I’m not voting for another RINO shoved down our throats by RINOs.
Well, the anti-Santorum rhetoric worked it’s magic.
Congrats to those who slammed Santorum non-stop for the last few weeks.
Romney thanks you all very much.
I’m so sick and tired of being in the party that shoots itself in the foot over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over... to infinity.
Yes, exactly. Santorum is way better than Romney. He may not be perfect, but he isn’t a RINO like Romney.
The problem is that Newt and Santorum are still splitting up the anti-Willard vote.
Now, still, Romney is head and shoulders above Obama. We can NOT afford 4 more years of Obama.
I can't believe that my one time home state went for Mittens. Goldwater is spinning in his grave.
I saw this show 4 years ago. FReepers swear they wont vote for the wishy washy big gubmint McEstablishment candidate. The liberal RINO gets the GOP nomination, chooses a rock star conservative VP running mate, conservatives get back on the bandwagon.
I know the ending and the play is lame.
-- Something about the way this was worded makes it sound like Tracer Bullet grew up to be a Freeper.
I was watching all three cable networks during Romney’s victory speech and I noticed something about the people standing behind him. On Fox, there was a black couple to the far right of Romney. On CNN, half of that couple was visible. On MSNBC, the couple was not visible at all.
I don’t know if this was deliberate or I am making a big deal out of nothing.
.I also will not vote for Romney if he is the nominee. It only encourages the establishment to support more and more liberal nominees. At some point we have to stop the madness. If we don’t, then the Republican nominee will eventually be more liberal than Obama. (The argument could easily be made that our nominees are already more liberal than Harry Truman and John Kennedy.)
Voting for Romney might be great tactics, but horrible strategy.
Arizona was worse than I thought, but I figured he would win there. Michigan was very close, but overall, if you combined Santorum’s percentage with Gingrich’s, the conservative vote did beat Romney. Romney didn’t win his boy state by the margin that he expected he would; that’s for sure. Hopefully Santorum can do really well next Tuesday.
These are actual quotes on current and past news topics from members of the far right forum FreeRepublic.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Poll: 75 percent of Americans think wealthy should pay 30 percent or less in taxes
No one should ever pay any income tax at all. The miniscule Constitutional Government, should be entirely funded through tiny used fees for it’s services, and relatively small duties placed on imports and exports. Shrink government to Constitutional proportions, not raise the racketeering to profitablity. Foreigners have largely quit buying our debt. Not the Fed is printing money to keep up spending. The collapse in the house of cards is accelerating. Best to get readyfor it, now.
since 50% pay NO taxes then a real fair tax for all is 0% but I won’t look for it anytime soon.
Ah, yes, those “greedy, selfish, moneygrubbing, uncaring” denizens of the “1%” who rake in more than $250,000 in income.
Has the “Occupiers” and “Fairsharers” ever, ever critized the mega MILLION amounts paid to Rock Star, Actors, Actresse with plastic (you know),political insiders and cronies, football players, baseball and basketball players, tort lawyers, and assorted liberals? I musn’t ommit Union leaders, and College/University officialdom.
If they have, I must have missed it
Apparently it is only business people, doctors and those in the medical fields, industrialists, and conservatives in general.
In other words, “I demand my rights to what YOU have.”
How many of the actually really absolutely “wealthy” pay even close to 30% of their income in taxes?
Romney admitted he paid ‘around’ 15%.
Kerry paid less than 3% on millions of income back when he was running for President.
30% to 35% would be a good start.
A lot of us working schlubs have to pay well over 30% to make up for people like Romney and Kerry paying 15% and 3%.
-- Shockingly, no one contradicted this. They're probably quite bitter about how much money Romney's been able to throw at problems.
I think we should ban people who recieve government funds (like checks) from voting.
I wonder how’d that turn out?
Marginalizing people isn’t the answer. Getting rid of the socialism is.
That can happen essentially one of 3 ways:
1) Civil War
2) Producers “Going Galt”
3) Collapse because we run out of money
I’m not willing to say people can’t vote. I think that’s misguided. The problem isn’t with people voting themselves goodies, it’s with cradle to grave indoctrination via public education and mass media. The solution to one form of tyranny isn’t another. The pendulum ALWAYS swings back. The solution is individual freedom and limited Government. Not more special classes and inhibited classes. I know it’s not the popular or feel good view, but it’s the truth.
I’m not sure the average democrat realizes that if a millionaire paid the same percentage as everyone else, that he would still pay greater sum than everyone who makes less than he does. I think the prime enemy of this republic isn’t abject poverty. It’s abject ignorance.
You can tell the rich by the cars they drive, the clothing they wear and where they hang out.
The welfare recipient is sometimes much harder to identify because they also drive the rich mans car, wear his clothing, and have the same toys he does.
since 50% pay NO taxes then a real fair tax for all is 0% but I won’t look for it anytime soon.
Ah, yes, those “greedy, selfish, moneygrubbing, uncaring” denizens of the “1%” who rake in more than $250,000 in income.
Has the “Occupiers” and “Fairsharers” ever, ever critized the mega MILLION amounts paid to Rock Star, Actors, Actresse with plastic (you know),political insiders and cronies, football players, baseball and basketball players, tort lawyers, and assorted liberals? I musn’t ommit Union leaders, and College/University officialdom.
If they have, I must have missed it
Apparently it is only business people, doctors and those in the medical fields, industrialists, and conservatives in general.
In other words, “I demand my rights to what YOU have.”
How many of the actually really absolutely “wealthy” pay even close to 30% of their income in taxes?
Romney admitted he paid ‘around’ 15%.
Kerry paid less than 3% on millions of income back when he was running for President.
30% to 35% would be a good start.
A lot of us working schlubs have to pay well over 30% to make up for people like Romney and Kerry paying 15% and 3%.
-- Shockingly, no one contradicted this. They're probably quite bitter about how much money Romney's been able to throw at problems.
I think we should ban people who recieve government funds (like checks) from voting.
I wonder how’d that turn out?
Marginalizing people isn’t the answer. Getting rid of the socialism is.
That can happen essentially one of 3 ways:
1) Civil War
2) Producers “Going Galt”
3) Collapse because we run out of money
I’m not willing to say people can’t vote. I think that’s misguided. The problem isn’t with people voting themselves goodies, it’s with cradle to grave indoctrination via public education and mass media. The solution to one form of tyranny isn’t another. The pendulum ALWAYS swings back. The solution is individual freedom and limited Government. Not more special classes and inhibited classes. I know it’s not the popular or feel good view, but it’s the truth.
I’m not sure the average democrat realizes that if a millionaire paid the same percentage as everyone else, that he would still pay greater sum than everyone who makes less than he does. I think the prime enemy of this republic isn’t abject poverty. It’s abject ignorance.
You can tell the rich by the cars they drive, the clothing they wear and where they hang out.
The welfare recipient is sometimes much harder to identify because they also drive the rich mans car, wear his clothing, and have the same toys he does.
Santorum Retakes Lead in Michigan (Santorum 37%, Romney 35%)
This is a sincere request to the good primary voters in the states of Michigan and Arizona. Mitt Romney is not the “One”!!! You are throwing away your vote, if you cast it for Mitt Romney. Romney is so out of touch with the common American, that he is actually much worse of a POTUS candidate then John “Obama is a good man) McCain ever was. Obama wants to run aginst Romney.
He prays every day that Romney gets the GOP nod!!! So.......at the end of the day, a vote for Romney is not only a wasted vote, it is a vote for four more years of Obama and the destruction of these United States of America!!! Vote for Santorum or Gingrich if you care about your country, America!!!
I would probably vote for Santorum in Michigan only just to kill the Mittmentum. Since Romney will win Arizona, it’ll probably be best to “keep the race going” in Palin-speak by having a split decision on Tuesday. But we need to get back to Newt on Super Tuesday big time.
Here are how the candidates rack up in terms of ELECTABILITY compared to previous candidates, including Ds and Rs, judging how they appeal to their base and to moderates (obviously their appeal tends not to carry to the other party’s base):
Mitt Romney = Bob Dole, John McCain, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, Walter Mondale (unlikable, stiff, elitist candidate)
Rick Santorum = Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle, Pat Robertson, Jesse Jackson, Pat Buchanan (alienating holy roller candidate)
Newt Gingrich = Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, JFK (articulate, inspiring “rock star” candidate)
The myth that Mitt is the only electable Republican is an Establishment ruse. Santorum can beat Obama, but then again, a ham sandwich will beat Obama.
All you Gingrich Freepers in Michigan ought to get on this site and post to urge your fellow Gingrich supporters to vote for Rick Santorum in tomorrow’s Michigan Primary!!! If Santorum bests Romney, it insures a “wide open” fight bertween Santorum, Gingrich & Romney goes on. If Romney wins Michigan, it practically destroys Gingrich chance to move forward!!! But.....if Romney loses Michigan, Newt lives to fight another day, mainly Super Tuesday for openers.
I watched Romney speak at a couple events in Michigan on CSPAN over the weekend. He may win, but it won’t be because he inspires anybody. I can’t believe he connects with anybody. He always ends up back at his only real argument “vote for me, I can win”. I guess he did have the addendum, “and I grew up here”.
if you fall for this “Vote for Ricky to stop Romney” BS, you will be guaranteeing the outcome of a brokered convention. If Romney loses Michigan and Arizona, he will stay in regardless, all the way to the convention. Because all who stay in to that point, are in the running for a brokered convention. And Romney has the graces of those who will install him as the nominee.
A brokered convention might hail the beginning of a permanent 3rd party. And I think it will be a combined effort between Newt and Sarah Palin. We will see, but this insane party deserves what it is about to get. (Santorum morons included!)
Thanks for that morally pluralistic sermon, but Reagan also firmly believed in the separation of Church and State
The separation of Church and State is NOT in the Constitution, although the Marxist left wants to put it in there like all good Marxist do. What Reagan believed was this country should not have a state church, like Britain did, and I agree with him on that. But it's obvious from his speeches, he thought speaking of faith can and should be part of the political discourse, or he would not have talked about it so much, AS PRESIDENT.
We Christians don't talk of our faith to upset you, we like talking about our faith to one other, you just happen to come into Santorum threads. Maybe your drawn to those who have faith, or maybe your here only to do a hit piece on Santorum, I don't know, but am praying for you, as I'm sure others here are.
The record is what it is. Santorum’s “Lobbyist” scandal is still waiting to come out, and it is extremely damaging. You will learn that the hard way, if Santorum is nominated. The MSM is saving this one for the later stages. And it will be devastating.
There is much about Santorum that you seem destined to learn the hard way, after it is too late.
Newt has his past to deal with also, but that fact is ancient history at this point. It's the new Newt that will fix this mess, not the old one.
You are siding with Romney if you believe and proclaim that Santorum will impose religious views on the country. He simply proclaims his right to have those views, along with the right of anyone to have whatever religious views they hold.
He is for less government interference in religion as opposed to Obama.
The line you are touting is exactly the line that brought Santorum’s numbers down, I hope temporarily.
Newt is my man but he’s a very long shot at this point.
He prays every day that Romney gets the GOP nod!!! So.......at the end of the day, a vote for Romney is not only a wasted vote, it is a vote for four more years of Obama and the destruction of these United States of America!!! Vote for Santorum or Gingrich if you care about your country, America!!!
I would probably vote for Santorum in Michigan only just to kill the Mittmentum. Since Romney will win Arizona, it’ll probably be best to “keep the race going” in Palin-speak by having a split decision on Tuesday. But we need to get back to Newt on Super Tuesday big time.
Here are how the candidates rack up in terms of ELECTABILITY compared to previous candidates, including Ds and Rs, judging how they appeal to their base and to moderates (obviously their appeal tends not to carry to the other party’s base):
Mitt Romney = Bob Dole, John McCain, John Kerry, Michael Dukakis, Al Gore, Walter Mondale (unlikable, stiff, elitist candidate)
Rick Santorum = Christine O’Donnell, Sharon Angle, Pat Robertson, Jesse Jackson, Pat Buchanan (alienating holy roller candidate)
Newt Gingrich = Ronald Reagan, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, JFK (articulate, inspiring “rock star” candidate)
The myth that Mitt is the only electable Republican is an Establishment ruse. Santorum can beat Obama, but then again, a ham sandwich will beat Obama.
All you Gingrich Freepers in Michigan ought to get on this site and post to urge your fellow Gingrich supporters to vote for Rick Santorum in tomorrow’s Michigan Primary!!! If Santorum bests Romney, it insures a “wide open” fight bertween Santorum, Gingrich & Romney goes on. If Romney wins Michigan, it practically destroys Gingrich chance to move forward!!! But.....if Romney loses Michigan, Newt lives to fight another day, mainly Super Tuesday for openers.
I watched Romney speak at a couple events in Michigan on CSPAN over the weekend. He may win, but it won’t be because he inspires anybody. I can’t believe he connects with anybody. He always ends up back at his only real argument “vote for me, I can win”. I guess he did have the addendum, “and I grew up here”.
if you fall for this “Vote for Ricky to stop Romney” BS, you will be guaranteeing the outcome of a brokered convention. If Romney loses Michigan and Arizona, he will stay in regardless, all the way to the convention. Because all who stay in to that point, are in the running for a brokered convention. And Romney has the graces of those who will install him as the nominee.
A brokered convention might hail the beginning of a permanent 3rd party. And I think it will be a combined effort between Newt and Sarah Palin. We will see, but this insane party deserves what it is about to get. (Santorum morons included!)
Thanks for that morally pluralistic sermon, but Reagan also firmly believed in the separation of Church and State
The separation of Church and State is NOT in the Constitution, although the Marxist left wants to put it in there like all good Marxist do. What Reagan believed was this country should not have a state church, like Britain did, and I agree with him on that. But it's obvious from his speeches, he thought speaking of faith can and should be part of the political discourse, or he would not have talked about it so much, AS PRESIDENT.
We Christians don't talk of our faith to upset you, we like talking about our faith to one other, you just happen to come into Santorum threads. Maybe your drawn to those who have faith, or maybe your here only to do a hit piece on Santorum, I don't know, but am praying for you, as I'm sure others here are.
The record is what it is. Santorum’s “Lobbyist” scandal is still waiting to come out, and it is extremely damaging. You will learn that the hard way, if Santorum is nominated. The MSM is saving this one for the later stages. And it will be devastating.
There is much about Santorum that you seem destined to learn the hard way, after it is too late.
Newt has his past to deal with also, but that fact is ancient history at this point. It's the new Newt that will fix this mess, not the old one.
You are siding with Romney if you believe and proclaim that Santorum will impose religious views on the country. He simply proclaims his right to have those views, along with the right of anyone to have whatever religious views they hold.
He is for less government interference in religion as opposed to Obama.
The line you are touting is exactly the line that brought Santorum’s numbers down, I hope temporarily.
Newt is my man but he’s a very long shot at this point.
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Haitus almost over
Hi guys,
You may have noticed I haven't posted in a week. I apologize! I had a bit of an emergency and had to take some time off. This overlapped with Santorum's continuing success in the polls, which hasn't actually been that interesting over on FR. Santorum and Romney are probably the only two people I see the same jokes about and pictures of over on FR that I see Fark.
