Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Was America Founded As A Christian Nation?

"The secularists are wrong, period. But we cannot remake the Founders in our image to claim they were something they weren't."

30% of the founders were ministers. Most were religious men.

They came here to practice Christianity out from under the control of the King.

“One Nation Under God”, and all that stuff.


"America was NOT founded as a Christian nation.

A true Christian nation would not have allowed false gods to be worshipped in it’s society.

Islam, Buddhism and satanism would have been banned outright."

Technically, freedom of religion in the colonies only applied to Christianity as all other “comparative religions” were considered pagan or false religions.

This was especially true of British, Scottish, French, Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Swiss, and Russian settlers.

Judaism was also considered consistent with Christianity as the root of Christianity. Islam was not in consideration except as a false belief system.

Just study Church History and a globe and follow the growth of freedom in the West.


Our Constitution is based on the Ten Commandments, not the koran.


Every part of America had been the subject of intense lobbying by Christian institutions long before the Founders managed to get here.

This was the GREAT PRIZE OF ALL HISTORY ~ a whole new world! 


Articles / writers use the ‘controversial’ meme to rewrite history in support of liberalism. And they/their publications should be told in great number that their credibility ends, as does their income, when they attempt to blatantly lie.

Whether it’s this, the gay ‘rights’ bs or Dem anything, Stop patronizing them, inform them why and that’s about all we can do.

Why people still watch TV or by MSM pubs/visit their websites/then wonder why the MSM has such influence, is beyond me.


We are a republic and republic’s make an end of Kings. Such an end was only made possible by Christ.
The moment Christ died a new covenant was born. The curtain in Herod’s Temple which separated the holy of holies from the people was torn asunder. From that moment forward no one stood between each person and their God. No Priest. No King.

We have a one on one with God. Oh my...that means we are born with rights from God. Oh my....then there is no such thing as a noble. I am equal to any man and every man before God and the law.

It took another 1750 years, a Reformation, and an ocean between us to figure it out....but we did.
All men are created equal and endowed by their Creator with unalienable rights among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of indeed a Christian principle.

As is the tolerance for sinners and heretics who must find salvation and repentance on their own....not by force or compulsion.

Not all men who say they are Christian were or are. Likewise, not all men who say they are or were irreligious can be so easily filed.

The founders, like all of us, undoubtedly went through many phases of belief and unbelief in their long lives. They would be far too remarkable had they not. But the record does show that for most of them most of the time they lived....they abided by Christian principles as well as any sinner might.


“Was America Founded As A Christian Nation?”

Yes, of course it was.

To try to deny this is to deny Western culture and history.


"Our Constitution is based on the Ten Commandments"

Yes, and the dead giveaway is how the Constitution contains precisely none of them. 

--- I need an ohsnap.gif right here.


Well, all the Founders were Christians and the document could have only been written by Christians. And at the time of the Document’s adoption, about 99.9 percent of the non-Native people living here were Christians. 


When the State centralized control of education and enshrined the principals of the French Revolution rather than the values of our own Revolution, it was only a matter of time until Christian principals were discarded.

Once "everyone" went to college, it was all over. People had been brainwashed into accepting non-Christian behavior in public rather than allowing others freedom of worship as long as they conformed to a Christian moral code and public behavior in keeping with Christian principals. Having achieved their goal of brainwashing a few generations, the democrat fascist nobility was able to begin to openly take over. Since they couldn't start by murdering the priests and pastors, though, they did the same thing the pre-Revolutionary French folks did and got everyone used to violence and an absence of law.

Face facts, when King Barry was able to first grab power within the democrat machine and then get elected, the fascists won. They had and have exactly the sort of society and government machine they've been working towards ever since they lost their slaves.

It's just a matter of time before the final confrontation between the majority and the new nobility takes place. They can't actually win and it will be nearly impossible for them to blend back in and hide their real intentions, but they can make it a very, very, difficult time in our history.

There Will Be Blood. 

-- I was just going to bold my favorite part, but then I realized that it's all my favorite part.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Chick-fil-A to stop giving money to 'anti-gay organizations,' according to reports

And I guess that Target, Penny’s etc, etc, etc will stop giving money to pro-gay organizations?

Silly me, I always thought that the purpose of a business was to make money and hire people.

Earth to gays, I was going to tell you to mind your own business and shove it up your smelly Obamas. At least you’re following half of my recommendations.


I always liked the Chick-Fil-A and liked even more in the last few months after the chain was attacked by agents of the sodomites.

Now, without their support for solid family values, I may have to stop dining at my local Chick-Fil-A.


 "No one has to send money to any organization except the greedy, brutish government.

Perhaps Mr. Cathy was worried about having to close his business if the homosexual Gestapo got him on the IRS and EPA and Labor Dept. hit lists. He cares about all his employees who would be out of work when lawsuits would shut his doors.

That’s the kind if thugs we have running this formerly free country."

And it is such “thugs” that WILL and I REPEAT WILL make a second American revolution much more likely to happen.


 Unfortunately for CFA they’re not keeping in mind that the same people that supported them with record breaking sales a few months ago can also avoid them and we are the 53% that actually have money and like the wholesome surroundings and service of CFA. I’d like more info on what they plan to do before turning away.


 "Instead donate to groups that support traditional marriage. wink wink"

Exacly. Cater to their expectations. They think you are stupid. Give them a sentence they want that does not conflict with the corporate values. Done and Done.

Let's sell chicken and support our communities!!!! Yea!!!! 


 CFA is compromising their values to appease the liberals. Halting support for pro-family groups is just the beginning. Homosexual activists won’t be satisfied until Dan Cathy is on his knees begging for forgiveness and have lesbian cows marrying.


sounds like they caved

incrementalism. homos will perceive this as a ‘win’

Friday, September 14, 2012

Were We Warned? (Obama Knew)

Clinton and Obama might just as well have put bullets in the head of those four poor souls. This report came from our own state department.


