GOP. Done, toast. Stick a fork in it.
Really all these guys are set for life... what does it matter to them?
bring on amnesty for borders for all criminals of the world. In a decade we will be a third world nation and we have brought it on ourselves.
We will all be in internment camps inside of 10 years.
Boehner has no intention of doing the right thing, even with the backing of We The People.
His incompetency is undermining what his position should be doing and he should resign, Now!
His incompetency is undermining what his position should be doing and he should resign, Now!
Maybe Cruz can turn his attention to Boehner and set a fire under his drunk ass. This is unacceptable.
I have been a reliable Republican voter for my entire life. If this is the way it goes down then I will continue to vote in the primaries for real conservatives but if they are defeated I will sit out the general election. Yes the Dems will get to run things if conservatives do this - let them - let them tax and spend us over the edge and after the collapse we can pick up the pieces. I won’t have a compliant hand in this charade anymore.
there never was a RISK OF DEFAULT. the media has been lying just trying to get the Republicans to cave
the media and Obama have been lying about that not raising the debt limit will result in default
keep the gov shut down and do NOT raise the debt ceiling. call R’s tell them to hold the line
the media has been lying saying Armageddon will happen Oct 17 if the debt limit is not raised. that is a big lie. the media lied. Obama lied. Reid lied.
we have to call and email Republicans and tell them not to believe the media lies. what is the capital switchboard or their emails or phone numbers?
As the rules stand now, a bill has to be submitted, go through the rules committee, and in the Senate, get either unanimous consent or cloture. We're a long procedural process away from there being a bill for anyone to cave on.
There will be plenty of time for whining when something actually happens, but a lot can happen in the meantime.
The “deal” is they increase the debt and spend your children’s money and grandchildren’s money for “benefits” for voters to vote for them. Generational robbery, practiced by both “parties”.
Obama hopes to create another crisis with immigration to deflect from Obamacare failures. I hope we don’t bite the bait. Focus needs to continue to be the epic failures of Obamacare. He doesn’t have the votes to pass amnesty right now I don’t think. It is just a shell game.
Establishment Republicans are the real, underlying problem. Opposing them at every turn (even if it means fewer "R"s and more "D"s) is a pre-requisite for any meaningful opposition to the transformation of America.
And I guarantee you that CommieCare is fully funded and Obama’s worthless Congress is still exempt and his campaign donors are still except. CommieCare is only for those that can’t afford to buy their way out of it.
I’m quite philosophical about this. Even if the GOP blinked, there was still a big stink. People knew there was a clash going on. Now they are seeing the sticker shock and technical incompetence too. Something is poised to gel in the dazed US mind, perhaps. It won’t be paradise on earth, but the pendulum will move. The fact it doesn’t keep moving to the good is our fault. We get lazy when we think things are nice enough on earth, forgetting that there is a heaven to forge on towards.
Invest in liberal unicorns.
The unicorns will poop out golden skittles.
Debt problem solved.
The unicorns will poop out golden skittles.
Debt problem solved.
Well, except that this won’t work.
Anti-Christ (fake Christ) is term that comes to mind.
It's not over. It's just delayed until January. We wouldn't be having this conversation if not for Cruz.
And the most Cruz could have done with this is delay it 30 hours, according to the rules.
Maybe Cruz should have read Sarah Palin’s column where she says there is no threat of default. so it was a news media manufactured crises
"Ted Cruz can take a hike. I started out leaning his way but have done a 180.
What a useless twit. Boy am I angry. Like in football ... next man up because Cruz is not a man.
Go away Teddy. You are not wanted"
How right you are. Without Cruz we could have surrendered 2 weeks ago like we have on everything else. The only thing Cruz did was shine the light on the liberal roaches that infest the republican party and they are just mad.
In a way Cruz has hastened the coming civil war in the republican party which is a good thing as the way it is currently being ran it will never win another national election. Whey vote for liberal lite when you can have the real thing by voting (D).
There is not opposition party to the democrats currently. The GOP has essentially adopted the “me too only a little cheaper” approach, where is the choice here? There is none.
I am not happy with Boehner, but the real failure here are the REPUBLICANS IN THE SENATE!!!
They need gone far more than Boehner!
They are the ones who capitulated... A default was not going to happen, but the Senate republicans gave away the store.
Tea Party needs to focus on increasing its caucus in the Senate and growing its house presence, period.
Blaming it all on Boehner is silly.
I think I was the first person here at F.R. who said that Boehner should never have been made the Speaker in the first place. I got a lot of invective thrown my way, one person even called me a Nazi, etc.
Most of those people have long since disappeared, or they're singing a different tune now.
Boehner: "I'm HAPPY to announce today that I get to keep my Health Care!
Good Luck to the rest of you who will have to continue to slave away to pay for it".
I am EXTREMELY PISSED OFF that voter registration is somehow relevant to a website for health care. I am ever MORE pissed off that the GOP didn't fight to strike this website feature.
Obama will push to make illegal invaders from Mexico U.S. Citizens. Guess what? Because it's MANDATORY, they'll sign up for Obamacare AND ALSO BE LURED INTO REGISTERING AS 'DEMOCRATS' WHILE THEY'RE THERE. MILLIONS OF THEM!<.b>
Goodbye, America. I had the honor and privilege of knowing you when you existed but you are now gone and done. Only in America could voter registration and health care be linked together and NO ONE QUESTIONS IT. Good bye, America.
We are now in a formal Constitutional Crisis. The House leadership has allowed the Executive Branch to preempt its “power of the purse.” See the clips by Mark Levin and Bob McClintock that have been on various threads to see why I make this comment. And this House leadership allowed that to happen.
Sad day for this country...