Anyway, this week I'm back, so look for a welcome return to your regular Derp.
Freep Impact, Certified Liberal Elitist
You may have noticed I haven't posted in a week. I apologize! I had a bit of an emergency and had to take some time off. This overlapped with Santorum's continuing success in the polls, which hasn't actually been that interesting over on FR. Santorum and Romney are probably the only two people I see the same jokes about and pictures of over on FR that I see Fark.
Anyway, this week I'm back, so look for a welcome return to your regular Derp.
Freep Impact, Certified Liberal Elitist
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Female Combat Pilot Wants to Kick Santorum 'in the Jimmy' for Remarks on Women
Excerpt: "A retired female fighter pilot running for former Rep. Gabrielle Giffords' open seat in Congress said Friday that Rick Santorum's recent remarks on women in combat make her want to "go kick him in the jimmy."
Martha McSally, a retired US Air Force colonel and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, is running in Arizona's congressional special election as a Republican. According to her Facebook page, she was the first American woman to fly in combat since the 1991 lifting of a ban on women in that role."
Great, we need more women on the front lines of combat. Let’s be like the muslims and put our women in harm’s way.
""Let’s be like the muslims and put our women in harm’s way."
The Israelis do it, too."
They used to, didn’t work. Now feminazis are trying again. I’m not going to bother finding links, did it a few days ago, and people who don’t want to know the facts won’t read them.
Many men get raped when they are in enemy hands. War is hell and terrible things happen to captured combatants.
However, it’s the simple fact that it’s reality that military readiness goes to pot when a femles screams and the males are reacting to the screams.
It wouldn’t surprise me, if some of the battles lost in Iraq and Afghanistan had to do with this simple fact.
There is room in the military for females, just not field combat conditions.
My question to her would be simple. Since she is a woman, how in the hell would she know what a man thinks or feels in such a situation?
I guess McSilly is entitled to her opinion. Doesn’t make it right.
I think we should make the feminazis who scream the loudest should be put right in the front lines(i.e., Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Patsy Schroeder, Gloria Steinman, Nancy Lugosi, etc.)
There are already legless females who piloted combat aircraft over Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our women folk need to be home raising the next generation of moral, charactered, Christian patriots. They should not be out on the front lines ; ESPECIALLY not those who have husbands and children back home.
Our womenfolk should be NOWHERE in harms way ; it speaks very poorly for our country that we send our women out to fight our wars in ANY capacity. It does not lead to sound home or family life either.
We keep seeing this chivalry angle about women in combat. I think it’s a losing argument because it’s mostly hypothetical. I think it’s much better to bring up what is already occuring and that is troops are humping like rabbits. Anytime a women is introduced into an all male unit the dynamic of unit cohesion is changed. Now the men in the unit have to be concerned about everthing they say lest they be charged with sexual harassment and have their careers ended. When the chick has sex with one member of the unit, it creates hostility and jealousy among the other troops. One woman, even at the very bottom of military heirarchy can destroy moral and cohesion of an entire unit.
She should kick Anthony in the wiener who married a Muslim assistant to Hillary Clinton.
" I am of the wrong generation, brought up to believe it didn’t matter what I was skilled at, not to waste my time with an education. I was just going to be a wife and mother. I have been married 41 years, and have raised a set of twins, boy and girl (who was in the Navy), now 37. I accomplished what my parents wanted for me. And I would not change a thing that would have not allowed me to raise these amazing children of mine.
However, I believe women are capable of a variety of skills much better than men. My own daughter was 5’4”, and could take down of man of 200+ pounds with her boot at his throat in a matter of seconds. Women are much more capable that they are given credit for."
Ya see the problem is, they give people like you the right to vote...To prove my point, just look at the state of affairs and your own words.
Ya got the same attitude the leftist do in big cities, when the send 5'4" females into the brutal senseless murder districts where extremely violent people rule.
Anyone thinking this is a good idea has brain rot.
I have no problem with Santorum’s rhetoric. It’s often taken out of context, misrepresenting his views. Contrary to what the antagonists say, he’s not a Rightwing hard ass. He has an affable heart, and wants the best for everyone. He’s not the mean-spirited troglodyte the Left is painting him out to be. He’s really a good guy.
My issue with Rick is Liberty, how he votes, and his inability to win the General.
I know many here don’t like Newt, but I’m convinced he’s the only candidate at this point that has the ability to turn things around.
I want my damn Country back. I don’t need to feel good about who I’m voting for.
I think women should go into combat and carry a rifle, they should be grunts. But they have to register for the draft and not be eligible for any student aid if they do not. They will simple get pregnant and the men will do the fighting. It happens in every unit the deploys.
I think women should go into combat and carry a rifle, they should be grunts. But they have to register for the draft and not be eligible for any student aid if they do not. They will simple get pregnant and the men will do the fighting. It happens in every unit the deploys.
If Rick Santorum becomes President Santorum, this woman should think twice about threatening to kick him in the “jimmy” or anywhere else. She might have the Secret Service knocking on her door.
Women shouldn’t be in combat, period...For numerous reasons mentioned thousands of times.
In fact, there are plenty of men that can pilot that same aircraft and do it better, and have better chances of survival/escape going down behind enemy lines.
PC and leftist idiotic thinking, gets people killed all the time.
Just the emotional response you’d expect from a woman.
Women in the FREE and CHRISTIAN world are FREE and men don’t use them as tools and shelters.
We are not muslims
When a people lose their child bearing age women, then they lose the ability to reproduce, that is why female life is so precious, not to mention that if Western man ever truly comes to see the weaker sex as nothing special and not due any special consideration, then we will have become savages, and the weaker sex would not like to actually see that goofy fantasy, be reality.
Might makes right, a sexually unaware warrior culture of ranking based purely on strength and successful aggression, would make women lowly indeed.
She sounds like one of those feminist types.....how precious.
When you can run as fast as me, carry as much as me, have the same (as in the same; not the same-same but different crap), physical fitness test standards as me, combat fitness test standards as me, go thorough the same infantry schooling as me.....then we'll talk.
Until then, STFU and make dinner.
In fact, McSally’s remarks are sexist in the extreme. What would happen if a male threatened to assault sensitive parts of a woman’s anatomy?
Combat pilots have historically experienced relatively high rates of imprisonment in anything less than completely asymmetrical warfare. The tragic burden of Col. McSally's poorly thought out policy will be born by future female P.O.W.s. They may end up getting something far worse that being "kicked in their Jimmy's" many times each day for years at a time.
Obviously this woman cannot think/reason beyond her vagina.
How many have perished because female cops and firefighters didn't have the upper body strength to rescue them?
How many have died for a politically correct ideology that denies simple biological fact.
And how many will die because women are mixed with men in combat?
There was an entire fire crew out West several years ago who were all burned to death in a fast moving brush fire because the men waited for the women—this stuff happens a lot but it's un PC to report it.
Martha McSally, a retired US Air Force colonel and a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, is running in Arizona's congressional special election as a Republican. According to her Facebook page, she was the first American woman to fly in combat since the 1991 lifting of a ban on women in that role."
Great, we need more women on the front lines of combat. Let’s be like the muslims and put our women in harm’s way.
""Let’s be like the muslims and put our women in harm’s way."
The Israelis do it, too."
They used to, didn’t work. Now feminazis are trying again. I’m not going to bother finding links, did it a few days ago, and people who don’t want to know the facts won’t read them.
Many men get raped when they are in enemy hands. War is hell and terrible things happen to captured combatants.
However, it’s the simple fact that it’s reality that military readiness goes to pot when a femles screams and the males are reacting to the screams.
It wouldn’t surprise me, if some of the battles lost in Iraq and Afghanistan had to do with this simple fact.
There is room in the military for females, just not field combat conditions.
My question to her would be simple. Since she is a woman, how in the hell would she know what a man thinks or feels in such a situation?
I guess McSilly is entitled to her opinion. Doesn’t make it right.
I think we should make the feminazis who scream the loudest should be put right in the front lines(i.e., Hitlery Rotten Clinton, Patsy Schroeder, Gloria Steinman, Nancy Lugosi, etc.)
There are already legless females who piloted combat aircraft over Iraq and Afghanistan.
Our women folk need to be home raising the next generation of moral, charactered, Christian patriots. They should not be out on the front lines ; ESPECIALLY not those who have husbands and children back home.
Our womenfolk should be NOWHERE in harms way ; it speaks very poorly for our country that we send our women out to fight our wars in ANY capacity. It does not lead to sound home or family life either.
We keep seeing this chivalry angle about women in combat. I think it’s a losing argument because it’s mostly hypothetical. I think it’s much better to bring up what is already occuring and that is troops are humping like rabbits. Anytime a women is introduced into an all male unit the dynamic of unit cohesion is changed. Now the men in the unit have to be concerned about everthing they say lest they be charged with sexual harassment and have their careers ended. When the chick has sex with one member of the unit, it creates hostility and jealousy among the other troops. One woman, even at the very bottom of military heirarchy can destroy moral and cohesion of an entire unit.
She should kick Anthony in the wiener who married a Muslim assistant to Hillary Clinton.
" I am of the wrong generation, brought up to believe it didn’t matter what I was skilled at, not to waste my time with an education. I was just going to be a wife and mother. I have been married 41 years, and have raised a set of twins, boy and girl (who was in the Navy), now 37. I accomplished what my parents wanted for me. And I would not change a thing that would have not allowed me to raise these amazing children of mine.
However, I believe women are capable of a variety of skills much better than men. My own daughter was 5’4”, and could take down of man of 200+ pounds with her boot at his throat in a matter of seconds. Women are much more capable that they are given credit for."
Ya see the problem is, they give people like you the right to vote...To prove my point, just look at the state of affairs and your own words.
Ya got the same attitude the leftist do in big cities, when the send 5'4" females into the brutal senseless murder districts where extremely violent people rule.
Anyone thinking this is a good idea has brain rot.
I have no problem with Santorum’s rhetoric. It’s often taken out of context, misrepresenting his views. Contrary to what the antagonists say, he’s not a Rightwing hard ass. He has an affable heart, and wants the best for everyone. He’s not the mean-spirited troglodyte the Left is painting him out to be. He’s really a good guy.
My issue with Rick is Liberty, how he votes, and his inability to win the General.
I know many here don’t like Newt, but I’m convinced he’s the only candidate at this point that has the ability to turn things around.
I want my damn Country back. I don’t need to feel good about who I’m voting for.
I think women should go into combat and carry a rifle, they should be grunts. But they have to register for the draft and not be eligible for any student aid if they do not. They will simple get pregnant and the men will do the fighting. It happens in every unit the deploys.
I think women should go into combat and carry a rifle, they should be grunts. But they have to register for the draft and not be eligible for any student aid if they do not. They will simple get pregnant and the men will do the fighting. It happens in every unit the deploys.
If Rick Santorum becomes President Santorum, this woman should think twice about threatening to kick him in the “jimmy” or anywhere else. She might have the Secret Service knocking on her door.
Women shouldn’t be in combat, period...For numerous reasons mentioned thousands of times.
In fact, there are plenty of men that can pilot that same aircraft and do it better, and have better chances of survival/escape going down behind enemy lines.
PC and leftist idiotic thinking, gets people killed all the time.
Just the emotional response you’d expect from a woman.
Women in the FREE and CHRISTIAN world are FREE and men don’t use them as tools and shelters.
We are not muslims
When a people lose their child bearing age women, then they lose the ability to reproduce, that is why female life is so precious, not to mention that if Western man ever truly comes to see the weaker sex as nothing special and not due any special consideration, then we will have become savages, and the weaker sex would not like to actually see that goofy fantasy, be reality.
Might makes right, a sexually unaware warrior culture of ranking based purely on strength and successful aggression, would make women lowly indeed.
She sounds like one of those feminist types.....how precious.
When you can run as fast as me, carry as much as me, have the same (as in the same; not the same-same but different crap), physical fitness test standards as me, combat fitness test standards as me, go thorough the same infantry schooling as me.....then we'll talk.
Until then, STFU and make dinner.
In fact, McSally’s remarks are sexist in the extreme. What would happen if a male threatened to assault sensitive parts of a woman’s anatomy?
Combat pilots have historically experienced relatively high rates of imprisonment in anything less than completely asymmetrical warfare. The tragic burden of Col. McSally's poorly thought out policy will be born by future female P.O.W.s. They may end up getting something far worse that being "kicked in their Jimmy's" many times each day for years at a time.
Obviously this woman cannot think/reason beyond her vagina.
How many have perished because female cops and firefighters didn't have the upper body strength to rescue them?
How many have died for a politically correct ideology that denies simple biological fact.
And how many will die because women are mixed with men in combat?
There was an entire fire crew out West several years ago who were all burned to death in a fast moving brush fire because the men waited for the women—this stuff happens a lot but it's un PC to report it.
CHUCK NORRIS: Why I chose Newt over Santorum
Article from WND.
Santorum will never win against Obama.
Newt, on the other hand, would crush the boy king.
Santorum reminds me of the sniveling little nerd in school who does underhanded, sneaky things because no one likes him.
What concerns me most is, this brainless stampede of voters who switch candidates at the drop of a headline.
This is simply chaos and the end result will wind up a disaster. Santorum will not only lose to Obama, Santorum will turn on those who voted for him the moment he gains power. He certainly will use his power to try to install his narrow social agenda, and perpetuate his love for big government, much like Bush did.
"Newt has way too much baggage to win."
We ALL have baggage and warts.
What we need this year is a fighter...someone who can TKO barry in one swipe....and that is Newt.
The only trouble is...
the only trouble is the Newt supporters that attack Santorum and the Santorum supporters attacking Newt.
Both groups of Freepers have lost sight of the goals: RINOs and Obama.
It is complete bull$hit to say Santorum isn’t conservative. Likewise for anyone to say Gingrich isn’t conservative.
In 2008, the conservative vote wasn’t split, because there wasn’t a conservative in the race!! This year we have TWO conservatives - both mildly flawed (gee, its too bad Reagan is dead and Rush doesn’t want the pay cut).
Go ahead and post a stupid list of Santorum’s voting record...I’ll then post a picture of Newt and Nancy giving credibility to Global Warming.
Good Post. Chuck Norris is a great American. The reason I like Newt is.....The liberals are scared of him and they hate him, the Democrats are scared of him and they hate him, The established Republicans are scared of him and they hate him, the Wall Street gang is scared of him and they hate him. We don’t like any of these groups, therefore, the enemy of my enemies is my friend. Thus, Newt Gingrich is our friend. Vote for Newt, He WILL shake things up.
“Newt has way too much baggage to win.”
“Santorum is bland and forgettable.”
Stop killing our own, folks. Obama is laughing at you guys and gals.
"Newt has way too much baggage to win."
I've heard this for more than a decade. What is it specifically?
I'm aware of his divorces, his supposed "ethics violations", and his embrace of the climate change issue. What else?
I am in Phoenix and the numbers are even between Romney and Newt - Did some phone calling yesterday for NEWT - can’t wait until the debate! Newt reminds me of Thomas Jefferson - he left Washington DC in 1794 and was pronounced the end of his political career...yet he was elected 3rd President in January 1801!
