Friday, October 26, 2012

EXCLUSIVE: CIA operators were denied request for help during Benghazi attack, sources say

How sad is it that the Main Stream Media is standing on the sideline as one of the biggest scandals in modern time is unfolding. They have lost all credibility and are living in a fantasy world. It is such a shame for this country. Without Foxnews you have to go to international news sources to find out about this administration’s treasonous acts. Such a similarity to the old Soviet Union and PRAVDA.


The President should be impeached and the others around him FIRED. This makes me just sick and what is even worse is...NO ONE seems to even care about this! It’s worse than disgusting!!!!!


THIS WAS A HIT! It was organized by you know who.

They needed to clip the ambassador for some reason.


It appears Obama wanted everyone to die in the attack. Why? Was he running guns to the militant Muslims, an international “Fast and Furious” operation? Were the four Americans slaughtered with weapons from America?


How many Americans must be murdered by
Obama, Holder and Clinton before a single
person in the US Congress WAKES UP???????????


Disgusting zero government.
FOX has been more fair and balanced lately. I may have to reconsider my ban on them.


This must be why 0bama has no events today. They are trying to figure out how the “video” or Bush could have caused this.


This is starting to look even deeper than I thought. It is starting to look as though the Ambassador and the others were deliberately set up to be killed. Now we have to start looking for deeper reasons for it all other than just the cover=up of the failure of the kenyan’s foreign policy and the desire to push sharia.


A conscious decision was made by the White House to let these American die.

Send this article to all of your friends, familes via email, facebook, and twitter.


 Last paragraph of article;

"Fox News has also learned that Stevens was in Benghazi that day to be present at the opening of an English-language school being started by the Libyan farmer who helped save an American pilot who had been shot down by pro-Qaddafi forces during the initial war to overthrow the regime. That farmer saved the life of the American pilot and the Ambassador wanted to be present to launch the Libyan rescuer's new school."

I don't believe this, not one bit.

Stephens has repeatedly requested security, obviously knew the area was hazardous. He's not gonna take a risk like that for a reason like this. Who was the Turkish guy he met with immediately preceding the attack? 


What I can’t understand is why has not CIA Director Petraeus spoken? It was his mission. I had considered him an honorable man and commander. I now begin to wonder.


This is looking more and more like an attempt by the president to get the ambassador kidnapped and then successfully negotiate his release before the election.

But then that smoke inhalation thing ruined everything.


Is this the least surprising for a president who refused three opportunities to get Bin Laden—such that Panetta finally had to orchestrate a movement to act without his approval?

Or for a president that’s been aiding and abetting the Al-Qaeda-allied Muslim Brotherhood from his very first days in office?


 When you have RADICAL ANTI-AMERICAN DEMOCRATS running the country and in the chain of command these are the results you can expect. The socialist democrats committed a fraud to get THE FOREIGNER on the ballot in the first place and have been COVERING HIS INELIGIBLE REAR END EVER SINCE. These frauds probably didn’t want to OFFEND THE MUSLIMS by defending our people. One of the most PATHETIC decisions in a long list of PATHETIC DEMOCRAT decisions I have ever heard.


Rush said this story “will shake the nation to its core”.

This is enormous, and the MSM will be forced to cover this.


“A former Navy SEALs manned a blood-soaked machine gun to defend U.S. territory. Meanwhile Apache helicopters sat on the ground in Italy.”

WHY? Why weren’t the Apache helicopters sent to HELP? Why?


Every day the title of communists black Muslim seems to fit King Obama. As far as I am concerned he murdered those four Americans. He should be impeach and charged with treason. 


 Can’t help but compare this to Katrina.


 Maybe you don’t remember or are too young. But, it was Panetta and George Mitchell who sandbagged Bush 41 into raising taxes. Panetts is totally dishonorable and a bald-faced liar and has always been such.


What the bleep were they thinking?!?

Panetta needs to resign today. So should Petraeus.

This is simply inexcusable.

And worse than this, they tried to cover it up afterwards because of the election.

Goodbye Odumbo, don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out!


Americans, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods, Navy Seal, Sean Smith, USA Consulate, Intelligence Officer, heroes, all, murdered in terror filled assault & cold blood, abetted by the inaction of POTUS, Barack Hussein “Muslim Brotherhood Adoree & Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Black Racist, America Hater Worshipper” Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, etc.!!! All of them are TRAITORS to these United States of America. All should be thrown out of office today, charged with treason & thrown in prison for life. End of Story!!! Wake up America, the enemy is within our house, destroying us!!!


 I still think that in response to Corsi's request to free the blind sheik, Obama's people devised a plot whereby Corsi's thugs would kidnap Stevens and Obama would swoop in on his white horse and get the thugs to release Stevens and cough up the 30,000 SAM missiles, other weapons and nuclear material missing from Gadafi's arsenals in exchange for Stevens.

But something went horribly wrong, the ex- Navy seals stationed at the annex grabbed weapons and charged into the foray interrupting the kidnapping.

I think assistance was denied in hopes that the kidnapping could still be carried out as long as more rescue troops were kept out of the fight.



 "Was he running guns to the militant Muslims....."


Glenn Beck has been connecting ALL the dots. 


Does this refer to the two murdered Seals?

I am amazed their story still hasn’t been told. Sounds like it’s about to be.


 Clinton and Obama = Accessories in MURDER BEFORE THE FACT


“If this is correct the president must resign while he still can (facing an impeachment).”

So if zero is re-elected(yech!)then impeached we get joe the MOron?

These are damn scary days we are living my friends...........damn scary.


 "This is treason."

What's the plural of treason?

Hussein sacrificed these men because he'd rather have a handful of dead Americans than a few dozen dead Muslims.

Boehner and Reid need to impeach and remove barack Obama, maggot, right now today, or they need to be arrested and tried for high treason in a military tribunal for aiding and abeiting the cover up being engaged in by this treasonous president.

If we as americans allow this to happen without dire consequnce, then we deserve no country.


"Obama has ceded his authority and decision making to activist Muslim advisors working in the WH and state department, in the name of tolerance and sensitivity. The list of names involved will be stunning."

 I have to think Huma Abidin is at the top of any list of Muslim infiltrators.


 I don’t know about that but this is very evil. Pure unadulterated evil from this administration. It is time for court martials and special prosecutors. Obama should be forced to resign...immediately. I know it won’t happen, but it should not stop us from demanding it.


 Powell didn’t sell his soul; he never was a conservative. He was a political, connected, affirmative action general. He was not the hero of the Gulf War as he was dubbed. Schwartzkopf and company on the ground planned and made the decisions and the Air-Ground forces executed the plans. Powell has long been recognized as a “made-up republican”.


Here is my prediction. Obama took the day off, and it’s Friday... By the end of today either Patraeus or Panetta, or both will resign. Right about 3:30 PDT. Any bets?


If ever a march on Washington was warranted it is now.

The only thing that could help The One is to apologize
( something he is pretty good at except when it comes to himself) for the Benghazi loss of life. Unfathomably, it did wonders for JFK after The Bay of Pigs.

And yes the Speaker of the House assumes the presidency should both the president and V.P. resign.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Yet another secret about Obama's life (Plastic Surgery?)

Summary of article from WND: Obama looks too much like his REAL dad, communist Frank Marshall Davis, so he got plastic surgery.

Just think...the daughters don’t even know if Barry is their real father (of course that’s common in the black culture).

They don’t have paternal grandparents (or do they?), cousins?

Are they even sisters? What would Barry look like if he hadn’t had cosmetic surgery? Sure hope we learn all of this some day.


 Odd that so many people will still vote for someone that has hidden his background so well. Photos do look like he was trying to avoid looking too much like his daddy!


If he had plastic surgery and didn’t get his ears done, he’s a fool.


“I don’t think it was a coincidence that Obama chose to undergo a rhinoplasty before running for U.S. Senate and facing the national spotlight,” Gilbert said. “If Obama was identified as Davis’ son, it would connect the Marxist dots of Obama’s entire life journey.”
Or, it could be that Obama was wanted by the police or FBI for some other major crime like bank robbing, gang murder or skyjacking and used plastic surgery to hide his identity and so that he would never be recognized by law enforcement.


