The President should be impeached and the others around him FIRED. This makes me just sick and what is even worse is...NO ONE seems to even care about this! It’s worse than disgusting!!!!!
THIS WAS A HIT! It was organized by you know who.
They needed to clip the ambassador for some reason.
It appears Obama wanted everyone to die in the attack. Why? Was he running guns to the militant Muslims, an international “Fast and Furious” operation? Were the four Americans slaughtered with weapons from America?
How many Americans must be murdered by
Obama, Holder and Clinton before a single
person in the US Congress WAKES UP???????????
Disgusting zero government.
FOX has been more fair and balanced lately. I may have to reconsider my ban on them.
This must be why 0bama has no events today. They are trying to figure out how the “video” or Bush could have caused this.
This is starting to look even deeper than I thought. It is starting to look as though the Ambassador and the others were deliberately set up to be killed. Now we have to start looking for deeper reasons for it all other than just the cover=up of the failure of the kenyan’s foreign policy and the desire to push sharia.
A conscious decision was made by the White House to let these American die.
Send this article to all of your friends, familes via email, facebook, and twitter.
Last paragraph of article;
"Fox News has also learned that Stevens was in Benghazi that day to be present at the opening of an English-language school being started by the Libyan farmer who helped save an American pilot who had been shot down by pro-Qaddafi forces during the initial war to overthrow the regime. That farmer saved the life of the American pilot and the Ambassador wanted to be present to launch the Libyan rescuer's new school."
I don't believe this, not one bit.
Stephens has repeatedly requested security, obviously knew the area was hazardous. He's not gonna take a risk like that for a reason like this. Who was the Turkish guy he met with immediately preceding the attack?
What I can’t understand is why has not CIA Director Petraeus spoken? It was his mission. I had considered him an honorable man and commander. I now begin to wonder.
This is looking more and more like an attempt by the president to get the ambassador kidnapped and then successfully negotiate his release before the election.
But then that smoke inhalation thing ruined everything.
Is this the least surprising for a president who refused three opportunities to get Bin Laden—such that Panetta finally had to orchestrate a movement to act without his approval?
Or for a president that’s been aiding and abetting the Al-Qaeda-allied Muslim Brotherhood from his very first days in office?
When you have RADICAL ANTI-AMERICAN DEMOCRATS running the country and in the chain of command these are the results you can expect. The socialist democrats committed a fraud to get THE FOREIGNER on the ballot in the first place and have been COVERING HIS INELIGIBLE REAR END EVER SINCE. These frauds probably didn’t want to OFFEND THE MUSLIMS by defending our people. One of the most PATHETIC decisions in a long list of PATHETIC DEMOCRAT decisions I have ever heard.
Rush said this story “will shake the nation to its core”.
This is enormous, and the MSM will be forced to cover this.
“A former Navy SEALs manned a blood-soaked machine gun to defend U.S. territory. Meanwhile Apache helicopters sat on the ground in Italy.”
WHY? Why weren’t the Apache helicopters sent to HELP? Why?
Every day the title of communists black Muslim seems to fit King Obama. As far as I am concerned he murdered those four Americans. He should be impeach and charged with treason.
Can’t help but compare this to Katrina.
Maybe you don’t remember or are too young. But, it was Panetta and George Mitchell who sandbagged Bush 41 into raising taxes. Panetts is totally dishonorable and a bald-faced liar and has always been such.
What the bleep were they thinking?!?
Panetta needs to resign today. So should Petraeus.
This is simply inexcusable.
And worse than this, they tried to cover it up afterwards because of the election.
Goodbye Odumbo, don’t let the door hit you in the butt on the way out!
Americans, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Navy Seal, Tyrone Woods, Navy Seal, Sean Smith, USA Consulate, Intelligence Officer, heroes, all, murdered in terror filled assault & cold blood, abetted by the inaction of POTUS, Barack Hussein “Muslim Brotherhood Adoree & Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Black Racist, America Hater Worshipper” Obama, Hillary Clinton, Leon Panetta, Susan Rice, Jay Carney, etc.!!! All of them are TRAITORS to these United States of America. All should be thrown out of office today, charged with treason & thrown in prison for life. End of Story!!! Wake up America, the enemy is within our house, destroying us!!!
I still think that in response to Corsi's request to free the blind sheik, Obama's people devised a plot whereby Corsi's thugs would kidnap Stevens and Obama would swoop in on his white horse and get the thugs to release Stevens and cough up the 30,000 SAM missiles, other weapons and nuclear material missing from Gadafi's arsenals in exchange for Stevens.
But something went horribly wrong, the ex- Navy seals stationed at the annex grabbed weapons and charged into the foray interrupting the kidnapping.
I think assistance was denied in hopes that the kidnapping could still be carried out as long as more rescue troops were kept out of the fight.
"Was he running guns to the militant Muslims....."
YESGlenn Beck has been connecting ALL the dots.
Does this refer to the two murdered Seals?
I am amazed their story still hasn’t been told. Sounds like it’s about to be.
Clinton and Obama = Accessories in MURDER BEFORE THE FACT
“If this is correct the president must resign while he still can (facing an impeachment).”
So if zero is re-elected(yech!)then impeached we get joe the MOron?
These are damn scary days we are living my friends...........damn scary.
"This is treason."
What's the plural of treason?
Hussein sacrificed these men because he'd rather have a handful of dead Americans than a few dozen dead Muslims.
Boehner and Reid need to impeach and remove barack Obama, maggot, right now today, or they need to be arrested and tried for high treason in a military tribunal for aiding and abeiting the cover up being engaged in by this treasonous president.
If we as americans allow this to happen without dire consequnce, then we deserve no country.
"Obama has ceded his authority and decision making to activist Muslim advisors working in the WH and state department, in the name of tolerance and sensitivity. The list of names involved will be stunning."
I have to think Huma Abidin is at the top of any list of Muslim infiltrators.
I don’t know about that but this is very evil. Pure unadulterated evil from this administration. It is time for court martials and special prosecutors. Obama should be forced to resign...immediately. I know it won’t happen, but it should not stop us from demanding it.
Powell didn’t sell his soul; he never was a conservative. He was a political, connected, affirmative action general. He was not the hero of the Gulf War as he was dubbed. Schwartzkopf and company on the ground planned and made the decisions and the Air-Ground forces executed the plans. Powell has long been recognized as a “made-up republican”.
Here is my prediction. Obama took the day off, and it’s Friday... By the end of today either Patraeus or Panetta, or both will resign. Right about 3:30 PDT. Any bets?
If ever a march on Washington was warranted it is now.
The only thing that could help The One is to apologize
( something he is pretty good at except when it comes to himself) for the Benghazi loss of life. Unfathomably, it did wonders for JFK after The Bay of Pigs.
And yes the Speaker of the House assumes the presidency should both the president and V.P. resign.