“They’re destroying our personal belongings”..
I thought all private property was theft.
Send in the National Guard, they know how to handle these types.
All that repetitive chanting reminds me of the Manson family.
Once they cut the head off of this Occupy BS (Zuccotti Park), I think the rest of it will dry up and go away.

Live feed at the park is DOWN. Others outside the park are being filmed, the only communication is via cell phones with those at the park.
2 things, Everything in the park is being trashed by the cops.and the protesters are being arrested one by one.
Has Obammy condemned the brutality of the raid yet from the Whitey Hut?
Back to bed for me. I will rest easier now knowing that hippies have been properly beaten and a shower is a real possibility for them in jail.
Even Ed Koch knew what to do with the riff raff.
Bloomberg is a moron who took months to do what should have been done in the first 48 hours.
Cannot be a more idiotic position to put your body into, then sitting on the ground, with your hands grasped under you knees, daring a New York policeman to crack your skull open, just a couple of blocks from the ruins of the WTC.
These people need to go home to mommy and confess their sins.
Their inflated sense of importance is astounding. History in the making?
Yay! Hippy beating!
They’ve been excruciatingly patient with these filthy hippies.
...all while their HERO HUSSEIN is out of the country!
"Wimpiest protestors ever!"
Agreed. And these are the spawn of Ayers and Rudd?
the “drum circle” should be the very first recipients of rubber bullets.
The goal of every leftist event is to create a martyr. Without the martyrs the events are failures.
"Well, something happened, and it probably was not a coincidence"
I think they found out these people and their supporters don't vote.
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