Is there anything real about this miserable Fraud? and Communist?

Outside, of course, that HUSSEIN is a RADICAL MUSLIM TERRORIST hiding behind his false cover of allegedly being a Christian!! Lets remember that he forced Chief Justice Roberts to swear him in a second time “WITHOUT OUR CHRISTIAN HOLY BIBLE!”


The girls do not look anything a like. The oldest one is long a lanky like obama, but the younger. (I think she looks more Indian than black) They don’t even have mannerisms of the parents.

My biggest curiosity is that a stocky broad faced boy, turned into a long lanky adult. Not talking about chunky boy, skinny man. The pictures of boy obama has short fingers and wide palms, the man obama has long fingers and narrow palm (that doen’t change). The boy obama and man obama have different shaped ears (ear shape does not change). Even things like eye brows are different, skin tone (no not tan verses not tan, actual skin tone)

For me its, like who is that boy and who is that man.

Oh well.


Maybe, somewhere along the way, in Indonesia, Kenya or Moscow there was a body switch where Davis and Russian agents neutralized the chunky Obama and replaced him with a kidnapped skinny Obama who was more receptive to KGB Programming.

That leaves just two questions, who is this Obama and from where was he taken and what happened to the original?


 So who is he really trying to look like? Michael Jackson????

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

UN affiliate group to monitor US elections for conservative voter supression

Excerpt: "The Hill is reporting today that the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a partner group of the United Nations, will deploy 44 observers from countries such as Germany, France, Serbia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan to observe the U.S. election amid concerns of voter suppression efforts by conservative groups."

I wonder if Eric the Holder will challenge their authority to do this. I’m pretty sure there are a lot of REAL Americans out there who will. When I was a kid, America was a sovereign nation.

There must be massive fraud in the works and the U N is going to be their cover.


If I see any of these foreigners near my polling place I am going to vote, go to my car, pull out a Lousville Slugger, and give a foriegn pollwatcher an inside look at our new healthcare system then go to jail and be darned proud of a good days work as a patriotic american


You might be right. Perhaps these are the fraudsters, themselves. They’re probably IMMUNE from prosecution on our voter fraud laws.. WE MUST FIGHT THIS, BUT HOW????


- Woman in “ethnic area” on Fox News Channel:

“Why they puttin’ up dos billboards ‘round ma neybohood ‘bout vota fraud be a fedrul crimnull felony punishable ba five yeah im prison ?”


- Why did John Dilliger rob banks instead of coffee shops?

- Why did Al Sharpton burn down Jewish owned Freddy’s Fashion Mart and incinerate several of their employees in Harlem instead of playing basketball with Tawana Brawley?


Obama is preparing his solution when he loses. Scream racism, threats, and violence against his people. and steal the election. The U.N. is but one of his many dirty tools he will use.



IN THE MEANTIME, what can We the People do to stop these UN aholes from coming to the USA and monitoring OUR elections?

They would not be called to do so unless oboma has a plan of action for these UN monitors that favors HIM.

Who do we call? Who do we contact? NO UN STOOGES ON OUR SOIL TO MONITOR OUR ELECTIONS! 


I am afraid we are closer to a second American revulution then I realized.


 They just can’t believe their Communist is gonna lose...and that the Tea Party intends to shovel their hovel on the East River in NYC right into the river!!!!


 Baraq Hussein Ubama - worst president ever. Lied his way into office, turned a first world nation into something seen by others in this world as some kind of third world hellhole with rigged elections.


 I am tired of feeling powerless. I do not like the legal eagle approach. I’m feeling a little more uncivilized. Hopefully , if I have a pole watcher , he will be from a Middle Eastern country and I can exercise my black panther, and islamikazi demons with one swing of a bat.


These are the “people” who support SLAVERY,

They deserve to be indicted when they arrive.


 The entire West screwed itself when it signed mebership in the UN right after WWII as the result of the White Man’s guilt complex.


 I hate to post twice in rapid succession on the same topic, but I’m not sure people understand what a dangerous development this is. First they send in their scouts, armed only with clipboards to accustom the locals to their presence. It’s their beachhead landing.


I have been in Germany for about a month and am occasionally asked which candidate I support. Every one has been absolutely astonished that I would prefer Romney to Obama, and even moreso when I tell them that Romney is very likely to win. One person even asked me about Romney “tying the family dog to the top of their car.” He literally thought Romney had tied the poor beast on top of the car with rope. After explaining that the dog had been in a carrier on top of the car, he thought that was perfectly fine and normal.

Their news outlets (Leftist, to begin with) get their information on the U.S. from The New York Times, Reuters, and the AP. So it does not surprise me in the least that organizations in these countries would believe the manure spread by NAACP, ACLU and other radical Leftist American groups.


 Please come to Mississippi and please step closer than 100 feet to my polling place... I begs ya. Oh man... git me sum blue helmet... yeah buddy... come on down y’all!


 I would not be surprised if some sort of “incidents” have been pre-planned for these guys to discover. The media will conflate some minor item into a massive injustice. At minimum they will try to tarnish Romney’s victory and mandate.


 Aim for the blue helmets


 Early Cheating has already begun, in '08 went to vote early against the Kenyan in LA county CA I was dismayed to see a line hundreds of people long 98% blacks, at least a dozen busses in the parking lot , county sherriffs for crowd control, no shortage of Obama T-shirts, The line was at least 4 hours long so I just left, came back a few days later to the same scene, evidently it is an everyday voter cheating festival 


It appears that the “monitors” were invited by the NAACP and other groups that are not “officially” allied to Obama.

Is this a “trap” designed to embarrass Romney?

IMHO, the UN wastes too much of our taxpayers’ money...


 This is tantamount to an invasion. These Euroweenies better hope to God I don’t see them. I will be escorting them to the nearest Army base for deportation.


 This is an absolute disgrace! We no longer have the America that the Founding Fathers intended for us. We’ve become a lowlife, bottom-feeding, banana republic. I’m glad I live in a rural area. Those third worlders wouldn’t dare come here to “monitor” our polls. Somebody would be monitoring the life support machines they’d be connected to.


 The fact that the Obama administration is allowing this makes him unfit for the office.


 I have thought for many years we need to pull out of the UN. It is an anti-American group of thugs and third world dictators. If that doesn’t happen, then the next best thing is to advise them they have one year to vacate the UN property in New York and set up shop in another country.


 If this is permitted then I seriously doubt there will ever be any prying from cold dead hands. Warm open hands and desperately alive is how we will be disarmed.


 Couldn’t agree more. The UN should not be allowed anywhere near your polling booths. Yours is not a third world country that cannot police it’s own polling (if it wants to). They should be removed - with prejudice if necessary

Friday, October 19, 2012

Transcript, video: Mitt Romney jokes at the Alfred E. Smith dinner (Hilarious!)

Obama doesn’t make jokes about himself. That would be racist.


 That speech—shown “unfiltered” on most news channels—could end up convincing a lot more voters to support Romney over Obama. The way the way the speech was delivered reminded me so much of the late Bob Hope’s monologues on his TV specials for NBC.


The applause and laugh meter definitely was off the scale for his remarks and ominously unamused for most of the president's. I objected to Obama being invited, but it was an opportunity for contrast for everyone who saw it.


" I didn’t watch Obama’s speech. How was it received by the audience and how did it compare to Mitt’s?"

 I see someone gave the link to Obummer's speech ... he did NOT get either the laughs or the applause, but if you watch it he did have a couple of good lines.

Chris Matthews directly behind him thought he was hilarious, but I think it should have been an embarrassment to Obama and a clue to him that at least some of the Catholics, know he is an enemy and he received tepid and polite responses.


0bama stunk it up! If they aren’t playing Romney’s jokes they are losing
market share.

