The Court Rules: Obamacare Largest Tax Increase In History Of The World (Rush Limbaugh Thread)
I wasn’t that high on Roomey but Now I will do what ever it takes to get him elected.
Welcome to the United Communist States of America, UCSA!
I no longer am proud to be an American.
The Mexicans are now like the woman who said obama was going to pay her mortgage. They believe this is in effect NOW. All they gotta’ do is get across the border and they got free healthcare. HERE THEY COME!
A tax designed to make every one of us a slave to Washington D.C.!
As a patriotic I cannot find it in my heart to comply with this tyranny! For me there is no other course but Liberty or Death!
In anticipation of this ruling I set up protocols to go either way on hiring
and expanding my new company. As of today the decision to hire and train is No. Hell no.
The economy will be such a disaster by the end of the year that I can, anybody can, say that
business will be downsizing and arranging themselves so that the impact of this unconstitutional
LAW will have as little as possible of impact on their lively hood.
This decision sets up the Gov to Tax anything it wants. ANYTHING, Anybody, for Any reason.
All of you Dems lurking around and rubbing your hands in glee should remember this one thing,
the money that flows throughout this unfree country will dry up and there will not
be any more perks for you when the time comes. I for one will never hire any Democrat ever
after this ruling. Why? Why should I support those who hate their country and the freedoms
that it offers. Rhetorical.
Coming Soon to Your State!

Speedy Light Rail Access
to the Much Awaited
Obama-Roberts Health Spas and Seminar Centers
I no longer am proud to be an American.
The Mexicans are now like the woman who said obama was going to pay her mortgage. They believe this is in effect NOW. All they gotta’ do is get across the border and they got free healthcare. HERE THEY COME!
A tax designed to make every one of us a slave to Washington D.C.!
As a patriotic I cannot find it in my heart to comply with this tyranny! For me there is no other course but Liberty or Death!
In anticipation of this ruling I set up protocols to go either way on hiring
and expanding my new company. As of today the decision to hire and train is No. Hell no.
The economy will be such a disaster by the end of the year that I can, anybody can, say that
business will be downsizing and arranging themselves so that the impact of this unconstitutional
LAW will have as little as possible of impact on their lively hood.
This decision sets up the Gov to Tax anything it wants. ANYTHING, Anybody, for Any reason.
All of you Dems lurking around and rubbing your hands in glee should remember this one thing,
the money that flows throughout this unfree country will dry up and there will not
be any more perks for you when the time comes. I for one will never hire any Democrat ever
after this ruling. Why? Why should I support those who hate their country and the freedoms
that it offers. Rhetorical.
Coming Soon to Your State!
Speedy Light Rail Access
to the Much Awaited
Obama-Roberts Health Spas and Seminar Centers
Individual and Family Plans Available
Just curious. How do people who have jobs and don’t own their own business stop paying taxes when it is taken directly from our checks?
Election 2012 could get bloody. BTW, I read some of the comments on various blogs and news sites and the animosity between the conservatives and liberals is on fire. Explosive!
GOP Governors vow to ignore Obamacare
Bottom Line: Obama LIED, and Freedom DIED!!
"That’s a relief...I have a Republican governor."
Me too. I hope Louisiana is locked and loaded - I know the Duck Dynasty is!
I feel the same way I did back when they attacked and took Elian Gonzalez. At what point does it stop? How far do they have to push statism before the frog jumps?
Received a robo call from the Virginia Governor (am in the South but not a Virginian). Asked for my help. I hung up the phone at the point where a decision had to be made to help or not. Today was not the day to place that call by the Governor. Today am in prayer.
I understand that the Republican Governors are upset right now but I can see Obama cutting federal money to the states that ignore Obamacare. I think that is 100 percent fine as long as these Governors can run their states without Federal Funds. This is the tactic that the federal government used to make seat belt laws and (I think) DUI laws.
As a Native Californian senior citizen, we will have a serious discussion today about moving out of Kalifornication.
Any suggestions?
WE'VE BEEN TRICKED. Obamacare would NEVER have passed in Congress had it been a TAX, so Obama said it wasn't. Then he goes to court and argues it's a TAX. What a M***** FU***ING PIECE OF SH** !!!!!!! WE WERE LIED TO!!!!!
