OMG!!!!!!!!! I’m bawling my head off!!
If there’s rioting you can thank the main stream media, Obama, Sharpton and Jesse for their racial hype.
TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! JUSTICE WAS SERVED... now let’s pray for George, the JURY and the FAMILIES!!!
....and go after that JUDGE!!!!!!!!
But best buy is closed. Timing good for looting and burning cars and
general mayhem.
Yes! I feel like I’ve been acquitted!
"I just heard some fireworks in NW Harris County, Texas. At least I hope it wasn’t gunshots.
You too? I am in Richmond. Heard some as well. We are ready. Got all the pmags topped up and the shotgun is maxed.
Now maybe I can go back to having a semi normal life, lol. Whew, dodged the bullet. Problem is, I was just listening briefly to PMSNBC to gloat, and Rev. Al was being interviewed. Says family will now be pursuing a civil suit against Zimmerman, and Rev. Al says he will now be asking the Fed Gov’t to reopen (they have now closed the investigation against Zimmerman) the investigation again. So, the play is not over, but my guess is because Zimmerman is 1/2 Peruvian, 1/8 Black, the rest White, any civil rights case by the Feds would be very difficult if not impossible to launch. But you never know while Eric Holder is at the helm. Zimmerman is going to be stuck with the civil case, but I’ll bet he wins that one too. So, a good night all around. Pop, pop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.
Time to buy Zimmerman a new handgun and put him back on neighborhood watch.