Romney was the funniest comedy routine I’ve seen in I don’t know how long. I
haven’t burst out laughing so hard so many times since I can remember.

CNN are idiots.


Notice Michelle did not attend. Pretty clear she despises the Romneys despite Mitt’s magnanimous remarks to the contrary.

The wheel is turning. Obama knows it’s slipping away.


Romney was funnier than the snob-in-chief..


 Obama looks so uncomfortable in white tie and tails. Maybe he wished he could wear his dashaki?


 According to someone who attended last night's dinner, Romney conveyed a more presidential demeanor than Obama. At the dinner's conclusion, many of the attendees flocked to Romney for photo ops and kudos on his jokes. 


 I watched the videos (on YouTube) of both. One thing was immediately apparent. Romney used the word "we" most of the time ...and Obama started almost every sentence with the word "I." For the first 3/4ths of his speech, Obama focused entirely on himself. Although the intent of both was to poke fun at the other, Obama clearly showed that he believes he is the center of the Universe. 


MSDNC had their panties in a wad about the jokes being pointed at their messiah. They were almost as funny as the jokes, he was funny and they knew it.

Pray for America


 I was reading the comments over on the HuffPo, and it is amazing what the left mind sees and hears!


 I’ve not seen such a succinct and polite shredding before.

Makes me believe Romney can handle Putin, et al.


Romney is a class act.

Some of his humor was self-deprecating and he did have kind words for Obama as well, not just jabs. I dont think I could bring myself to note Obama’s ‘wonderful family’ just days after having the guy lie to my face at my expense.


 "Obama was enraged. The constant sipping of coffee told that tale. I’m no body language expert, but that is done to distract and mask anger or nervousness."

 One does not criticize the boy king, even in jest! Obama is not able to laugh at himself.


"The weirdest thing Obumbles said all night was,

“Mitt is Romney’s middle name, I wish I could use my middle name”

I was like WTF??!!!"

 He was playing his leftist victim status. Poor me, I cannot use Hussein because nasty white people won’t like it.


Obama is mentally fragmented as he was abandoned by both parents.

Half white half black.


Privileged but Po

etc etc etc


"I wish I could use my middle name."

That is actually a pretty funny line, or it would be if we didn’t know that Obama picked his own name. He was saying that his first name if bad, but his middle name is even worse.


This speech by Mitt Romney was terrific!!! Unlike the second POTUS debate, which, by the way, Romney won, even though Candy Crowley, the debate moderator & Obama worked together to restrict and trip Mitt Romney up, Romney this evening was free to deliver his remarks unfettered by the foul means of Crowley & Obama in cohoots!!! A home, a grand slam home run!!! Welcome POTUS Romney!!!


That’s not the first time zero has made a joke about his middle name - it was at the Gridiron or maybe the last Al Smith but I distinctly remember zero commenting that giving him the name Hussein didn’t take into account him being POTUS someday - or words to that effect. Obviously he’s ashamed of it.

When Mitt gave him the stink eye over Libya the other night i wondered if zero ever had a father chastise him for lying - or any strong man who expected - in no uncertain terms - that he be honest.

I suspect zero secretly has a ton of awe for Mitt - who represents everything he cannot be because of his rotten childhood.


 Mitt hit it out of the park and I am being unbiased here. He had some clever writers who gave him excellent material. You know Obama is a loser when he can’t even get someone to write good stuff for him. But this is exactly what happened


 Romney easily laughs at himself. Obie not so much.


 I missed the ovation at the beginning for Romney, but he seemed to do a better job (by far) and had much more rousing applause throughout. Obama was just OK, and I consider myself to be fair.


 Does anyone find it odd that Michelle was not there? Serious question. Wouldn't a normal man say his wife was ill, or offer her apologies or something? What the heck? 


 A real, American man with a robust experience in life at many things makes a fraud, community organizer look like the zero that he actually is. His speaking voice and words that BO reads, written by someone else have completely lost their magic. (I never thought they were magic, but many did). There is no comparison.

“Great looking couple. Mitt is so handsome.”

There is not a couple in Hollywood that is better looking. In fact, Mitt is more handsome than any movie star currently on the scene...that I can readily think of.


 obozo is lazy by nature...hates to do the job he was hired to do...likes to do as little as possible. obozo looks like he's resigned to the possibility that he won't have to be “president” any more...tooo much work, doesn't allow him to associate with the people that mean much to him, without scrutiny, like gay lovers for instance. obozo will say he did a great job, and head out to the mansion in Hawaii, where he can play and play and play. Delusional about his greatness, but clear-headed about how to have fun. 


Obama had that “I’m going to get clobbered in November” look.

He must know by now that he is going to lose; BIG!


"I was a little disappointed in Mitt’s politically-oriented jokes.

From the clips I saw of Obama, he was very self-depricating and it really worked for him. I can admit that he was funny. He had Hollywood covering for him, so he has great writers. Remember that the Daily Show team wrote his lines for this year’s White House Correspondant’s Dinner.

That said, Mitt should have done the same. The Biden comments were fine, but the unemployment and O/16 jokes were a bit tough, considering he just followed Obama and I’ve seen no similar jokes from him."

Replies to this:

ou're smokin' crack.

Romney delivered perfectly, one right after another ... nar'y a chance to breathe.

Alfred E. Neuman (apologies, Al), had two jokes, the rest was recounting his days in the white house.
zero was given his pink slip a long time ago ... a victim of the tail getting his dog wagged.

Just look back over the last couple of months, especially since Benghazi .. zero has had no pep, no personality, nothing (even written for him) to say ... they dumped him.

Probably as long back as a year ago he was done but definately since Last month. 


Huh? Were we watching the same broadcast?

Romney was quite self-deprecating, and seemed to enjoy poking fun at himself. Obama was lame and half-hearted, with halting delivery. And if you watch his face as Mitt is speaking, it’s clear that he is NOT amused. I thought his jokes were pitiful.


What we have here is the Republicans, CLC wing: “Chicken Little Conservatives.
Seriously complaining about last night is certainly nit picking and reflects an opinion that even the jokers at MSNBC didn’t endorse.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Solid proof Obama is planning a concession speech event for November 6th Election Night

Obama chose McCormick Place for his post-election speech, and one right wing author pondered if it indicated that Obama is expecting to lose.

"basically only walking, Taxi or car. No trains or buses suitable for a large crowd."

IOW, an eminently defensible place to announce a coup d'état... 


I’ll believe it when I hear it.

Gore never conceded, only whined and threatened GW, after refusing to acknowledge and respect the election result for weeks after election day.

I anticipate Hussein will do all that PLUS chide America for electing the wrong man.


 Off to Hawaii with the Obozos! Although, that will be a brief interlude while O golfs and body surfs with lifetime Secret Service protection and Michelle redecorates, before O re-appears in the public limelight. Afterwards, I have no doubt he’ll be on TV virtually non-stop second-guessing Romney and campaigning for top spot at the UN, where he can work against the US and on behalf of the New Caliphate full-time.


 Hate to be a party pooper but the anti-Christ will rule from the UN and not America. His job is to first eliminate the American challenge to his total global power.


 When Barry loses the election, he will refuse to leave the WH, and will hole up in the underground bunker for months..


 Just imagine all the Democrats hanging onto Obi-done's coattails as he plunges over the cliff. 

We could easily see a repeat of 2010, with House, Senate, state, and local races go Republican, from coast to coast. 

I'm predicting a 59% to 39% popular vote wipeout, with 398 to 140 electoral votes. 

The whole country knows this bozo has got to go. 


"Right now the economy is dead in the water. This month reminds me of Y2K and 911. Very little actual cash is flowing around. Basically due to the uncertainty of the election and of course all those dollars sent into every ones favorite political candidate. We need this election to be over and done with. And a clear winner to emerge with some type of mandate. An Obama comeback that just barely wins, wont get the economy roaring. Just get us back to June/July of 2012 with a boatload more of Marxist stupidity to come. A Romney win with a mandate would let loose the flow of investment and spending. Dragging the country through a month more of uncertainty after the election, could absolutely implode the economy."