 Impeach the treasonous bastard bastard and run him out of Dodge!


 Obama didn't need warning this was SEPTEMBER 11 !!! In the MIDDLE EAST !!!! Should have been on full alert or hiding. This was a MAJOR BLUNDER! !!! BUT VIVA LAS VEGAS.



 He did it on purpose..He needed to change the subject here at hope and win muslim support for cash..what could be the reason for he and hillary offering up human sacrifices. what do they need a crisis for?


 Congress should demand that the President and Sec. of State appear before the Foreign Affairs Committee next week. They need to find out who is responsible for this flagrant dereliction of duty. When there are dead Americans coming to Andrews AFB today, we no longer can pretend we have leaders who know what they are doing.


I am more convinced than ever it was false flag. US false flag orders go out to AQ actors in Cairo and libya, security apparatus detects and reports threat, intel on threat goes ignored by USA, Kinectic against Ambassador and embassy occurs, people die, Clinton and Obama not surprised, lament dbad day after apologies.

Classic false flag cockup killing Americans on order of CIC.

Will happen all over mid east and Europe tomorrow, in muslim countries, after prayers. The horse is out of the barn now, will go crazy 3 times.


 It was the anniversary of 9/11.
They had 48 hours warning.
Guards were not allowed ammunition.
That muzzie sob has blood on his hands.
Impeach him now!


 The empty suit has become the biggest criminal in America.


This I believe is true. I can’t say why I think this but I believe it.

When did we first hear of the attacks in the media? Was it Monday night?


 It’s Wag the Dog time for Barry Hussein Soetoro as we are getting close to Nov 6. Think TWA 800 in 96 when Bubba was going for relection.

Muhammed: The Innocence of Muslims (Various Articles)

Americans died because muslims are stupid.

Americans died because muslims killed them.

More Americans are also going to die, because Americans are stupid.

Why do Americans blame themselves and other Americans for killings that were committed by someone else entirely?

The answer is because Americans hate themselves.


 All I hear is the demonization of the producer, but no analysis of the actual film. It may just hold some grain of truth from a non-muslim perspective.


 Why is the film being investigated? Why not oh, I don’t know, THE PEOPLE THAT ARE KILLING AMERICANS!? Oh, wait, they were Muslims, a protected pet group of the liberal elite. Hey libtards, you like Muslims so much, go live in a Muslim Country. Oh, you don’t want to do that? The quit {expletive}ing-up our Country and trying to make it look like some weird blend of socialism, secular-fascism, and Islam!


 Considering no one had heard about this movie until Tuesday, 9/11, and that news is coming out about the attacks being planned for a while, and the fact that crowds were chanting something along the lines of “Obama Obama, there are a thousand Osamas” after the DNC had speech after speech bragging about getting bin Laden, I’d say the movie is not in the top 10 reasons these attacks occurred, and that it is being made the scapegoat.


 I watched it..everything in it was the truth. what are they complaining about?


 "Perhaps the most successful piece of agitprop video ever devised, in terms of cost to effect."

Let's do more - really drive them over the cliff - make it ever more difficult for the ROP apologists.

Inflame a Moslem today - do it for America. 


does the distributor of this film have connections to Obama or the government in any way?


WTF is going on here. You can make a movie with sodomy, group sex, simulated animal sex, simulated child sex.. you can make a movie that simulates the assassination of a sitting president, that blames the terrorist attacks on a sitting president, that mocks Christianity and Christians .. but you can’t make a movie that discusses islam that wasn’t even a movie , that wasn’t released into theaters or you get investigated by the FBI. Only a muslim would be so offended to have this sort of reaction.

What the hell is going on in this country? Obama underwrote these “revolutions” in the ME and when his policies fail, he has his minions blame a guy that made a video? really?

If everyone with a pulse doesn’t vote for the candidate most likely to defeat this guy, they are just as guilty as those who vote for him.


 Where are all the liberals who were so outraged over the “blacklisting” of Hollywood Communists?


 Surprised that Muslims wouldn’t have had this sort of outrage for several South Park episodes, which makes this films origins seem like a perfect storm for this like it was a liberal that made the film to use it as an excuse, but use an alias to make it seem like it was made by a jewish person. I the FBI finds out it was a hoax and the originator of the film was a lefty elitist, then will all of a sudden the outrage for the maker of the film vanish in thin air?


 The only reason for investigating the creation of this film is to establish whether it has ties back to the Muslim Brotherhood itself or back to our current government. This effort is only covered by the 1st Amendment if it is not a “false flag” operation.


It’s only taken 1,400 years for the world at threat to finally understand Islam, so I say great. Better to slap down the insane murder cult once and for all, grasp the nettle, instead of losing one country after another.


I hope the American public gets outraged over all the liberals trying to blame this on the movie

Anybody with sense knows these fanatics don’t need any excuse to riot and raise hell


The attacks did not happen because of this film. I think the organizers used the excuse about the film to recruit people into their protests. 

Here's something to ponder. Did anybody find it strange that the democrats (Obama) removed support for Israel off its platform at the conventions? They get a lot of the Jewish votes normally. Why did they do that? 

And supposedly there would be a lot of Muslims at the convention. I even heard that one would actually say a prayer. 

I think Obama had made a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama would remove the pro-Israel platform from the democrat convention and Libya and Egypt would remain (or at least appear to remain) allies with the US and not with Iran. You know, to avoid embarrassment for Obama during the election season. 

Well, during the convention Obama was pressured to reverse that and return the support of Israel on the DNC platform. Reluctantly he allowed them to do that. 

If he made a deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, they would obviously be very angry over this reversal and betrayal. 


I mean look, Obama (who is anti-Israel himself anyways) has been giving Netanyahu an extra cold shoulder since the conventions. Almost as if he fears being seen with the man. 

I think Muslim Brotherhood is getting revenge for Obama's Betrayal and again recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capitol. 