This primary season is like a Marathon.
Santorum inspires very few, and we will lose if he is the nominee.
I have no say as to who the nominee is, and I'm fairly objective because of it. Santorum is Dole.
Santorum will never win against Obama.
Newt, on the other hand, would crush the boy king.
Santorum reminds me of the sniveling little nerd in school who does underhanded, sneaky things because no one likes him.
What concerns me most is, this brainless stampede of voters who switch candidates at the drop of a headline.
This is simply chaos and the end result will wind up a disaster. Santorum will not only lose to Obama, Santorum will turn on those who voted for him the moment he gains power. He certainly will use his power to try to install his narrow social agenda, and perpetuate his love for big government, much like Bush did.
"Newt has way too much baggage to win."
We ALL have baggage and warts.
What we need this year is a fighter...someone who can TKO barry in one swipe....and that is Newt.
The only trouble is...
the only trouble is the Newt supporters that attack Santorum and the Santorum supporters attacking Newt.
Both groups of Freepers have lost sight of the goals: RINOs and Obama.
It is complete bull$hit to say Santorum isn’t conservative. Likewise for anyone to say Gingrich isn’t conservative.
In 2008, the conservative vote wasn’t split, because there wasn’t a conservative in the race!! This year we have TWO conservatives - both mildly flawed (gee, its too bad Reagan is dead and Rush doesn’t want the pay cut).
Go ahead and post a stupid list of Santorum’s voting record...I’ll then post a picture of Newt and Nancy giving credibility to Global Warming.
Good Post. Chuck Norris is a great American. The reason I like Newt is.....The liberals are scared of him and they hate him, the Democrats are scared of him and they hate him, The established Republicans are scared of him and they hate him, the Wall Street gang is scared of him and they hate him. We don’t like any of these groups, therefore, the enemy of my enemies is my friend. Thus, Newt Gingrich is our friend. Vote for Newt, He WILL shake things up.
“Newt has way too much baggage to win.”
“Santorum is bland and forgettable.”
Stop killing our own, folks. Obama is laughing at you guys and gals.
"Newt has way too much baggage to win."
I've heard this for more than a decade. What is it specifically?
I'm aware of his divorces, his supposed "ethics violations", and his embrace of the climate change issue. What else?
I am in Phoenix and the numbers are even between Romney and Newt - Did some phone calling yesterday for NEWT - can’t wait until the debate! Newt reminds me of Thomas Jefferson - he left Washington DC in 1794 and was pronounced the end of his political career...yet he was elected 3rd President in January 1801!
This primary season is like a Marathon.
Santorum inspires very few, and we will lose if he is the nominee.
I have no say as to who the nominee is, and I'm fairly objective because of it. Santorum is Dole.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Toddler's cuss word on 'Modern Family' draws ire
From January. Summary: Lily, the four-year-old adopted daughter of gay couple Mitchell and Cameron, drops the F-Bomb while she's a flower girl at a wedding.
The F-bomb?
On this show it must be referring to the word fag.
Modern Family looks like an awful show anyways....I can see why libs love the show anything showing “alternate” families. The only redeaming quality of the show seems to be SofÃa Vergara...
“Modern Family”? An ABC televison show? Where a 2 year old drops the f-bomb?
I don’t see a problem here.
/heavy sarc
If the word in question was “bleeped”, you all do realize that they could have just made the child say the word “fudge” and then bleeped it for the sake of comedy?
Not saying this like I know how it’s all done, but the purpose of good cinematography is to trick you and just because there was a “bleep” doesn’t mean they really said a bad word.
That may very well be what happened. However, the fact is that it will be showing a 2 year old as having said the "f" word; and, this will be protrayed as very amusing.
Whether the little girl actress actually said the word or not; the purpose is to show how "funny" it would be to have a two year old say ****. It is just another way of deadening our outrage over such outmoded ideas as words that we shouldn't say.
The purpose of these types of programs (Modern Family, Glee, obligatory "gay couple" in every show you turn on), is to push the left-wing agenda onto the entire country. Hey, it's no big deal, what is YOUR problem.
""For what it's worth, I've always preferred the free market solution - Don't like it? Don't watch it"
That only works when people don't watch it. Modern Family is one of the most popular television shows in the country right now. People like it and that's just not right!!!
Kinda funny. Ed O'Neill is one of the stars on Modern Family. He knows all too well what happens when a single individual embarks on a crusade to bring attention to an offensive program. In the late 1980s, he was starring in a fledgling, little-watched sitcom on the then fledgling, little-watched Fox network. One of the few viewers of O'Neill's show was a housewife named Terry Rakolta. She didn't like what she saw. Didn't like it at all. So she embarked on a public crusade to get this show removed from the air. This little-watched show was Married with Children and Rakolta succeeded in bringing attention to this show. A lot of attention. Suddenly people were watching it to see what the fuss was about. And they kept watching it. And the rest is history."
Oh, I know that formula well. It worked for heavy metal in the 1980s and, soon after, rap music.
I have season one and two on DVD.
It’s actually a funny show. I haven’t seen the other seasons, so if it’s gone downhill, I wouldn’t know.
The F-bomb?
On this show it must be referring to the word fag.
Modern Family looks like an awful show anyways....I can see why libs love the show anything showing “alternate” families. The only redeaming quality of the show seems to be SofÃa Vergara...
“Modern Family”? An ABC televison show? Where a 2 year old drops the f-bomb?
I don’t see a problem here.
/heavy sarc
If the word in question was “bleeped”, you all do realize that they could have just made the child say the word “fudge” and then bleeped it for the sake of comedy?
Not saying this like I know how it’s all done, but the purpose of good cinematography is to trick you and just because there was a “bleep” doesn’t mean they really said a bad word.
That may very well be what happened. However, the fact is that it will be showing a 2 year old as having said the "f" word; and, this will be protrayed as very amusing.
Whether the little girl actress actually said the word or not; the purpose is to show how "funny" it would be to have a two year old say ****. It is just another way of deadening our outrage over such outmoded ideas as words that we shouldn't say.
The purpose of these types of programs (Modern Family, Glee, obligatory "gay couple" in every show you turn on), is to push the left-wing agenda onto the entire country. Hey, it's no big deal, what is YOUR problem.
""For what it's worth, I've always preferred the free market solution - Don't like it? Don't watch it"
That only works when people don't watch it. Modern Family is one of the most popular television shows in the country right now. People like it and that's just not right!!!
Kinda funny. Ed O'Neill is one of the stars on Modern Family. He knows all too well what happens when a single individual embarks on a crusade to bring attention to an offensive program. In the late 1980s, he was starring in a fledgling, little-watched sitcom on the then fledgling, little-watched Fox network. One of the few viewers of O'Neill's show was a housewife named Terry Rakolta. She didn't like what she saw. Didn't like it at all. So she embarked on a public crusade to get this show removed from the air. This little-watched show was Married with Children and Rakolta succeeded in bringing attention to this show. A lot of attention. Suddenly people were watching it to see what the fuss was about. And they kept watching it. And the rest is history."
Oh, I know that formula well. It worked for heavy metal in the 1980s and, soon after, rap music.
I have season one and two on DVD.
It’s actually a funny show. I haven’t seen the other seasons, so if it’s gone downhill, I wouldn’t know.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
rious, why do liberal so LOVE abortion?
*This is another vanity post. This one is shorter, so I will include the thread starter.*
Post: OK, I'm sure we all have friends or family members that we disagree with who call themselves "pro-choice."
These people will often feel ambigious about when life starts and don't feel it's right to make legal legislation about this. These are not the people I'm talking about.
I'm talking about those that for whatever REALLY REALLY REALLY love abortion. The ones that strongly support funding of abortion left and right, and those who seem obsessed with making it more and more available and considered. Like Obama working to get it into Kenya. Come on, it can't be about "women's rights?" In a third world, high Muslim population nation?
Is there anyone here that used to be pro-abortion? (not just "pro-choice". If so, could you offer some insight on their mentality?
Because they are evil.
Notice they want you to pay for it!
You are paying for murdering millions of babies. They want to spread the guilt.
I guess it makes them feel less guilty.
They worship Moloch.
Honestly, it is this simple.
When you can absolve your conscience from killing a child - when you can rationalize it away, you are a God unto yourself and accountable to none.
The leftists in love with abortion are merely placing their ‘godhood’ above God himself. They refuse the life under his rule and the love of abortion is mere the expression of the most repugnant thing possible.
“F-You God, your most precious creation is NOTHING to me.”
That’s all there is to it.
Liberals love abortion because they love to kill the helpless and innocent! They would NEVER stand up to an adult psycho with a knife or a gun because they are COWARDS!
Because they view every soul, every life as a burden to society! One more mouth to feed, one more dependant on the state.
It’s also why they endorse euthanasia.
Like all liberals, they want all reward and no risk.
Also explains their disdain for capitalism, BTW.
How can they enjoy such evil as baby killings? The very thought of it scares the hell right out of me. Being cast into a fiery hell forever is the absolute worst thing imaginable—— gosh that scares me... Thank You Savior Jesus for heaven!
Because they hate God.
I think it's puzzling that liberals (usually) are trying to kill their own babies while conservatives are trying to save them. That we would care more about their offspring than they do is...unexplainable.
Also, I wonder what the black population (percentage wise)would be in the US had they not aborted so many babies... I wonder if THEY ever wonder that. Seems to me, they made up about 13% 35 years ago and it's about the same now. Maybe I'm mistaken? Surely, they should be at 20% by now?
It depends what kind of liberal you’re talking about. They love it for one or more reasons.
Feminists love it for power over men. Supposedly. It’s really just killing off their own children. But if it hurts a guy, that’s what’s important.
Population nuts love it because it reduces the population of people, which they view as the source of all problems in the world.
Certain liberals love it because they use it as a wedge issue to keep certain groups against each other, rather than focusing on them (the liberals).
Some liberals love it because they make a living at it, one way or another.
Some liberals love it because it hurts people.
Some liberals love it because it’s blood sacrifice. ANd there is power in that blood sacrifice.
Some liberals love it because anything they can do to strike at the church and Christians, they will keep doing.
Some love it because they believe it’s better for certain kids not to be born, for any variety of reasons.
Many libs have overlapping reasons.
Lesbians run some abortion clinics. It’s a great place to pick up chicks. Abortion torments a woman’s soul. It leaves them vulnerable and hurting. After taking the life of their own flesh and blood, and often feeling abandoned by their husband or boyfriend, they are desperate for love and acceptance. Then they are open to advances by the twisted sexual predators.
think some women deeply resent the pressures put upon them by their parents, society or some god-based morality that "irrationally" kept them from guilt-free "taking on" the whole football team, unlike their male counterparts, who were relatively free to get it on with any and all of the women's volleyball team that would have them.
These elite, young sluts lived their youth "knowing" there were dozens if not hundreds (thousands?) of young men that would've bedded them in an instant and they would've loved to reciprocate and notch their own bedposts, but for the fear of "being punished with a baby."
What does modern day American and European liberals, the German National Socialist Party (nazis), Russia's Stalin, China's Mao and modern day Chi-coms have in common?
People who based their governing ideal, identity and ambition on coveting their neighbor's good, end up with a lot of innocent blood on their hands.
Maybe God knew what He what he was doing when He banned coveting in the ten commandments. It is a deadly sin that leads it's minions to rationalize and commit genocide.
Many liberals are basically selfish, immature people. They tend to see anything that involves an obligation to others over self as an unconscionable burden.
They are slaves to the spirit of this world. That spirit demands blood and rewards slaves with power. RATs are modern servants of Molech no matter how enlightened they may feel they are. Killing babies has no sane or moral excuse.
Just trying to do a better job than Hitler, Pol pot, Stalin
and every other commie leader that ever walked the face
of the earth. You can’t have communism without murdering
a whole bunch of people. This is the new and improved, PC
version of state sponsored murder.
Most of the forgoing is true (I didn’t actually read every comment) and one more reason: They are in bed with the eugenisists. Their deluded brains are dreaming of “purifying the race” - killing or preventing the gestation and/or birth of human beings they consider inferior.
Post: OK, I'm sure we all have friends or family members that we disagree with who call themselves "pro-choice."
These people will often feel ambigious about when life starts and don't feel it's right to make legal legislation about this. These are not the people I'm talking about.
I'm talking about those that for whatever REALLY REALLY REALLY love abortion. The ones that strongly support funding of abortion left and right, and those who seem obsessed with making it more and more available and considered. Like Obama working to get it into Kenya. Come on, it can't be about "women's rights?" In a third world, high Muslim population nation?
Is there anyone here that used to be pro-abortion? (not just "pro-choice". If so, could you offer some insight on their mentality?
Because they are evil.
Notice they want you to pay for it!
You are paying for murdering millions of babies. They want to spread the guilt.
I guess it makes them feel less guilty.
They worship Moloch.
Honestly, it is this simple.
When you can absolve your conscience from killing a child - when you can rationalize it away, you are a God unto yourself and accountable to none.
The leftists in love with abortion are merely placing their ‘godhood’ above God himself. They refuse the life under his rule and the love of abortion is mere the expression of the most repugnant thing possible.
“F-You God, your most precious creation is NOTHING to me.”
That’s all there is to it.
Liberals love abortion because they love to kill the helpless and innocent! They would NEVER stand up to an adult psycho with a knife or a gun because they are COWARDS!
Because they view every soul, every life as a burden to society! One more mouth to feed, one more dependant on the state.
It’s also why they endorse euthanasia.
Like all liberals, they want all reward and no risk.
Also explains their disdain for capitalism, BTW.
How can they enjoy such evil as baby killings? The very thought of it scares the hell right out of me. Being cast into a fiery hell forever is the absolute worst thing imaginable—— gosh that scares me... Thank You Savior Jesus for heaven!
Because they hate God.
I think it's puzzling that liberals (usually) are trying to kill their own babies while conservatives are trying to save them. That we would care more about their offspring than they do is...unexplainable.
Also, I wonder what the black population (percentage wise)would be in the US had they not aborted so many babies... I wonder if THEY ever wonder that. Seems to me, they made up about 13% 35 years ago and it's about the same now. Maybe I'm mistaken? Surely, they should be at 20% by now?
It depends what kind of liberal you’re talking about. They love it for one or more reasons.
Feminists love it for power over men. Supposedly. It’s really just killing off their own children. But if it hurts a guy, that’s what’s important.
Population nuts love it because it reduces the population of people, which they view as the source of all problems in the world.
Certain liberals love it because they use it as a wedge issue to keep certain groups against each other, rather than focusing on them (the liberals).
Some liberals love it because they make a living at it, one way or another.
Some liberals love it because it hurts people.
Some liberals love it because it’s blood sacrifice. ANd there is power in that blood sacrifice.
Some liberals love it because anything they can do to strike at the church and Christians, they will keep doing.
Some love it because they believe it’s better for certain kids not to be born, for any variety of reasons.
Many libs have overlapping reasons.