Obama LIED about his eligibility, he LIED about his past, he LIED about no involvement in Fast & Furious, he LIED about not having the authority to implement amnesty then implements amnesty.. LIES LIES LIES.. OBAMA IS LYING PIECE OF SH**.
"I live in New Jersey. We have a fat-ass, Lou Costello look-a-like f’ing RINO named Chris Christie."
I would take Chris Christie in a heartbeat over our vile, union-loving, whiny-voiced Obama lapdog Gov. Dannel Malloy, who was fraudulently elected in 2010 because of a mysterious "bag of votes" - which somehow materialized many hours after the polls had closed.
Thanks to Malloy and our solid deep-blue state legislature, The People's Socialist Republik of Connecticut is now more liberal than Berkeley and San Francisco, CA combined (no lie). There is NO hope here - hubby and I plan to move as soon as we can (no plans yet unfortunately).
At least Christie is a pit bull and has a pair... the GOP overall could use more of that.
“Locked and loaded” is what its going to take.
Unless these Governors are willing to put their a**es on the line to stop their citizens from being jailed for failure to pay SoetoroCare taxes & penalties, the opposition doesn’t mean much.
If its ever going to happen the time is ripe for a full fledged States rights revolt!
Get used to your doctor being from Nigeria and India and Pa-kee-ston.
Hey, I get my medicine for $8 for thirty days but I only see a doctor twice a year. I won’t be seeing my cardiologist again unless I have another heart attack.
Me too. I hope Louisiana is locked and loaded - I know the Duck Dynasty is!
I feel the same way I did back when they attacked and took Elian Gonzalez. At what point does it stop? How far do they have to push statism before the frog jumps?
Received a robo call from the Virginia Governor (am in the South but not a Virginian). Asked for my help. I hung up the phone at the point where a decision had to be made to help or not. Today was not the day to place that call by the Governor. Today am in prayer.
I understand that the Republican Governors are upset right now but I can see Obama cutting federal money to the states that ignore Obamacare. I think that is 100 percent fine as long as these Governors can run their states without Federal Funds. This is the tactic that the federal government used to make seat belt laws and (I think) DUI laws.
As a Native Californian senior citizen, we will have a serious discussion today about moving out of Kalifornication.
Any suggestions?
WE'VE BEEN TRICKED. Obamacare would NEVER have passed in Congress had it been a TAX, so Obama said it wasn't. Then he goes to court and argues it's a TAX. What a M***** FU***ING PIECE OF SH** !!!!!!! WE WERE LIED TO!!!!!
Obama LIED about his eligibility, he LIED about his past, he LIED about no involvement in Fast & Furious, he LIED about not having the authority to implement amnesty then implements amnesty.. LIES LIES LIES.. OBAMA IS LYING PIECE OF SH**.
"I live in New Jersey. We have a fat-ass, Lou Costello look-a-like f’ing RINO named Chris Christie."
I would take Chris Christie in a heartbeat over our vile, union-loving, whiny-voiced Obama lapdog Gov. Dannel Malloy, who was fraudulently elected in 2010 because of a mysterious "bag of votes" - which somehow materialized many hours after the polls had closed.
Thanks to Malloy and our solid deep-blue state legislature, The People's Socialist Republik of Connecticut is now more liberal than Berkeley and San Francisco, CA combined (no lie). There is NO hope here - hubby and I plan to move as soon as we can (no plans yet unfortunately).
At least Christie is a pit bull and has a pair... the GOP overall could use more of that.
“Locked and loaded” is what its going to take.
Unless these Governors are willing to put their a**es on the line to stop their citizens from being jailed for failure to pay SoetoroCare taxes & penalties, the opposition doesn’t mean much.
If its ever going to happen the time is ripe for a full fledged States rights revolt!
Get used to your doctor being from Nigeria and India and Pa-kee-ston.
Hey, I get my medicine for $8 for thirty days but I only see a doctor twice a year. I won’t be seeing my cardiologist again unless I have another heart attack.
"What’s wrong with doctors from Nigeria and India and Pa-kee-ston? My dentist is Korean, is that bad too?"
I’m not saying what you think I’m saying. I’m saying you never know what kind of education these people got. Would you feel comfortable with someone operating on you who went to med school at the University of the Congo?
I have a Nigerian doctor and guess what. I like him. But most of the doctors I’ve had at the VA over the years could barely speak English.
|Romney Vows To Cut Obamacare First Day
I work at a Hospital right now and my bosses and co- workers are outraged,We are united like 9/11...