 Exactly. If retail sales are any measure, the entire economy is holding its collective breath, waiting for the morning of November 7th. There is nothing going on except at discount stores and Wal-Mart


 "I still think O will be the most insufferable ex-Prez ever, though. He'll make even Jimmy Carter look patriotic and well-tempered in his remarks. O and Mooch will NEVER shut up."


That's pretty much a given.

And he's a young guy with years and years and years and years and years ahead of him. 

And then someone comes along and ruins all the fun:

 McCormick Place is the largest convention center in North America. The idea that it's "hard to get to" is laughable. It's where they have (among other things) the Chicago Auto Show every year.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Assuming Romney Wins.What Happens On Nov.7th?,DOW Hits 14,000&Retail Sales Soars?

One Freeper speculates:

Something else to watch on the eve of November 6th. The Stock Market Futures.It's just a matter of "The More We See Red,The Higher The Futures".It will be interesting to see the crowds rushing to Best Buy,Wal Mart and Apple stores the day after Romney wins in a landslide. It will be like Chick-Fil-A day 100 Times Over!


I won’t be trading in my SUV for a Prius....won’t be making plans to move to Costa Rica...won’t pull my $ out of the stock market...


Barry has until January 20, 2013 to continue to destroy the country.

I’ll celebrate on January 21.


So I guess this means that you have convinced yourself that the skittle poopin unicorns are coming at a full gallop?

Sure there will be an uptick but only a moron thinks that means all our problems are solved. The fed has given trillions (with a T) to foreign banks and nations on the promise that we the people are good for it. We’re spending fake money like there’s no tomorrow.

The simple fact is that few men have what it takes to take the bold actions that need to be taken and Mitt Romney isn’t one of them.


We’ll wait and spend our stash after Romney’s inauguration. We don’t want the Dems to be able to say, “The economy was booming when Romney took over from Obama.”


If anyone will have reason to plead mercy on account of inheriting a mess, it will be Romney. But he does not seem to be the type to make excuses.


I will hire at least three new employees.


Lots of riots and zombie attacks.


I think that really bad news will come out if Romney gets elected—things Nobama has done, the REAL unemployment rate, the REAL inflation rate. I think the recovery needs to be like feeding a starved man. If you overfeed him, he will die. If Romney moves too fast, the market may not be able to handle it. Read the article on Drudge by the Wash Times about how neither candidate should be elected.


“Jan 21 is the official kick-out-the-kenyan ceremony at the White Hut...”

That will be the day I resume my personal economic activity. To celebrate, I will buy a new fully loaded crew cab truck for myself and a new car for the wife.

Who is John Galt?


The instant he is elected and proclaims the Keystone Pipeline a priority, and jerks the choke chain on the EPA, et al, opens up drilling, mining and Fracking, the sky is the limit!

If he then lowers taxes, sticks a knife in Obamacare, Dodd Frank and others — there will not be a Democrat President for at least 16 years...


If Romney wins Ogimmie and the shaved down Wookie better be packing up their crap and getting it out of MY HOUSE! As far as stocks and the market.. I am not sure. 


Three days after Romney takes office the MSM will decide that Romney is responsible for everything in the economy. Obama got a 4 year 'pass' from the MSM - Romney will NOT even get 4 days.

Also, the homeless will be back on page one - they've been AWOL - and unemployment numbers above 5 will be a disaster. The MSM gets bias - it's their stock and trade. 


“I find it completely disconcerting that we're seeing the same kind of blind quasi-religious devotion to Romney like we've seen with Obama’s drones and Ron Paul's Mob Zombies. Suddenly Romney himself is going to stop the rising seas and save us from our debt and collapsing culture!”

Obama is destroying our nation at break neck speed. We will not survive another term of Obama. Ok, are you getting this so far? Whether you or I like it, Romney won the GOP Primary! Get over it! Whatever Romney is, he does not hate the country, and has as his goal, the mission to destroy it as founded.

We see our country being destroyed by a Marxist, and we're supporting the GOP primary winner. Sorry, but the only thing “disconcerting” is the attitudes of selfish, spoiled brats like yourself, pitching a fit because your candidate did not win. The GOP Primary is over. It's now time to defeat the “real” enemy...OBAMA! 


No, but I do expect little people to dress up and sing:

Ding dong, the Kenyan’s gone

He took is bong, we sing this song

Ding dong, the commie Kenyan’s gone!

Is it just me or Obama looked possessed?

Didn’t watch a second of it and I’ll answer YES.


 Something was amiss. When Obama was sitting he was blinking like crazy. I noticed the camera did not stay on him too long. 


 Yes this Obama is an evil communist MUSLIM. That was it's first religion, the religion of its father , raised in a Muslim Indonesia etc. 


 I haven't noticed him blinking, but his dilated pupils at the end were outright scary. Horror movie-like scary... 


 I was telling my mom, half way through the debate, that Obama was coked up or on speed. He was talking fast, and clipped his words. He was rushing his sentences.

Near the end, when Mitt was hammering Zero on Libya, and Zero told Mitt to move along, you could see the venom in his eyes. Almost as if possesed. 


I hope God will eventually have mercy on him...

I also hope America receives divine deliverance from this extraordinary demonic deception in a few weeks. 


 He looked as Presidential as a “junk yard dog.”


 Interesting ...I was watching the debate with a friend of mine who is a retired Catholic priest and he made the same observation saying he could see the devil’s horns when Obama spoke at the end.


 Nazis were playing with amphetamines to keep soldiers alert. Since our libs are direct descendants, I wouldn’t discount them using the legacy research. Added PCP, perhaps? To enhance the delusions.


 I have noticed in still shots this morning taken from last nights debacle the sheer hate for Romney in Husseins face. I don’t know if it is a hate for whites, successful people, Christians or just opponents but there is no doubt that he hates Romney.


 He was just trying too hard not to look homo.

Debate #2

Most of the post debate reactions from FR have centered on whether Obama called the Benghazi attack a terrorist attack or not. Because Obama mentioned the video "The Innocence Of Muslims" in his speech, they say he did not link it to Al Qaeda and thus is now lying. I don't really want to rehash this argument, because you can find it on The Blaze and whatnot, so I'm just going to pull some reactions during the debate.

How can they allow this woman to be the moderator after all of the nasty things she has said about Romney and Ryan..I understand most moderators are liberal but she has shown a blatant bias


Ugly woman. Must be a DemocRat.


NY’s Long Island is not representative of America and furthermore, Crowley will select questions that put Romney in a vice and put the Marxist in the better light.


 She's a liberal in awe of the first Arab-Kenyan President of the United Staters of America, NOT the first black President.
    Barack Hussein Obama is 50% Caucasian from his mother's side
      and 43.75% Arabic and 6.25% African Negrofrom his father's side.
While Barack Hussein Obama's father was from Kenya, his father's family was mainly Arabs..
    Barack Hussein Obama's father was only 12.5% African Negro and 87.5% Arab (his father's birth certificate even states he's Arab, not African Negro).


I’m listening to 0bama...he is also slurring his words. His tone is a pitch higher too.

He’s on something...


 Obama is way over his head. His lying chickens are coming home to roost.

Obama is talkin smack about low gas prices were the result of economic collapse, and the Audience just gasped at his stupidity.


 Barry looks mean...his eyes are dark and beady. He’s acting like a jerk, too.


 Obama’s strategy is to SAY WHATEVER THE HELL HE WANTS regardless of whether it’s the TRUTH OR NOT!


 Zer0 is such a tool.

1. Said insurance companies "jerk you around". How pResidential.
2. Answered the question from the black guy (good question BTW) that "a lot of us are suffering." You're not suffering you pompous ass......yet


Romney is up now.

If you re-elect Obama, you’re going to get the same as the last four years.


He’s ticking off the failures of the Marxist’s false promises and failures!

POVERTY and now 47 million on food stamps!

Economy growing more slowly this year, than last year etc.

