese forcefully because my job depends on it. If there ever was a new language I would learn it would be Mandarin, as the Chicoms will be the new enemies of the country.
Spanish? Just like that Beavis and Butthead episode, the only thing I care about is burritos, nachos and of course, kulos’ and tetas.
"It wouldn't kill you to learn Spanish."
aka "The Language of the Kitchen". English today is the Language of the Boardroom.
(While Mandarin will be the language of the Boardroom tomorrow)
The bumper sticker shows the ignorance of liberals!
The 'illegals' normally don't speak 'Spanish'. They speak Mexican and South American dialects that contain some Spanish words. If you spoke to one in 'Spanish' they most likely would not understand you.
I lived in South Texas for several years and had a good friend that spoke fluent Spanish. He couldn't understand them either. I also had a friend who immigrated from Mexico. He admitted that he couldn't speak Spanish.
Liberals are just stupid and don't know it. They shouldn't be in charge and probably shouldn't be allowed to vote.
If I could only have two bumper stickers on my car, one would ‘deportation’ in Spanish, the other the same, in Arabic.
English is the language of Commerce, Diplomacy and Science.
Spanish is the language of Cooking, Cleaning and Landscaping.
I walked past a group of short dark gentlemen at a construction site in my neighborhood last week, a quick “Hola, La Migra”, really gets a reaction.
Puerto Ricans speak it. How tough could it possibly be?
It wouldn't kill us to pay for all their medical care, schooling, and incarcerations, either. But it's not very freaking fair, either, is it?
It wouldn’t kill you to go back to Mexico.
Oh, wait...
I speak enough Spanish to keep them off guard. Once coming out of a 7-11 near where I live(and the Mexican illegals hang out) I had one looking at me kinda funny so I said in German “Guten tag, schissekopf!’’(Good morning sh!thead!’’) Man did he look at me weird!
I speak, read, and write French as they wont allow you to graduate from HS in canadastan without it. I learned Japanese forcefully because my job depends on it. If there ever was a new language I would learn it would be Mandarin, as the Chicoms will be the new enemies of the country.
Spanish? Just like that Beavis and Butthead episode, the only thing I care about is burritos, nachos and of course, kulos’ and tetas.
"It wouldn't kill you to learn Spanish."
aka "The Language of the Kitchen". English today is the Language of the Boardroom.
(While Mandarin will be the language of the Boardroom tomorrow)
The bumper sticker shows the ignorance of liberals!
The 'illegals' normally don't speak 'Spanish'. They speak Mexican and South American dialects that contain some Spanish words. If you spoke to one in 'Spanish' they most likely would not understand you.
I lived in South Texas for several years and had a good friend that spoke fluent Spanish. He couldn't understand them either. I also had a friend who immigrated from Mexico. He admitted that he couldn't speak Spanish.
Liberals are just stupid and don't know it. They shouldn't be in charge and probably shouldn't be allowed to vote.
If I could only have two bumper stickers on my car, one would ‘deportation’ in Spanish, the other the same, in Arabic.
English is the language of Commerce, Diplomacy and Science.
Spanish is the language of Cooking, Cleaning and Landscaping.
I walked past a group of short dark gentlemen at a construction site in my neighborhood last week, a quick “Hola, La Migra”, really gets a reaction.
Puerto Ricans speak it. How tough could it possibly be?
It wouldn't kill us to pay for all their medical care, schooling, and incarcerations, either. But it's not very freaking fair, either, is it?
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Request a topic!
And please, nothing about the new NY gay marriage law; I've done 5 posts about it. I'll add some updates later, but we need some fresh news.
Also if I see one more person saying that 9/11 was deserved or that New York needs to be bombed, I'm basically going up to whoever wins the 2012 nom and doing this:

So let me know what you want to see. It can be as specific as the Montana 2006 Senate Elections, or as general as Hollywood.
And please, nothing about the new NY gay marriage law; I've done 5 posts about it. I'll add some updates later, but we need some fresh news.
Also if I see one more person saying that 9/11 was deserved or that New York needs to be bombed, I'm basically going up to whoever wins the 2012 nom and doing this:
So let me know what you want to see. It can be as specific as the Montana 2006 Senate Elections, or as general as Hollywood.
Peorians living in fear (Racial Violence)
Article from The Right Perspective
Summary: A mob of sixty or more black youths marched in one suburb of Chicago, chanting that they needed to kill the white people and take their neighborhood back, according to witnesses. It is also not being reported outside of Drudge and the right wing blogs currently.
They’re practicing for the election.
Why not behave this way? Why get a good education or job or anything else for that matter. When their whole life the government has provided them with everything.
The police....they sound like real cowards. they hear a riot and they bug out. Two brave cops show up but cant do squat because they were outnumbered.
Advice to people living there....move and do it quickly. If possible do a burnt earth thing behind you.
This is what Obama and Holder wanted.....thanks to them this country is nose-diving.
I'm guessing this is Peoria Illinois. I'm also guessing that this may be practice for later.
Visualize Election Day 2012 with roving bands intimidating any white person daring to go near any election site. Obama and the Chicago mob are not likely to want to go quietly.
"We don’t know if they’re African American."
It really doesn't matter.
They are urban feral humans...race/color/tribe/religion makes no difference.
The cure is the same, the sooner the better.
None of the White People have guns in this town? Deterrence is the only method ever to prevent war.
It’s way past time to start shooting back. They are a minority and about to become more so.
Just as the Islamists were waging a religious war against the US and the US was stunningly oblivious of the fact so too are blacks waging a racial war against whites and so too are whites stunningly oblivious to the fact.
Slavery is the scourge of the white man not the black. Whereas blacks got a ticket to paradise, whites are suffering the consequences to this day.
This article makes my trigger finger itch.
In ancient times the Spartans would send their youth out at night to kill any Helot felt to be a threat. The Helots were the people who once ruled that part of ancient Greece conquered by the Spartans-a Dorian people. Such an interaction between the victors and vanquished is starting here.
Gee, some white-skinned, God fearing, armed, ex-military US patriot might construe that as a personal death threat. Anyone sure some of those black yuts in Peoria yelling "kill whitey" weren't CIA? Friends of Holder I'd bet. 2012 election gona be a doozie
I see you are a “social planner”. The problem is feral people, not developers.
Summary: A mob of sixty or more black youths marched in one suburb of Chicago, chanting that they needed to kill the white people and take their neighborhood back, according to witnesses. It is also not being reported outside of Drudge and the right wing blogs currently.
They’re practicing for the election.
Why not behave this way? Why get a good education or job or anything else for that matter. When their whole life the government has provided them with everything.
The police....they sound like real cowards. they hear a riot and they bug out. Two brave cops show up but cant do squat because they were outnumbered.
Advice to people living there....move and do it quickly. If possible do a burnt earth thing behind you.
This is what Obama and Holder wanted.....thanks to them this country is nose-diving.
I'm guessing this is Peoria Illinois. I'm also guessing that this may be practice for later.
Visualize Election Day 2012 with roving bands intimidating any white person daring to go near any election site. Obama and the Chicago mob are not likely to want to go quietly.
"We don’t know if they’re African American."
It really doesn't matter.
They are urban feral humans...race/color/tribe/religion makes no difference.
The cure is the same, the sooner the better.
None of the White People have guns in this town? Deterrence is the only method ever to prevent war.
It’s way past time to start shooting back. They are a minority and about to become more so.
Just as the Islamists were waging a religious war against the US and the US was stunningly oblivious of the fact so too are blacks waging a racial war against whites and so too are whites stunningly oblivious to the fact.
Slavery is the scourge of the white man not the black. Whereas blacks got a ticket to paradise, whites are suffering the consequences to this day.
This article makes my trigger finger itch.
In ancient times the Spartans would send their youth out at night to kill any Helot felt to be a threat. The Helots were the people who once ruled that part of ancient Greece conquered by the Spartans-a Dorian people. Such an interaction between the victors and vanquished is starting here.
Gee, some white-skinned, God fearing, armed, ex-military US patriot might construe that as a personal death threat. Anyone sure some of those black yuts in Peoria yelling "kill whitey" weren't CIA? Friends of Holder I'd bet. 2012 election gona be a doozie
I see you are a “social planner”. The problem is feral people, not developers.
French Fries and fat cakes for U.S. First Lady in Botswana
Article from Reuters
She is not an elegant lady.
“Fat Cakes” would be a terrific nick name for her!
Michelle is going to need two plane seats for the return trip.
Classless, bitter, hateful and ugly inside and out.
The Obamas certainly fulfill the liberal hypocrisy requirement. I think they both got an “A” in that class at Harvard.
This creature is a living insult to eye and ear.
I didn’t see her reach for her handbag, and noone was reaching for his wallet.
Looks like Mooch is a grifter, like her buddy Hitlary
What a fat-@ssed ghetto queen we have for a FLOTUS. She is a disgrace and I can’t wait until 2012 when we can fumigate our White House.
Once Baraq got elected to senate and her gravy hospital job started, it's been the good life ever since.
She is not an elegant lady.
“Fat Cakes” would be a terrific nick name for her!
Michelle is going to need two plane seats for the return trip.
Classless, bitter, hateful and ugly inside and out.
The Obamas certainly fulfill the liberal hypocrisy requirement. I think they both got an “A” in that class at Harvard.
This creature is a living insult to eye and ear.
I didn’t see her reach for her handbag, and noone was reaching for his wallet.
Looks like Mooch is a grifter, like her buddy Hitlary
What a fat-@ssed ghetto queen we have for a FLOTUS. She is a disgrace and I can’t wait until 2012 when we can fumigate our White House.