"Big deal.
The SCOTUS has just made sure that Romney has as much chance of winning as I do."
You’re out of your mind. SCOTUS just handed Romney the White House.
He’ll sign a Paul Ryan budget and repeal Obamacare. That’s all you need to know for November.
I was at my weekly service organization meeting this morning when one of our members announced the decision (he got it through his phone). You should have heard the shouts of consternation that erupted. Some had to get up and walk out of the meeting to compose themselves.
Our guest speaker happened to be our state representative (a good, conservative Republican). He said the state’s cost (Illinois) will now increase by $2.3 billion, if not more.
Even if he’s lying, I can’t just stand by and let the Dictator in Chief and his minions on the Supreme Court walk away from this. I didn’t expect the SCOTUS to overturn Obamacare, but I never dreamed they’d uphold the individual mandate as well.
I hate Romney with every ounce of my being, but he’s all we’ve got at this point. Count me in for ABO.
America is doomed. The SCOTUS has ruled that the federal government can hijack 1//6th of economy away from the private sector. EFF THEM. Kagan got to Roberts and convinced him Obamacare was a constitutional tax. She is known for her power of persuasion and did a number on Roberts. She argued the 'tax' aspect even though in 'arguments' it was downplayed. WHAT A EFFING JOKE.
"He’ll sign a Paul Ryan budget and repeal Obamacare. That’s all you need to know for November."
That's all I need. Short of armed revolt, that is our only chance.
When are you dolts ever going to realize that voting for the lesser of two evils gives you...evil?
Sorry, that question was rhetorical. You'll never figure it out. You'll continue to vote for McCain and Romney and...the person who appointed Roberts, George Bush.
If I weren't crying, I'd laugh at you. You deserve what you're getting. I don't.
"I’ll believe it when I see it."
Color me skeptical too. I'm still waiting for that middle-class tax cut Clinton promised. That's sarcasm, because back then I knew Clinton was just pandering to the masses for votes, which is just what Romney could be doing. I don't believe any of them.
"Kagan got to Roberts and convinced him Obamacare was a constitutional tax. She is known for her power of persuasion and did a number on Roberts. She argued the 'tax' aspect even though in 'arguments' it was downplayed."
Kagan got to Roberts alright. He was intimidated. He was owned. She painted the picture of riots in the streets and against the court if Obamacare was overturned. She probably showed him film of Watts '68. She shared with him the violence of the Summer of '68 and told him he didn't want his name and his court sullied by mindless violence when it was ALL so preventable - with just his vote Justice Roberts could avoid all of that. Besides, what are the Conservatives going to do? Write a strongly worded letter?
The U.S. is the same as Venzuala or Argentina. Rule by imperial edict and have it affirmed by your puppet court. The rest is a sham. It's all over but the shouting.
"Better suggestion? Yeah, let’s all move to Texas, then vote to leave the union. : )"
I was going to post something similar, but without the smiley face. I hope this will be the last straw for some conservative states like TX or OK, and that they vote to secede. When a zit gets bad enough, the only thing left to do is pop it. If there's really a fight coming...I see no reason to delay it further.
VANITY - Could the Obamacare decision start the ball rolling for Civil War II?
I don't think so. How would it be possible for say, Idaho to join with Alabama and Texas?
The redstates are too scattered.
Well, I certainly wouldn’t mind the scenario in which all the freeloading scum migrates itself away to blue-states, hopefully breaking the backs of their state budgets, descending them all to the hell they so richly deserve for ushering in the traitorous Kenyan Marxist to begin with.
If they are too lazy to have healthcare, they are too lazy to move.
Depending on next November, lots of Blues may end up saying Adios Rojos. Won't be any CW2, this time the economic balance is on the seceders side. If anything the Reds will come crying when they are without pot to pee in or window to throw it out of.
Something dramatic has to change. At minimum the Tax authority under the Constitution needs to be more clearly defined and requiring 2/3rds vote to increase or enact any new tax or fee, Balanced Budget, no more funny accounting practices on budgets, annual independent accounting audit on all departments, very harsh criminal penalties for vote fraud, no one on welfare in any form allowed to vote.