Now talking about Reagan’s recovery!




 Hispanic woman don’t like Romneys immigration policy.
She’s all tense.
She want’s free college and obamaphone.


Oboe wants an AWB.
He is toast.
Mitts full of **** Full auto is completely legal.



Well he did it, didn't get to deep into it but maybe mentioning it in front of the national debate viewing audience will be enough for those that haven't heard of it to finally look it up. 


 Romney destroyed Zer0 again. But seriously Candy - a questions about outsourcing. Really? 


Crowley played ref and she lied.

Romney was dead-bang right.

The Marxist didn’t call it terrorism in the Rose Garden.

He merely said and referred to generic “acts of terrorism” as an after thought.

He was still promoting the “obscure video lie” even at the UN during his awful speech.


 Sweet. I think the first 40 minutes was on the economy and Romney kicked ass. That’s all most people care about anyway; the economy. Romney can tougher on Libya next time in the foreign policy debate. All Romney had to do was hold his own since the first debate he demolished Romney. DEMOLISHED.


 Early in the debate I thought they were going to come to blows! LOL Hubby kept saying "Who's feeding Obama answers? Or did he see the questions because he's not that quick on his feet." 


 Please correct me if I am wrong

When Obama said he called it terror in the Rose Garden,Romney looked stunned and said I want that on the record.

If Obama said he called it terror the day after he and his surrogates lied to the American people by blaming the video.

It was as if Obama knew it was terrorist from day one.

That is my take on it. 


" ... and I guess in Libtard land you win if you can make up crap faster than your opponent can rebut it."

  Exactly. You hit the nail on the head. The sooner we know that this is how they play the game, the sooner we can deal with it for what it is. It's a game of liar, liar, who can lie the fastest and the best. They pummel their opposition with so many lies that they are carpeted with them and can't begin to keep up with all of them. Their number one tactic is to flood the system with so many lies, so as to not let it be able to deal with them effectively. As soon as one tries to deal with the first lie, out comes two or three more. The only thing is that their "game" is played out in real life with harrowing consequences.


" They should have asked Obama how he is different from jimmy Carter."

Would have been a good one. Turnabouts fair play. Bet it didn't even occur to Crowley. Questions were stacked against Romney big time. I could think of ten questions I would have asked Obama. Bet Romney hated this format. He still did great though considering. . 

How about Krauthammer, O'Reilly and Buchanan for the next moderators? 


 crawl-ee also said that Paul Ryan was a Romney “death wish”. What do you expect from a corrupt fat arsed whore for satan?


Whoa! This means that 1) not only did he know, 2) he didn’t do a thing to help those in the consulate and 3) he knowingly LIED about it and had others lie for 2 WEEKS!

I really, really hope that this little tidbit grows legs! It would be awesome if 0’s lies and deception came unraveled just in time for the next debate.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Kid Rock and Sean Penn do a PSA...


Summary: Penn and Rock agree to set aside their differences as a liberal and a conservative for a PSA to try to tear down harmful political rhetoric.

Since Freepers literally think liberals have scales and horns, this is fairly ineffective there. Also, check out the most ironic comment of the year at the bottom.

libs are not capable of compromise. Good video though.


Liberals openly admit that taxpayer funding of PBS is miniscule and won’t solve our fiscal problems and won’t harm the nation if PBS were forced to stand on their own but can’t give up even those few crumbs.

There is no compromise with them. EVER.


 It was entertaining, and there is merit in the message of recognizing differences and what we have in common. On the other hand, I don’t think much of the idea of selling out or compromising your principles.


 Meh. Penn isn’t a “liberal”, he is an outright Communist who supports tyrannical regimes. He does NOT support American values, period.


My idea of differences of opinion is related to which restaurant to go to for dinner.

It’s not related to backing Hugo Chavez, and fellow travelers of Islamic adherents, Bill Ayers, Bernadene Dorn, Louis Farrakhan, and Barack Obama.

Go out and get tattoos. Wear whatever you like. Bed up with whoever you want. Leave my kids alone. Don’t try to redefine marriage. And don’t ask me to allow anti-Americans into the White House.

I don’t mind differences of opinion, unless that difference of opinion means we soon have a nation half supported by loyalists, and half being torn down by people who hate the Christian God, and everything our Founding Fathers stood for.

The video was misguided, because it sought to legitimize hatred of our nation on a par with love of it.



I look for common ground with my liberal relatives but that’s about it.

Basically I avoid politics and we talk about baseball, dogs, kids etc.


My impression was that it seemed that Kid Rock did almost all the symbolic compromising - all Penn did was wear a NASCAR shirt.

The overall message was that watered-down conservatives should tolerate all the crap that ultra-libs put forth, but the libs don’t have to do squat.

And it didn’t deal with the real issues, just fluffy fringe BS.

I ain’t passing this on to anybody.


 Unadulterated hogwash!

Kid rock has been hornswaggled by the leftists.

Don't buy this crud. The left is incapable of playing nice except to fool you into complacency. 


 "... Lots of division right now."

No. There is NO division among the leftist commie scum. They are lulling you into giving up. Don’t buy it. You are falling into their trap 


 I hate Communism and Communists, every one of them. I wish Joe McCarthy lived long enough to see Gorbachev unseal the KGB files and the Venona Files so that McCarthy was vindicated, 100% right about all those traitors.



Kid Rock rassled with a pig got all dirty and smelly.. for no gain..
Quite stupid..

Worse he treated Penn as an equal..

Penn is so quilty of treason and sedition contempt is not necessary..

Rock is living in fantasy-land.. BUT Penn is not..
Republicans most all seem to be delusional.. not a good sign..


 This was an interesting video and I agree with the several comments about the inability to compromise true values vs. falsehoods. . .its like mixing ice cream with fecal matter. . it's still unfit to consume. 

However, the one positive thing from this is that it shows the Left that they should relinquish their hatred. . .I think the Left's hate is more volatile and dangerous. . .sure we have hatred on the Right, but it is more a hatred of evil and not as personal. . .but the Left has a hatred that allows them to dehumanize those with whom they disagree. . that is why they are dangerous. . .and it is why it is always movement's of the Left that eventually march their own people into the collective farms and reeducation camps. When you oppose the Left, you lose your value as a human in their world view. Conversely, on the Right, even with those with whom we disagree, we recognize they maintain their inalienable rights endowed to them by God.

Another thought about this video, . .it think it is evidence that the Left can sense that their boy Obama is toast!

Woman Spent One Year Following The Bibles's Literal Instruction For Women

 Summary: "A blogger who spent one year following all of the Bible’s instructions for women, from making her own clothes to 'submitting' to her husband, has now written a book about her experience.
Rachel Held Evans’ book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood, chronicles her 12 month attempt to obey the Bible's commandments for women."

This woman is being deliberately obtuse - what she's doing has nothing to do with Christianity.

But I'm sure its an entertaining book. 


I am highly suspicious of the author's motives here. However, — again — Old Testament law was for ancient Israel. It was for their benefit and to focus their faith on the future Savior. Once the Savior came, the New Testament superseded the “law”. Did she sacrifice animals too? Or is this really just an attempt to try and discredit Judasim and Christianity? 


I’m not here to argue over shell fish.

However, I always saw the rule of removing the woman while having her period as having interesting side effects.

Of course there is the peace it brings to a married couple when the woman’s hormones can create turmoil. Then there is the time the woman has to herself away from daily responsibilities. I imagine that every modern woman would be grateful if they had a mandatory time out once every 4 weeks.
Finally,there is the natural consequence of the man and the woman’s children of having to take over the woman’s tasks. This would make for a well rounded family.


 The woman in the article describes herself as a "liberated" Christian. I'd be really interested in asking her what she thinks she's liberated from.

Also, I wonder if she included in her book any of the Bible's instructions on how men are to treat their wives...i.e., cherish them and love them as Christ loves the church. I'm guessing she didn't. Her book seems like an attempt to paint the Bible as anti-woman.