Once Baraq got elected to senate and her gravy hospital job started, it's been the good life ever since.
Part 5: "Some celebrity quotes on NY's new gay marriage law"
Last one on the NY gay marriage thing for now.
Article from AP
Deluded fools. Do they think this will make them happy?
"If they are gay, why are they so pissed all of the time?"
"I too would be very unhappy and pissed off if i had to take a penis up in my rectum or down my throat during sex. Like it not it is the truth and that is what happens when two men have sex. Sorry but it is abnormal behavior and a mental disorder."
fraid there are heteros that practice both functions you mention.........although Ive always stayed away from the 1st the 2nd I wont turn down.
IMOP the abnormal behavior is males and or females attarcted to each other
"Homosexual marriage wasn’t the goal.
Being recognized as main stream enough to teach kids that homosexuality is their right, was.
This has opened the floodgates to teaching kids about stuff most folks wouldn’t even want to know about as an adult.
It’s high time straight folks stand up and say, “Not with my kids you’re don’t.”"
Homosexual marriage wasn’t the goal.
Being recognized as main stream enough to teach kids that homosexuality is their right, was.
This has opened the floodgates to teaching kids about stuff most folks wouldn’t even want to know about as an adult.
It’s high time straight folks stand up and say, “Not with my kids you’re don’t.”
Next it will be Polygamy to appease the Arabs and Mormons. Its going to happen—they will push so much that the back lash will be even worse.
"Sometimes when you read stuff like this article, you think that Khomeini might have been on to something when he called America the great Satan."
Until you look at what actually goes on in those Moose countries. They have ways of hiding sodomy or blackmailing the victim not to tell about it lest he or she encounter a “rocky” future. Goats are fair game. Of course a religion that never pretended not to be barbaric may not be as piteous a sight as a group of people claiming a non-barbaric religion but acting as bad as any barbarians on earth.
Just wait until they discover the wonders of divorce, child custody, and monogamy. Once they start having to split property 50/50 or alimony payments just wait for realization to set in. They know not what they have done.
Article from AP
Deluded fools. Do they think this will make them happy?
"If they are gay, why are they so pissed all of the time?"
"I too would be very unhappy and pissed off if i had to take a penis up in my rectum or down my throat during sex. Like it not it is the truth and that is what happens when two men have sex. Sorry but it is abnormal behavior and a mental disorder."
fraid there are heteros that practice both functions you mention.........although Ive always stayed away from the 1st the 2nd I wont turn down.
IMOP the abnormal behavior is males and or females attarcted to each other
"Homosexual marriage wasn’t the goal.
Being recognized as main stream enough to teach kids that homosexuality is their right, was.
This has opened the floodgates to teaching kids about stuff most folks wouldn’t even want to know about as an adult.
It’s high time straight folks stand up and say, “Not with my kids you’re don’t.”"
Homosexual marriage wasn’t the goal.
Being recognized as main stream enough to teach kids that homosexuality is their right, was.
This has opened the floodgates to teaching kids about stuff most folks wouldn’t even want to know about as an adult.
It’s high time straight folks stand up and say, “Not with my kids you’re don’t.”
Next it will be Polygamy to appease the Arabs and Mormons. Its going to happen—they will push so much that the back lash will be even worse.
"Sometimes when you read stuff like this article, you think that Khomeini might have been on to something when he called America the great Satan."
Until you look at what actually goes on in those Moose countries. They have ways of hiding sodomy or blackmailing the victim not to tell about it lest he or she encounter a “rocky” future. Goats are fair game. Of course a religion that never pretended not to be barbaric may not be as piteous a sight as a group of people claiming a non-barbaric religion but acting as bad as any barbarians on earth.
Just wait until they discover the wonders of divorce, child custody, and monogamy. Once they start having to split property 50/50 or alimony payments just wait for realization to set in. They know not what they have done.
gay rights,
new york
Part 4: "Google Chrome releases 'It Gets Better' video for teens"
Article/video from CBS
How is getting AIDS “better” ?
I’m a “Binger”.
Dan Savage is the last person I’d want representing any group I belonged to. The guy’s a complete prick.
So much so, he’d consider my disdain a badge of “honor”.
I get so tired fo this. It’s going to get to the point that young gays are going to get so “empowered” that they’re going to turn into entitled little monsters.
Sometimes I think 20 years from now it will be legal to murder or at least assault straight white males.
From a book I’m writing...
“The biggest hindrance to critical thought by society at large centers around the way people have been programmed by books, articles, music, TV shows and movies to ‘think’ about homosexuality. The fact is, homosexuality is not two men driving down the Pacific Coast Highway in a new convertible with the top down. It’s not two women sitting at a cafe overlooking the Mediterranean. It’s not some kid with multi-colored hair wearing ‘skinny jeans’ and a black t-shirt texting his ‘boyfriend’ with a look of longing on his face or any of the thousands of images AstroTurfed across the media to show everyone how ‘normal’ it is...”See? They’re just like us! We do those things too!”
How embracing of homosexuality would the public be if those TV commercials went on a little longer to show the literal homosexuality. Think Car Company X would make a lot of sales from the straight world showing Biff and Brad laid out across that big, expensive hood in a 69? Think the ‘Drink-a-lotta Coffie Company’ will see profits soar with images of Ellen fisting Rosie while she’s bent over the balcony rail? Or how about when Color-kid’s ‘boyfriend’ gets that text message saying the AIDS test came back positive?”
How is getting AIDS “better” ?
I’m a “Binger”.
Dan Savage is the last person I’d want representing any group I belonged to. The guy’s a complete prick.
So much so, he’d consider my disdain a badge of “honor”.
I get so tired fo this. It’s going to get to the point that young gays are going to get so “empowered” that they’re going to turn into entitled little monsters.
Sometimes I think 20 years from now it will be legal to murder or at least assault straight white males.
From a book I’m writing...
“The biggest hindrance to critical thought by society at large centers around the way people have been programmed by books, articles, music, TV shows and movies to ‘think’ about homosexuality. The fact is, homosexuality is not two men driving down the Pacific Coast Highway in a new convertible with the top down. It’s not two women sitting at a cafe overlooking the Mediterranean. It’s not some kid with multi-colored hair wearing ‘skinny jeans’ and a black t-shirt texting his ‘boyfriend’ with a look of longing on his face or any of the thousands of images AstroTurfed across the media to show everyone how ‘normal’ it is...”See? They’re just like us! We do those things too!”
How embracing of homosexuality would the public be if those TV commercials went on a little longer to show the literal homosexuality. Think Car Company X would make a lot of sales from the straight world showing Biff and Brad laid out across that big, expensive hood in a 69? Think the ‘Drink-a-lotta Coffie Company’ will see profits soar with images of Ellen fisting Rosie while she’s bent over the balcony rail? Or how about when Color-kid’s ‘boyfriend’ gets that text message saying the AIDS test came back positive?”
gay rights,
Saturday, June 25, 2011
C-c-c-combo breaker: "Iowa: Governor Palin to Attend Premier of “The Undefeated” in Pella on June 28th"
Summary: Palin's new documentary (ironically titled "The Undefeated") is debuting in Pella, Iowa, with Palin and fam in attendance.
So. This happens Tuesday the 28th, in Pella, one day after Michele Bachmann announces (for the second time) in Waterloo 80 miles away. And people still think Gov. Palin, the GOP VP nominee in 2008, isn’t running?
Beautyful, she still hasn’t announced but this event and the media hysteria which will follow it will make her the most talked about politician in Iowa if she already isn’t.
This is the kind of media exposure that millions are spent to obtain and all the rest of the field will be busting their humps to pick up a dozen votes or so here and there.
If any of them are really smart, they will come to the premier as will thousands from across the midwest.
The Announced will be toting that barge and lifting that bale while Sarah waltzes around them all drawing at least hundreds of times of people. I LOVE it. Her campaign is starting to show signs of brilliance.
Obama will be in Iowa, too, at about the same time. Hmmmm, who will have the bigger (voluntary) turn out?
"I thought she was on jury duty."
She's secretly trying to drive people like you insane. And it's working.
In a time not so very long ago, a man of logic, reason and rationality, upset by the injustice of the mindless and their baseless attacks upon his candidate of choice, did undertake a quest to discover the nature of the PDS’er.
And so did the man travel to the far corners of the Earth, for in his travels he could find no wisdom, nor wise man, to satisfactorily explain the root cause of Palin Derangement Syndrome, nor it’s effect on those so smitten. It was not until a chance encounter with a Zen Master high atop a remote mountain in Tibet that our hero found his answer.
“To discover the nature of the PDS’er,” said the Zen Master, One must understand the logic of why the sky is yellow.”
Confused by the sage words of the old wise man, our hero listened intently as the knowledge of the ages sprung forth from his old and weathered lips...
“To discover the nature of the PDS’er, One must understand the fact that dogs meow and cats bark at passing cars.”
“To discover the nature of the PDS’er, One must understand the reason why the sun shines brightly in the night sky.”
For what seemed like hours the Zen Master spoke thusly until finally our hero looked upon him and said “Master, dogs do not meow, nor cats bark. The sky is not yellow but blue and the sun shines in it by day, not by night. To spout such nonsense is neither logical, nor rational, nor factual. In fact, you’d have to be nuts to believe any of that!”
And so did our hero gain enlightenment into the nature of the PDS’er.
--- Note: PDS = Palin Derangement Syndrome, a term used against those who say Palin can't or won't win the 2012 nomination.