Millions of "professional" Americans who appear to be well-to-do (debt to their gills) are about to be forced onto welfare by law and tax penalties (up to approximately $30,000 a year for families of four for Medicaid). Matter of fact, most of those opting out will be some of those who won't owe taxes each year--the few hard working and more independent folks among the poor). tax owed, no penalty for avoiding insurance/medicaid.
More likely, we who are going "Galt" (self-sufficiency, no welfare, little income, little spending, little revenue generation,...) will be somehow denied the vote by the debt/revenue-sucking, government-pensioned/employed, political, regulating NIMBY neighbors.
On with the default process to small government. Have some popcorn. Enjoy watching the political/regulator class, as it riots tomorrow.
We have a choice - we can surrender or re-group and counter-attack. Counter-attacks frequently lead to victory.
I am ready to reload and advance forward!
Nah. Americans no longer have the stomach for any fights, much less CWII.
The only thing that will prompt a change at this point is a complete economic collapse. We took a giant step forward towards that today.
Shouldn’t be too much longer now, and the Kenyan’s work will be complete.
“What we need is a nationwide economic revolt driven by the states themselves.”
In other words, a Civil War III. The first two (1776 and 1861) were based on economics, as well.
Sarah Palin: Thank you, SCOTUS
Sarah Palin: "It’s time, again, for patriotic Americans to rise up to protest this obvious infringement on our economic and personal freedom. November is just around the corner. Today, the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. In November, We the People will issue ours."
Palin is ALWAYS right, as I have noted before. She hardly, if ever, is on the wrong side of any issue. Is it instinct, or thoughtfulness? It doesn’t matter. She is the most gifted politician since Reagan. Godspeed Sarah P.
Wow. The spin is amazing. I understand trying to keep a “stiff upper lip,” and all that, but.... This monstrosity will not be repealed. It will simply be tweaked (maybe). Who really has ANY kind of faith in ANY of the branches of government now?? They have ALL failed us. At just about every turn. I’ll tell you one thing: Every single member of the House and the Senate should be fearful of the backlash from this.
SP=President in exile.
Why in the HE double hockey sticks did you NOT run, Sarah???? I’m still p*ssed at that!!!!!
She is right. It is all about "We the People."
We will not take this thing lying down.
I would like to ask a minor question:
How is it that when the Court votes against Obama, the Court is irrelevant, but, when the Court votes in Obama's favor, Obama is somehow completely vindicated by an "irrelevant" Court?
I always thought it was easy for Sara to speak/write because she speaks from the heart. She speaks from conviction and principle and honesty, she isn't hiding anything so she can let it flow and say what is in her heart, she just lets it go. I think Obama has trouble speaking/writing because he really has to watch it, he can't speak from the heart, he can never let us see what his core principles are. Must be hard for the poor guy.
We thought we had winning issues before King Zero was voted in by the sheeple public.
Do you really think this fall will be any different? The media spin will be he's a winner and the public freebies are protected.
Rome fell for exactly the same kind of policies and due to the same kind of blindness in those who should have known better.
Hey Sarah , it’s not just a tax . It’s a tax and a mandate. It’s the government telling us what to do, it is the end to individual liberty. It is the end of freedom. Get a clue.
I fear for Sarah and her family should she decide to enter at this date in time. In my humbly opinion both sides would see to it; she and her family did not have secret service protection. Would the powers that be (PTB) do such? All one has to do is look at their history, in my humbly opinion.
Sarah, lead us and tell us what to do—we march on your orders! You speak the truth. Trolls smacking their lips with joy and saying bad things about a true patriot like Palin—only makes me love her more! She has more common sense than a dozen others in the media—that’s why the left fears her.
We plan to fire the liberals from our comapny
This thread was brought to my attention by an Anonymous reader. Thank you!
POST: "We have a small production office and after today's decision by those putrid traitors on the SC. We will fire our obama-worshiping employee. Hey, it's not my fault. WE CAN'T AFFORD HIM now after the decision. I hope for the worst on those scums on the SC and this POS p-resident."
Good for you!
You cant afford to employ leeches. Let them go move back with their moms and dads.
Good luck with it. But if he is an Obama bootlicker, you can probably find a half-dozen performance-related reasons to back it up.
(Original Poster:) We hired this a-hole because one of our company liaisons ask for hiring him as a favor. He;s also late to work on many occasions so eff’ him. I hate liberals. I promise to be in the room once we let him go.