Lesbians run some abortion clinics. It’s a great place to pick up chicks. Abortion torments a woman’s soul. It leaves them vulnerable and hurting. After taking the life of their own flesh and blood, and often feeling abandoned by their husband or boyfriend, they are desperate for love and acceptance. Then they are open to advances by the twisted sexual predators.
think some women deeply resent the pressures put upon them by their parents, society or some god-based morality that "irrationally" kept them from guilt-free "taking on" the whole football team, unlike their male counterparts, who were relatively free to get it on with any and all of the women's volleyball team that would have them.
These elite, young sluts lived their youth "knowing" there were dozens if not hundreds (thousands?) of young men that would've bedded them in an instant and they would've loved to reciprocate and notch their own bedposts, but for the fear of "being punished with a baby."
What does modern day American and European liberals, the German National Socialist Party (nazis), Russia's Stalin, China's Mao and modern day Chi-coms have in common?
People who based their governing ideal, identity and ambition on coveting their neighbor's good, end up with a lot of innocent blood on their hands.
Maybe God knew what He what he was doing when He banned coveting in the ten commandments. It is a deadly sin that leads it's minions to rationalize and commit genocide.
Many liberals are basically selfish, immature people. They tend to see anything that involves an obligation to others over self as an unconscionable burden.
They are slaves to the spirit of this world. That spirit demands blood and rewards slaves with power. RATs are modern servants of Molech no matter how enlightened they may feel they are. Killing babies has no sane or moral excuse.
Just trying to do a better job than Hitler, Pol pot, Stalin
and every other commie leader that ever walked the face
of the earth. You can’t have communism without murdering
a whole bunch of people. This is the new and improved, PC
version of state sponsored murder.
Most of the forgoing is true (I didn’t actually read every comment) and one more reason: They are in bed with the eugenisists. Their deluded brains are dreaming of “purifying the race” - killing or preventing the gestation and/or birth of human beings they consider inferior.
The War for America: Americans vs. DC, NY, LA
*This is a vanity post, which means the article is just a post by a Freeper, instead of a link to a separate source.*
Excerpts from vanity piece: I won't pretend that there has been any one, single event or occurrence of late that has prompted this discussion. Suffice it to say that I'm absolutely, positively fed up as a Christian, a veteran, and as an American.
I'm well into my 50's now, and in my lifetime I have never seen a more open, blatant attack on not only our freedoms as Americans but also our beliefs (e.g. Christianity in all of its forms), our sensibilities, and even our intelligence.
There are multitudinous examples of enemies out there who loathe our country, our faith, our founding principles, our traditional economic model.....Islam, Socialists/Communists, OWS'ers, Progressives, radicals of all stripes. However, the threat posed by these individuals/groups are either part of, or pale in comparison to, the internal threat that has now forced us into open warfare: I'm speaking of the axis of Washington, DC, New York City, and Los Angeles (Hollywood, Burbank, et al).
Obviously I am not speaking of a "shooting war", but a cultural war; a media war....a war for the hearts and minds of this country. They have had free reign for decades and have continued to clamp down upon us with demonstrably Leftist (aka "proven stupid") policies, departments, laws, pronouncements, Executive Orders, regulations, filth over the airwaves, secular humanism, mockery of anything and everything Christian and/or related to our nation's founding and founding fathers, etc.
Enough is enough, and I'm sick of the tyranny of the few.
It has sickened me that anti-American groups such as CAIR, the ACLU, and so many other fringe organizations seem to carry so much clout in this country.
We have the numbers. This is still an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Look at any "red/blue" map, especially at the county level, and you can clearly see that there are two Americas: one represented by the Axis, another...and much, much larger....represented by those of us who love this country, serve her unabashedly, and go about our lives trying to be good neighbors and productive citizens.
We need our own organization. Shoot, I may even start it myself if no one else does. There are the odd groups here and there that do great work (most notably, the recent rise of the Tea Party), but it's simply not enough.
The Tea Party is often mistaken to be...and treated as...a political party. We know better, but the perception is there, nonetheless. What I am referring to would be a counter to the ACLU, CAIR, and other Leftist special interest groups that can be heard collectively above the din; one that can approach a broadcast network, a newspaper, a legislator or legislature...and let 'em have it with both barrels (figuratively speaking), letting them know of our disapproval or even anger.
If a tiny handful of Muslims in a Christian country can intimidate the media and legislators, what can millions and millions of outraged American citizens do?
Let's take on this Axis on our coastlines and put them in their place once and for all. What say you all?
How about, For The Love of Americans. And yes, hyphenated names with nationalities or “religions” need not apply. I think Breitbart gave a pretty good speech this weekend in reference to the same ideas.
Breitbart and other individuals have been carrying the burden, doing the heavy lifting for the rest of us for far too long.
Time to lighten their load considerably.
With all due respect, the "battle for hearts and minds" was lost a generation ago. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the left and the media Americans now have a multiplicity of identities, cultures and moral codes, many of which are not compatible or are diametrically opposed. We are not one nation but are actually several nations uncomfortably superimposed within the same geographic boundaries. History teaches us that is only a matter of time until our civilization descends into chaos.
Welcome to the American Balkans. Hard choices are coming, my FRiend.
I am much of the same mind as you.
However any organisation you build or try to build will be called racist, Fascist,homophilic,islamophobic,or prudish.
You feel there are millions out there who would rush to join such an organisation, and really, there should be, but there aren’t.
Only a few of us are trying to keep up.
The others are entertained by “Swamp Men” and “Repo wars”.
Watching Reality shows while they should be paying attention to what is going on around them.
I even think that the headlong rush to homosexual marriage is a skirmish in this war.
As homosexal marriage becomes allowed in more places, attention will turn to the fact that no mainstream religion allows homosexual marriage. Eventually lawsuits will be filed against churches over the marriage issue. Mainstream religions will be in position in which they will be in violation of civil rights laws by holding to their positions on the sinful nature of homosexuality. Attempts will be made to legislate these religions out of existence.
This recent battle over birth control and Catholic organizations is another battle in this war. Liberals such as Obama see nothing wrong with forcing a liberal value on the Catholic Church. The same will eventually be done with homosexual marriage.
Our government K-12 schools are evil. Conservatives should remove their children **immediately** and work to see that they are completely shut down!
Government K-12 schools are godlessl They are controlled by Marxists. Simply by attending children must think and reason godlessly just to cooperate in the classroom. And...Children risk learning to be comfortable with socialism. Hey! If the voting mob can give them tuition-free school, why not use that mob to get **lots** of free stuff?
Nearly all of our colleges and universities are evil as well. Conservatives must work to find other ways to educate and train our young adults. ( Charles Murray's idea of qualifying exams is a good one.)
If our children were properly educated and capable of defending their faith and our nation's founding principles, in just 10 to 15 years we would begin to see major changes in the culture.
Sending a child into the nation's socialist K-12 schools is definitely feeding the beast.
Also, I pray for the day when there will be free, 24-hour, Internet-based, conservative TV with the same polish as the Marxist mainstream media and Fox News.
The Welfare Democrats have bred a dependent generation so passive and shiftless, they are far too lazy even to go out and participate in a good riot...In the end I suspect that will be our salvation.
Excerpts from vanity piece: I won't pretend that there has been any one, single event or occurrence of late that has prompted this discussion. Suffice it to say that I'm absolutely, positively fed up as a Christian, a veteran, and as an American.
I'm well into my 50's now, and in my lifetime I have never seen a more open, blatant attack on not only our freedoms as Americans but also our beliefs (e.g. Christianity in all of its forms), our sensibilities, and even our intelligence.
There are multitudinous examples of enemies out there who loathe our country, our faith, our founding principles, our traditional economic model.....Islam, Socialists/Communists, OWS'ers, Progressives, radicals of all stripes. However, the threat posed by these individuals/groups are either part of, or pale in comparison to, the internal threat that has now forced us into open warfare: I'm speaking of the axis of Washington, DC, New York City, and Los Angeles (Hollywood, Burbank, et al).
Obviously I am not speaking of a "shooting war", but a cultural war; a media war....a war for the hearts and minds of this country. They have had free reign for decades and have continued to clamp down upon us with demonstrably Leftist (aka "proven stupid") policies, departments, laws, pronouncements, Executive Orders, regulations, filth over the airwaves, secular humanism, mockery of anything and everything Christian and/or related to our nation's founding and founding fathers, etc.
Enough is enough, and I'm sick of the tyranny of the few.
It has sickened me that anti-American groups such as CAIR, the ACLU, and so many other fringe organizations seem to carry so much clout in this country.
We have the numbers. This is still an overwhelmingly Christian nation. Look at any "red/blue" map, especially at the county level, and you can clearly see that there are two Americas: one represented by the Axis, another...and much, much larger....represented by those of us who love this country, serve her unabashedly, and go about our lives trying to be good neighbors and productive citizens.
We need our own organization. Shoot, I may even start it myself if no one else does. There are the odd groups here and there that do great work (most notably, the recent rise of the Tea Party), but it's simply not enough.
The Tea Party is often mistaken to be...and treated as...a political party. We know better, but the perception is there, nonetheless. What I am referring to would be a counter to the ACLU, CAIR, and other Leftist special interest groups that can be heard collectively above the din; one that can approach a broadcast network, a newspaper, a legislator or legislature...and let 'em have it with both barrels (figuratively speaking), letting them know of our disapproval or even anger.
If a tiny handful of Muslims in a Christian country can intimidate the media and legislators, what can millions and millions of outraged American citizens do?
Let's take on this Axis on our coastlines and put them in their place once and for all. What say you all?
How about, For The Love of Americans. And yes, hyphenated names with nationalities or “religions” need not apply. I think Breitbart gave a pretty good speech this weekend in reference to the same ideas.
Breitbart and other individuals have been carrying the burden, doing the heavy lifting for the rest of us for far too long.
Time to lighten their load considerably.
With all due respect, the "battle for hearts and minds" was lost a generation ago. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the left and the media Americans now have a multiplicity of identities, cultures and moral codes, many of which are not compatible or are diametrically opposed. We are not one nation but are actually several nations uncomfortably superimposed within the same geographic boundaries. History teaches us that is only a matter of time until our civilization descends into chaos.
Welcome to the American Balkans. Hard choices are coming, my FRiend.
I am much of the same mind as you.
However any organisation you build or try to build will be called racist, Fascist,homophilic,islamophobic,or prudish.
You feel there are millions out there who would rush to join such an organisation, and really, there should be, but there aren’t.
Only a few of us are trying to keep up.
The others are entertained by “Swamp Men” and “Repo wars”.
Watching Reality shows while they should be paying attention to what is going on around them.
I even think that the headlong rush to homosexual marriage is a skirmish in this war.
As homosexal marriage becomes allowed in more places, attention will turn to the fact that no mainstream religion allows homosexual marriage. Eventually lawsuits will be filed against churches over the marriage issue. Mainstream religions will be in position in which they will be in violation of civil rights laws by holding to their positions on the sinful nature of homosexuality. Attempts will be made to legislate these religions out of existence.
This recent battle over birth control and Catholic organizations is another battle in this war. Liberals such as Obama see nothing wrong with forcing a liberal value on the Catholic Church. The same will eventually be done with homosexual marriage.
Our government K-12 schools are evil. Conservatives should remove their children **immediately** and work to see that they are completely shut down!
Government K-12 schools are godlessl They are controlled by Marxists. Simply by attending children must think and reason godlessly just to cooperate in the classroom. And...Children risk learning to be comfortable with socialism. Hey! If the voting mob can give them tuition-free school, why not use that mob to get **lots** of free stuff?
Nearly all of our colleges and universities are evil as well. Conservatives must work to find other ways to educate and train our young adults. ( Charles Murray's idea of qualifying exams is a good one.)
If our children were properly educated and capable of defending their faith and our nation's founding principles, in just 10 to 15 years we would begin to see major changes in the culture.
Sending a child into the nation's socialist K-12 schools is definitely feeding the beast.
Also, I pray for the day when there will be free, 24-hour, Internet-based, conservative TV with the same polish as the Marxist mainstream media and Fox News.
The Welfare Democrats have bred a dependent generation so passive and shiftless, they are far too lazy even to go out and participate in a good riot...In the end I suspect that will be our salvation.
Michelle Obama Visits Fla. Megachurch; Urges Religious Groups to Fight Obesity
Summary: First lady Michelle Obama Saturday visited the Florida megachurch where one of President Obama's spiritual advisers is the pastor. She encouraged faith-based groups to join her campaign against obesity, saying "your bodies are temples given to you by God."
Her husband is attacking my Church and she is speaking about her body being a temple of God.
back in Florida again at our expense.
Does the plane ever sit still long enough to change the tires?
A far easier solution is to modify the SNAP / food stamp rules to limit purchases to healthy foods, such as what WIC permits today plus a few other healthy things like potatoes. Instead, she wants to tell those who feed the hungry to watch what they eat.
“Did she pass out contraceptives and coupons for free abortions?”
I wish her mother had availed herself of such.
She went there to pray her butt doesn’t get any fatter.
Her husband is attacking ALL of our churches and religious freedoms of the USA.
Perhaps she is a Hottentot, a real African tribe known for big butts.
Gee, which is a bigger threat to the United States of America, obesity or government intrusion into areas of life for which it has absolutely no Constitutional warrant?
SOME women (not mentioning any names) would look better in a burka.
When she loses forty pounds I’ll start laughing. Until then WE EAT!
I would not listen to a preacher who is a “spiritual” advisor to obama.
The Nazis took over the German Lutheran and Catholic churches and installed their own leadership. History surely repeats itself.
Paula Deen: "Michelle Obama loves fried food and ate more than any other guest I’ve had on my show."
--- Since this statement was made all the way back in October, I don't know why I've seen an influx in mentioning it. Maybe it's so Freepers could have enough time to forget Deen's followup comment: "it was easy to see by her buff arms she follows a healthy lifestyle, but it didn't stop her from enjoying the food. Everything in moderation!”
I just can't get over this women. She is such a loser. Who is her adviser and who makes these stupid decisions for her. She is so embarrassing.
Her husband is attacking my Church and she is speaking about her body being a temple of God.
back in Florida again at our expense.
Does the plane ever sit still long enough to change the tires?
A far easier solution is to modify the SNAP / food stamp rules to limit purchases to healthy foods, such as what WIC permits today plus a few other healthy things like potatoes. Instead, she wants to tell those who feed the hungry to watch what they eat.
“Did she pass out contraceptives and coupons for free abortions?”
I wish her mother had availed herself of such.
She went there to pray her butt doesn’t get any fatter.
Her husband is attacking ALL of our churches and religious freedoms of the USA.
Perhaps she is a Hottentot, a real African tribe known for big butts.
Gee, which is a bigger threat to the United States of America, obesity or government intrusion into areas of life for which it has absolutely no Constitutional warrant?
SOME women (not mentioning any names) would look better in a burka.
When she loses forty pounds I’ll start laughing. Until then WE EAT!
I would not listen to a preacher who is a “spiritual” advisor to obama.
The Nazis took over the German Lutheran and Catholic churches and installed their own leadership. History surely repeats itself.
Paula Deen: "Michelle Obama loves fried food and ate more than any other guest I’ve had on my show."