Well, the thing is that Sarah has to be smarter than anybody else with so much dirt and hatred sent to her. But with the help of God, she is.
So. This happens Tuesday the 28th, in Pella, one day after Michele Bachmann announces (for the second time) in Waterloo 80 miles away. And people still think Gov. Palin, the GOP VP nominee in 2008, isn’t running?
Beautyful, she still hasn’t announced but this event and the media hysteria which will follow it will make her the most talked about politician in Iowa if she already isn’t.
This is the kind of media exposure that millions are spent to obtain and all the rest of the field will be busting their humps to pick up a dozen votes or so here and there.
If any of them are really smart, they will come to the premier as will thousands from across the midwest.
The Announced will be toting that barge and lifting that bale while Sarah waltzes around them all drawing at least hundreds of times of people. I LOVE it. Her campaign is starting to show signs of brilliance.
Obama will be in Iowa, too, at about the same time. Hmmmm, who will have the bigger (voluntary) turn out?
"I thought she was on jury duty."
She's secretly trying to drive people like you insane. And it's working.
In a time not so very long ago, a man of logic, reason and rationality, upset by the injustice of the mindless and their baseless attacks upon his candidate of choice, did undertake a quest to discover the nature of the PDS’er.
And so did the man travel to the far corners of the Earth, for in his travels he could find no wisdom, nor wise man, to satisfactorily explain the root cause of Palin Derangement Syndrome, nor it’s effect on those so smitten. It was not until a chance encounter with a Zen Master high atop a remote mountain in Tibet that our hero found his answer.
“To discover the nature of the PDS’er,” said the Zen Master, One must understand the logic of why the sky is yellow.”
Confused by the sage words of the old wise man, our hero listened intently as the knowledge of the ages sprung forth from his old and weathered lips...
“To discover the nature of the PDS’er, One must understand the fact that dogs meow and cats bark at passing cars.”
“To discover the nature of the PDS’er, One must understand the reason why the sun shines brightly in the night sky.”
For what seemed like hours the Zen Master spoke thusly until finally our hero looked upon him and said “Master, dogs do not meow, nor cats bark. The sky is not yellow but blue and the sun shines in it by day, not by night. To spout such nonsense is neither logical, nor rational, nor factual. In fact, you’d have to be nuts to believe any of that!”
And so did our hero gain enlightenment into the nature of the PDS’er.
--- Note: PDS = Palin Derangement Syndrome, a term used against those who say Palin can't or won't win the 2012 nomination.
Well, the thing is that Sarah has to be smarter than anybody else with so much dirt and hatred sent to her. But with the help of God, she is.
Part 3; "NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Signs State's Marriage Equality Bill"
No article.
That was fast. Must have signed it in his boxer shorts.
Garbage politicians throw the entire electorate overboard for less than 2% of the population for this ridiculous insanity.
Burn in hell NY.
"So I have a question. If I wanted to marry a male friend ( I’m a male) with no sex involved, I could do it in NY and the other states that have passed similar laws. You don’t have to prove a sexual relationship. There are several reasons why this might make sense to do. Citizenship rights is just one of them. Of course it would be a sham deal, but so what. This is going to lead to a lot of complications."
You are on to something there. Especially as it relates the immigration.
I’m anxious for “married” gays to start taking on the responsibilities of married regular people....especially the TAXES that they’ve skirted all these years...
So, why couldn’t they put this crap up for a popular vote? Were they afraid the little people would not support this? Aren’t there enough welfare cases in NY to pimp this out? What a pathetic state, roads suck, NYC seems like a third-world country in most parts, too expensive.
Next up: Polygamy. Guaranteed within 10 years the islamists will have forced the dems and RINOS to legalize polygamy.
The good news is this can be changed but the bad news it will take even more work than in Iowa where I’m certain that we are going to succeed in reversing it there. I’m glad that groups like NOM are getting better and better at going on the offensive the problem is the core of the gay rights fiction and its big govt orwellian goals has to be hit over and over again. Also the idea that someone can be “born gay” has to be destoryed in much the same way the idea of AGW has been destoryed in the minds of everyone but those in the political, media, and academic classes.
The problem with these big fictions under the guise of liberty is granted by govt rather than a function of the absence of govt. Homosexual marriage was not banned in NY. It simply was not licensed in NY by the state govt. There is just so much wrong with the juvenile unreasoned ideas and propaganda that has led to this type of thing.
People think they can hide from or ignore these social issues because it makes them uncomfortable or they want to be hip but it is exactly these issues that will allow the govt to eventually censor even the free exercise of your conscience.
I hate my state. On to your commnet - Of freaking course ! This ain't no I now pronounce you chuck and larry scenario. Imagine if my brother is unemployed now and needs a life saving operation and such. why can't I marry him and get him on my insurance plan ? Or better yet, my beautiful St. Bernard Sasha is gonna need an amputation and a lifetime of therapy and drug products. How bout I make her my better half to get her on my plan. This is totally AFU for so many reasons. Not the LEAST of which is the fact that it's just wrong.
So now they get to “play house” under the official state recognition. Their legislative and judicial victories amount to nothing in God`s eyes. To Him, they`re just “playing house.”
Those pro-homo “marriage” senators and legislators will have some `splainin` to do someday.
I hate NY , too . Even though my mother , 4 sisters , + cousins , nephews and nieces live on Long Island , I haven’t been back ( from Japan ) in 7 years , and have no plans to visit . I did arrange to see my Mom and youngest sister in Hawaii ( Big Island ) 4 years ago , though . NY , CT , MA , VT , ME , NJ....the whole place sucks a big one . Couldn’t pay me to live there again .
There is a far better argument from history and religion for polygamy than for homosexuality.
The idea that guys butt-plugging each other needs recognition by society as the equivalent of marriage is stupid. The idea that God will not notice or respond is even more amazing, but then, I tend to think Obama is part of God’s judgment on an increasingly evil America.
I fully expect N.A.M.B.L.A. to follow the successful example of the sodomites. And to any liberal that laughs that idea off, no one in the 50’s would ever have taken seriously the notion that two men could openly kiss one another. Suggesting two men marry would more than likely ended in a trip to a Sanitarium.
How dare these elitists do this. They can afford to send their children to the best private schools, their children won’t be hit with the truama of being taught lies that it is ok to be perverted in your personal life. My heart cries for the little children in the inner cities who must suffer the cruelty of everyday life, only to be hit with more assualts to their innocent minds that are already under attack, when they attend school and their minds are assualted in this cruel way. I am mad about this. Is anyone thinking about the defenseless amoung us? The children. This is so wrong!
That was fast. Must have signed it in his boxer shorts.
Garbage politicians throw the entire electorate overboard for less than 2% of the population for this ridiculous insanity.
Burn in hell NY.
"So I have a question. If I wanted to marry a male friend ( I’m a male) with no sex involved, I could do it in NY and the other states that have passed similar laws. You don’t have to prove a sexual relationship. There are several reasons why this might make sense to do. Citizenship rights is just one of them. Of course it would be a sham deal, but so what. This is going to lead to a lot of complications."
You are on to something there. Especially as it relates the immigration.
I’m anxious for “married” gays to start taking on the responsibilities of married regular people....especially the TAXES that they’ve skirted all these years...
So, why couldn’t they put this crap up for a popular vote? Were they afraid the little people would not support this? Aren’t there enough welfare cases in NY to pimp this out? What a pathetic state, roads suck, NYC seems like a third-world country in most parts, too expensive.
Next up: Polygamy. Guaranteed within 10 years the islamists will have forced the dems and RINOS to legalize polygamy.
The good news is this can be changed but the bad news it will take even more work than in Iowa where I’m certain that we are going to succeed in reversing it there. I’m glad that groups like NOM are getting better and better at going on the offensive the problem is the core of the gay rights fiction and its big govt orwellian goals has to be hit over and over again. Also the idea that someone can be “born gay” has to be destoryed in much the same way the idea of AGW has been destoryed in the minds of everyone but those in the political, media, and academic classes.
The problem with these big fictions under the guise of liberty is granted by govt rather than a function of the absence of govt. Homosexual marriage was not banned in NY. It simply was not licensed in NY by the state govt. There is just so much wrong with the juvenile unreasoned ideas and propaganda that has led to this type of thing.
People think they can hide from or ignore these social issues because it makes them uncomfortable or they want to be hip but it is exactly these issues that will allow the govt to eventually censor even the free exercise of your conscience.
I hate my state. On to your commnet - Of freaking course ! This ain't no I now pronounce you chuck and larry scenario. Imagine if my brother is unemployed now and needs a life saving operation and such. why can't I marry him and get him on my insurance plan ? Or better yet, my beautiful St. Bernard Sasha is gonna need an amputation and a lifetime of therapy and drug products. How bout I make her my better half to get her on my plan. This is totally AFU for so many reasons. Not the LEAST of which is the fact that it's just wrong.
So now they get to “play house” under the official state recognition. Their legislative and judicial victories amount to nothing in God`s eyes. To Him, they`re just “playing house.”
Those pro-homo “marriage” senators and legislators will have some `splainin` to do someday.
I hate NY , too . Even though my mother , 4 sisters , + cousins , nephews and nieces live on Long Island , I haven’t been back ( from Japan ) in 7 years , and have no plans to visit . I did arrange to see my Mom and youngest sister in Hawaii ( Big Island ) 4 years ago , though . NY , CT , MA , VT , ME , NJ....the whole place sucks a big one . Couldn’t pay me to live there again .
There is a far better argument from history and religion for polygamy than for homosexuality.