I think it's time that they were repeatedly mocked. Let's make a million videos and start each one with a disclaimer. If you peacefully protest this video, we apologize for offending you. If you murder and riot, thanks for proving our point. As long as you act like savages, we will continue to mock and ridicule you. You have no place in the civilized world.


Truly amazing that a man needs to be protected by the police for producing a film in America.

This is not progress and this is not America.

This IS living proof that Muslims don’t belong here - NONE of them. They should all be shipped out to North Africa or Saudi Arabia.


"Only in the age of Obama would the military and media expose someone they way they have.

I can’t wait to leave this alternate universe of Obama we’re living in.

November can’t come soon enough."

 I have a very sickening feeling that November may be a very, very, bad month.

Obama’s base is comprised of liberal women, “woosified” men, minorities, communists & Marxists, union goons, queers of all stripes, entities that receive government business and checks (intimidation of employees to vote for him), and the largest voting sector of all......bums and cheats on welfare.

That is his voting base and the sad fact that it is larger than the entire conservative voting block.


 I seriously doubt that the film was the cause of the riots on 9/11. The riots have been in planning for months and the only surprised ones were the Slow Joe types in our State Department. Every one else that has been watching the Mideast was fully aware that this was going to happen sooner or later. Once they realized that the “Arab Spring” was a bastard child of theirs, they frantically searched for someone or something to blame it on. When you deal with Satan (aka Muslim Brotherhood), you should expect a knife in the back.


 The media investigates some low class movie clown, but refuses to delve into Obamugabe's past?!!??


 Well I finally found out it was some idiot Egyptians who aired the trailer on TV. So whether Jews made the film or evangelicals, or atheists, it was the idioe Egyptians who “inflamed” their own on 9/11. Doesn’t take much for that group.


 Please folks, don't buy into this hoax. The attack occurred on 9-11. It was carefully planned in advance by an Al Quaeda-related group to exact revenge for Bin Ladin and to stir up more trouble for the U.S. If anything the film is a hastily-contrived red herring to mislead the media and the gullible. 

In my bones I know the Muslim Brotherhood not only knew in advance it would happen but was complicit. Obama and Hillary have opened a passageway to Hell and named it the Arab Spring. 


 This couldn’t be a cover up of them chanting: “We are all Osama 0bama” in outrage to 0bama spiking the ball at the DNC.


Its his project from our Whtie House.

This arab spring thing is just one of Obama’s orchestrated, choreographed and conducted projects in building and consolidating his North African caliphate. Being muslim, he knows exactly what he is doing, and at America’s expense.

Strategically, his goal was to encapsulate Israel. Soon they will take a run at it and if they find it easy going, then they will take another run at America.

Worst part? Obama has a penchant for dictators and “rulers” and the alien/muslim feels the same should be for America. It will be a bitch prying his ass from the White House. I believe he will attempt to hang on to power at any cost.

It is also way too sad that we have the Worlds Greatest Ghazi!..... operating from our White House!


 Sounds like the Clintons. They were always good at faking movies and sound bites.


The movie is a piece of crap. 

But it's message is correct: Islam is an abominable and detestable crime against nature! 








MARK THESE WORDS and watch out!


“Why weren’t they warned of possible danger?”

Apparently they were, from some leaks found out late yesterday...Something like a 48 hour notice from what I heard...

“What about the Marines and rubber bullets?”

I have to check, but I don’t believe Marines use “rubber bullets”...Now the indigienous police forces outside the control of our diplomatic corp are not under our direction, and they do in some cases fire tear gas, rubber bullets and throw back rocks, thrown at them, which I did see to some sense of humor in that clip I saw yesterday...So the overall debacle has its feckless moments on both sides of this equation...

“Why is Hillary focusing on the film and not the violence of the muslim extremists?”

Do you want the scary answer??? Because she is a drunken blithering idiot who could not hit the ground if she fell, if the need arose...


 It’s like a reichstag, only started by a different group of malcontents.


This brings to mind the “Freedom Flotilla” of a few months back. I think George Soros, Bill Ayres, and Bernadine Dohrn may have been involved in this. You know, just people from his neighborhood. Does anyone else recall?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Waffle House Fight Caught On Camera

One (apparently drunk) woman started a fight at a Waffle House when her food is not prepared in what she considers a timely manner. She threw a stapler at the cook and a ketchup bottle of a woman calling a cop.

Didn’t even have to look at the picture to know it was one of Holder’s “peeps.” Or perhaps one of Zero’s daughters.


“According to Troy Police Chief Jimmy Ennis, the angry omelet orderer was Erika Raynell Chambers, 21, of Luverne.”

Member of a protected class. Just ask Dept. of Injustice’s Eric Holder.


" I really hate that almost everytime I see an article about something like this I hope that I see a white faced perpetrator but invariably they’re black. I don’t want to believe that blacks are inherently more agressive than whites but the anecdotal evidence seems clear."

It's that arrogant entitlement mentality that has intensified since 0bama became POTUS.


President Lincoln felt that “Black and white can not live together”. He supported the “Back to Africa” movement via Liberia.


It's not inherent, i.e genetic, it's feral.

They're raised without parents, love, God, rules, limitations, respect, manners, responsibility, education, morals, shame, and on and on and ... 


 Dey be entitled you know.


"I have a lot of black friends and co-workers. My best girl friend is black. All educated, all well mannered and all successful.

And sadly, they would have guessed the same as I did, that the moron having the fit was black. In fact, I had a co-worker, who had just bought a house in a very white suburb, tell me she “didn’t want to live around a bunch of blacks”..

She laughed at the look on my face, and proceeded to tell me she wanted to keep her property values up.

So it certainly isn’t all black folks by any means."

No one suggested it was "all." However, the blacks you described are the 1% ... and would probably be described as Uncle Toms.