If he complains, tell him you are doing it as part of trying to assist improving the economy. Stretch Pelosi has assured us that unemployment payments are good for the economy.
(Original Poster:) The plan is due to “performance” issues that we are letting him go. He signed a contract where termination is for any reason anyways (kudos to our employment attorney). I need some enjoyment after the death of our country today.
You absolutely should fire liberals.
I check and see if people are registered democrats before I hire them because democrats almost always have no work ethic or sense of personal responsibility.
You will not be the only one.
We knew a business owner in the EBay who walked through his parking lot and wrote down the license plates of the idiots with Obozo/Lyden stickers on their cars.
Shortly after Obozo was installed as el supremo, those people got pink slips.
He did the same thing with those with Moonbeam stickers on their cars.
If you really mean it, do it smart. Document every shortcoming, every unfinished task, every argument with other employees.
Then can his a$$.
Smile later when your contest of his unemployment compensation wins. Firing for “due cause” beats a layoff every time.
You are too stupid to run a company if you are going to print stuff that can be used against you in court on free republic
I plan to do this whenever stateside. I will fill my shopping basket to the brim with stuff. If it is a small business shop owned by one local owner, and this owner is at the cash register, I will ask them in a very stone, neutral, non-commital face, "hey so, like, what do you think of this Obamacare anyway?"
If I get any "well, seems good for the country", or "I guess he is doing a good job" or any other of that liberal crap, without a SINGLE WORD I am going to leave the filled basket representing lots of bucks in potential sales, right smack there at the register (on the counter, what not) and not saying a word, walk right out. I intend to do it when other people are in line, too. I'm going guerilla in the trenches now, against my "fellow Americans" who want to take us into Socialism along with their phony, narcissist dictgator of a leader. That's MY statement. Screw em. Same with those of you firing liberal employees. Make sure you are covered for lawsuits, and do it. Make these people pay for their sins against the Republic and the Forefathers.
---- (NOTE: I often bold posts that I find particularly amusing or awful, but this guy bolded it for me.)
“I check and see if people are registered democrats”
My business partner and I, including management have a couple of “subtle” questions which picks out the liberals in the group during interviews.
Good. you should. I am breaking off contact with everyone who voted for the President. I don’t have any liberal friends but I do have liberal family members and I am done associating with them. If I had employees I would do the same thing you are. I am so angry right now that I don’t think I will be able to function today. No, angry is not a strong enough word. There is no word strong enough. I think I had better stay away from people for the next few days because if some liberal gloated about this in front of me I don’t think I would be able to stop myself from hurting them.
I don’t care who they are they will never see me again. It will mean missing out on a lot of family events but I am serious and I will let them know why I am not attending. I am starting to feel like I want to sell everything I own and move as far away from other people as I can get. I am starting to hate my own species. All of the farmers in my neck of the woods call themselves conservatives but they are all for government subsidies and payments. My new name for liberals is slavers because that is what they are.
this is the i got mine tax. no business aspire beyond 49 employees.
cronys win.
the new plantation owners
obamacare is slavery.
I know how you feel, bud. I hate liberals and hope for the worst on them. Unfortunately, I also have lib family members and it’s only because of blood that I cannot strangle them.
There were two small business owners who called into KLBJ in Austin this morning. One is canceling all health insurance and forcing the employees to buy their own or pay the fines.
The second said he would ask potential employees if the voted for any democrap in the past two elections. If they say yes, they will not be considered for the job. People are PO’ed.
Love this. Key their f#%king cars before they leave.
I engage vendors across the country for various projects in my field and have the most trouble with lame excuses for deadline extensions from the ones who are liberal.
When searching for new vendors, if I see any hints of liberal causes on their company websites (Be green, keep it on the screen, We embrace diversity, etc.) they’re automatically dismissed from consideration. Ends a potential problem before it begins.
(Original Poster:) Our lunchroom has a dartboard with obama’s face on it. Being a rightwing company located in a fag-friendly industry, we call it a miracle we have not been outed yet.
Obviously when studio execs visit our company, every Reagan poster is hidden quickly, including the obama dartboard.
I have a Nigerian doctor and guess what. I like him. But most of the doctors I’ve had at the VA over the years could barely speak English.
|Romney Vows To Cut Obamacare First Day
I work at a Hospital right now and my bosses and co- workers are outraged,We are united like 9/11...
"Big deal.