The idea that guys butt-plugging each other needs recognition by society as the equivalent of marriage is stupid. The idea that God will not notice or respond is even more amazing, but then, I tend to think Obama is part of God’s judgment on an increasingly evil America.
I fully expect N.A.M.B.L.A. to follow the successful example of the sodomites. And to any liberal that laughs that idea off, no one in the 50’s would ever have taken seriously the notion that two men could openly kiss one another. Suggesting two men marry would more than likely ended in a trip to a Sanitarium.
How dare these elitists do this. They can afford to send their children to the best private schools, their children won’t be hit with the truama of being taught lies that it is ok to be perverted in your personal life. My heart cries for the little children in the inner cities who must suffer the cruelty of everyday life, only to be hit with more assualts to their innocent minds that are already under attack, when they attend school and their minds are assualted in this cruel way. I am mad about this. Is anyone thinking about the defenseless amoung us? The children. This is so wrong!
Part 2: "NY Legislature legalizes gay marriage"
Article from AP, via Breitbart
The idiots didn’t legalize homosexual marriage, they’re laying the groundwork to persecute those that don’t support it!
Making perversion legal - the end of a once great Republic. Obozo will finish us off once and for all.
Welcome to the GAY APPLE, folks. Everything Guliani did to clean up the city is now going to be undone over time.
Yes, Democrats, screwing the American people, one vote at a time. And we thought that Anthony Weiner was crazy!
One of the shortest verses in the Bible ... just 3 words.
Luke 17:32 KJV
Remember Lot’s wife.
And the homosexual pride parades will be extra special this year because of the desire to celebrate this history.
Has any culture in history ever recognized homosexual marriage? Until recent years? I was talking to someone who said homosexuality was very open in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. They took issue with me saying that while tolerated, it was not put on the same legal status as male/female marriage.
I always wonder where it will end. Homosexual marriage was inconceivable even less than 20 years ago. It makes you wonder what will be normalized and/or forced through courts in the next 20 years.
In addition to this, though, I wonder about the survival of our culture and society, when we have normalized so many negative behaviors. The “baby mama” culture, the gang culture, the pornography culture, the idiocracy of the entertainment business, etc.
Well, I always thought that if the tragic scenario occurred in which Al-Qaeda got its hands on a nuke, for me the least upsetting place for it to be set off would be in Hollywood. But, I’m really thinking right now that New York is pulling to the forefront.
To repeat, burn in hell, New York!!
New York, lol. It's been a corrupt, mob-controlled government for decades.
Whatever... Those sick scumbags can't force me to recognize sodomite marriage.
If I recall correctly, NY was one of the first states to legalize abortion.
The apostacy and end time as described in the New Testament is being played out before us. And the pace is picking up. This means that all of this will end much sooner than later.
Marriage was ordained by God right after the creation of Eve, at the dawn of civilization. It came before the fall of man and even God’s promise to Abraham the nation of Israel. That is how important marriage (between a man and a woman) is to God. These secural, empty and soul-less people have NO IDEA with whom they are dealing with and with the wrath that is awaiting them.
"(to the nuke post)
Ya know it is very easy to tap out words in this type of a forum...should not professing conservatives be conservative in our words? I have two wonderful children living and working in New York and you have just smirked at the possibility of their deaths in a nuclear blast."
-They need to leave. Whatever the cost. Seriously.
-Well, if you don’t appreciate my little imaginary musing ‘as is,’ then perhaps I’ll add a little imaginary grace period for all the remaining decent folks to safely evacuate. Does that make it any more palatable?
Because, truthfully, after this vote, I don’t give one single, solitary iota of concern for the survival of New York. It can burn in blazes, and I will react by grinning from ear to ear. It’s no longer a state, but a damned cancer.
I am sad that I am giving my grandchildren a different country than the one I grew up in.
May God have mercy on our nation. God knows we need it.
I’d much rather they go back into their closets. Their PDA’S are sickening and disgusting to say the’s perversion on the street corner and needs to go back inside the privacy of their homes.
When will New Yorkers learn they can't keep mocking God? (followed by a picture from 9/11)
I am having a “discussion” with some homosexuals on Facebook. They are too happy. I posted a study about homosexuality and depression/suicide. That seemed to upset them. I no longer care if I am called names. I will not bow down to this PC crap. Homosexuality is morally and spiritually wrong and trying to teach children it is normal is child abuse!
Well, frankly, I hope every Senator who voted for this depravity goes home, eats a good meal, gets a good night’s sleep, and then wakes up with a debilitating stroke that makes the rest of their lives a long, miserable, unending hell. That’s exactly what these pieces of human garbage deserve.
A real blanket of evil has descended upon the country. I’m really beginning to believe some kind of secession is the only option left.
I will never spend another dime in NY state. NYC is fun to visit but I’m done. I refuse to support sodomites. NY will be judged no doubt. This is a perversion.
The idiots didn’t legalize homosexual marriage, they’re laying the groundwork to persecute those that don’t support it!
Making perversion legal - the end of a once great Republic. Obozo will finish us off once and for all.
Welcome to the GAY APPLE, folks. Everything Guliani did to clean up the city is now going to be undone over time.
Yes, Democrats, screwing the American people, one vote at a time. And we thought that Anthony Weiner was crazy!
One of the shortest verses in the Bible ... just 3 words.
Luke 17:32 KJV
Remember Lot’s wife.
And the homosexual pride parades will be extra special this year because of the desire to celebrate this history.
Has any culture in history ever recognized homosexual marriage? Until recent years? I was talking to someone who said homosexuality was very open in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. They took issue with me saying that while tolerated, it was not put on the same legal status as male/female marriage.
I always wonder where it will end. Homosexual marriage was inconceivable even less than 20 years ago. It makes you wonder what will be normalized and/or forced through courts in the next 20 years.
In addition to this, though, I wonder about the survival of our culture and society, when we have normalized so many negative behaviors. The “baby mama” culture, the gang culture, the pornography culture, the idiocracy of the entertainment business, etc.
Well, I always thought that if the tragic scenario occurred in which Al-Qaeda got its hands on a nuke, for me the least upsetting place for it to be set off would be in Hollywood. But, I’m really thinking right now that New York is pulling to the forefront.
To repeat, burn in hell, New York!!
New York, lol. It's been a corrupt, mob-controlled government for decades.
Whatever... Those sick scumbags can't force me to recognize sodomite marriage.
If I recall correctly, NY was one of the first states to legalize abortion.
The apostacy and end time as described in the New Testament is being played out before us. And the pace is picking up. This means that all of this will end much sooner than later.
Marriage was ordained by God right after the creation of Eve, at the dawn of civilization. It came before the fall of man and even God’s promise to Abraham the nation of Israel. That is how important marriage (between a man and a woman) is to God. These secural, empty and soul-less people have NO IDEA with whom they are dealing with and with the wrath that is awaiting them.
"(to the nuke post)
Ya know it is very easy to tap out words in this type of a forum...should not professing conservatives be conservative in our words? I have two wonderful children living and working in New York and you have just smirked at the possibility of their deaths in a nuclear blast."
-They need to leave. Whatever the cost. Seriously.
-Well, if you don’t appreciate my little imaginary musing ‘as is,’ then perhaps I’ll add a little imaginary grace period for all the remaining decent folks to safely evacuate. Does that make it any more palatable?
Because, truthfully, after this vote, I don’t give one single, solitary iota of concern for the survival of New York. It can burn in blazes, and I will react by grinning from ear to ear. It’s no longer a state, but a damned cancer.
I am sad that I am giving my grandchildren a different country than the one I grew up in.
May God have mercy on our nation. God knows we need it.
I’d much rather they go back into their closets. Their PDA’S are sickening and disgusting to say the’s perversion on the street corner and needs to go back inside the privacy of their homes.
When will New Yorkers learn they can't keep mocking God? (followed by a picture from 9/11)
I am having a “discussion” with some homosexuals on Facebook. They are too happy. I posted a study about homosexuality and depression/suicide. That seemed to upset them. I no longer care if I am called names. I will not bow down to this PC crap. Homosexuality is morally and spiritually wrong and trying to teach children it is normal is child abuse!
Well, frankly, I hope every Senator who voted for this depravity goes home, eats a good meal, gets a good night’s sleep, and then wakes up with a debilitating stroke that makes the rest of their lives a long, miserable, unending hell. That’s exactly what these pieces of human garbage deserve.
A real blanket of evil has descended upon the country. I’m really beginning to believe some kind of secession is the only option left.
I will never spend another dime in NY state. NYC is fun to visit but I’m done. I refuse to support sodomites. NY will be judged no doubt. This is a perversion.
Part 1: "New York Gay Marriage Bill Needs Only One More GOP Nod For It To Pass"
Also, let me know what you think of the new layout. I'm not in love with it, but I wanted to switch things up.
Article from LA Times
Here’s what I never understand.
We’re told that homosexual marriage and “gay” issues in general are the civil rights battle of our time.
If this is the civil rights battle of our time, why are so few mainstream politicians on board supporting homosexual marriage?
In the civil rights movement of the ‘50s and ‘60s, many mainstream politicians, including many Republicans (which surprises liberals today, but facts are stubborn things), supported the civil rights movement, and Congress passed major civil rights laws.
But today, this liberal president is afraid to say he supports same-sex marriage.
During the civil rights movement, while there was stiff opposition, esp. among southern Democrats, many mainstream politicians were openly in support of the movement. But today’s movement for homosexual marriage does not have such support. In fact, given the silence, I’m sure many politicos wish the issue would go away.