I have a few relatives who teach and when any minority gives them that "you want me to act white" BS, they get an earful of - "No, I want you to act like an American." 


 "So it certainly isn’t all black folks by any means."

The ones you know and write about are the statistical outliers. The part thrown out when performing the statistical analysis.

My best friend since we were five years old (I am in my early 50s) is just one of those outliers. He has no black friends and has never had one. He never dated a black women, married a wonderful Cuban woman and his parents would not let him associate with blacks except within his family. He is a senior engineer at an automotive manufacturer.

The problem is they are a very small minority of the black population and are regarded by the majority as "Uncle Toms" because they had the audacity to want an education and become successful on their own.

It is not just Liberalism that produces this, it is thousands of years of genetic evolution within a tribal mindset that weeds out the non conformers.


The Black community is fed a steady diet of hate and disinformation about our society. It is being done by the Left to foment a race war. They also play off Latinos against Blacks and Whites. The Left thinks a race war is winnable by them to usher in their new socialist/Marxist utopia. They really do not understand that this would be Civil War 2 and such wars are messy and not “civil”. Lots of the Lefties would perish along with other innocent Americans. 


 I was in physical therapy awhile ago when the Rhianna/Brown beat up was aired. A large black woman was on the table next to me and said loudly that Rhianna was arrogant and deserved the smack down...

All us white folks were stunned.

Yemeni protesters storm US embassy in Sanaa

Yet another cost we pay of having the idiot from Chicago in charge. I wonder how much longer the media can run damage control for Obama before the dam breaks.


 Obama and Hillary are being exposed as amateurs

Wanted to Loved and now hated. 

Their might be hearings on Huma NOW 


This is yet ANOTHER gift to Romney as horrible as it is. If this doesn’t move the polls to his direction and erase Obama’s lead in swing states...nothing will. At this point you have people who are considered heroes who rob banks in Los Angeles and throw out tens of thousands in cash. We really need to get the hell out of the Middle East at this point and regroup. Obama is gonna get a lot of people killed.

How Romney is not up 15 points is BEYOND ME.


Militant Muslim Uprisings = September Surprise

Puts bad news of the economy, jobs, unemployment on the back burner.

How convenient for Obama.

Allah truly watches over him.


 It took the Yemeni Military and a lot of violence to get them out of our Embassy. Fox reported that there were no Americans there... ALL of our people have been evacuated. We have abandoned our posts in the ME. We are a weak and defeated nation in the eyes of the terrorists... for now. Maybe not next year.


 Lets be honest... would anyone really miss Yemen if we just wiped it off the map?


 This hurts him on top of the economy... there is no way to spin this as anything but the failures of the left and hillary and obama personally. They own this and the media is starting to report the truth over the lies of clinton and obama yesterday. This is far from over... this has just begun. Do you think iran will just let this slide by without trying to seek advantage? Watch... this is serious business.


 Rome burns while Obama plays golf.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

"I love Obamacare" bumper sticker. (Vanity)

Someone asks if anyone has seen cars with this bumper sticker.

Yes and it is nauseating.


Several weeks ago, I stopped to help a man load his pick up truck with shelves (or somehing heavy). He thanked me for the help and closed his tailgate, revealing a newer looking Obama bumper sticker.

Without hesitation I chuckled and said, “Wow. Either you have some cruel friends and pranksters or somebody vandalized your truck (pointing to the sticker with a smile and a chuckle).”
There was a pause that I let linger while standing fast. He looked at me and said, “I put that on there.”

I responded with, “My apgologies, sir. I didn’t mean to offend. I just assumed you were a hard working, middle class tax payer like me.” I politely turned and left.

My only wish is that I could have taken longer to see his final reaction.


Oh yes, I've seen those... here in the People's Republik of Connecticut and in nearby Massachusetts.   I've also seen tons of Obama's 2012 stickers, tons of Elizabeth Warren stickers on MA cars, and even a few "I Miss Bill" (Bill = Bill Clinton - sticker apparently purchased via his Clintoon Presidential LIEbrary).   I've seen maybe two Romney stickers so far, and no Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA) stickers. Sucks...

You can buy photographic paper that has adhesive and a peel-off backing paper that you can put in your printer and make your own bumper stickers...

I made up a bunch to keep in my car that say "I am a flaming ASSHOLE!"

I love to put them on cars with Obama stickers and on cars that cut me off in parking lots...
I saw my first one this morning. Some 20 something in a suv. Socialists are everywhere apparently.
"Guy showed up at our church last night with that on the back of his car. I said the same thing - “Someone put a stupid sticker on your nice car”. Found out he and his wife were prior Peace Corps in the ensuing discussion. Goes to prove that stupidity is lifelong....

Pretty funny!!"

Meaning that they expect the government to pay for their vacation to beautiful Honduras or wherever. I remember so well the Peace Corps’ fat girls in Honduras: under-worked and overfed but being so pretentious as if they were Mother Theresa of Calcutta.


What President Johnson said of enslaving blaqck people to the public teet applies equally to those like this female who are now manufactured depenedents upon the public trough. The criminal enterprise demoncrat party has succeeded even beyond evil Lyndon’s wildest dreams. They are truly the enemy within ...
We should all be thankful that people like the one mentioned will openly identify themselves as being totally stupid. This way, we know that they are generally untrustworthy, unemployable, ect....ect.


I saw this on an elderly couple’s car when I was leaving church. My daughter asked me, “Why would they love Obamacare?” My reply (in a nice LOUD voice so they could HEAR it) was, “They must be suicidal”.