--- Since this statement was made all the way back in October, I don't know why I've seen an influx in mentioning it. Maybe it's so Freepers could have enough time to forget Deen's followup comment: "it was easy to see by her buff arms she follows a healthy lifestyle, but it didn't stop her from enjoying the food. Everything in moderation!”
I just can't get over this women. She is such a loser. Who is her adviser and who makes these stupid decisions for her. She is so embarrassing.
Why Are Record Numbers Of Young Adults Jobless And/Or Living At Home With Mom And Dad?
Summary: In the United States today, unemployment among those age 18 to age 34 is at epidemic levels and the number of young adults that are now living at home with Mom and Dad is at an all-time high. So why are so many of our young adults jobless? Why are record numbers of them unable or unwilling to move out on their own?
There were a variety of reactions, so I added in a bit of everything.
The recession has only given “parents” and their child adults an excuse. They were alreayd headed down that path years before.
I’ll tell you exactly what their problem is: unlike every previous generation in this nation’s history, They. Refuse. To. Be. Poor. Not for a minute.
They won’t live in crappy apartments when their old bedroom is available.
They won’t drive a beater; why should they? They don’t pay rent. They can swing the payment for a brand-new Beemer, at least for a while.
They all have iPhones. People trying to save money for a down payment on a home should give up the iPhones and save a hundred bucks a month.
I don’t feel sorry for them. They refuse to go through the stage we all had to go through, that of post-nest poverty. They were raised to be entitled a-holes, and that’s exactly what they are.
What they’re facing is no more than every generation has faced. Did the children of the Depression buy cars they couldn’t afford? Did they give up the idea of marriage and children? No. They made do. They took any job they could get. Good luck offering a job picking fruit to someone with a journalism degree.
No “making do” for these entitled darlings. Oh, and get ready to pay back their student loans for them. That’s coming.
This is the FACTION the Republicans must strip away from the Democrats.
All they have to do is say "We will fix this first".
The Obamistas still deny the Great Obama Recession is the Great Obama Depression for young people. In fact, the Obots think they can "buy" these young people with promises of free condoms.
Yeah, but let’s not forget that it is these very same “young people” that VOTED FOR ALL THIS HOPE AND CHANGE. They have nobody to blame except the person in the mirror.
The minimum wage is the fundamental cause. It prices entry-level workers out of the job market. In order to climb the ladder, you have to get on the first rung, and the minimum wage thwarts that.
The minimum wage was invented to do one thing; protect white unionized construction workers from competition from black, non-unionized construction workers, who were paid less (blacks were banned from union membership during the 1930s).
The year the minimum wage law went into effect was the last year the unemployment rate of blacks was lower than that for whites.
My youngest daughter graduated from college in December of 2009. She took a lot of honors classes and college credit courses in high school, and then worked her tail off again to graduate within 3 1/2 years from college. She also worked as an RA for two years which really helped with our college costs and hers. She got out, put together her resume, sent out hundreds of copies. Got zero response.
After that disappointment and looking at the state of our economy, she used some of the student loan that was left over to get herself certified to teach overseas and then started that job search (also took an immersion Japanese language course). Finally, in February of 2011 she was offered a job in Japan and is now residing there and teaching English.
She was living at home, but she really was ready to be out and working and living in an apartment of her own. But, there simply were no jobs available.
She is thinking of staying overseas for another year. I believe she is hoping that Zero will be voted out of office and she can come back and get a job in the U.S. It has been a sobering experience for her, and while she was living at home waiting for some news on her job applications, she started reading Ayn Rand. So Zero ended up making her something of a libertarian.
“Why Are Record Numbers Of Young Adults Jobless And Living At Home With Mom And Dad?”
Young people committed ECONOMIC SUICIDE by voting for Democrats in 2006, and Obama in 2008.
some lessons have to be learned the hard way, like my generation learned under Carter, to cut through the MSM bulls***t.
Because they are getting free Bammy money to go to school.
It’s not intelligence, we as a race - are no dumber now than what we were in the 30-60’s. What has changed? Well, there used to be 18 yr old getting married, buying a car, working a job and affording a home. Why, many owned a home, a car and were starting a family while they were in their early 20’s. Why?
Taxes and Gov’t. Used to be a time when a young person could earn enough to work, while his wife stayed home and took care of housework and raising a family. He could earn a comfortable wage, provide for his family, his retirement, live in a decent home, and live comfortably. What was his tax rate? What Gov’t assistance programs were available? It was a time of personal responsibility and honest work.
Today, how many 20-somethings do you know who own their home and are embarking on a family with a stay-at-home wife? Back then, a reasonable house was approximately equal to ~2-4x their annual salary. Today, what is the cost of a home compared to a couple’s annual salary? Now, of that annual salary - how much do they get to keep versus 40 yrs ago?
Now, look at the business environment. Never before have we had so many businesses failing, off-shoring and layoffs. I remember when IBM announced layoffs in the late 70’s. The first to go were Sr. Managment; they got the company in that shape to start with. That is exactly the opposite way things work today.
The kids aren’t dumber, it’s not lack of educational opportunties - it’s a variety of reasons, and all of them are out of the ability for the ordinary person to control.
"I have a 25 year old and a 19 year old living at home with little to no prospects."
Why is that? Do they have educations? Are they too fussy? Are there NO jobs of any kind in your vicinity?
I just popped into Career Builder, put in my ZIP code and found well over 500 local openings.
Then I went to the NY Job Bank and found over 500 openings in my area.
In my 35+ years of working, I was laid off three times and it was a full time job getting hired again.
...most high school graduates these days are simply not prepared to function at even a very basic level in our society....
In addition, most high school students are not prepared to function in high school because they have not been properly prepared by mommy and daddy.
Our younger son was of the conservative/libertarian mindset like his mom and I. Then he went to Berkeley and became a liberal.
When he realized that his Anthropology degree wasn’t worth the paper it’s stamped on, he began to come around again. Still not completely back yet, but he doesn’t like Obama. He agrees with me that Hussein is a fascist dictator. So there is hope.
He’s been out of the house for two years now. We occasionally help him out financially, but we definitely aren’t carrying him.
-- My son became a hippie in SoCal and couldn't get a job with his degree in Anthro! Luckily he realizes THIS IS ALL FARTBAMA'S FAULT
I think some of it is a consequence(intended or not) of the sexual revolution, feminism and homosexualism. In a previous era, young males were encouraged and required to become a man and being a man meant get a job and become self-supporting so you could get married and support a wife who could stay at home and raise the children. When the incentives for that were taken away and masculine men were seen as something bad that our society did not want our sons to turn into, it encouraged this idea for males to stay perpetual little boys forever with no incentive to mature. And of course without men for women to marry, it affected females as well since a major change for one sex always affects the other sex too.
This era is defined by having no self-worth, integrity and no compuncture to take responsibility for yourself. Just take a look at who our culture idolizes(the usual Hollyweird folks) and who this age group elected to the White House. Didn’t Obama and Nancy Pelosi pass legislation that children could stay on their parents’ insurance till they were 26?
Sorry to hear your children are without gainful jobs. However, some part of me wishes that I had a house big enough to hold all my children and grandkids. I’d especially love to counteract the grand girls’ education indoctrination on a daily basis.
My son is 24 and took 5 months out of college to get a full time job. He is never late to the job and calls in sick only when he's really sick. He got a terrific first review appraisal. He banks almost his entire pay check, He doesn't drink , smoke or do drugs. His only vice is buying movies on DVD.
He helps around the house and is never intrusive. Why should I tell him to move out and pay another person's mortgage with his rent money when in a few years he'll be able to afford the down payment on his own place?
I find the condescending comments on this site against young people beyond absurd and ignorant. Yes there are some lazy slackers, but many are hard working people using the time to pay down debt, get some savings, and wait out this mess.
The job market for young people is poor.
However, I simply can’t understand why so many young people are content to live at home.
I moved out at 17 and never looked back, even when times got tough. Lived with roomates, worked odd jobs - whatever it took. But NO WAY was I moving back in with the rents.
For some reason, this generation lacks that drive.
Just got my youngest of two out the door and set up on her own. I, however, see the inevitable looming as both are in jobs that will soon tank. They'll be back. Both are industrious and hard working. Both voted enthusiastically for Obama, and now openly express buyer's remorse at every opportunity. Be that as it may, blood is thicker than water. As Mark Twain once famously said, "Home is the one place in this world where they have to let you in when you come knocking."
There were a variety of reactions, so I added in a bit of everything.
The recession has only given “parents” and their child adults an excuse. They were alreayd headed down that path years before.
I’ll tell you exactly what their problem is: unlike every previous generation in this nation’s history, They. Refuse. To. Be. Poor. Not for a minute.
They won’t live in crappy apartments when their old bedroom is available.
They won’t drive a beater; why should they? They don’t pay rent. They can swing the payment for a brand-new Beemer, at least for a while.
They all have iPhones. People trying to save money for a down payment on a home should give up the iPhones and save a hundred bucks a month.
I don’t feel sorry for them. They refuse to go through the stage we all had to go through, that of post-nest poverty. They were raised to be entitled a-holes, and that’s exactly what they are.
What they’re facing is no more than every generation has faced. Did the children of the Depression buy cars they couldn’t afford? Did they give up the idea of marriage and children? No. They made do. They took any job they could get. Good luck offering a job picking fruit to someone with a journalism degree.
No “making do” for these entitled darlings. Oh, and get ready to pay back their student loans for them. That’s coming.
This is the FACTION the Republicans must strip away from the Democrats.
All they have to do is say "We will fix this first".
The Obamistas still deny the Great Obama Recession is the Great Obama Depression for young people. In fact, the Obots think they can "buy" these young people with promises of free condoms.
Yeah, but let’s not forget that it is these very same “young people” that VOTED FOR ALL THIS HOPE AND CHANGE. They have nobody to blame except the person in the mirror.
The minimum wage is the fundamental cause. It prices entry-level workers out of the job market. In order to climb the ladder, you have to get on the first rung, and the minimum wage thwarts that.
The minimum wage was invented to do one thing; protect white unionized construction workers from competition from black, non-unionized construction workers, who were paid less (blacks were banned from union membership during the 1930s).
The year the minimum wage law went into effect was the last year the unemployment rate of blacks was lower than that for whites.
My youngest daughter graduated from college in December of 2009. She took a lot of honors classes and college credit courses in high school, and then worked her tail off again to graduate within 3 1/2 years from college. She also worked as an RA for two years which really helped with our college costs and hers. She got out, put together her resume, sent out hundreds of copies. Got zero response.
After that disappointment and looking at the state of our economy, she used some of the student loan that was left over to get herself certified to teach overseas and then started that job search (also took an immersion Japanese language course). Finally, in February of 2011 she was offered a job in Japan and is now residing there and teaching English.
She was living at home, but she really was ready to be out and working and living in an apartment of her own. But, there simply were no jobs available.
She is thinking of staying overseas for another year. I believe she is hoping that Zero will be voted out of office and she can come back and get a job in the U.S. It has been a sobering experience for her, and while she was living at home waiting for some news on her job applications, she started reading Ayn Rand. So Zero ended up making her something of a libertarian.
“Why Are Record Numbers Of Young Adults Jobless And Living At Home With Mom And Dad?”
Young people committed ECONOMIC SUICIDE by voting for Democrats in 2006, and Obama in 2008.
some lessons have to be learned the hard way, like my generation learned under Carter, to cut through the MSM bulls***t.
Because they are getting free Bammy money to go to school.
It’s not intelligence, we as a race - are no dumber now than what we were in the 30-60’s. What has changed? Well, there used to be 18 yr old getting married, buying a car, working a job and affording a home. Why, many owned a home, a car and were starting a family while they were in their early 20’s. Why?
Taxes and Gov’t. Used to be a time when a young person could earn enough to work, while his wife stayed home and took care of housework and raising a family. He could earn a comfortable wage, provide for his family, his retirement, live in a decent home, and live comfortably. What was his tax rate? What Gov’t assistance programs were available? It was a time of personal responsibility and honest work.
Today, how many 20-somethings do you know who own their home and are embarking on a family with a stay-at-home wife? Back then, a reasonable house was approximately equal to ~2-4x their annual salary. Today, what is the cost of a home compared to a couple’s annual salary? Now, of that annual salary - how much do they get to keep versus 40 yrs ago?
Now, look at the business environment. Never before have we had so many businesses failing, off-shoring and layoffs. I remember when IBM announced layoffs in the late 70’s. The first to go were Sr. Managment; they got the company in that shape to start with. That is exactly the opposite way things work today.
The kids aren’t dumber, it’s not lack of educational opportunties - it’s a variety of reasons, and all of them are out of the ability for the ordinary person to control.
"I have a 25 year old and a 19 year old living at home with little to no prospects."
Why is that? Do they have educations? Are they too fussy? Are there NO jobs of any kind in your vicinity?
I just popped into Career Builder, put in my ZIP code and found well over 500 local openings.
Then I went to the NY Job Bank and found over 500 openings in my area.
In my 35+ years of working, I was laid off three times and it was a full time job getting hired again.
...most high school graduates these days are simply not prepared to function at even a very basic level in our society....
In addition, most high school students are not prepared to function in high school because they have not been properly prepared by mommy and daddy.
Our younger son was of the conservative/libertarian mindset like his mom and I. Then he went to Berkeley and became a liberal.
When he realized that his Anthropology degree wasn’t worth the paper it’s stamped on, he began to come around again. Still not completely back yet, but he doesn’t like Obama. He agrees with me that Hussein is a fascist dictator. So there is hope.
He’s been out of the house for two years now. We occasionally help him out financially, but we definitely aren’t carrying him.
-- My son became a hippie in SoCal and couldn't get a job with his degree in Anthro! Luckily he realizes THIS IS ALL FARTBAMA'S FAULT
I think some of it is a consequence(intended or not) of the sexual revolution, feminism and homosexualism. In a previous era, young males were encouraged and required to become a man and being a man meant get a job and become self-supporting so you could get married and support a wife who could stay at home and raise the children. When the incentives for that were taken away and masculine men were seen as something bad that our society did not want our sons to turn into, it encouraged this idea for males to stay perpetual little boys forever with no incentive to mature. And of course without men for women to marry, it affected females as well since a major change for one sex always affects the other sex too.
This era is defined by having no self-worth, integrity and no compuncture to take responsibility for yourself. Just take a look at who our culture idolizes(the usual Hollyweird folks) and who this age group elected to the White House. Didn’t Obama and Nancy Pelosi pass legislation that children could stay on their parents’ insurance till they were 26?
Sorry to hear your children are without gainful jobs. However, some part of me wishes that I had a house big enough to hold all my children and grandkids. I’d especially love to counteract the grand girls’ education indoctrination on a daily basis.
My son is 24 and took 5 months out of college to get a full time job. He is never late to the job and calls in sick only when he's really sick. He got a terrific first review appraisal. He banks almost his entire pay check, He doesn't drink , smoke or do drugs. His only vice is buying movies on DVD.
He helps around the house and is never intrusive. Why should I tell him to move out and pay another person's mortgage with his rent money when in a few years he'll be able to afford the down payment on his own place?
I find the condescending comments on this site against young people beyond absurd and ignorant. Yes there are some lazy slackers, but many are hard working people using the time to pay down debt, get some savings, and wait out this mess.