While a liberal state such as New York may pass a law on homosexual marriage, where’s the leadership among liberals in Washington on this issue? Why are they afraid to proclaim their support, if this is the civil rights battle of this generation, and liberals tell us we want to be on the right side of history and all that???????
--- Facts sure are stubborn things.
Any homosexual marriage bill — even with so-called religious protections — will be a disaster!
If the bill passes, the homosexual agenda will grow like cancer. Liberal bureaucrats, lawyers and judges will chip away at the faith protections. Churches will be threatened with lawsuits and cave in at the slightest opportunity.
We can only hope and pray that it fails. God willing.
The fix is in. If they wanted to kill it they wouldn’t have brought it to the floor. The filthy stinking sodomites have bought off enough senators to get this to pass. Now the sodomites and their allies in the media will crow and dance with their perversion in your face and use the deviants in New Yawk to force the immorality in other states. America is dead.
We’re told that gays are only 2 to 4 % of the population. How many of that small percentage want to get married?
I’m not in favor of the bill, but I can’t believe it will have that much of an impact on society in general.
"...but yet the majority of Black people voted AGAINST same-sex “marriage” in CA."
Yeah, well these very same Black people consistently vote for politicians who let this happen. They share in the blame as far as I am concerned.
Homosexuals and those who support their lifestyle want to bring America down. The GOP is no better than dems. NY deserves what it already has and will get in the future.
--- Nevar forget?
This is all predicted in the Bible. We’re one day closer to Paradise!
Article from LA Times
Here’s what I never understand.
We’re told that homosexual marriage and “gay” issues in general are the civil rights battle of our time.
If this is the civil rights battle of our time, why are so few mainstream politicians on board supporting homosexual marriage?
In the civil rights movement of the ‘50s and ‘60s, many mainstream politicians, including many Republicans (which surprises liberals today, but facts are stubborn things), supported the civil rights movement, and Congress passed major civil rights laws.
But today, this liberal president is afraid to say he supports same-sex marriage.
During the civil rights movement, while there was stiff opposition, esp. among southern Democrats, many mainstream politicians were openly in support of the movement. But today’s movement for homosexual marriage does not have such support. In fact, given the silence, I’m sure many politicos wish the issue would go away.
While a liberal state such as New York may pass a law on homosexual marriage, where’s the leadership among liberals in Washington on this issue? Why are they afraid to proclaim their support, if this is the civil rights battle of this generation, and liberals tell us we want to be on the right side of history and all that???????
--- Facts sure are stubborn things.
Any homosexual marriage bill — even with so-called religious protections — will be a disaster!
If the bill passes, the homosexual agenda will grow like cancer. Liberal bureaucrats, lawyers and judges will chip away at the faith protections. Churches will be threatened with lawsuits and cave in at the slightest opportunity.
We can only hope and pray that it fails. God willing.
The fix is in. If they wanted to kill it they wouldn’t have brought it to the floor. The filthy stinking sodomites have bought off enough senators to get this to pass. Now the sodomites and their allies in the media will crow and dance with their perversion in your face and use the deviants in New Yawk to force the immorality in other states. America is dead.
We’re told that gays are only 2 to 4 % of the population. How many of that small percentage want to get married?
I’m not in favor of the bill, but I can’t believe it will have that much of an impact on society in general.
"...but yet the majority of Black people voted AGAINST same-sex “marriage” in CA."
Yeah, well these very same Black people consistently vote for politicians who let this happen. They share in the blame as far as I am concerned.
Homosexuals and those who support their lifestyle want to bring America down. The GOP is no better than dems. NY deserves what it already has and will get in the future.
--- Nevar forget?
This is all predicted in the Bible. We’re one day closer to Paradise!
Friday, June 24, 2011
"Muhammed Ali visits President Bush at book signing event"
Article from Hollywood Outbreak
Summary: Last winter, Muhammed Ali stopped by at a book signing event to meet President Bush.
I’m glad that Bush enjoyed the moment.
I’ve never had any respect for Cassius Clay, however.
The muzzie convert and coward left our country to avoid military service.
Sigh... Forty five years later he’s STILL a draft dodger, but no one cares now either.
I know this will NEVER happen but I continue to entertain the fantasy that one day we turn on our computer to read “CASSIUS CLAY RENOUNCES ISLAM - CALLS ISLAM EVIL”. Imagine the impact that would have? I know, a guy can dream, can’t he?
"When Ali was Ali I couldn’t stand him but I came to respect him after he retired. I was wrong about him. He was a great man who came of age before civil rights and being a white man I had no idea what it was like to be a black man in those days."
Being a Black man in those days & "G'woin tu kill the yellowman" was the same as being Klan."
Yeah communist propaganda along with help from leftists in th USA worked wonders. They used loud speakers to blast that crap at our military about the racist USA etc.....
Cassius Clay was the most dispised fighter in America because of his big mouth. When he came out against the Viet Nam war the makeover by the MSM began!
It was SMOKIN’ JOE FRASIER who landed a good punch which knocked the smartass out of Ali. Ali still won that bout but SMOKIN’ JOE’S punch and left Ali permanently punch drunk.
"[if he left Islam,] he'd be dead in a week, and his family.....2 weeks. He left the Nation of Islam, in fear of his life, he won't take that risk again with Sunni islam, even if he wanted to."
And there in lies a religious truth. On can sometimes never know the heart of a man.
Not a fan. Both because of Ali’s proselytizing for Islam back when few Americans were familiar with it but also for the culture of taunting and trash-talking that he created which has influenced African-American athletes and youth in general to their detriment.
Before Ali, black athletes were dignified men like Willie Mays and Hank Aaron who treated opponents with respect. Ali changed all that.
Ever seen interviews of him? “Whaddy mean boxshing causes bwain damage!?”
Clay disgraced his family name. I lost interest.
There was a B-ball player that did the same thing but I forget his name.
I think he was the only Muslim to immediately come forward to denounce 9-11, I’ll give him that.
Ali PUBLICALLY supported the re-election of Ronald Reagan in 1984.
On a billboard.
Summary: Last winter, Muhammed Ali stopped by at a book signing event to meet President Bush.
I’m glad that Bush enjoyed the moment.
I’ve never had any respect for Cassius Clay, however.
The muzzie convert and coward left our country to avoid military service.
Sigh... Forty five years later he’s STILL a draft dodger, but no one cares now either.
I know this will NEVER happen but I continue to entertain the fantasy that one day we turn on our computer to read “CASSIUS CLAY RENOUNCES ISLAM - CALLS ISLAM EVIL”. Imagine the impact that would have? I know, a guy can dream, can’t he?
"When Ali was Ali I couldn’t stand him but I came to respect him after he retired. I was wrong about him. He was a great man who came of age before civil rights and being a white man I had no idea what it was like to be a black man in those days."
Being a Black man in those days & "G'woin tu kill the yellowman" was the same as being Klan."
Yeah communist propaganda along with help from leftists in th USA worked wonders. They used loud speakers to blast that crap at our military about the racist USA etc.....
Cassius Clay was the most dispised fighter in America because of his big mouth. When he came out against the Viet Nam war the makeover by the MSM began!
It was SMOKIN’ JOE FRASIER who landed a good punch which knocked the smartass out of Ali. Ali still won that bout but SMOKIN’ JOE’S punch and left Ali permanently punch drunk.
"[if he left Islam,] he'd be dead in a week, and his family.....2 weeks. He left the Nation of Islam, in fear of his life, he won't take that risk again with Sunni islam, even if he wanted to."
And there in lies a religious truth. On can sometimes never know the heart of a man.
Not a fan. Both because of Ali’s proselytizing for Islam back when few Americans were familiar with it but also for the culture of taunting and trash-talking that he created which has influenced African-American athletes and youth in general to their detriment.
Before Ali, black athletes were dignified men like Willie Mays and Hank Aaron who treated opponents with respect. Ali changed all that.
Ever seen interviews of him? “Whaddy mean boxshing causes bwain damage!?”
Clay disgraced his family name. I lost interest.
There was a B-ball player that did the same thing but I forget his name.
I think he was the only Muslim to immediately come forward to denounce 9-11, I’ll give him that.
Ali PUBLICALLY supported the re-election of Ronald Reagan in 1984.
On a billboard.
"USDA To Probe Companies Running School Cafeterias"
Article from EdWeek
Summary: "The U.S. Department of Agriculture's watchdog arm plans to look closely at whether the food-service-management companies running many school cafeterias are passing along all the discounts and rebates they receive from their suppliers to the districts that hire them."
Stock up on your favorite cereals, too, especially if they are of the “sweeter” variety. Nanny-do-gooder government is going after the cereal companies, too.
Next they’ll being showing up at our houses on Thanksgiving Day to see if we had one too many pumpkin pies.
This ought to be good for generating some kickbacks for the USDA.
So you start a cafeteria servicing company and by running it real well you get several school contracts.
Through good management you can do volume purchasing your vendors can give you a lower price, that is based on end of year purchases and there is a rebate associated with that volume.
How does any rebate they get belong to the customer?
I'm in supply chain management for a mid-sized manufacturing operation. I simply do not have time to check on every vendor to see if they are passing along every discount and rebate to us. What's more, I don't even care, because I have alternatives for most of our suppliers. If they get too expensive (or too unreliable or too late with deliveries or too anything else), orders go to their competitors.
That's the way it works in the real world.
FWIW, we pay less for almost everything than the local school district which has a far bigger budget. I know because I use many of the same vendors and we talk. We also throw out relatively minor amounts of obsolete inventory from time to time, a pallet or two at a time. The school districts, meanwhile, throw out truckloads.