The SCOTUS has just made sure that Romney has as much chance of winning as I do."
You’re out of your mind. SCOTUS just handed Romney the White House.
He’ll sign a Paul Ryan budget and repeal Obamacare. That’s all you need to know for November.
I was at my weekly service organization meeting this morning when one of our members announced the decision (he got it through his phone). You should have heard the shouts of consternation that erupted. Some had to get up and walk out of the meeting to compose themselves.
Our guest speaker happened to be our state representative (a good, conservative Republican). He said the state’s cost (Illinois) will now increase by $2.3 billion, if not more.
Even if he’s lying, I can’t just stand by and let the Dictator in Chief and his minions on the Supreme Court walk away from this. I didn’t expect the SCOTUS to overturn Obamacare, but I never dreamed they’d uphold the individual mandate as well.
I hate Romney with every ounce of my being, but he’s all we’ve got at this point. Count me in for ABO.
America is doomed. The SCOTUS has ruled that the federal government can hijack 1//6th of economy away from the private sector. EFF THEM. Kagan got to Roberts and convinced him Obamacare was a constitutional tax. She is known for her power of persuasion and did a number on Roberts. She argued the 'tax' aspect even though in 'arguments' it was downplayed. WHAT A EFFING JOKE.
"He’ll sign a Paul Ryan budget and repeal Obamacare. That’s all you need to know for November."
That's all I need. Short of armed revolt, that is our only chance.
When are you dolts ever going to realize that voting for the lesser of two evils gives you...evil?
Sorry, that question was rhetorical. You'll never figure it out. You'll continue to vote for McCain and Romney and...the person who appointed Roberts, George Bush.
If I weren't crying, I'd laugh at you. You deserve what you're getting. I don't.
"I’ll believe it when I see it."
Color me skeptical too. I'm still waiting for that middle-class tax cut Clinton promised. That's sarcasm, because back then I knew Clinton was just pandering to the masses for votes, which is just what Romney could be doing. I don't believe any of them.
"Kagan got to Roberts and convinced him Obamacare was a constitutional tax. She is known for her power of persuasion and did a number on Roberts. She argued the 'tax' aspect even though in 'arguments' it was downplayed."
Kagan got to Roberts alright. He was intimidated. He was owned. She painted the picture of riots in the streets and against the court if Obamacare was overturned. She probably showed him film of Watts '68. She shared with him the violence of the Summer of '68 and told him he didn't want his name and his court sullied by mindless violence when it was ALL so preventable - with just his vote Justice Roberts could avoid all of that. Besides, what are the Conservatives going to do? Write a strongly worded letter?
The U.S. is the same as Venzuala or Argentina. Rule by imperial edict and have it affirmed by your puppet court. The rest is a sham. It's all over but the shouting.
"Better suggestion? Yeah, let’s all move to Texas, then vote to leave the union. : )"
I was going to post something similar, but without the smiley face. I hope this will be the last straw for some conservative states like TX or OK, and that they vote to secede. When a zit gets bad enough, the only thing left to do is pop it. If there's really a fight coming...I see no reason to delay it further.
VANITY - Could the Obamacare decision start the ball rolling for Civil War II?
I don't think so. How would it be possible for say, Idaho to join with Alabama and Texas?
The redstates are too scattered.
Well, I certainly wouldn’t mind the scenario in which all the freeloading scum migrates itself away to blue-states, hopefully breaking the backs of their state budgets, descending them all to the hell they so richly deserve for ushering in the traitorous Kenyan Marxist to begin with.
If they are too lazy to have healthcare, they are too lazy to move.
Depending on next November, lots of Blues may end up saying Adios Rojos. Won't be any CW2, this time the economic balance is on the seceders side. If anything the Reds will come crying when they are without pot to pee in or window to throw it out of.
Something dramatic has to change. At minimum the Tax authority under the Constitution needs to be more clearly defined and requiring 2/3rds vote to increase or enact any new tax or fee, Balanced Budget, no more funny accounting practices on budgets, annual independent accounting audit on all departments, very harsh criminal penalties for vote fraud, no one on welfare in any form allowed to vote.
Millions of "professional" Americans who appear to be well-to-do (debt to their gills) are about to be forced onto welfare by law and tax penalties (up to approximately $30,000 a year for families of four for Medicaid). Matter of fact, most of those opting out will be some of those who won't owe taxes each year--the few hard working and more independent folks among the poor). tax owed, no penalty for avoiding insurance/medicaid.