The job market for young people is poor.
However, I simply can’t understand why so many young people are content to live at home.
I moved out at 17 and never looked back, even when times got tough. Lived with roomates, worked odd jobs - whatever it took. But NO WAY was I moving back in with the rents.
For some reason, this generation lacks that drive.
Just got my youngest of two out the door and set up on her own. I, however, see the inevitable looming as both are in jobs that will soon tank. They'll be back. Both are industrious and hard working. Both voted enthusiastically for Obama, and now openly express buyer's remorse at every opportunity. Be that as it may, blood is thicker than water. As Mark Twain once famously said, "Home is the one place in this world where they have to let you in when you come knocking."
Newt Gingrich reveals sexy Valentine’s Day plans for wife Callista while stumping in California
For the record, I do have two requests pending (one on Whitney Houston, the other on the rape apologist lady on Fox this week), but one is pretty extensive and the other hasn't been addressed yet. Sorry for the short furlough.
"Callista is only 45 - still time to get pregnant for an October surprise.
Maybe we should start a rumor. Unfortunately, the left MSM would spin it into some sort of scandal - as they did with Sarah’s baby."
Oh, it would be a HUGE scandal ...
Unlike the death-eating left, the Gingrichs wouldn't kill their baby.
To the death-eating left, the only good baby is a dead baby.
"...you know reconnect a little bit," he said with a smile."
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...
His earlier marriages were very long...longer than most marriages of people I know.
Quite different from a west wing rendevous with two distinct 20 year old interns BY TWO DIFFERENT DEM Presidents.
Newt’s critics are unable to find fault with his policies, plans, philosophy or record in public office - so they resort to tripe like this.
I am disappointed that FReepers are so gullible or eager to embrace this type of personal destruction by lies and innuendo.
"All I can promise is that I believe she will be quite happy,"
Will Tiffany's be also?
if he’s not getting your vote then why are you here?
Go away!
I expect Newt has a better chance of winning the White House than he does of messing up Calista's hair. Does it ever move?
I’m not sure how “happy”, dinner for two, and gifts is “sexy and intimate.”
Why do we have to hear about this? Fighting the mental imagery...ewww
"Callista is only 45 - still time to get pregnant for an October surprise.
Maybe we should start a rumor. Unfortunately, the left MSM would spin it into some sort of scandal - as they did with Sarah’s baby."
Oh, it would be a HUGE scandal ...
Unlike the death-eating left, the Gingrichs wouldn't kill their baby.
To the death-eating left, the only good baby is a dead baby.
"...you know reconnect a little bit," he said with a smile."
I think I just threw up in my mouth a little bit...
His earlier marriages were very long...longer than most marriages of people I know.
Quite different from a west wing rendevous with two distinct 20 year old interns BY TWO DIFFERENT DEM Presidents.
Newt’s critics are unable to find fault with his policies, plans, philosophy or record in public office - so they resort to tripe like this.
I am disappointed that FReepers are so gullible or eager to embrace this type of personal destruction by lies and innuendo.
"All I can promise is that I believe she will be quite happy,"
Will Tiffany's be also?
if he’s not getting your vote then why are you here?
Go away!
I expect Newt has a better chance of winning the White House than he does of messing up Calista's hair. Does it ever move?
I’m not sure how “happy”, dinner for two, and gifts is “sexy and intimate.”
Why do we have to hear about this? Fighting the mental imagery...ewww
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Santorum Wins Missouri Primary (BREAKING: WALL STREET JOURNAL)
One thing I haven't properly captured over the past few weeks is the in-fighting between Freepers about the GOP candidates. There are three distinct groups: the "Romney-bots", who as far as I can tell are not actually pro-Romney (since anyone pro-Romney has been banned or chased away), but rather are pro any GOP candidate and thus against Freepers turning on someone like Romney too harshly this early in the primary [this group consists of both the most reasonable Freepers and the most racist Freepers]; "Newt-bots" (by far the majority), who are throwing their weight behind Newt and thus hate Santorum and Romney with a passion, but Romney moreso; and "Santorum-bots" who, honestly, might be the most sincere of the Freepers, since they mostly refuse to vote Romney because he's Mormon and "socially liberal" and refuse to vote Gingrich because he's not a good Christian, and those are things Romney-bots and Newt-bots used to say.
There are Freepers who don't fall into any of these categories, of course, but they aren't quite as riled up tonight.
I haven't bothered to capture this because, honestly, group 3 has been a minority that I thought would become irrelevant quite quickly. Group 1 is smaller, but I still kind of think Romney is the de facto candidate, so I expected that tension to grow.
Anyway, I thought this might explain some of the following.
Take that, Newtbots!!
It shows that Mitt Romney isn’t the strong candidate that the establishment says he is.
It' s almost embarrassing to watch you infants get so orgasmic over a nonevent (no delegates, no nothing, just a bunch of wasted money). I would feel sorry for you because I know you will soon have your tender faces smeared in the dirt by the Romney money machine, the very machine that gave you life in Iowa. And you don't even see it coming. Pathetic actually.
MSNBC just projected Santorum also wins MINNESOTA!
Willard going down big time tonight!
Totally useless for acquiring delegates. Potentially very useful for acquiring momentum.
Santorum is everybody's second choice and the favorite choice of 1 in 5 of us.
The Gingrich people say they will never vote for Romney. The Romney people say they will never vote for Gingrich.
The big focus should be giving Obama a pink slip. We need a candidate we can unite behind; a candidate who can make the election about Obama's sorry record and not about their personality (Newt) or lack thereof (Mitt). The GOP could do a hell of a lot worse than Rick Santorum . . . and has.
Had Newt been on the ballot..he more than likely would have won. Recent Polls showed Missourians favoring him but he didn’t file here.
He will now have won more states that all of them. President Rick Santorum sure does sound heavenly. Thank you God!!!!!
Can we now drop the canard that it is futile to support Santorum, that he cant win, that a vote for anybody but Newt is a vote for Romney, etc?
"Newt wasn’t even on the ballot and no delegates were awarded. That said, Romney is still a LOSER! This will get some positive headlines for Santorum and will help his campaign. The Romney smear machine and his cheerleaders in the media will now turn their guns on Rick. Buying the nomination is going to cost Romney and his friends more than they thought."
Seriously, I give up. There was a time when Freepers were actually above average intelligence. You’ve done a good helping to prove its no longer the case.
Personally, I am very worried that neither Gingrich nor Romney can defeat obama. I think Santorum actually could....maybe it is time to get behind Santorum!
President Santorum? Liberals would commit mass suicide if that happened..... I can support Rick Santorum.
Time for Newt to pull out and endorse Santorum. What? No? Wasn’t that what everyone was saying Santorum should do last week?
Thank you God! In Jesus’ name. Amen. It is so wonderful to see a great moral Christian Catholic principled getting these wins. He is winning all the “fly over” states which is where conservatives live. This could not have gone better. Dear Lord thank you!
What are the chances he will win his home state, Pennsylvania this time? He lost there bigtime when he was an incumbant senator.
There are Freepers who don't fall into any of these categories, of course, but they aren't quite as riled up tonight.
I haven't bothered to capture this because, honestly, group 3 has been a minority that I thought would become irrelevant quite quickly. Group 1 is smaller, but I still kind of think Romney is the de facto candidate, so I expected that tension to grow.
Anyway, I thought this might explain some of the following.
Take that, Newtbots!!
It shows that Mitt Romney isn’t the strong candidate that the establishment says he is.
It' s almost embarrassing to watch you infants get so orgasmic over a nonevent (no delegates, no nothing, just a bunch of wasted money). I would feel sorry for you because I know you will soon have your tender faces smeared in the dirt by the Romney money machine, the very machine that gave you life in Iowa. And you don't even see it coming. Pathetic actually.
MSNBC just projected Santorum also wins MINNESOTA!
Willard going down big time tonight!
Totally useless for acquiring delegates. Potentially very useful for acquiring momentum.
Santorum is everybody's second choice and the favorite choice of 1 in 5 of us.
The Gingrich people say they will never vote for Romney. The Romney people say they will never vote for Gingrich.
The big focus should be giving Obama a pink slip. We need a candidate we can unite behind; a candidate who can make the election about Obama's sorry record and not about their personality (Newt) or lack thereof (Mitt). The GOP could do a hell of a lot worse than Rick Santorum . . . and has.
Had Newt been on the ballot..he more than likely would have won. Recent Polls showed Missourians favoring him but he didn’t file here.
He will now have won more states that all of them. President Rick Santorum sure does sound heavenly. Thank you God!!!!!
Can we now drop the canard that it is futile to support Santorum, that he cant win, that a vote for anybody but Newt is a vote for Romney, etc?
"Newt wasn’t even on the ballot and no delegates were awarded. That said, Romney is still a LOSER! This will get some positive headlines for Santorum and will help his campaign. The Romney smear machine and his cheerleaders in the media will now turn their guns on Rick. Buying the nomination is going to cost Romney and his friends more than they thought."
Seriously, I give up. There was a time when Freepers were actually above average intelligence. You’ve done a good helping to prove its no longer the case.
Personally, I am very worried that neither Gingrich nor Romney can defeat obama. I think Santorum actually could....maybe it is time to get behind Santorum!
President Santorum? Liberals would commit mass suicide if that happened..... I can support Rick Santorum.
Time for Newt to pull out and endorse Santorum. What? No? Wasn’t that what everyone was saying Santorum should do last week?
Thank you God! In Jesus’ name. Amen. It is so wonderful to see a great moral Christian Catholic principled getting these wins. He is winning all the “fly over” states which is where conservatives live. This could not have gone better. Dear Lord thank you!
What are the chances he will win his home state, Pennsylvania this time? He lost there bigtime when he was an incumbant senator.
Clint Eastwood It's Halftime America
If you missed it, Clint Eastwood made an ad for Chrysler for the Super Bowl that some are interpreting to be pro-Obama.
I thought it was outright offensive. Clint Eastwood’s still cool though.
BLEAH!! A big hoo-rah for Government Motors and a blatant ad for Obama.
Clint, why did you do this?
“Clint did this why?”
He did it for the money of course. Good for him.
Go to hell Clint. Take Obama with you.
Considering empires last about 500 years on average, maybe they were saying we’ve peaked and are on the down hill side...half way to the ash heap of history?
It was revolting.
If he was trying to convince us that Chrysler actually gives a damn about America, he failed. Everybody knows the folks running Chrysler care only about their bank accounts. The only time they care about America is if they can get a bail out or tax breaks.
Just bought a new nickel-plated .44 Magnum. Wanna play Clint! I can count too! Nice wrinkles. Wimpy voice. Go play golf!
He’s an actor. He got paid. Clint could make buying dog poop pro-American.
Its Chrysler. They suck. Their cars suck. The company is owned by commie unions. Commie unions suck.
Don’t buy GM. Don’t buy Chrysler. Buy Ford. Ford is still an American company.
I usta buy only Chevy, my wife only Chrysler. I still have a 01 Sebring convertable in the drive way. We are buying a Ford Edge next.
Gee Clint ,That ad sure gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Don't worry or ask about why people are hurting,just look ahead and buy a Chrysler! This ad was a "give Obama a another four years and we will all be better off" load of crap. Sorry Clint, you did not make my day.
Who are we gonna believe, Clinty.....YOU or our lyin eyes and ears?? PLEASE......you are an IDIOT for making this ad.
Absolutely was a political ad, probably written by the Obama people.
He made a whore of himself.
Makes me wonder: Now that wealth has been vilified, only whores have wealth!
"Ya know, maybe I’m alone in the world but I just don’t see what others see. I thought it was just a Chrysler Ad."
Same here. The ultra right hating American Automaker types here will twist anything into a liberal "plot" of some sort.
Had it been a Ford ad, then it would have been brilliant—certainly one of the best superbowl ads ever.
But, as a Chrysler ad, all it did was open old wounds in middle class America. Nobody bailed us out, and now he’s this ad talking about how—after we bailed them out—Detroit is the model and symbol of hope for America.
My emotional response to the ad was F*** You, kiss my a**, and go to H***.
Chrysler spends $7 million on this commercial and not even a Thank You to the American Taxpayer for bailing them out.
That $7M could have made a payment on the $1.3B that Chrysler US that we will never see.
Any respect I had for Clint I lost. OK I really don't think I had any. He is as phony as the characters he plays.
I saw this ad as a justification of bale outs and a plea to re-elect BHO or we are domed.
It made me want to vomit, even my “liberal” husband thought it was a bit over the top.
I will never, ever, ever buy a Chrysler or GM product again.
Pretty obviously a promo for BO and the Democrat unions and a far cry from Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America.”
The Reagan ads are still memorable. The haunting “Bear in the Woods” ad was a masterpiece.
"Just as it was sure nice for NBC to offer Barack a campaign spot."
I don't remember but - was President Bush ever offered the chance to appear in the same kind of interview before the game? The other thing that struck me was that he was given the questions in advance as his answers were too crisp when compared to the stuttering, broken answers that he usually gives.
Since the whole damn thing was filmed in Los Angeles and New Orleans, I’m not sure what the fool was trying to say in that so-called commercial. In the room full of people I was in yesterday, no one, not even one, had any idea what the lefty was saying or talking about.
In any case, the whole “commercial” was extremely depressing and dark, just like Eastwood’s favorite White House resident.
It is unfortunate for the language and communications that the term "liberal" has been co-opted and poisoned by The Left, just as the term "gay" has been co-opted and poisoned by homosexuals.
Suggestion: Look up the definition of "classical liberal". It is "libertarian". Not "leftist". I.e. let people alone to think for themselves.
While I don't presume to speak for Mr. Eastwood, I would bet that he meant "easy-going, tolerant" when he said "liberal". Not "Leftist".
“Since we’ll never get an estimated $23 billion back, we all must be “pulling together” behind Detroit still.”
Exactly. Next time I hear a Lib say that Chrysler paid it all back I'm going to point out the fact that the taxpayer's and creditors got stiffed for billions.
It's a real condemnation of the Republican party when the best you can say about the Republican establishment's choice is that he isn't 0bama, or at least not quite. And when the best you can say about the main rival (Neut) is that he isn't quite as bad as Romney. And, the best thing you can say about the most conservative of the remaining field (Paul) is that he's only slightly crazy. And, the best thing you can say about who's left (Santorum) is that he's slightly more conservative than (Neut).
Although I'll vote for any of them rather than that braying pompous arrogant ignoranus, 0bama
I thought it was outright offensive. Clint Eastwood’s still cool though.
BLEAH!! A big hoo-rah for Government Motors and a blatant ad for Obama.
Clint, why did you do this?
“Clint did this why?”
He did it for the money of course. Good for him.
Go to hell Clint. Take Obama with you.
Considering empires last about 500 years on average, maybe they were saying we’ve peaked and are on the down hill side...half way to the ash heap of history?
It was revolting.
If he was trying to convince us that Chrysler actually gives a damn about America, he failed. Everybody knows the folks running Chrysler care only about their bank accounts. The only time they care about America is if they can get a bail out or tax breaks.
Just bought a new nickel-plated .44 Magnum. Wanna play Clint! I can count too! Nice wrinkles. Wimpy voice. Go play golf!