Now why do you suppose it is that our plant can get better pricing on smaller quantities when we don't have the manpower to go out and audit every vendor for rebates and discounts and the school districts do?
A good portion of this money will wind up going to the Democrats for elections.
Summary: "The U.S. Department of Agriculture's watchdog arm plans to look closely at whether the food-service-management companies running many school cafeterias are passing along all the discounts and rebates they receive from their suppliers to the districts that hire them."
Stock up on your favorite cereals, too, especially if they are of the “sweeter” variety. Nanny-do-gooder government is going after the cereal companies, too.
Next they’ll being showing up at our houses on Thanksgiving Day to see if we had one too many pumpkin pies.
This ought to be good for generating some kickbacks for the USDA.
So you start a cafeteria servicing company and by running it real well you get several school contracts.
Through good management you can do volume purchasing your vendors can give you a lower price, that is based on end of year purchases and there is a rebate associated with that volume.
How does any rebate they get belong to the customer?
I'm in supply chain management for a mid-sized manufacturing operation. I simply do not have time to check on every vendor to see if they are passing along every discount and rebate to us. What's more, I don't even care, because I have alternatives for most of our suppliers. If they get too expensive (or too unreliable or too late with deliveries or too anything else), orders go to their competitors.
That's the way it works in the real world.
FWIW, we pay less for almost everything than the local school district which has a far bigger budget. I know because I use many of the same vendors and we talk. We also throw out relatively minor amounts of obsolete inventory from time to time, a pallet or two at a time. The school districts, meanwhile, throw out truckloads.
Now why do you suppose it is that our plant can get better pricing on smaller quantities when we don't have the manpower to go out and audit every vendor for rebates and discounts and the school districts do?
A good portion of this money will wind up going to the Democrats for elections.
"Obama's worst gaffe yet - disgraces memory of fallen soldier."
Summary: "The president tells of being able to award the medal to Jared Monti, who he says 'wasn't receiving it posthumously.' In fact, Monti was a posthumous recipient and Obama apparently was confusing him with Salvatore Giunta, the first living recipient since Vietnam. The White House acknowledges the mix-up."
"I sent this to every lib I know, put it on face book, etc.
Disgusting. Hopefully Rush nails him on this."
Did just the same.... and am in total agreement about his needing to simply step down.
Pathetic buffoon.
The best the democrat party & leftwing media could manage. HOW did he get elected?
Absolutely disgusting! There is not enough hate in me to properly hate this “man.” How is it possible he could award the Medal of Honor and NOT remember the circumstances under which it was earned?
Hillary landed in Bosnia ducking sniper fire. Obozo is presenting non-postumous medals postumously. What is WRONG with these people? May Jon Liebowitz will explain it tonight on the Daily Show.
Obama really should just resign now.
He is a plague on the nation.
He is the modern day Typhoid Mary for the country.
The bastards in media went rabid on Sarah Palin’s Paul Revere comments. They talked about it for weeks. Even after she was proven to be correct, they still tried to nail her. Yet, when this lame ass president makes horrible mistakes, they say nothing. I say: FUO
There is no excusing this. If he can’t distinguish between the two brave soldiers and remember their names, he doesn’t deserve to be the Commander-in-Chief. How to you forget and confuse what should have been two special and unique moments in time.
I watched the video with the sound off
he is obviously bluffing his way through a situation in which he knows he is not qualified
he's got more cajones than brains, this has been his modus operandi probably his entire conscious life
he knows he can mesmerize a crowd ... all those guilty whites...all those resentful blacks and browns...he plays them ...substitutes what he doesn't know or feel, with disarming humor, homie talk, jive, “attempted” self deprecation (this falls flat because he is such a narcissist he cannot REALLY put himself down...
This wizard of oz routine put him into the Wh and has worked for him.... up until now
People know he is a fraud
He knows he is a fraud
and now, he knows THEY know he is a fraud
"May God bring comfort to Jared’s parents throughout this."
Amen. How awful this must be for them.
What an insult to the memory of one of America's finest people and his loved ones.
What a despicable person Obama is.
If SARAH PALIN or PAT BUCHANAN had said this the NY TIMES,CNN and ALL Local Newspaper would have carried it as ardently as they did the “Matthew Shepherd” story
BTW this is why we haven’t seen the college transcripts!!!
If I were the family member I would have turned my back on him or disgraced him politically so as to retain the respect of my beloved son who gave his full final measure for our freedom.
0bama is a complete disgrace, and should earn the public scorn from every American who honors our brave fallen soldiers.
If he were ANY sort of man whatsoever, he would publicly apologize and ask to be forgiven be the members of this soldiers family.
IF he were a Man...
Would have loved for the Monti`s to have interrupted him and straightened him out, but they would have probably feared for their lives if they had tried it. Hard telling what crap face would have done to them if they had.
PLEASE, America: fire this douchebag in 2012. Put a Congress and a President in office who LOVES America, LOVES our Constitution, LOVES our military men and women and who LOVES a prosperous economy.
He’s probably like a lot of people (myself included) - he’s good at remembering stuff he cares about and not so good at stuff he’s not interested in. I think that’s human nature. Ask him about rap lyrics, NBA hoops, ESPN shows, or koran verses and he’d probably be pretty astute.
Names of people who gave the supreme sacrifice for their country - err - not so much.
"I sent this to every lib I know, put it on face book, etc.
Disgusting. Hopefully Rush nails him on this."
Did just the same.... and am in total agreement about his needing to simply step down.
Pathetic buffoon.
The best the democrat party & leftwing media could manage. HOW did he get elected?
Absolutely disgusting! There is not enough hate in me to properly hate this “man.” How is it possible he could award the Medal of Honor and NOT remember the circumstances under which it was earned?
Hillary landed in Bosnia ducking sniper fire. Obozo is presenting non-postumous medals postumously. What is WRONG with these people? May Jon Liebowitz will explain it tonight on the Daily Show.
Obama really should just resign now.
He is a plague on the nation.
He is the modern day Typhoid Mary for the country.
The bastards in media went rabid on Sarah Palin’s Paul Revere comments. They talked about it for weeks. Even after she was proven to be correct, they still tried to nail her. Yet, when this lame ass president makes horrible mistakes, they say nothing. I say: FUO
There is no excusing this. If he can’t distinguish between the two brave soldiers and remember their names, he doesn’t deserve to be the Commander-in-Chief. How to you forget and confuse what should have been two special and unique moments in time.
I watched the video with the sound off
he is obviously bluffing his way through a situation in which he knows he is not qualified
he's got more cajones than brains, this has been his modus operandi probably his entire conscious life
he knows he can mesmerize a crowd ... all those guilty whites...all those resentful blacks and browns...he plays them ...substitutes what he doesn't know or feel, with disarming humor, homie talk, jive, “attempted” self deprecation (this falls flat because he is such a narcissist he cannot REALLY put himself down...
This wizard of oz routine put him into the Wh and has worked for him.... up until now
People know he is a fraud
He knows he is a fraud
and now, he knows THEY know he is a fraud
"May God bring comfort to Jared’s parents throughout this."
Amen. How awful this must be for them.
What an insult to the memory of one of America's finest people and his loved ones.
What a despicable person Obama is.
If SARAH PALIN or PAT BUCHANAN had said this the NY TIMES,CNN and ALL Local Newspaper would have carried it as ardently as they did the “Matthew Shepherd” story
BTW this is why we haven’t seen the college transcripts!!!
If I were the family member I would have turned my back on him or disgraced him politically so as to retain the respect of my beloved son who gave his full final measure for our freedom.
0bama is a complete disgrace, and should earn the public scorn from every American who honors our brave fallen soldiers.
If he were ANY sort of man whatsoever, he would publicly apologize and ask to be forgiven be the members of this soldiers family.
IF he were a Man...
Would have loved for the Monti`s to have interrupted him and straightened him out, but they would have probably feared for their lives if they had tried it. Hard telling what crap face would have done to them if they had.
PLEASE, America: fire this douchebag in 2012. Put a Congress and a President in office who LOVES America, LOVES our Constitution, LOVES our military men and women and who LOVES a prosperous economy.
He’s probably like a lot of people (myself included) - he’s good at remembering stuff he cares about and not so good at stuff he’s not interested in. I think that’s human nature. Ask him about rap lyrics, NBA hoops, ESPN shows, or koran verses and he’d probably be pretty astute.
Names of people who gave the supreme sacrifice for their country - err - not so much.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
"Minority babies set to become majority in 2010"
Requested by Jess.
This article is from last March.
If I was a liberal, I’d say that planned parenthood isn’t doing it’s job.
But I’m not a liberal. So I won’t say that.
Deport now, deport quickly, and deport efficiently. The new Hispanics WILL NOT ASSIMILATE!
I should say Illegal Hispanics. Legal immigrants are required to assimilate or get out of the country.
Blah, blah, blah. Minorities are, by definition, less than 50% of the population. If they become the majority, then they are no longer minorities.
At one time, Italian and Irish immigrants were treated as a separate race. When the race hustlers could reap no further advantage from doing so, they suddenly became "white."
--- Yes, the Irish and Italians were purposely prolonging their status as non-whites because it was beneficial to them.