I have seen a similar bumper sticker also an a Prius. It read “I (heart symbol) MY Obamacare” with the word MY in red capital letters. The driver who appeared to be a sixty something woman passed me like a bat out of Hades. (I was doing 70 in a 55 zone.) She tried to exit from the high speed lane, caught the right curb on the exit and then overcorrected and flipped over in the grassy area on the left side of the exit. I hit the On-Star button and reported a rollover accident and stopped to see if I could render aid. She somehow got out of her Prius and was wondering around he face all bloodied from where she hit the windshield. The state police arrived and so did an ambulance. After she was taken to the nearest hospital, the trooper thanked me for making the call and stopping. He then pointed to the bumper sticker and said, “I hope she realizes that the taxes start now, but the care part doesn’t start until 2014.” I chuckled and said, “Maybe she will wait.


Saw one just the other day at the grocery store on the corner of Seaward and Harbor Blvd. in Ventura. Some ugly feminist looking gal in a van.

Bob Dylan: Slavery Ruined America

The US outlawed slavery long before most other countries did. I believe Hungary was the first country to outlaw slavery but the US was in the first ten or so to do so.


Black separatists in the Black Panther movement (1960s and today) stir the kettle of racism by indoctrinating their children that no white person will ever look kindly upon them.

That is child abuse.


Apart from other old hippy fleabags, who cares what this old hippy fleabag thinks?
The sun will shine a little brighter on the day that we bury the last of the louse-eaten nincompoops from the sixties.


““If slavery had been given up in a more peaceful way, America would be far ahead today,” Dylan observes.”

He got that right. Thanks, Progressives.


Slavery was OLD before the US imported slaves here.

Granted that does not make it OK.

However, the US was one of the very first countries to reject it wholesale. As a matter of fact, the US put its future and fortune on the line to fight over abolition.

But-I guess we’re supposed to overlook that.


Slavery is still practiced openly in Africa and the Middle East. Where is the outrage?   Meanwhile 50 million babies have been sacrificed to Lilith/Pan since 1973. Where is the outrage?   Oh these times are a shaming.


That was over 150 years ago. Our pResident has done more damage.
Good God, liberals are stupid.


If we had just left these people in Africa where they enjoyed making slaves and meals of each other , and imported the Irish to work the southern plantations we wouldn’t have had this problem either.


"Should have picked our own cotton"

In many, MOST??, cases, we DID pick our own cotton. It’s a myth that only blacks did it.


Monday, September 10, 2012

This Is The Most Bullish Moment We Can Recall Since The Financial Crisis Ended

Summary: The article is about how the stock market has been rallying.


Aren’t we basically in a depression?


The crisis ended and I missed it?


If they want a crisis, just let Obama be re-elected
and see what happens to the economy.


I have 40 years experience up until today in small business... we are in a depression and ALL OF THESE COMMUNISTS are trying to get obamao reelected... yes... wall street/corporate America does have a communist division... see robert reichhhhhhhhh for example.


And this is the most bullishit news I have seen.

There is no reason for it. As one person posted, no fundamentals support it. None.


of course the market will get a bump...

just as it’s had over the last 3+ years.

as you deflate the dollar, things measured in dollars... require more dollars to acquire

"China is faltering, Europe is in shreds, the US is about to re-elect a trillion dollar deficit and Israel is stalking Iran. Great time for a stock market rally. "
Who you gonna believe - Obama's media, or your lying eyes?
The markets will be goosed by new printing ,, that is all ...
Higher taxes in 2013

Obamacare kicks in ..
Europe continues to collapse ... China is probably at the start of a collapse...

School's out in Chicago as teachers strike, parents scramble (Obama Union Supporters)

"Both parents of every child in the Chicago Public Schools has a full time daylight job? Really? Wow."

Actually, they don’t even need to live with two parents. Even with unmarried or divorced parents, they’re all working???? Really? There’s nobody to watch the child? Of course, they can’t afford day care, but there’s no problem with the multiple cell phones and acrylic nails. Right. It’s just the media, once again, playing its hand.

This strike is all for political theater. I believe what some others are saying, Obama will claim to have “saved” the day in a few weeks.

Stay focused, everyone.


Meanwhile, homeschool parents got up and went to work teaching, just as they do every day


Charter schools will be open today because their teachers are non-union. I hope police are at these schools protecting the teachers and students.


In secret meeting...Rahm and Chi Teachers Union President...   RAHM: "I need for you to get all your teachers out and get out the votes for obama." UNION PRESIDENT: That's cool, baby, but what's in it for us?"   RAHM: "You go on strike for 3 or 4 days and you and I sit in my office a couple of times a day until day 4 and watch Oprah and Judge Joe Brown. We come out every day and tell the Press we're getting close. On last day we come out smiling and announce we've settled for an 18% raise. Everyone is happy."   UNION PRESIDENT: "Sounds like a good plan. Ugh...Hmm...Aren't you forgetting something, sweetie?"   RAHM: "Oh, yeah..... At midnight tonight, go to 63rd & Stoney and park in front of that pool hall. I'll have the Police Commissioner send a guy to break the street light, so it will be darker. I'll have someone meet you with an envelope."   UNION PRESIDENT: "Make sure it's a thick envelope. I'll be 50 years old next year and I'm retiring. I means, I worked hard for this early retirement. I needs me a big fine White-man's House down in Palm Beach."   RAHM: "How about instead of a thick envelope, I send it in a brief case? It's DNC money, anyway."   UNION PRESIDENT: "You da man, sugar. Now, give me little kiss and let's go speak to the Press about my strike."


I read somewhere the average teacher salary in Chicago is around $75K..while the average Chicagoan makes around $30K...and these union members are asking for a THIRTY PER CENT raise...


fire them all, they should be grateful to have jobs in this economy not striking


Wher’mah gonna put mah babies!?


I won’t be looking for the Chicago Teacher’s lingerie calendar any time soon. If they cut their caloric intake they would have extra money for retirement and healthcare.


Well, it is Chicago, and its yoots will do what they do best: killing each other.


Government whores....


The picture of these yelping parasitic sows is telling. These shirking losers “work” for a few hours per day and only “work” about 7 1/2 months per year...and they want a 30% raise. Do a Reagan and fire all of them. Kids being taught by these communist pin-heads is child abuse.