As an aside, I really don't get some females' fascination with the vagina, and the fairly recent tendency to revere it as some kind of sacred object. 


Oh, shes so clever and sassy. How did she ever know that the homo media would spit all over themselves if she came up with the unique idea of trashing the Bible and saying vagina?

She gonna be on tee vee? American idol in her little Christian vagina tent out back because we all know Christians are doing that all the time? Oh! Oh! She says vagina! That’s new for the homo crowd! That’s so shocking and fabulous! Christians everywhere are going to “change” into sassy little tent beans now! She showed us! Wait a minute! I think this is a tired old rerun!

One can arrive at sexual morality via the school of hard knocks or just listen to what generations before them learned the hard way. They don’t even have to open the Bible to see that there is no society on earth that is organizing itself around homos because it is not a winning human survival strategy on a micro or macro level.

Homos can do their thing in America like everyone else. We are not going to put their butt pleasure at the center of our education, families, socialization, worship, and lives. How shocking is this?


 what it should prove is how much more reasonable our fundamentalists are, given they don’t actually live this way. Juxtapose this to the way the kooky Islamic fundamentalists interpret how women in their culture should live.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tea Party Drops Hardcore Ad Starring 'Obama Phone' Lady (Ken Blackwell PAC)

Article here

This is great! I wonder if she is the illegitimate offspring of Willie Horton!




 As long as the black people viewing it understand that the message is about the state of mind of people with entitlement issues, that the phones are a program that Obama has oversight on, that the reason it was provided it to them was to buy their vote at election time and a waste of taxpayer money and NOT about making fun of their race it may be effective. It’s dicey though.


"What a stupid headline. The word drop, used in this context, usually means abandon but this sounds like they are going forward with the ad."


I was wondering why the headline and the article were at odds with each other?


 I think that they meant "drop" as in dropping it into the ad campaign. 


 That “lady” is going to demand royalties, and then, she’s going to have to pay taxes on those “earnings”, and then, having been turned into a taxpayer, and not wanting to pay those taxes, she might decide to not vote for Obama and his “free” phone and high taxes that “pay” for them.


This shows how naive I am.

I used to think that this phone deal was for the disabled and elderly extreme poor.

Then I found out that 1 in every 7 adults in Ohio has one.


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Obama's ring: 'There is no god but Allah'

WND. Excerpt: "As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.

Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.

Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts, the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of faith, the Shahada: “There is no God except Allah.”"


No wonder 0bama has scuttled the term ‘War on Terror’. It offends him. This POS is an operative for the Caliphate and his constant mentioning of the ‘anti-Islam movie’ was his attempt to rally his Muslim brothers and STOKE THE RIOTS AGAINST AMERICA in the Middle East. What’s worse is Americans’ IGNORANCE of this.

As a Christian there is no way on earth that I would wear a ring proclaiming that there is no God but Allah. He does claim to be a Christian.


 "Allah is a word for God. In Arabic, the word means simply “the God.”"

BS.....Allah is the Moon god.. What do you think is in that Black Box they worship ??? it's a Metorite, they think it's part o0f the Moon. It is NOT the God of Abraham.

, if you think different you are not a Christian 


" OK, here’s a question -— What term for God do Christian Missionaries use when they share the Gospel with people in Muslim countries?

How is John 3:16 translated in Arabic for instance? (I mean the part that says : “For GOD so loved the world” )."

 If they use Allah, meaning The God of Abraham, they are wrong, being PC , or using the only word the pagan bastards know of a deity....


 This ring is very damning to obamma’s claim he is not a moslem! I hope Drudge runs it tomorrow front and center! Let it sit there all day!


 Remember. a couple of years ago when Obama didn’t wear his wedding ring for a while. Some story about it was sent out to the jeweler’s or something. I couldn’t imagine then what jeweler wouldn’t have returned the ring immediately...I mean, it was the President’s ring, not just some average guy on the street. What could have taken so long to repair a ring for such an important customer? But, anyway...I wonder what that was all about? Was that during Ramadan, when Muslims aren’t supposed to wear jewelery? I can’t remember the time, either, LOL.


 Muslims do not worship the same God as Christians, they don’t, the prophet mohowmad was given a chance by the archangel Gabriel to be a prophet, but mohowmad failed to do as God ordered him, mohowmad failed to have the citizenry give up their idols and worship God only, mohowmad was tested, he failed!


If you think muslims are religious, you’re mistaken.

Islam is simply a system that allows Aleister Crowley’s “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law”.

Nothing more. Nothing less.


" ...the ring was probably given to him by his mother, step-father or some other relative, and he wears it as a keepsake. A LOT of people have Asian kanji tattoos too--in letters they don't understand, but that doesn't make them Buddhist"

You're probably right. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that the ring he's been wearing his entire adult life has an inscription proclaiming Allah as the 'one god'.

I mean, his middle name is Hussein, but so what? Just a coincidence.

I know that he said, "Should the political winds turn in an ugly direction, I will stand with the Muslims." Meh.....big deal.

And yeah, he slipped in that interview with George Stephanopolis when he said, " Muslim faith..."

Come on....isn't it just a bit of an over-reach to try and connect all those things? Sheeesh.....


How many ‘nothing to see here, folks.. Move along’s does there have to be before this nightmare is over?


 This has been an on-going terrorist attack against our nation. It has been well planned and executed, as devastating and shocking as the planes bringing down the WTC. I loathe people I know who voted for this unknown entity. Just what were they short years after 3000 countrymen were murdered, they vote for and elect a person who proudly uses the middle eastern name, Hussein?


 I can’t stand [Corsi]. Remember his whining like a drama queen talking about being held in the prison in Kenya? Yet, he still claimed he would have evidence for us on that next show and never produced a damn thing !

He was great with the Swift Boat Vets but he has no credibility otherwise.


 "It was never a wedding band, no matter what finger he wears it on, it’s an AFRICAN HAIR RING. A dress ring, and his happens to be made of gold."

Well, whaddya know. Just one more little coinkydink about his 'marriage'. I just pity his daughters.
By the way - do you think he 'built that'? 

I think he built that with the help of IVF. The girls look too much like MX’s daughters not to be genetically his.

" Agreed. One of them even has that dirty brownish colored hair, which you'd expect if their grandfather had red hair like MX did."


Under Islamic religious law, in all sects (Sunni, Shi’a etc) the wearing of any kind of gold jewelry is forbidden to men. It may only be worn by women. It would therefore seem very odd to me if this was true. If Obama is actually a Muslim, he would be unlikely to be wearing a ring. If he isn’t, why would he be wearing a ring adorned with the shahada?


 Because he was imprinted deeply with the death cult faith of islam, when he met the king of Saudi he reflexively bowed at the waist. This bow showed the world he is submitting to the muslim faith, moreover, he was bowing the United States before the Keeper of the Two Holy Mosques.
That is troubling.

His bow revealed much.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Are Women Headed to the Infantry?

A woman dies, a whole family dies.


 social experiment to destroy the military


"Women have fought and died in every American war"

 That's quite an assertion and one that is not supported by the facts. For example, women did not fight in WWI, WWII, Korea, and Vietnam though certainly some died in these conflicts while serving as noncombatant nurses and auxiliaries. This statement exposes the article and the feminist movement position - it has nothing to do with the military or women in combat, it's just a ploy to advance an agenda that creates a special victim group that includes more than half of the population.


There's something sick about a country that would send women into combat, or down into a coal mine. 


 I hope not. Men and women are not the same, and a society that does not recognize their differences will not flourish.


Any society that sends its women to fight before it sends the non-shaving boys and cane-borne old men is fatally flawed.


My God......they want the women dead before they can get pregnant. The country club Democrats aren’t going to have their little princesses in the Infantry. A dead woman bears no children. They would have to include women in the draft. Where would you put all the inner city women? In the Infantry. This is just another attempt by the Democrat party to reduce the number of Blacks in our country.


 They aren't doing this to the military to make all things fair. They are doing it precisely to weaken our military beyond repair, so that it can not defend us when we really need it.