"blah blah blah"
....can you give me one majority white enclave with crime and corruption rivaling that of latinos and blacks
and while you are at it please give me one where aside from old Cubans that they vote anything but Democrat to speak of..
if you think this matters none then you ain’t paying attention...this country will become just another leftist dependent western culture is evil junkjoint the day what we call minorities assume majority political power on their own without the help of guilty whites
it’s what’s left of the white vote in the midwest, south and mountain states keeping the finger in the dyke
you sound like bayourod or sinkspur hoss
you like Brasil, that is our future...hope you’ll be happy
I see it every day now in certain areas where 10 years ago it would have been a strange sight. Pregnant woman, middle of the day so no job, pushing a stroller and walking two other kids along a busy highway. And no habla Englese.
Whites voted 55% nationwide against Obama.
Every minority except old Cubans and Vietnamese voted for him.
West Virginia voted against Obama.
Historically 55% of the white vote would have insured a GOP victory but due to the increasing proportion of non whites here it now takes 57-58%.
I know this fact may trouble some minority freepers here but there is no escaping it..
Not even taking into account cultural issues, just the voting power issue...if this nation becomes minority white then it is lost as we know it.
If that is what you want. For traditional constitutional America to be lost forever because weak whites in collusion with most minorities have handed us Obama’s socialist utopia then maybe you are at the wrong place.
I think you mean well and I realize it may be hard for you but it is complete naivete and willful ignorance of the established fact of how minorities vote and govern themselves as a rule to think that if they are the majority that nothing will change or they will miraculously become conservative overnight.
It will be a fait accompli.
We went through all this during the amnesty wars here a few years back. It seems like some here still stick to the fantasy view.
This is one of the tactics that muslims employ in order to dominate their host country, demographic terrorism.
This article is from last March.
If I was a liberal, I’d say that planned parenthood isn’t doing it’s job.
But I’m not a liberal. So I won’t say that.
Deport now, deport quickly, and deport efficiently. The new Hispanics WILL NOT ASSIMILATE!
I should say Illegal Hispanics. Legal immigrants are required to assimilate or get out of the country.
Blah, blah, blah. Minorities are, by definition, less than 50% of the population. If they become the majority, then they are no longer minorities.
At one time, Italian and Irish immigrants were treated as a separate race. When the race hustlers could reap no further advantage from doing so, they suddenly became "white."
--- Yes, the Irish and Italians were purposely prolonging their status as non-whites because it was beneficial to them.
"blah blah blah"
....can you give me one majority white enclave with crime and corruption rivaling that of latinos and blacks
and while you are at it please give me one where aside from old Cubans that they vote anything but Democrat to speak of..
if you think this matters none then you ain’t paying attention...this country will become just another leftist dependent western culture is evil junkjoint the day what we call minorities assume majority political power on their own without the help of guilty whites
it’s what’s left of the white vote in the midwest, south and mountain states keeping the finger in the dyke
you sound like bayourod or sinkspur hoss
you like Brasil, that is our future...hope you’ll be happy
I see it every day now in certain areas where 10 years ago it would have been a strange sight. Pregnant woman, middle of the day so no job, pushing a stroller and walking two other kids along a busy highway. And no habla Englese.
Whites voted 55% nationwide against Obama.
Every minority except old Cubans and Vietnamese voted for him.
West Virginia voted against Obama.
Historically 55% of the white vote would have insured a GOP victory but due to the increasing proportion of non whites here it now takes 57-58%.
I know this fact may trouble some minority freepers here but there is no escaping it..
Not even taking into account cultural issues, just the voting power issue...if this nation becomes minority white then it is lost as we know it.
If that is what you want. For traditional constitutional America to be lost forever because weak whites in collusion with most minorities have handed us Obama’s socialist utopia then maybe you are at the wrong place.
I think you mean well and I realize it may be hard for you but it is complete naivete and willful ignorance of the established fact of how minorities vote and govern themselves as a rule to think that if they are the majority that nothing will change or they will miraculously become conservative overnight.
It will be a fait accompli.
We went through all this during the amnesty wars here a few years back. It seems like some here still stick to the fantasy view.
This is one of the tactics that muslims employ in order to dominate their host country, demographic terrorism.
100th POST
Welcome to the 100th Post here at Freep Impact: Tales from the Derp Side.
In honor of that, and of my first month here, I am going to be posting taglines, something a few of you have been asking me to do for a while.
These are little quotes or phrases that appear next to Freeper's names when they post.
Hope you enjoy!
Jim Robinson (Rebellion is brewing!! Impeach the corrupt Marxist bastard!!)
(Run Sarah Run!!!)
( A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Col Sanders.)
(zero hates Texas and we hate him back. He ain't my president either.)
(Ask Barack Obama this election if he believes Jesus Christ rose from the dead and walked among men.)
(You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to say it)
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
(The only crimes that are 100% preventable are crimes committed by illegal aliens)
(America is rapidly becoming a police state that East Germany could be proud of!)
(White, black, and red all over--America's affirmative action, metrosexual president.)
(...both islam and the democrat plantation thrive on poverty)
(0bama, Making the US safe for Global Marxism)
(Where can I sign up for the New American Revolution and the Crusades 2012?)
(Proud eligibility skeptic)
(Obama. First Marxist to turn a five year Marxist plan into a 4 year administration.)
(Natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. De Vattel)
(Michael Reagan: "Welcome back, Dad, even if you're wearing a dress and bearing children this time)
(Wake up America we are at war with militant Islam and progressives - 2 fronts.)
(The Tree of Liberty did not grow from an ACORN!)
(Impeach Obama & try him for treason / Homosexuals reject diversity / Unions finally caught for theft)
(Obama:If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun (the REAL Arizona instigator))
(Note: I never capitalize anything I don't respect. Like obama and/or islam.)
(I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
(Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
(social justice isn't justice; it's just socialism)
(Remember Obama actually returned Bush's bust of Churchill to the UK!)
(Obama's a Harvard lawyer like Elvis was a Black Belt)
(Who needs Al Queda to worry about when we have Obama?)
In honor of that, and of my first month here, I am going to be posting taglines, something a few of you have been asking me to do for a while.
These are little quotes or phrases that appear next to Freeper's names when they post.
Hope you enjoy!
Jim Robinson (Rebellion is brewing!! Impeach the corrupt Marxist bastard!!)
(Run Sarah Run!!!)
( A taxpayer voting for Obama is like a chicken voting for Col Sanders.)
(zero hates Texas and we hate him back. He ain't my president either.)
(Ask Barack Obama this election if he believes Jesus Christ rose from the dead and walked among men.)
(You may disagree with what I have to say, but I shall defend to your death my right to say it)
(To anger a conservative, tell him a lie. To anger a liberal, tell him the truth.)
(The only crimes that are 100% preventable are crimes committed by illegal aliens)
(America is rapidly becoming a police state that East Germany could be proud of!)
(White, black, and red all over--America's affirmative action, metrosexual president.)
(...both islam and the democrat plantation thrive on poverty)
(0bama, Making the US safe for Global Marxism)
(Where can I sign up for the New American Revolution and the Crusades 2012?)
(Proud eligibility skeptic)
(Obama. First Marxist to turn a five year Marxist plan into a 4 year administration.)
(Natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens. De Vattel)
(Michael Reagan: "Welcome back, Dad, even if you're wearing a dress and bearing children this time)
(Wake up America we are at war with militant Islam and progressives - 2 fronts.)
(The Tree of Liberty did not grow from an ACORN!)
(Impeach Obama & try him for treason / Homosexuals reject diversity / Unions finally caught for theft)
(Obama:If They Bring a Knife to the Fight, We Bring a Gun (the REAL Arizona instigator))
(Note: I never capitalize anything I don't respect. Like obama and/or islam.)
(I am in America but not of America (per bible: am in the world but not of it))
(Obama: Fake black man. Fake Messiah. Fake American. How many fakes can you fit in one Zer0?)
(social justice isn't justice; it's just socialism)
(Remember Obama actually returned Bush's bust of Churchill to the UK!)
(Obama's a Harvard lawyer like Elvis was a Black Belt)
(Who needs Al Queda to worry about when we have Obama?)
"Jon Stewart Under Fire for Herman Cain Race Joke"
Summary: Cain tsk-tsks Stewart for both assuming his 3-bill promise was sincere, and for impersonating his voice in a stereotypical racist manner.
"What we need is someone who is intellectually superior to Jon Stewart (shouldn’t be hard to find) who can do a show mocking HIM. Live by the cheap shot, die by the cheap shot...."
I like it. Have somebody up there who YELLS REALLY LOUD to emphasize a supposed punchline that really isn’t there; have an audience laughing uproariously at every failed joke (a joke which they’ve already heard some variation of a thousand times before)...
GOOD. Hold these liberals to their own standards.
I was hoping he was serious, a bill that’s limited to 3 pages in length would prevent a lot of the crap that’s going on right now
Good for Cain calling this loser Jon Leibowitz out for his blatant racism. This canard that he is just a comedian and not a left wing activist is being challenged finally.
Stewart and Colbert have both ‘jumped the shark’.
Their shows are limp and rely on laugh-tracks.
An appropriate mocking of Jon Stewart should be a caricature of his ethnic background since he mocked Cain’s race. If I were proficient in HTML I would post a picture of Mike Myers as Linda Richman in the Coffee Talk skit on SNL. Maybe someone else will do the honors.
Cain is a black man who has stepped off the Democrat Plantation.
Since he is no longer a slave, racist jokes about him are perfectly acceptable, as long as they are DONE-WHILE-DEMOCRAT.
What this is REALLY telling us is that Herman Cain is making inroads with America’s blacks. He presents a 180 degree different picture of Obama.
And African-Americans are LISTENING....
This is dangerous for the Democrats, who are just realizing this, and since he is no longer serving drinks on the Master’s porch, he must be minimalized, denigrated and destroyed.