More likely, we who are going "Galt" (self-sufficiency, no welfare, little income, little spending, little revenue generation,...) will be somehow denied the vote by the debt/revenue-sucking, government-pensioned/employed, political, regulating NIMBY neighbors.
On with the default process to small government. Have some popcorn. Enjoy watching the political/regulator class, as it riots tomorrow.
We have a choice - we can surrender or re-group and counter-attack. Counter-attacks frequently lead to victory.
I am ready to reload and advance forward!
Nah. Americans no longer have the stomach for any fights, much less CWII.
The only thing that will prompt a change at this point is a complete economic collapse. We took a giant step forward towards that today.
Shouldn’t be too much longer now, and the Kenyan’s work will be complete.
“What we need is a nationwide economic revolt driven by the states themselves.”
In other words, a Civil War III. The first two (1776 and 1861) were based on economics, as well.
Sarah Palin: Thank you, SCOTUS
Sarah Palin: "It’s time, again, for patriotic Americans to rise up to protest this obvious infringement on our economic and personal freedom. November is just around the corner. Today, the Supreme Court issued their ruling on Obamacare. In November, We the People will issue ours."
Palin is ALWAYS right, as I have noted before. She hardly, if ever, is on the wrong side of any issue. Is it instinct, or thoughtfulness? It doesn’t matter. She is the most gifted politician since Reagan. Godspeed Sarah P.
Wow. The spin is amazing. I understand trying to keep a “stiff upper lip,” and all that, but.... This monstrosity will not be repealed. It will simply be tweaked (maybe). Who really has ANY kind of faith in ANY of the branches of government now?? They have ALL failed us. At just about every turn. I’ll tell you one thing: Every single member of the House and the Senate should be fearful of the backlash from this.
SP=President in exile.
Why in the HE double hockey sticks did you NOT run, Sarah???? I’m still p*ssed at that!!!!!
She is right. It is all about "We the People."
We will not take this thing lying down.
I would like to ask a minor question:
How is it that when the Court votes against Obama, the Court is irrelevant, but, when the Court votes in Obama's favor, Obama is somehow completely vindicated by an "irrelevant" Court?
I always thought it was easy for Sara to speak/write because she speaks from the heart. She speaks from conviction and principle and honesty, she isn't hiding anything so she can let it flow and say what is in her heart, she just lets it go. I think Obama has trouble speaking/writing because he really has to watch it, he can't speak from the heart, he can never let us see what his core principles are. Must be hard for the poor guy.
We thought we had winning issues before King Zero was voted in by the sheeple public.
Do you really think this fall will be any different? The media spin will be he's a winner and the public freebies are protected.
Rome fell for exactly the same kind of policies and due to the same kind of blindness in those who should have known better.
Hey Sarah , it’s not just a tax . It’s a tax and a mandate. It’s the government telling us what to do, it is the end to individual liberty. It is the end of freedom. Get a clue.
I fear for Sarah and her family should she decide to enter at this date in time. In my humbly opinion both sides would see to it; she and her family did not have secret service protection. Would the powers that be (PTB) do such? All one has to do is look at their history, in my humbly opinion.
Sarah, lead us and tell us what to do—we march on your orders! You speak the truth. Trolls smacking their lips with joy and saying bad things about a true patriot like Palin—only makes me love her more! She has more common sense than a dozen others in the media—that’s why the left fears her.
We plan to fire the liberals from our comapny
This thread was brought to my attention by an Anonymous reader. Thank you!
POST: "We have a small production office and after today's decision by those putrid traitors on the SC. We will fire our obama-worshiping employee. Hey, it's not my fault. WE CAN'T AFFORD HIM now after the decision. I hope for the worst on those scums on the SC and this POS p-resident."
Good for you!
You cant afford to employ leeches. Let them go move back with their moms and dads.
Good luck with it. But if he is an Obama bootlicker, you can probably find a half-dozen performance-related reasons to back it up.
(Original Poster:) We hired this a-hole because one of our company liaisons ask for hiring him as a favor. He;s also late to work on many occasions so eff’ him. I hate liberals. I promise to be in the room once we let him go.
If he complains, tell him you are doing it as part of trying to assist improving the economy. Stretch Pelosi has assured us that unemployment payments are good for the economy.