I bet the shootings in Chicago increase...with more punks on the street instead of school


Staged....This is all a set up for 0bama to swoop in and save the day and sew up the election. Mark my words, it will happen.


Obama’s sons and daughters will not be locked up in schools during the day. And will be bored. And have the illegal guns. There’s only so much “Meet the Browns” and “Jerry Springer” and fake court shows they can watch before theyz got to get some street reparations from da man to get their funyuns, popeye’s chicken and grape fanta.


Awesome. Those kids will finally get a break from daily indoctrination from those lazy union teachers..
I went back to Chicago for Labor Day Weekend and saw my niece who is a teacher in Chicago. I asked her how she feels about the strike and she said, "If they are forced to strike, their will be so many murders that they will have to cave to our demands." I said, "Well, first of all I think you're sick for hoping that young people to start killing each other so your union can get their contract demands met, but what if their isn't the kind of killing you're hoping for and the kids find something else to do rather then kill each other." She said, "No way they're going to need a lot of body bags." And them she added she already has another job lined up. Now I don't know if that is just my niece talking or if that is one of tactics the Chicago Teachers Union is going try to negotiate with because they're going to be in for a long strike.
Where dem chiles gonna go for der learning if I caint learn em- Chicago Teacher.

Contrary to many, I like the idea of unionized teachers not being at schools. This is because the children in those districts will miss out on lectures such as: Why Rich White Protestants are Responsible for All That is Wrong, Abortion is Exhilarating! Communism Creates Wealth, Capitalism Destroys It, Homosexuality is the Norm, Your Grandparents Were Monkeys, and Humans More Powerful Than God on Planet's Temperature. The real question is how to keep them from keeping their jobs and bilking taxpayers out of their money.
Chicago Teacher: I'm a teacher (like that's the holy grail), so give me more stuff and I will be a better teacher. If I get more dollars/benefits, your children will be better edjumacated. Socialists simply don't get what works, and never will. RVII is coming.

how many of those teachers speak ebonics?


How many drug deals will suffer if lil Tradymark can't stack paper correctly?
What about the aspiring public profanicators/rap artists? Who will teach them to chant nigger over and over and call it art?

-- "Tradymark" is what they call Trayvon Martin because his mother trademarked his name.


Government schools are left wing induction centers. The only “instruction” the kids get is liberal propaganda. The best thing that could ever happen to students would be for the teachers to strike forever. Public education/government schools have been a colossal failure and need to be shut down permanently.


Duh teachers union sez, “We’ll learn yuse kids real good.”


Friday, September 7, 2012


Excerpt: "Tongue firmly in cheek, the government urged citizens Thursday to prepare for a zombie apocalypse, part of a public health campaign to encourage better preparation for genuine disasters and emergencies. The theory: If you're prepared for a zombie attack, the same preparations will help during a hurricane, pandemic, earthquake or terrorist attack."

There is one guy who actually works with the guy behind this effort, and I'll throw in a couple of his reasonable quotes defending this campaign.

How come I get this feeling the government is taunting us.


The government may seem to be joking, but they really aren’t. They are really telling people that have to be self-sufficient because the government is not truly prepared to assist the citizens in a nationwide “unusual occurrence”.

Besides, there is a hierarchy on who gets saved and who doesn’t. Guess where the average citizen fits in?


Strange. The basic prep for surviving a zombie apocalypse is food and water, medical supplies, guns and ammo, LOTS of guns and ammo.

Why would a branch of the federal government with the fedgovs open agenda of citizen disarmament even jokingly make a suggestion that people arm themselves for the eventuality of dispatching a massive number of threats?

Am I the only one who finds this somewhat odd?


And by “zombie”, they mean “hoards of formerly welfare dependent MUY who’ve been cut off and are seeking sustenance from the suburbs”.


The first thing I thought when I saw this months ago was “I wonder if they realize how zombies are dealt with in movies and games?” followed quickly by “I wonder what caliber they recommend?”


"That entire agency is loaded with lesbian zombies. "
Actually, the entire agency is loaded with bright, motivated, dedicated Doctorates and Masters who genuinely want to improve health. While there are, of course, a few strident leftists scattered among the group, the vast majority don't give a whit about politics and are working very hard on their specialty: Whether it be diabetes or athsma or cancer research, or preventing outbreaks of catastrophic new viruses, or radiation detection and mitigation.... the list is endless.

These are hardworking, dedicated people who actually care. Of all the Federal agencies I have ever seen in my life, this is the first one that is actually worth a damn.


There are Zombies, just not the kind from George A. Romero films. And they have been fed from the Government’s stash for years now.

Recent events show (Flash Mobs, OWS, etc) we have a large entitlement minded population that is violent prone and armed. I think that during a collapse you will see many small businesses wiped out by flash mob looting, and once started it will quickly spread to rape, robbery and murder for murder sake. You will see what I call ‘pocket pogroms’ and if you ain’t ‘Amish’ you better not be around when they come.

Many of these ‘zombies’ will think no more about killing you to get ‘stuff’ than zombies in the last horror flick and do it just as gruesomely as any of the worse scenes in those same movies


This warning is issued while multiple federal agencies are stocking up on hollow point ammo.

All silliness aside, be watchful for president choom and his media to start something before the election.

The panic that ensued from the 2008 market crash got ozero in office. Of course mccain helped, but this go round, ozero has the full force of the federal government behind him.

Definitely a 'scare'; almost a 'dare'.   They are 'shaping' their Constituency. . .


“Only a year or two ago they labeled preppers as borderline terrorists. What prompted the change?”   They aren't talking about actual preppers. I read the info. they had. They say prepare for “a couple of days”, giving you time to go to a “refugee” center.   I'm prepared for most anything but I would live in a cave and eat questionable berries before I would go to their “refugee” center.

With any luck, maybe I will run one of the 'refugee centers'.