"What this is REALLY telling us is that Herman Cain is making inroads with America’s blacks. He presents a 180 degree different picture of Obama"
Once a culture accepts the paradigm that someone else is responsible for their own success/failure, it is nearly impossible to change. The only way to change that paradigm is for *parents* (husband & wife) to raise their children in intact families under the axiom that they are personally responsible for their own success/failure. Asians are a good stereotypical example of this.
"What we need is someone who is intellectually superior to Jon Stewart (shouldn’t be hard to find) who can do a show mocking HIM. Live by the cheap shot, die by the cheap shot...."
I like it. Have somebody up there who YELLS REALLY LOUD to emphasize a supposed punchline that really isn’t there; have an audience laughing uproariously at every failed joke (a joke which they’ve already heard some variation of a thousand times before)...
GOOD. Hold these liberals to their own standards.
I was hoping he was serious, a bill that’s limited to 3 pages in length would prevent a lot of the crap that’s going on right now
Good for Cain calling this loser Jon Leibowitz out for his blatant racism. This canard that he is just a comedian and not a left wing activist is being challenged finally.
Stewart and Colbert have both ‘jumped the shark’.
Their shows are limp and rely on laugh-tracks.
An appropriate mocking of Jon Stewart should be a caricature of his ethnic background since he mocked Cain’s race. If I were proficient in HTML I would post a picture of Mike Myers as Linda Richman in the Coffee Talk skit on SNL. Maybe someone else will do the honors.
Cain is a black man who has stepped off the Democrat Plantation.
Since he is no longer a slave, racist jokes about him are perfectly acceptable, as long as they are DONE-WHILE-DEMOCRAT.
What this is REALLY telling us is that Herman Cain is making inroads with America’s blacks. He presents a 180 degree different picture of Obama.
And African-Americans are LISTENING....
This is dangerous for the Democrats, who are just realizing this, and since he is no longer serving drinks on the Master’s porch, he must be minimalized, denigrated and destroyed.
"What this is REALLY telling us is that Herman Cain is making inroads with America’s blacks. He presents a 180 degree different picture of Obama"
Once a culture accepts the paradigm that someone else is responsible for their own success/failure, it is nearly impossible to change. The only way to change that paradigm is for *parents* (husband & wife) to raise their children in intact families under the axiom that they are personally responsible for their own success/failure. Asians are a good stereotypical example of this.
"Sarah Palin Reportedly Quits Bus Tour Halfway Through"
This is from before Palin said she had jury duty.
At the price of fuel, I don't blame her.
Something’s up if this is true. Don’t like the sound of it. Was her life threatened?
"after one event in Boston where Palin badly flubbed the story behind Paul Revere's ride.
According to several esteemed history professors, none of whom came out of the Columbia School of Yellow Journalism, turns out Sarah was CORRECT!!!
Maybe the Palin family got tired of being stalked 24/7 by the MSM.
"If she wants to be in the race, it would be good to declare soon, in my opinion."
So you and state-controlled media have more time to attack her?
Waiting is of strategic advantage to her, and strategic disadvantage to her opponents, Democrat or Republican.
So you think that she should give up her strategic advantage to make if "fair" for your candidate-of-choice?
If your candidate-of-choice needs Sarah Palin's help, they're going to lose anyway, then you put your money on the wrong candidate.
Palin nailed the facts as documented in Revere's letter to Dr. Jeremy Belknap. Her delivery was clumsy and unpolished, but she knew more than almost anyone in the mainstream media, catching the essential points that the media never understood. The press, continuing their fact-free policy, has harped on that "error" long after they knew that she had it right and those who only knew Longfellow's poetry were wrong. In contrast, journalists still swoon over the Obama/TOTUS delivery, despite the regularity with which Obama and TOTUS deliver a hateful and error-filled speech, so long as the cadence is smooth.
I guess that the MSM hasn't bothered to find out (again) that it's now fishing season in Bristol Bay, and Todd and the family has to work their lease.
SHE IS RUNNING! Darn..she just cannot declare before July 26. The calm before the storm. A hurricane is coming. Bet on it.
She IS running since 2 years!!! If you don’t see that then you are blind or not interested in Sarah’s life and accomplishments. She is most certainly running since she left her post as Governor. Everything she does has that purpose. She is just waiting for the others to implode - which is happening one after the other - waiting for the salmon season to end - waiting for her trips to Sudan and may be Israel again and then , she will declare. A HURRICANE IS COMING! And I will be riding the wave with Sarah Palin at the whelm.
"Palin nailed the facts as documented in Revere's letter to Dr. Jeremy Belknap."
No, she did not nail the facts. That letter described how Revere told the British that there would be 500 Americans waiting for them as a result of his efforts. He told them this after having been captured, held at gun point and asked for information. He had no initial intention of getting caught and certainly had no intentions to tell the British what our troop strength was, though he was probably feeding them misinformation to give them pause. Basically, he was NOT warning the British. You simply do not warn the enemy in a time of war. If he was doing so, he would have been a traitor, rather than the hero we revere today.
History clearly states what Paul Revere said to the British when he was captured. Ringing bells was part of it. If you want to be a history buff then please bone up before you make any more stupid statements about Paul Revere’s ride and what he told the British.
"So he warned the British by ringing those bells? (Her exact words). Yeah, stick with that. If so, Paul Revere was a traitor, not a patriot."
He didn't say that and neither did Palin. Revere said the bells were being rung to warn the patriots and so did Palin. The bells were mentioned in order to let the British know that the game was up and the colonists were on to them. Take a reading comprehension course and try not to lie so much
Sarah is spending the summer with her children and Todd because she is about to spend four years serving We The People and it will effectively separate her from her family in ways the average person cannot even fathom. Moving into the White House is like nothing else in America. There really is no such thing as privacy in the job Sarah is about to embark upon. She’s not only running when she says she is, she’s preparing her family in advance, because she is every bit the genuinely good person she comes across as. She is this summer putting her family first, because she is preparing to then put OUR nation first in their lives for four grueling, grinding, soul sapping years.
At the price of fuel, I don't blame her.
Something’s up if this is true. Don’t like the sound of it. Was her life threatened?
"after one event in Boston where Palin badly flubbed the story behind Paul Revere's ride.
According to several esteemed history professors, none of whom came out of the Columbia School of Yellow Journalism, turns out Sarah was CORRECT!!!
Maybe the Palin family got tired of being stalked 24/7 by the MSM.
"If she wants to be in the race, it would be good to declare soon, in my opinion."
So you and state-controlled media have more time to attack her?
Waiting is of strategic advantage to her, and strategic disadvantage to her opponents, Democrat or Republican.
So you think that she should give up her strategic advantage to make if "fair" for your candidate-of-choice?
If your candidate-of-choice needs Sarah Palin's help, they're going to lose anyway, then you put your money on the wrong candidate.
Palin nailed the facts as documented in Revere's letter to Dr. Jeremy Belknap. Her delivery was clumsy and unpolished, but she knew more than almost anyone in the mainstream media, catching the essential points that the media never understood. The press, continuing their fact-free policy, has harped on that "error" long after they knew that she had it right and those who only knew Longfellow's poetry were wrong. In contrast, journalists still swoon over the Obama/TOTUS delivery, despite the regularity with which Obama and TOTUS deliver a hateful and error-filled speech, so long as the cadence is smooth.
I guess that the MSM hasn't bothered to find out (again) that it's now fishing season in Bristol Bay, and Todd and the family has to work their lease.
SHE IS RUNNING! Darn..she just cannot declare before July 26. The calm before the storm. A hurricane is coming. Bet on it.
She IS running since 2 years!!! If you don’t see that then you are blind or not interested in Sarah’s life and accomplishments. She is most certainly running since she left her post as Governor. Everything she does has that purpose. She is just waiting for the others to implode - which is happening one after the other - waiting for the salmon season to end - waiting for her trips to Sudan and may be Israel again and then , she will declare. A HURRICANE IS COMING! And I will be riding the wave with Sarah Palin at the whelm.
"Palin nailed the facts as documented in Revere's letter to Dr. Jeremy Belknap."
No, she did not nail the facts. That letter described how Revere told the British that there would be 500 Americans waiting for them as a result of his efforts. He told them this after having been captured, held at gun point and asked for information. He had no initial intention of getting caught and certainly had no intentions to tell the British what our troop strength was, though he was probably feeding them misinformation to give them pause. Basically, he was NOT warning the British. You simply do not warn the enemy in a time of war. If he was doing so, he would have been a traitor, rather than the hero we revere today.
History clearly states what Paul Revere said to the British when he was captured. Ringing bells was part of it. If you want to be a history buff then please bone up before you make any more stupid statements about Paul Revere’s ride and what he told the British.
"So he warned the British by ringing those bells? (Her exact words). Yeah, stick with that. If so, Paul Revere was a traitor, not a patriot."
He didn't say that and neither did Palin. Revere said the bells were being rung to warn the patriots and so did Palin. The bells were mentioned in order to let the British know that the game was up and the colonists were on to them. Take a reading comprehension course and try not to lie so much
Sarah is spending the summer with her children and Todd because she is about to spend four years serving We The People and it will effectively separate her from her family in ways the average person cannot even fathom. Moving into the White House is like nothing else in America. There really is no such thing as privacy in the job Sarah is about to embark upon. She’s not only running when she says she is, she’s preparing her family in advance, because she is every bit the genuinely good person she comes across as. She is this summer putting her family first, because she is preparing to then put OUR nation first in their lives for four grueling, grinding, soul sapping years.
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