He’s an actor. He got paid. Clint could make buying dog poop pro-American.
Its Chrysler. They suck. Their cars suck. The company is owned by commie unions. Commie unions suck.
Don’t buy GM. Don’t buy Chrysler. Buy Ford. Ford is still an American company.
I usta buy only Chevy, my wife only Chrysler. I still have a 01 Sebring convertable in the drive way. We are buying a Ford Edge next.
Gee Clint ,That ad sure gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. Don't worry or ask about why people are hurting,just look ahead and buy a Chrysler! This ad was a "give Obama a another four years and we will all be better off" load of crap. Sorry Clint, you did not make my day.
Who are we gonna believe, Clinty.....YOU or our lyin eyes and ears?? PLEASE......you are an IDIOT for making this ad.
Absolutely was a political ad, probably written by the Obama people.
He made a whore of himself.
Makes me wonder: Now that wealth has been vilified, only whores have wealth!
"Ya know, maybe I’m alone in the world but I just don’t see what others see. I thought it was just a Chrysler Ad."
Same here. The ultra right hating American Automaker types here will twist anything into a liberal "plot" of some sort.
Had it been a Ford ad, then it would have been brilliant—certainly one of the best superbowl ads ever.
But, as a Chrysler ad, all it did was open old wounds in middle class America. Nobody bailed us out, and now he’s this ad talking about how—after we bailed them out—Detroit is the model and symbol of hope for America.
My emotional response to the ad was F*** You, kiss my a**, and go to H***.
Chrysler spends $7 million on this commercial and not even a Thank You to the American Taxpayer for bailing them out.
That $7M could have made a payment on the $1.3B that Chrysler US that we will never see.
Any respect I had for Clint I lost. OK I really don't think I had any. He is as phony as the characters he plays.
I saw this ad as a justification of bale outs and a plea to re-elect BHO or we are domed.
It made me want to vomit, even my “liberal” husband thought it was a bit over the top.
I will never, ever, ever buy a Chrysler or GM product again.
Pretty obviously a promo for BO and the Democrat unions and a far cry from Ronald Reagan’s “Morning in America.”
The Reagan ads are still memorable. The haunting “Bear in the Woods” ad was a masterpiece.
"Just as it was sure nice for NBC to offer Barack a campaign spot."
I don't remember but - was President Bush ever offered the chance to appear in the same kind of interview before the game? The other thing that struck me was that he was given the questions in advance as his answers were too crisp when compared to the stuttering, broken answers that he usually gives.
Since the whole damn thing was filmed in Los Angeles and New Orleans, I’m not sure what the fool was trying to say in that so-called commercial. In the room full of people I was in yesterday, no one, not even one, had any idea what the lefty was saying or talking about.
In any case, the whole “commercial” was extremely depressing and dark, just like Eastwood’s favorite White House resident.
It is unfortunate for the language and communications that the term "liberal" has been co-opted and poisoned by The Left, just as the term "gay" has been co-opted and poisoned by homosexuals.
Suggestion: Look up the definition of "classical liberal". It is "libertarian". Not "leftist". I.e. let people alone to think for themselves.
While I don't presume to speak for Mr. Eastwood, I would bet that he meant "easy-going, tolerant" when he said "liberal". Not "Leftist".
“Since we’ll never get an estimated $23 billion back, we all must be “pulling together” behind Detroit still.”
Exactly. Next time I hear a Lib say that Chrysler paid it all back I'm going to point out the fact that the taxpayer's and creditors got stiffed for billions.
It's a real condemnation of the Republican party when the best you can say about the Republican establishment's choice is that he isn't 0bama, or at least not quite. And when the best you can say about the main rival (Neut) is that he isn't quite as bad as Romney. And, the best thing you can say about the most conservative of the remaining field (Paul) is that he's only slightly crazy. And, the best thing you can say about who's left (Santorum) is that he's slightly more conservative than (Neut).
Although I'll vote for any of them rather than that braying pompous arrogant ignoranus, 0bama
Appeals court: Same-sex marriage ban unconstitutional [Calif]
So do the homosexuals get to “marry” now, pending the Supreme Court? Or do they have to wait? Anyone know?
The state constitution is unconstitutional because it bans a form of sham marriage that is banned by a federal law and not addressed in the United States Constitution? Only the 9th Circuit could make that up.
Surprise surprise. Legislating from the bench. By all means, let’s re-elect Obama so he can seat more activists until we no longer have a need for legislators at all. It’s the coming American way y’all.
The same people that want to get rid of the electoral college because it denies the will of the people applaud this decision denying the will of the people.
It is what I expected out of the California Appeals Court. Not a shock.
what a shock, NOT
Now would they also say 4 wives for muslims or 9 wives for mormons on religious grounds be unconstitutional too?
Nah did not think so.
Just because they go to their elitist parties and meet their cross dressing and homo friends does not mean what they do and how they act and what they ask for is normal or constitutional
Anyone on our side saying no big deal tot he queer agenda needs to get their head out of where the sun does not shine, this is not about just marriage
No big surprise here.
Our Senate Legislature in Washington State just approved QUEER marriage. Now it goes to the House and the governor said she would sign it. They said we have until June to get 130,000 signatures for an initiative to get in on the ballot for the people to vote on, but now with the 9th saying it is unconstitutional to not permit QUE ER marriage, what good would voting on it do us?
I am sick in my heart what is happening to our country.
I’m looking forward to the “Yes on 8” legal team’s email detailing the decision and their plan going forward. I’d encourage everyone reading this to donate profusely to this excellent legal team. The are up against an army of Goliaths with deep pockets.
Well that does it. My wife has family in CA. She has been wanting to move back to Thousand Oaks, CA for 5 years now....but is smart enough to realize that it would be insane. I’d rather move to Yuma, AZ and commute to San Diego than become a citizen of CA, where it seems (according to his ruling) that there is no more reason to even have vote if you are conservative.
President Newt will ask Congress to disembowel the Ninth Circus. Good. Perhaps the other social justice tyrants will take heed.
This is judicial tyranny at it’s finest.
What was their argument saying it was unconstitutional because I see no where it states two homosexuals can marry each other but i do understand that the Govt derives it’s power from the people.
The people voted and was told they have to do an amendment.
They did an amendment and now these activists say it is not legal s I ma interested in how they explain that and surely there has to be one person left in Govt who can go after this court and call them out and this 9th district is plain out and out activists.
Black is white and white is black, we’re through the looking glass here, people.
Since when do people have the ‘right’ to get marrried? We heteros don’t! It’s not a ‘right’,it’s a choice.
The absurdity of this offers one more example of a crushing reality. Much of America, today, is in the grips of a pervasive Collectivist/Egalitarian fantasy, which makes Lewis Carroll's description of "Wonderland," seem only stark realism by comparison.
No one who actually understands the concept of marriage-or for that matter the unsanctified procreational mating procedures of other warm blooded creatures--can possibly see this as anything but absurd. Human marriage customs & procedures reflect an understanding of the multi-generational function & purpose of a species. Marriage is our way to sanctify the process. Not surprisingly, therefore, unconsummated marriages have been subject to annulment, even in societies that explicitly outlaw every form of divorce.
Marriage has never been simply a way to sanctify friendship. Nor has anyone ever suggested that friends of the same sex marry, to prove their ties of a lifetime. And yet what else do people of the same sex have to even suggest that they should marry, today? Only an act that most other people find offensive--one or another of muscular acts intended to simulate feelings that may mimic sexual feelings ("sexual" relating not to the feelings, but to the division of the species into sexes, for procreation and continuity).
Again, is this whole agitation--and this Court decision--not totally in the theater of the absurd?!!
As for the demand for "equal rights?" Where is there any right for anyone to force society to jump down the rabbit hole with Alice? But then my metaphor fails, when put in juxta-position with my first paragraph.
IMHO this is reason #1, above all else, why Comrade Zero has got to go. I can only imagine the destruction he will cause if he gets another round of judicial appointments, esp. a USSC vacancy. I don’t see all of the Fab Five holding out another 4 years.
I am sick of abject Judicial activism.
I am sick of liberals extending natural rights, given from God and enumerated in the Constitution, to behavior and ideology to advance their own causes and inclinations...and in an effort to overthrow the constitution to which they swore an oath to faithfully uphold and defend.
The American people, to avoid the hell of chaos and downfall and implosion such trends will inevitably lead to, simply must throw off the political class that has encumbered us and elect American statemen to office who revere and will hold inviolate the fundmanetal moral values upon which this nation and its constitution was founded.
And those are Christian principles and have defined the very reason why America has been so tolerant of so many who have come to these shores. But when those here want that tolerance to extend to the destruction of what has kept the peace, made us free, defined our prosperity and strength as a nation, that we cannot, nay we MUST not tolerate, but fight with every resource at our disposal
The state constitution is unconstitutional because it bans a form of sham marriage that is banned by a federal law and not addressed in the United States Constitution? Only the 9th Circuit could make that up.
Surprise surprise. Legislating from the bench. By all means, let’s re-elect Obama so he can seat more activists until we no longer have a need for legislators at all. It’s the coming American way y’all.
The same people that want to get rid of the electoral college because it denies the will of the people applaud this decision denying the will of the people.
It is what I expected out of the California Appeals Court. Not a shock.
what a shock, NOT
Now would they also say 4 wives for muslims or 9 wives for mormons on religious grounds be unconstitutional too?
Nah did not think so.
Just because they go to their elitist parties and meet their cross dressing and homo friends does not mean what they do and how they act and what they ask for is normal or constitutional
Anyone on our side saying no big deal tot he queer agenda needs to get their head out of where the sun does not shine, this is not about just marriage
No big surprise here.
Our Senate Legislature in Washington State just approved QUEER marriage. Now it goes to the House and the governor said she would sign it. They said we have until June to get 130,000 signatures for an initiative to get in on the ballot for the people to vote on, but now with the 9th saying it is unconstitutional to not permit QUE ER marriage, what good would voting on it do us?
I am sick in my heart what is happening to our country.
I’m looking forward to the “Yes on 8” legal team’s email detailing the decision and their plan going forward. I’d encourage everyone reading this to donate profusely to this excellent legal team. The are up against an army of Goliaths with deep pockets.
Well that does it. My wife has family in CA. She has been wanting to move back to Thousand Oaks, CA for 5 years now....but is smart enough to realize that it would be insane. I’d rather move to Yuma, AZ and commute to San Diego than become a citizen of CA, where it seems (according to his ruling) that there is no more reason to even have vote if you are conservative.
President Newt will ask Congress to disembowel the Ninth Circus. Good. Perhaps the other social justice tyrants will take heed.
This is judicial tyranny at it’s finest.
What was their argument saying it was unconstitutional because I see no where it states two homosexuals can marry each other but i do understand that the Govt derives it’s power from the people.
The people voted and was told they have to do an amendment.
They did an amendment and now these activists say it is not legal s I ma interested in how they explain that and surely there has to be one person left in Govt who can go after this court and call them out and this 9th district is plain out and out activists.
Black is white and white is black, we’re through the looking glass here, people.
Since when do people have the ‘right’ to get marrried? We heteros don’t! It’s not a ‘right’,it’s a choice.
The absurdity of this offers one more example of a crushing reality. Much of America, today, is in the grips of a pervasive Collectivist/Egalitarian fantasy, which makes Lewis Carroll's description of "Wonderland," seem only stark realism by comparison.
No one who actually understands the concept of marriage-or for that matter the unsanctified procreational mating procedures of other warm blooded creatures--can possibly see this as anything but absurd. Human marriage customs & procedures reflect an understanding of the multi-generational function & purpose of a species. Marriage is our way to sanctify the process. Not surprisingly, therefore, unconsummated marriages have been subject to annulment, even in societies that explicitly outlaw every form of divorce.
Marriage has never been simply a way to sanctify friendship. Nor has anyone ever suggested that friends of the same sex marry, to prove their ties of a lifetime. And yet what else do people of the same sex have to even suggest that they should marry, today? Only an act that most other people find offensive--one or another of muscular acts intended to simulate feelings that may mimic sexual feelings ("sexual" relating not to the feelings, but to the division of the species into sexes, for procreation and continuity).
Again, is this whole agitation--and this Court decision--not totally in the theater of the absurd?!!
As for the demand for "equal rights?" Where is there any right for anyone to force society to jump down the rabbit hole with Alice? But then my metaphor fails, when put in juxta-position with my first paragraph.
IMHO this is reason #1, above all else, why Comrade Zero has got to go. I can only imagine the destruction he will cause if he gets another round of judicial appointments, esp. a USSC vacancy. I don’t see all of the Fab Five holding out another 4 years.
I am sick of abject Judicial activism.
I am sick of liberals extending natural rights, given from God and enumerated in the Constitution, to behavior and ideology to advance their own causes and inclinations...and in an effort to overthrow the constitution to which they swore an oath to faithfully uphold and defend.
The American people, to avoid the hell of chaos and downfall and implosion such trends will inevitably lead to, simply must throw off the political class that has encumbered us and elect American statemen to office who revere and will hold inviolate the fundmanetal moral values upon which this nation and its constitution was founded.
And those are Christian principles and have defined the very reason why America has been so tolerant of so many who have come to these shores. But when those here want that tolerance to extend to the destruction of what has kept the peace, made us free, defined our prosperity and strength as a nation, that we cannot, nay we MUST not tolerate, but fight with every resource at our disposal
Is Barack Obama Gay and What Has Media Done to Hide that
People were asking in my last post when the meme that Barack Obama is gay began. It's not actually new at all. It goes back to the 2008 election, and while I'm not clear on which of these "conservatruths" came first, but one is that a coked up Obama had sex in a limo with a guy named Larry Sinclair, and the other one is that four gay members of Obama's church were murdered once he got the nomination, ostensibly to cover up his affairs with them.
This is a dicussion from November 2011, mostly surrounding an interview with Larry Sinclair (who is himself the source of these rumors, and I believe wrote a book about it).
"You have to wonder how they managed to have the 2 girls."
Invitro fertilization
Surrogate father
The girls have a resemblance to Obama - don’t they? We hardly ever get a good look at them - but seems to me they got the family looks...such as they are.
Within just ONE month of Obama announcing his candidacy, FOUR different young gay guys from Obama’s USA-hating black supremacist church were murdered.
How were the Obama kids conceived?
A. Invitro
B. Artificial Insemination (turkey baster)
C. A close friend (like the late ‘mudered’ Donald Young or Obama’s “Body Man” Reggie Love... one reason he was near the girls)
D. None of the above
This seems to be a Liberal Thing!
Remember that Bill Clinton told all of his alleged Rape Victims these alleged words!:
“Don’t worry, I am sterile!”
That is supported by the fact that Chelsea looks nothing like Billy Clinton, but is a Dead Ringer for Webster Hubbell
with facial features that can’t be disputed.
Bi-sexuality ... is that where a heterosexual male likes getting hummers and doesn’t care which sex gives them? Wasn’t sonnkEmperor a bisexual by that definition?
Driver planned to introduce him to a friend. Introduced by name. Did not know he was a senator. Never knew who he was until the keynote speech in 2004 when he saw him on tv.