(Original Poster:) The plan is due to “performance” issues that we are letting him go. He signed a contract where termination is for any reason anyways (kudos to our employment attorney). I need some enjoyment after the death of our country today.
You absolutely should fire liberals.
I check and see if people are registered democrats before I hire them because democrats almost always have no work ethic or sense of personal responsibility.
You will not be the only one.
We knew a business owner in the EBay who walked through his parking lot and wrote down the license plates of the idiots with Obozo/Lyden stickers on their cars.
Shortly after Obozo was installed as el supremo, those people got pink slips.
He did the same thing with those with Moonbeam stickers on their cars.
If you really mean it, do it smart. Document every shortcoming, every unfinished task, every argument with other employees.
Then can his a$$.
Smile later when your contest of his unemployment compensation wins. Firing for “due cause” beats a layoff every time.
You are too stupid to run a company if you are going to print stuff that can be used against you in court on free republic
I plan to do this whenever stateside. I will fill my shopping basket to the brim with stuff. If it is a small business shop owned by one local owner, and this owner is at the cash register, I will ask them in a very stone, neutral, non-commital face, "hey so, like, what do you think of this Obamacare anyway?"
If I get any "well, seems good for the country", or "I guess he is doing a good job" or any other of that liberal crap, without a SINGLE WORD I am going to leave the filled basket representing lots of bucks in potential sales, right smack there at the register (on the counter, what not) and not saying a word, walk right out. I intend to do it when other people are in line, too. I'm going guerilla in the trenches now, against my "fellow Americans" who want to take us into Socialism along with their phony, narcissist dictgator of a leader. That's MY statement. Screw em. Same with those of you firing liberal employees. Make sure you are covered for lawsuits, and do it. Make these people pay for their sins against the Republic and the Forefathers.
---- (NOTE: I often bold posts that I find particularly amusing or awful, but this guy bolded it for me.)
“I check and see if people are registered democrats”
My business partner and I, including management have a couple of “subtle” questions which picks out the liberals in the group during interviews.
Good. you should. I am breaking off contact with everyone who voted for the President. I don’t have any liberal friends but I do have liberal family members and I am done associating with them. If I had employees I would do the same thing you are. I am so angry right now that I don’t think I will be able to function today. No, angry is not a strong enough word. There is no word strong enough. I think I had better stay away from people for the next few days because if some liberal gloated about this in front of me I don’t think I would be able to stop myself from hurting them.
I don’t care who they are they will never see me again. It will mean missing out on a lot of family events but I am serious and I will let them know why I am not attending. I am starting to feel like I want to sell everything I own and move as far away from other people as I can get. I am starting to hate my own species. All of the farmers in my neck of the woods call themselves conservatives but they are all for government subsidies and payments. My new name for liberals is slavers because that is what they are.
this is the i got mine tax. no business aspire beyond 49 employees.
cronys win.
the new plantation owners
obamacare is slavery.
I know how you feel, bud. I hate liberals and hope for the worst on them. Unfortunately, I also have lib family members and it’s only because of blood that I cannot strangle them.
There were two small business owners who called into KLBJ in Austin this morning. One is canceling all health insurance and forcing the employees to buy their own or pay the fines.
The second said he would ask potential employees if the voted for any democrap in the past two elections. If they say yes, they will not be considered for the job. People are PO’ed.
Love this. Key their f#%king cars before they leave.
I engage vendors across the country for various projects in my field and have the most trouble with lame excuses for deadline extensions from the ones who are liberal.
When searching for new vendors, if I see any hints of liberal causes on their company websites (Be green, keep it on the screen, We embrace diversity, etc.) they’re automatically dismissed from consideration. Ends a potential problem before it begins.
(Original Poster:) Our lunchroom has a dartboard with obama’s face on it. Being a rightwing company located in a fag-friendly industry, we call it a miracle we have not been outed yet.
Obviously when studio execs visit our company, every Reagan poster is hidden quickly, including the obama dartboard.
My god, it's full of stupid.
ReplyDelete"Palin is ALWAYS right, as I have noted before. She hardly, if ever, is on the wrong side of any issue. Is it instinct, or thoughtfulness? It doesn’t matter. She is the most gifted politician since Reagan. Godspeed Sarah P."
ReplyDeleteI had to get a new keyboard after reading this one.