I honestly think he was either bribed or blackmailed.
Either is grounds enough to remove him.
All I want is the chance to grab him by his super-duper black robe, look him square in the eyes, and ask him,”What the H3LL were you thinking?! You just DESTROYED my country and what it stood for!”
Some would say he handed the Republicans control of the House, the Senate, and the Presidency for a generation.
He limited the commerce clause, he labeled obamacare for what it really is: obamatax, and he has given Conservatives a real opportunity to use reconciliation to reverse it since it was reconciliation that gave birth to this monster act. The more I read the SCHMART PEOPLE studies, the more I am starting to realize 1) Roberts is a genius and 2) he works in a process of decades as opposed to what you want: instant gratification.
Ten bucks says Roberts is a closeted fruit cake.
Impeach him for what? Expressing his opinion? Following his job description and writing a judicial opinion you disagree with? Impeach him on what basis? Your proposal is so much cow manure. I despise the man’s judicial opinion as much as anyone else, but I refuse to give up my brain to hysteria. Your proposal makes as much sense to me as the teenage girls who get on buses and subways and decide to cut someone up. It makes as much sense as an honor killing. Grow up. Quit throwing tantrums.
YES! And Kagan at the same time for not recusing herself. SHE WROTE THE LAW!
He’s obviously out of his mind. How can the ruling stand when the chief judge is nuts?
I was thinking there are two choices on why Roberts did this. Either he’s gone Communist, or Obama is blackmailing him.
roberts is not and never was qualified... he lied his way into the position.
After many decades of the social and educational mantra... ‘damn the absolute’, you get THESE kinds of politicians, THESE kinds of justices, THESE kinds of ethics, THESE kinds of legislation!
Everyone who ever voted Democrat from time immemorial is to blame.
Americans may not have what they always wanted, but they got what they deserve!
Can anyone tell me where Roberts is going to be buried?
I want to start pissing on his grave right away. No reason to wait.
Maybe I should start a business. Send me your urine and I will pour it on Roberts’ grave.
John Roberts is simply the worst, most destructive Chief Justice is the entire history of the nation. As bad as Obama is a President.
Worse, we can’t be rid of him. A terrible, terrible person to place in a position of responsibility.
I can’t say I know for sure, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the president paid Roberts off to rule in his favor, after all, if the president supposedly had over $500 million to campaign with at the end of 2008, where did all of his money go?
If I sent that jackwipe scumbag traitor John Souter Roberts a US constitution today, what it was wrapped around would not make it passed the metal detectors and the bomb-sniffing dogs.
Dirty rotten liberal coward asswipe punk scumbag beltwa-insider turncoat panzie-ass yellow-spined socialst traitor.
Evil. Yes! Vile too. Vile and evil.
He bent over backwards so far he put his head up his own rear to keep from completely overturning this UNCONSTITIONAL law. Kennedy has it dead right, and I thought Roberts would be stating Kennedy’s view as they knocked down Obamacare in its entirety.
Roberts tortured his argument. It would be easier for a modern quack alchemist to turn rust into gold than it was for Roberts to frame a penalty on the non-purchase of services as a “tax”.
Vile evil lawless treasonous punk.
"If I sent that jackwipe scumbag traitor John Souter Roberts a US constitution today, what it was wrapped around would not make it passed the metal detectors and the bomb-sniffing dogs."
ReplyDeleteSo this person would be sending a bomb?
Their death threats are really becoming very blatant.
ReplyDeleteI sort-of miss the days when they would at least attempt to couch them in faux-cutesy catchphrases.