Then I get to decide who lives and who dies.

Cops: Man threatened to kill President during DNC

Cops threaten a Charlotte, NC man who tweeted that he was going to kill the President at the DNC. Freepers try to process the shocking information that this man is also black.

Oh my goodness! One of his own sons threatened the Messiah?????


He’s just rapping. Didn’t the Prez himself say he liked to listen to (the always hateful and violent) lyrics of rap?


Based on this guy’s name and photo, this story goes no where in the MSM. Of course, if it were a white guy named Earl, then this would be non-stop 24 hour coverage. We all know the drill.


Nuttin gonna hapn to em...he be one of Holder’s people.


This is a set-up designed to engender sympathy for Obama.

The only flaw in the plan was they couldn’t find a white person stupid enough to go along with it.


"Who in the hell is stupid enough to put something like that on the internet?...."

Most of THEM anarchists, Democratics and public school educated.


First the lady with Romney, now this...

Sounds like the dems are kill-crazy!

..The party of love, peace and tolerance.. HA!!!


The democrat party (and it’s surrogates in academia and the media) has been purposfully radicalizing it’s weak minded followers for decades now. I think they are starting to see the results.


If it was a white guy named Earle, the SS would be rounding up the local Tea Party club, as many veterans and anti-abortion protestors as possible, and bringing in the Director of Homely Security, Janet “The Dyke” Napolitano, for a press conference on radical white guys.


Donte Jarmar Sims - must be an Amish name fo sure.


“Oh, one of those elderly, racist Tea Partiers. Just as I suspected...”

Exactly! I’ll tune into Good Morning America, I’m SURE they’ll be talking bout this one...NOT!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

DNC is just sickening

Vanity post:

I am not a Romney fan at all, but listening to the DNC speakers it is just sickening how they are blaming capitalism. These "workers" talking about how they were fired from "their" companies despite them being "productive".

Do these losers have any idea about how stupid they sound? If they were adding value, why would they be cut by a profit oriented company? They were cut because they were DRAG on the company. A profit oriented company is not a charity, it needs to survive by making money. Leeches(or slacking workers) need to go and if they are cut, it is up to them to improve and become more valuable, not complain about "BAIN CAPITAL".

This is just sickening to listening to these "hard working Americans" speak.


Yes, I’d like to see their performance reviews.


Your right, Obama may get a negative bounce out after today's debacle. 


Sandra Fluke is on now fear mongering. Whoever chose her to speak is a hero...for our side. What a veritable smorgasboard of parody. If SNL misses it, we MUST find a way to capitalize on this sl*t’s stupid comments.


I wonder who’s idea it was to put Fluke then Bill Clinton speaking in close succession? So they could “warm up” in the back together?


The slut’s speech was all about murdering of babies for a woman’s right to convenience. Horrendous!


Notice the psychology of Fluke’s necklace? Round hoops like condoms? Slick Willy wanted her to wear a different kind of necklace, probably.


Even Slick Willie, who even I admit can give a speech, especially to a captive audience, is failing miserably to make a case for the muslim.

Slick Willie could sell ice to the proverbial Eskimo, but he’s got nothing tonight. Barry sucks harder than Monica.

Michelle's speech

Hey Mooch! You can keep the change! This is America. We don’t want communism here


SICK OF HER!!! SICK OF HIM!!!! I just want them both gone.


Fast forward to December 2012. The Messiah gets re-elected. Michelle says, “I was wrong, change will take 40 years. Let’s just forget about another election.”


Beat it Moochele, you Eva Braun-wannabe. And take your lying marxist Anti-American turd of a husband with you.


Did she speak in a particular “dialect”?


She copied Mrs Romney’s speech. Pretty weak.

Pray for America
"That dress, or whatever it is, looks awfully informal."

I thought it was a "boring" outfit that should be worn during "a hospital visit" and not to a speech for the world. Hint: Princess Kate Middleton.


Michelle: Oh paleeeze give more looting time.


MO only cares about the children and the veterans and Obama has no thoughts for himself, only helping others, they are saints...they wont leave anyone behind...we are all in this together ...( some pay and some get, some pull the cart and some ride in it, but we are all in this together, kind of.)   Michelle never mentioned anyone having to pay for all this. It was all hard work and making it and helping others...I dont think the IRS is that compassionate.


Just pray that the Ohaha Team stays clueless-—that they keep on thinking fang-toothed, snarling Michelle is the campaign’s “secret weapon”.

Even Rasm had her at 61% favorability on Aug 30. It looks like those polled are ether hypnotized or outright lying.


Hey Sasquatch, “We the People” want you and the communist out of our house.
No two people on earth worked less hard for success, than Michele and Obama.


"Mrs. Obama: Husband knows what struggle means"

But he was NEVER short of cash to buy choom and a little blow, when he could get it. People who have enough money to waste it on drugs can’t complain about being broke.
Don’t forget him attending the Punahou School in Hawaii — very elite and extremely hard to get into from what I understand.
The reason he was broke growing up was his mother had a worthless degree (almost as bad as “wimmin’s studies”), was obviously shiftless, got knocked up in her teens, and chose worthless men to marry. But lil Barry got a ton of money from his well-to-do Commie grandparents.


He had servants in Kenya...And how did daddy #2 make his money....OIL !!!!!! Grandma obviously had money. Momma was an atheist and.....   I believe she was PAID and we do not know who his father really is. We do know that Obama IS NOT BLACK (He's a mulatto)) AND THAT HE IS A MUSLIM (He sure isn't a Christian).
"Michelle on the other hand knows what it is to be black in America. "
In a way. Her dad had a city job with the municipal water system, was a union rep and a minor ward boss.
She grew up in a two-story house right by the South Shore Country Club.
Her mother worked as an administrative assistant in a bank and was married to her father for 31 years, until his death.
Her family was a very comfortable, politically-connected middle class family with both parents married to one another and living under one roof - a roof located in a safe, prosperous bedroom community.