 Whatever. Women stopped being feminine a long time ago, hence guys like me (40, single, never married).


“Women in the infantry are the movies.”

Exactly. When you think of women in the military, don’t think of the women you see in the movies. Think of the ones you see every day. I would bet any amount of money that the women I work with could keep up a good jog for more that 2 or 3 minutes. That’s reality, not GI Jane.


 "A woman dies, a whole family line dies." 

So true. This is why Christianity and Western Civilization cherishes women and protects them. This is the reason that our men go to war. 


 Yep. If you're 250 pounds and wounded, please be patient while your 110 pound female partner goes for help to drag you to safety. Grr. 


Romney erases Obama advantage among women in new poll

Probably because Romney was a man, not some simpering child. And the women could tell. The eye-candy will get you only so far with a woman.

This keeps up and election night will be very fun!


 Can it be true that voters aren't primarily concerned with free rubbers and government paid abortions? 


 I think women actually started to become offended when they realized that the Democrat Party thinks of them as vaginas with voter registration cards.


“We know your deepest desire is to fornicate like a man, or like you think they do, without consequences, and we’ll make that entirely possible, while the other side wants to inhibit you from doing that.”

Yep, once that message starts to become apparent, you start to lose the decent people.


If Mitt is running even with women and he has a plus a 16pt advantage with independents then, as Pat Caddell said the other night on Hannity, “This race is over”.


Seriously, though, there is no “women’s vote”. They are not a monolithic group.

There are vast differences in views toward government among women who have a strong, stable relationship (marriage) with a good protector and provider, and those who do not.


 This is all very interesting. Part of this giant leap forward by Romney is due to the pollsters silently adjusting their turnout models under the hood (i.e. no longer inflating Obama's numbers). But part of it is certainly a genuine reaction to the debate. Romney killed it and Obama tanked it, what a contrast it was.


 Call me sexist, I could care less. Some women can be such airheads. Men have their own issues, so don't hit me with the "Women shouldn't Vote" stuff! Anyway, I am a women and could never understand why Romney was down by so many points with women. A group of women I know aren't all Sandra Fluke, pay for my contraception bimbos; but they were "on the fence". I'm talking about a rather large group of (usually) reasonable women. After the debate I made nearly twenty phone calls. All of the women I spoke with thought Romney did great. 16 said they see what I've been talking about and will vote for him. 10 asked for bumper stickers (get your own!), 2 are "wait and see". But every single one of them now says Romney is "good-looking", "sexy for a 65 year old", has "such a strong jaw-line" , "nice eyes". Women need to stop voting based on looks. Why they thought Obama was good looking, I don't know. But when a very good debate performance changes your appearance, What the heck? Romney looks the same as he did yesterday. Only now he's "hot".


Women don’t notice looks. They like to have sex with power. That can be expressed in terms of violence, like an MMA fighter, or of high competence, such as the CEO.

Then in the chick mind, the powerful dude “looks attractive.


It’s the Alpha-male law of attraction. Women are attracted to men who exude confidence and take control of things and situations.

Romney was very, very much the alpha in this debate. Obama was definitely the beta. His body language said it all.

Stop Muslim Immigration to the U.S.

Petition excerpt: "The United States must change its immigration policies to exclude Muslims. 

Islam is both a religion and a political ideology, and its politics are supremacist. That is, the doctrines of mainstream Islam command Muslims to work toward the dominance of their religion over all other religions, and the subjugation of all people to the Islamic political system (Shari'a)."



The Japanese are a very evolved race.

Have you ever read in the newspaper that a political leader or a prime
minister from an Islamic nation has visited Japan?

Have you ever come across news that the Ayatollah of Iran or the King of
Saudi Arabia or even a Saudi Prince has visited Japan?

Japan is a country keeping Islam at bay.

Japan has put strict restrictions on Islam and ALL Muslims.

The reasons are:

a) Japan is the only nation that does not give citizenship to Muslims.
b) In Japan permanent residency is not given to Muslims.
c) There is a strong ban on the propagation of Islam in Japan.
d) In the University of Japan, Arabic or any Islamic language is not taught.
e) One cannot import a ‘Koran’ published in the Arabic language.
f) According to data published by the Japanese government, it has given
temporary residency to only 2 lakhs, Muslims, who must follow the Japanese
Law of the Land. These Muslims should speak Japanese and carry their
religious rituals in their homes.
g) Japan is the only country in the world that has a negligible number of
embassies in Islamic countries.
h) Japanese people are not attracted to Islam at all.
I) Muslims residing in Japan are the employees of foreign companies.
j) Even today, visas are not granted to Muslim doctors, engineers or
managers sent by foreign companies.
k) In the majority of companies it is stated in their regulations that no
Muslims should apply for a job.
l) The Japanese government is of the opinion that Muslims are fundamentalist
and even in the era of globalization they are not willing to change their
Muslim laws.
m) Muslims cannot even think about renting a house in Japan.
n) If anyone comes to know that his neighbor is a Muslim then the whole
neighborhood stays alert.
o) No one can start an Islamic cell or Arabic ‘Madrasa’ in Japan
p) There is no Sharia law in Japan.
q) If a Japanese woman marries a Muslim then she is considered an outcast
r) According to Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of Arab/Islamic Studies at Tokyo
University of Foreign Studies, “There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is
a very narrow minded religion and one should stay away from it.”
s) Freelance journalist Mohammed Juber toured many Islamic countries after
9/11 including Japan. He found that the Japanese were confident that
extremists could do no harm in Japan.
My personal estimation of the Japanese has risen dramatically


NO, until this country’s economy is under control we should STOP ALL IMMIGRATION.

Lou Dobbs said on his show that 1 million people come to this country every year on various visas and green cards. He also said 700,000 people from other countries get their citizenship here EVERY YEAR!

But lets just let every creep the world over in to the country. BY all means.


We should have put this policy in effect on 9/12/2001.

In addition, all Muslims who weren’t/aren’t citizens should have been/should be permanently expelled.


 I AGREE!! Not only should we stop all Muslim immigration, we should outlaw the practice of Islam in our nation just as Germany has outlawed Nazism, the Nazi flag, the Nazi salute and other Nazi things. Germany simply outlawed a murderous and evil philosophy and style of government, which was responsible for the death and murder of millions. We need to do the same with Islam for the same reasons - we need to outlaw a murderous and evil form of religion/government; it’s called Islam!


 "My personal estimation of the Japanese has risen dramatically"

I don't want to destroy your estimation of Japan but there isn't much in there that's true. Japan doesn't specifically deny citizenship to Muslims. They don't deny visas to Muslims. The don't ban Korans of any kind.

Doesn't look like Japan is any more exclusive of Muslims than any other civilized country is. I'm not saying that's good or bad, it's just what it is. 


 It would be nice, but I don’t know how we’d manage that with the sort of people in Congress, not mention the ACLU, etc.



We are currently living in Stage Three.

Stage 1:
Start immigrating - move into a country quietly

Stage 2:
Begin starting mosques: “learning centers” community helps: food etc.

Stage 3:
Political activism: demanding rights, denounce derogatory comments/press etc.

Stage 4:
Get elected, pass laws favoring rights etc. move toward political majority

Stage 5:
Political control, Sharia Law


 Ya get what ya vote for and last election America lost its mind. Voted for a marxist negro that hates America.

America gave the keys to the realm to Obammy and a whole lot more of his ilk and that mistake is soon to be corrected.


"We are not obligated to take a poison pill under the freedom of religion clause."

 Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Islam is NOT a religion! It is a theocratic political ideology. When respectable people such as yourself give credence to these savage beasts touting their flavor of totalitarian control it does not help the cause of freedom. 


These are very different times we find our nation involved in today. Not recognizing Islam, for example, for what it represents to the safety of our nation is deliberate and crazy!

Our nation is being assaulted from all directions. Annually millions enter this nation for various reasons, few of which are beneficial to the health and prosperity of America.

It’s long past time to bar the door, but bar it we must as well as rounding up all illegals and kick them the hell out of our declining nation.