So her experience was atypical for the classic "real" South Side Chicago experience.

Finding ARUGALA in Hawaii is HARD!!!!

If we accept the word that he was once poor, How did he get a mansion in Chicago?

Where did that money come from?

How did she get her $300,000 dollar job at the hospital
Who paid for his first campaign?

If we accept the knowledge of his being poor can Michelle explain how they got rich? Aren’t we entitled to know?


Too many Americans ignore or have dismissed facts of Obama’s past .

Much is known, much is unknown.

The known is dismissed by his followers and the unknown ignored by the Media.

His Presidency is kept alive by a conspiracy of the press.
Were it not for this conspiracy he would be a goner.
He could not survive if the truth was brought out in the press.

The Free Press we all have studied in our history books is no longer free. They are subjigated by rich Communists and left leaning liberal Journalists.We now have a DNC propaganda machine.Our courts are a farce.Our Congress is a joke.


All I heard from that FAT @SS WOOKIE BlTCH was her/it begging for four more years of living like the QUEEN BlTCH curtesy the taxpayers (taxpayer the people who work not the freeloaders who suck the GUBMINT TlTTY) HEll SHE WAS CRYING ABOUT IT!!!!   FU MOOchelle GO TO HEll you pile of SHlT!!!   Just woke up and first thing I see is this whinney wench on my tv, not a good start to a rainy day I must say...Sorry FR
What a terrific story Michelle told last night. Michelle's Dad worked every day to provide for his family. Despite the family's financial struggles Michelle attended the best schools and succeeded in the American dream.
Now my confusion starts what is it that the Obama team wants to change? Does Michelle feel her Dad should not have needed to work?


One would think that the FLOTUS could take some diction lessons to speak the language correctly. Any time she says a word with the “str” string in it she pronounces it as “shtr” - as in “shtruggle” or “shtrength”. Or perhaps that just goes along with “boof” (booth) and “earff” (earth). For being the second smartest woman on earff (behind Hildabeast of course) I would expect better from her.
I scanned her speech in the WSJ this morning. The thing that struck me is that she says her husband knows people are struggling because he gets letters from them. Letters???!!! Have they no unemployed relatives or friends? I see people - hardworking, honest people - whom I've known for years, using EBT cards to pay for their groceries. I (and many others I know) have helped struggling family member pay their monthly bills. I'm old and I live in a very comfortable neighborhood - upper middle class by most standards. I was an adult in the seventies. Things are as bad now as they ever were. This is a Depression and President needs letters to understand that?
Strange, Barry did not even show up to work, he stayed home with the kids and sent his wife to make a speech for him at his election campaign. Reminds me of the wife calling in sick for the husband, cause he is hung over too bad for the third time this week.
"Off topic, I am completely befuddled as to why they think they deserve some $35 million dollar estate, free and clear, like a couple of despots."

Putin has one, Benito had one, Mao had one, Hugo has one, Fidel has one, so Barry believes he deserves on.
--- This is based on a right-wing blog rumor that the Obamas are looking into purchasing a $35 million estate near the U of Hawaii in case they need to move in January.


I know this is off topic but,
Is it now a requirement for the women of the Dem party to wear a sleeveless dress and be dog ugly?????


I could only imagine a lot of government check receivers listening and thinking “what’s this ‘hard-work’ she be talkin’ about?”


Barack never explained why his grandmother had to take the bus to work--was his grandfather too lazy to drive her to her job?
The movie 2016 explains why Barack's mother sent him back to Hawaii to live with her parents--she didn't want him around his stepfather who was spouting capitalist ideas.


I knew it was going to be a bunch of lies that were slopped up by the adoring press. She makes me sick how she lies so smoothly. Democrats have this particular evil trait amongs them. Speakers with silver forked tongues.


I think my son hit the nail on the head.

He said that during the RNC, the speeches were OK.

BUT... he said the reason he doesn’t like the DNC speeches is because they talk to you as if you were a little kid who is stupid and has to have everything explained to you.


I think one of the Nazis (Goering?) used to have a line where he said when he heard the word democracy, he reached for his gun. I’m starting to think when I hear the words “they care, or he or she cares,” I reach for a gun. When they squawk about how much they care, it usually means they’re going to tax the bejeesus out of you. In short, they’re announcing what great socialists they are.


Bonus article about this:

"Obama hopes he doesn't cry during wife's speech"

The Wimp in Chief. And his wife is going to talk about how she can alter and change the groceries in the stores in “her” second term. Rush read about that in the 2d hour today.
"he gets "all misty" whenever she speaks."
I don't doubt it.

If I were married to her, I'd also be bummed out when she ran her mouth.
I will be crying too. Obama and his loser wife will likely get reelected and act like dictators. I am no longer talking to anyone who wants to reelect these angry racists.
I honestly don’t think Obama has the ability to express emotion.The only time he’ll cry is when he’s thrown out of the whitehouse.

Then the rest of us can cheer and thank God.


"Has 0bama ever cried? Maybe for Osama when he got killed."

When you think about it, you’re probably right. He must admire Osama for how fast he was able to do damage to America. The only one faster than he himself.


At least Boehner actually weeps. I don't believe for a second that Obama gets choked up thinking about how much he loves Michelle. The man has ice water in his veins.
Ha ha ha...go ahead and cry's what whiney little bitches like you are supposed to do.
So now that the Romneys have shown how strong their marriage is he has to try and put on a show. What a jerk. I think he's gay. The marriage thing is just a sham like everything else in his life.
Obama is a narcissist and probably borderline personality too. He is not able to feel and express emotions like normal people do.

He is a cauldron of rage fueled by many factors starting with abandonment by his father and later, his mother. This is one sick man.

His Daddy ought to be ashamed of him,,, oh wait a sec,, he was and took off on him!


They need people to tune in so bad that he hints...’watch and you might see me cry’.