Further, in a very short span of time we must rapidly correct evils that we have allowed far to long to endanger us:

1. Kick Communism out of Cuba and Venezuela as fast as we possibly can.

2. Knock Korea out of commission. Leaving North Korea in position at the stalemate known as the Korean War was a stupid blundering mistake.

3. Recognize arab nations for what they truly are: festering sores on the backside of civilization.

4. Drill baby drill, like crazy!

5. Take no more crap from any nation!

6. Never elect a president or a member of Congress who isn’t a true American patriot.



And we should treat islam in the 2010’s the way we treated communism in the 1940s and 1950s!!!!


 Not only should mosque construction be halted, the mosques already built should be torn down. nNot only should moslim immigration be stopped, every muslim here now should be deported. muslims co-exist with no one, even other muslims.


"It’s unconstitutional. You can’t pick and choose when it comes to religion and the First Amendment. Because, be assured, one day they will shut your Church down if we go down that path."

 Cease to recognize Islam as a religion. Problem solved.


It's constitutional if it can be shown that islam is not a religion in the meaning or spirit or intent of the 1st Amendment. 

That should take, gee, about all of 30 seconds to prove beyond a shadow of doubt - complete with evidence of actual Muslims screaming for murder and agreeing that the purpose of Islam is the complete and utter destruction of America and the ensalving or murder of its population. 

Actually, I think I can do it in ten seconds. 

Or less. 


“To recognize it better, take a holiday in Dearborn, Michigan.
Dearborn and adjacent Detroit are what we have to look forward to if the rat and muzzie jihad against our civil society are not stopped.”

Didn’t Boston once feel that same way about Irish Catholics?

"If that is a legitimate question you are completely clueless as to what is going on in this Country and around the world concerning ALL Muslims......."

I’d wager the Irish were as hated as the Muslims are now. And I’m sure there people then who would have been willing to trample the constitution for a nice warm feeling of false security.
I figure I have a better chance of getting kissed on the lips by a rattlesnake than I do of being killed by Islamic terrorists.
Muslim terrorists don’t frighten me nearly so much as supposed conservatives calling for big government to get even bigger by telling people what deities they’re allowed to believe in.
After they take care of the soon until they come after your religion, and how loud will you squeal about the injustice of it all. Freedom for me but not for thee.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Vanity: List your debate night suggestions for Romney

Here's mine, we know Obama will do one thing all night... 

Blame Bush. It works, it obfuscates polls show people believe it. 

How does Romney fight it and make it HUGH and memorable? 

Use the Reagan line "There you go again". 

If he does this early in the debate he will neuter Obama's blame gme for the whole night and really throw him off. When Obama returns to blame, ROmney uses there you go again and hits a grand slam. 


 I say offer Obama and his supporters an olive branch for the unfair treatment given to him by the birthers by making this promise to Obama and his supporters and not breaking the promise...

"when I move into the White House the new attorney general will initiate a thorough and complete investigation in order to clarify to the American people that Barack Obama was indeed eligible and was the legitimate President of these United States. Such an investigation is only fair to not only President Obama and his legacy but also to the American people. I'm sure that the results of this investigation will provide proof that President Obama was indeed legitimately the President of the United States.

However, if by some chance the accusations turn out to be correct, there is a promise that anybody in Congress whether they be republican or democrat will be legally held accountable and justice will be served for any wrong doing and illegal activity. Let that be a warning to the leaders of Congress who have taken the oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America."


 Smile alot. Talk about his wife. Ask Obama why he is so negative all the time and never seems to take responsibility for his own failures. Attack him, but do it with a smile and somewhat belittling tone. Give specifics about how he will improve the economy.


 Your record is a pathetic failure, no matter how much you and Jim here wish it were otherwise.


 If Obozo is stupid enough to say something about releasing tax returns, Romney should say: “I'll be happy to release all of them the minute you release all of your sequestered documents.” If he gets the Blame Bush argument, say: “If I was your supervisor on a job and you screwed up badly but blame it on your supervisor from 4 years ago, should I continue to employ you?” 


 Watch tapes of Reagan, over and over and over again.


 Add ‘Boy’ at the start of every answer. Like...

“Boy, Obama wants details but has none of his own.”

Etc Etc. After calling Obumbles boy a few times, he will be reduced to a spitting, stuttering, raving loon, unable to answer anything. 


In our dreams:

“My opponent has spent the last 4 years whining about the economy he “inherited” (use finger quotes).

He inherited nothing — he REQUESTED this economy, created by disastrous democrat policies and promised to fix it.

Even with the aiding and abetting of both houses of Congress he has only succeeded in making it much, much worse. This points to a lack of vision, a lack of planning, a lack of leadership.
he spoke of hope and change. He did not tell the American people that WAS his strategy: Hope everything will get better.”

As I said — in our dreams.


I think Romney needs an original line ... the ‘there you go again’ worked for Reagan who was older and got the delivery ‘just right’

I think Romney should be saying repeatedly (and he will have a chance every time Obama opens his mouth): “Mr. President, thanks for sharing that story, but let’s get back to your REAL record” .... I’d actually like to see him say: “Mr. President, thanks for sharing that story, but let’s get back to your nonfictional record” .....but that would probably be perceived as too ‘snarky’.

Obummer is known for very long responses and for going far afield. This clearly says Obummer is not telling the truth, making up stories, obfuscating .... etc., etc. It’s polite ... but it’s the iron fist in the velvet glove approach.


 Romney: Before we begin this debate, I demand to have an update on the attack on our embassy and the savage murder of four of our countrymen in Libya. What happened? What were we doing there? Why was there no security? Why did it happen? What are we doing about it? Mr. President,, what are you going to do about it?


“It is widely reported that you have over a billion dollars, tax free, in your OFA (pronouonced “OFAY”) fund.

Explain to America why you think you shouldn’t pay taxes on this wealth, and also why you should get a pass for using a vile racial slur for this fund.”


 Congressman Trey Gowdy of SC on FOX news this morning had a great one liner: Talking about sending aid to Libya and Egypt, now that they have killed 4 of our Americans, and still on the warpath. 

He said: They HATE us and so they can "HATE US FOR FREE". Romney should say that he is opposed to sending our enemy aid, THEY CAN HATE US FOR FREE. We will help AMERICANS first. 

That line is quick, to the point and it will be remembered. It could be his Reagan moment. 

Then add, he will bring ALL our MILITARY home, ASAP. We are not in the training business any longer. American trains their militaty in boot camps in about 90 days, and those Iraqi's etc., can't be trained in 4/5/6/7/8 years? 

(Oh, they are being trained alright, being trained how we do things and then they kill our troops behind their backs, FRIENDLY FIRE????) Thank you Congressman Gowdy. 


 the economic demise did start in bush era, midway of his second term just after he had to try and deal with dems in control of both houses moving forward with all the fannie and freddie unchecked loans give aways...actually that CRP program started under clinton but bush couldn't stop the real use of the program...those give aways lead to most of the conditions that resulted in oct 2008 demise of markets...rommney should really fire back with these details when nobama starts lying about when this shit one ever pushes back with the correct time-line on this...most amercians, while dumb as dirt these days could understand an explanation as short and AS SIMPLE AS THE FACTS ARE ON THIS AS THE ROOT CAUSE... 


Monday, October 1, 2012

FR Contest: Write the NY Times Headline for Nov 7th..

Martial Law Declared - Final Vote Tally May Take Months



“Make no mistake. We will prevail against racism,” Obama vows.


 Michelle files for divorce, leaves country with bodyguard.






Romney Landslide; Fraud Suspected!

The wide variance between actual results reported and pre-vote polling hints at substantial voter fraud by the Romney Camp.

Rioting in L.A., Detroit, and Baltimore is being blamed on the theft of the election by Conservatives who promoted Voter I.D. laws that excluded people of color from the polls.



Did Racist Americans Lie to Pollsters??




 Only Ten Weeks Left To Get More Free Obama Phones.