He said in Spanish to his friends present that “I gave this guy a bl** job.”
- The interview that they're quoting Larry Sinclair from at this point gets pretty explicit and I'm just going to leave a link to it here instead of quoting, because I know some of you peruse here during work. Also, it proves without a shred of doubt that Freepers really like talking about gay sex, lol.
This is far more credible than anything about Herman Cain.
Plus having watched Obama for 4 years now, he certainly seems gay.
Donald Young murdered multiple gun shots Wright announced his death.Response from chicago police slow....
Was DY murdered because of his knowledge of Obama on the down low?
“without a doubt in my body”
“his mother believes it too.”
larry says zero will never admit to being gay or he’ll lose money and power and michelle will cover for him because she wants the same power and glory...
Larry: “Gloria Allred and I had discussions about all this, but at a later time she emailed me, requesting that I delete any reference to my consultations with her regarding all this...”
“Larry did you SAVE that email..?”
“On oct 10th 2008 hackers took over my email account and deleted all of that...”
The show will soon end so....what is it like now, being Larry Sinclaire..?
“I am investigated by social security almost every 60 days cuz i’m on disability and they say I’m faking it...I’m in debt $73,000 cuz I had to SELF publish my book cuz one after the other publisher were threatened and harrassed...”
I almost got one company to publish it, but the boss said, hey we have families to feed and it fell though.
Social security is always saying I’ve had book signings at which I’m getting money so I’m not entitled to social secirty payments cuz my income should be zero...they investigate me almost every 60 days.
You can go to amazon, and you can get the kindle version of my book for $9 —you can also go 2 LarrySinclaire.org —”buy now!” button is there.
That’s pretty much it. There is another book I published, “Go tell Aunt Roady” (spelling?) and you might think about reading it, ok?
Thanks Larry, we’ll have you on again at some point in the future, ok?
OK, thanks, bye-bye.
if he is gay, he’s the worse kind.....mix homosexuality with a hateful attitude towards many human beings and you end up with a Hitler....
“You have to wonder how they managed to have the 2 girls.”
Who says that they’re his?
I’m just sayin..........
Larry’s tale represents only a small fraction of what the press needs to investigate about Obama.
Until the get serious about researching “Mystery Boy’s” past, consaervatives should tar him with every suspected act of fraud, dishonesty, indecency, and treachery we can think of. Let the lefties sort it out.
We should include Zer0’s school, Selective Service, and medical records. We should drive the LSM batty with our insistence that they DO THEIR G.D. JOB!
he got be bisexual I think his kids are HIS there no question both of them do look like combincatino of First Wookie Michelle and Barry
The thing that I hate to see and looks really limp is when he runs down the airplane latter and holds his arms in with crooked elbows and jiggles them. Watch any clip of him running off a plane or for that matter running for any reason and you will see what I mean. It looks very wimpy.
Just the oldest one might [resemble him]. If you were going to do a fake family for someone you would try to cause the kids to look like pa if you could. Not saying that they are not his but dna tests might prove interesting.
He doesn’t look at all presidential when he bounces up or down the steps with his arms jiggling like a chimp scratching....... Oh oh. I’m gonna be in trouble for saying that.
This is a dicussion from November 2011, mostly surrounding an interview with Larry Sinclair (who is himself the source of these rumors, and I believe wrote a book about it).
"You have to wonder how they managed to have the 2 girls."
Invitro fertilization
Surrogate father
The girls have a resemblance to Obama - don’t they? We hardly ever get a good look at them - but seems to me they got the family looks...such as they are.
Within just ONE month of Obama announcing his candidacy, FOUR different young gay guys from Obama’s USA-hating black supremacist church were murdered.
How were the Obama kids conceived?
A. Invitro
B. Artificial Insemination (turkey baster)
C. A close friend (like the late ‘mudered’ Donald Young or Obama’s “Body Man” Reggie Love... one reason he was near the girls)
D. None of the above
This seems to be a Liberal Thing!
Remember that Bill Clinton told all of his alleged Rape Victims these alleged words!:
“Don’t worry, I am sterile!”
That is supported by the fact that Chelsea looks nothing like Billy Clinton, but is a Dead Ringer for Webster Hubbell
with facial features that can’t be disputed.
Bi-sexuality ... is that where a heterosexual male likes getting hummers and doesn’t care which sex gives them? Wasn’t sonnkEmperor a bisexual by that definition?
Driver planned to introduce him to a friend. Introduced by name. Did not know he was a senator. Never knew who he was until the keynote speech in 2004 when he saw him on tv.
He said in Spanish to his friends present that “I gave this guy a bl** job.”
- The interview that they're quoting Larry Sinclair from at this point gets pretty explicit and I'm just going to leave a link to it here instead of quoting, because I know some of you peruse here during work. Also, it proves without a shred of doubt that Freepers really like talking about gay sex, lol.
This is far more credible than anything about Herman Cain.
Plus having watched Obama for 4 years now, he certainly seems gay.
Donald Young murdered multiple gun shots Wright announced his death.Response from chicago police slow....
Was DY murdered because of his knowledge of Obama on the down low?
“without a doubt in my body”
“his mother believes it too.”
larry says zero will never admit to being gay or he’ll lose money and power and michelle will cover for him because she wants the same power and glory...
Larry: “Gloria Allred and I had discussions about all this, but at a later time she emailed me, requesting that I delete any reference to my consultations with her regarding all this...”
“Larry did you SAVE that email..?”
“On oct 10th 2008 hackers took over my email account and deleted all of that...”
The show will soon end so....what is it like now, being Larry Sinclaire..?
“I am investigated by social security almost every 60 days cuz i’m on disability and they say I’m faking it...I’m in debt $73,000 cuz I had to SELF publish my book cuz one after the other publisher were threatened and harrassed...”
I almost got one company to publish it, but the boss said, hey we have families to feed and it fell though.
Social security is always saying I’ve had book signings at which I’m getting money so I’m not entitled to social secirty payments cuz my income should be zero...they investigate me almost every 60 days.
You can go to amazon, and you can get the kindle version of my book for $9 —you can also go 2 LarrySinclaire.org —”buy now!” button is there.
That’s pretty much it. There is another book I published, “Go tell Aunt Roady” (spelling?) and you might think about reading it, ok?
Thanks Larry, we’ll have you on again at some point in the future, ok?
OK, thanks, bye-bye.
if he is gay, he’s the worse kind.....mix homosexuality with a hateful attitude towards many human beings and you end up with a Hitler....
“You have to wonder how they managed to have the 2 girls.”
Who says that they’re his?
I’m just sayin..........
Larry’s tale represents only a small fraction of what the press needs to investigate about Obama.
Until the get serious about researching “Mystery Boy’s” past, consaervatives should tar him with every suspected act of fraud, dishonesty, indecency, and treachery we can think of. Let the lefties sort it out.
We should include Zer0’s school, Selective Service, and medical records. We should drive the LSM batty with our insistence that they DO THEIR G.D. JOB!
he got be bisexual I think his kids are HIS there no question both of them do look like combincatino of First Wookie Michelle and Barry
The thing that I hate to see and looks really limp is when he runs down the airplane latter and holds his arms in with crooked elbows and jiggles them. Watch any clip of him running off a plane or for that matter running for any reason and you will see what I mean. It looks very wimpy.
Just the oldest one might [resemble him]. If you were going to do a fake family for someone you would try to cause the kids to look like pa if you could. Not saying that they are not his but dna tests might prove interesting.
He doesn’t look at all presidential when he bounces up or down the steps with his arms jiggling like a chimp scratching....... Oh oh. I’m gonna be in trouble for saying that.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
JFK's teen mistress, a WH intern, breaks silence...
Summary: Mimi Alford, a WH Intern during the Kennedy administration, has written a book about her 18 month affair with President Kennedy.
As putrid as this is, I think it’s always better to have a womanizer as POTUS than a HOMOPOTUS.
This woman describes this as an affair?
Not so much...it was more a situation when JFK decided on the girl du jour and summoned her.
What I don’t understand is why a 69 year old grandmother would divulge this. Don’t tell me money...I can’t wrap my brain around that.
At some point in life, most people realize that their youthful indiscretions should be left in the past.Even though JFK took advantage of her youth, at some point she had to have thought that things weren’t right. I would hate to be her kids or grandkids.
The whore has no shame...she even wrote a book. Isn’t that nice?
“he'd rather his children be red than dead...”
And, this from the man who “faced the Soviet menace/Kruschev down.” Doesn’t quite fit the stories we are fed about the illustrious JFK.
"Alford was a slender, golden-haired 19-year-old debutante whose finishing-school polish and blueblood connections had landed her a job in the White House press office..."
Does the press corps (corpse?) have any members who are not sluts or whores?
LBJ and Hoover were able to lead the coup that killed JFK because most in powerful positions were aware that JFK was trash.
LBJ was going to jail for murder, his ticket out was Elm Street as he squashed that investigation per Barr McClellan, one of LBJ's lawyers.
Hoover of course had files on everybody. Hoover in many respects was the most powerful man on Earth and he was not going to give up his power if JFK was re-elected. Without Hoover, of course, the coup would have been easily exposed.
"What I don’t understand is why a 69 year old grandmother would divulge this. Don’t tell me money...I can’t wrap my brain around that."
I would presume that she is a Democrat. Liberals are proud of their sex scandals.
Were I a female who had an experience like this, I believe that I’d just keep it to myself and spare my family the embarrassment. And, a grandmother, no less!
You see, when Dems cheat on their spouse, their heroic figures to the MSM (Kennedy, Clinton etc.) When Republicans do it, it’s a character issue (Cain, Gingrich etc.)
An immoral young woman grown old and even now she sounds proud of her behavior.
" politicians are the scum of the earth."
Yes...they are, aren’t they? Huge egos, who demand the love of the public...and then rip us off often for hundreds of millions of dollars once out of office.
The ONLY honest guy out there is Ron Paul...but some of his ideas are so crazy he’s impossible to support. Because he’s honest, of course, he has no chance.
Here we are are fifty-two years after the “amazing” West Virginia primary when JFK defeated the protestant Hubert Humphrey...in a ninety percent protestant state...what amazing people...they actually voted for a Catholic.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars were placed in brown paper bags...and handed out to every election officer in every W. Va county.
What a bunch of lies it all is.
Meh, it’s beleivable but he’s not here to defend himself. My grandmother moved in some of the same circles as the Kennedy’s. My mother knew JFK and Bobbie slightly and didn’t like either of them very much. Said they were rude, crude, egotistical thugs. She was in the same hotel on two occasions when despite the Kennedy money and fame they were forcibly removed due to boorish and destructive behavior. This was, of course, when they were late teens and 20 something spoiled rich kids.
To this day I still maintain any time a Kennedy dies the country becomes a better place.
and somehow people think JFK is great...
Character does matter...PERIOD.
Our country is going down the tubes and we are getting exactly what we deserve.
Voting is a WMD.
I guess it is too much to ask of American women now days to show a little shame, self-respect, virtue, and dignity. What a state we have come to. And what a profligate example this woman has now set for her grandchildren. May God help us. We truly have become the land of the Kardashians and Jersey Shore.
I take it the new rules forbid any hint that St Obama might be gay?
Would we ever know about it if they were?
Perhaps teenage boys are more in line with Barrys tastes.
Or middle-aged crack smokers.
Or basketball players.
Or choir boys.
This is no different than how Musolini raped women by using his power and the knowledge that his political machine would protect him. But this lady wasn’t in Italy; she was where we have law
Another intern proud to tell the world that she was a whore.
Was it just me or did I read this quote wrong?
"Although historians have dissected Kennedy’s actions, none was privy to what he confided to Mimi.
“I’d rather my children red than dead,” he told her"
I thought it was BETTER DEAD THAN RED! To me it always will be...
The homos, the muslims, the media, PC and the government has
collectively destroyed our beautiful country..I'm sad beyond words.
"The Camelot presidency ... what BS."
More like Came-a-lot
--- Well played, Freeper.
No girls for Barry the White House boy ‘cause he's gay
I always thought Slick was a Kennedy.
It wasn't just Clinton's looks, but his connection to organized crime.
A friend of mines grandfather was a union boss in Mass. and was part of the Mafia. He knew the Kennedy's quite well. Couldn't stand them.
Big myth about the Kennedy's was they were trying to break the mob.
They weren't.
They were trying to get control of the mob for themselves.
My buddies grandfather always hoped it was the mob that took the Kennedy's out.
Kennedy was Lord of the Pigs.
The typical democrat party scumbag. You or I would be serving long jail sentences for things these democrat party vermin do every day.
Someone ought to email her on the record and ask if she still votes Democrat, whether or not she supported Bill Clinton, and how she feels about Newt Gingrich.
(That would reveal for example, whether sexual harassment bordering on statutory rape is OK or not, or whether it is conditionally OK, or whether the condition on its being OK is power alone, power and personal charm, or just being a Democrat.)
Funny we need a license to drive...
We need a permit to carry...
But we have absolutely no boundaries on voting and I would contend voting is far more dangerous.

Photos like this seem to be a bit too much of a coincidence, IMO.
How may future presidents from less than meager backgrounds who have missing periods in their biographies, spent time in the former USSR in their early adulthood, and have communist sympathies just happen to have pictures of themselves shaking hands with former iconic presidents.
--- Yes, this poster is suggesting that Joe Kennedy Jr., who died in 1944, is the biological father of Bill Clinton.
JFK was likely pondering the next tryst as Oswald pulled the trigger. This has a symmetry.
Fifty years of liberal myth-building has gone up in smoke.
"Profiles in Courage" should be renamed "Profiles in Craven".
If I were her husband, I’d be sleeping in another room. I don’t think I could live with a woman who essentially lives with two me, one in her mind and the other that she doesn’t care for as much.
Why would a 69 year old Grandmother admit she was a slut when she was 19 years old. That she had sex with a married man many times over.That she gave in to the Kennedy power and mystique.
Claims of her virginity fall on these deaf ears.Virgins just don’t slide off into another woman’s bedroom and have sex with her husband.
If JFK is doing it to her so many times, where is the babies? I always laugh at those TV made mini series where woman sleep with so many guys and lovers, yet somehow the babies never get produced????!!!
As putrid as this is, I think it’s always better to have a womanizer as POTUS than a HOMOPOTUS.
This woman describes this as an affair?
Not so much...it was more a situation when JFK decided on the girl du jour and summoned her.
What I don’t understand is why a 69 year old grandmother would divulge this. Don’t tell me money...I can’t wrap my brain around that.
At some point in life, most people realize that their youthful indiscretions should be left in the past.Even though JFK took advantage of her youth, at some point she had to have thought that things weren’t right. I would hate to be her kids or grandkids.
The whore has no shame...she even wrote a book. Isn’t that nice?
“he'd rather his children be red than dead...”
And, this from the man who “faced the Soviet menace/Kruschev down.” Doesn’t quite fit the stories we are fed about the illustrious JFK.
"Alford was a slender, golden-haired 19-year-old debutante whose finishing-school polish and blueblood connections had landed her a job in the White House press office..."
Does the press corps (corpse?) have any members who are not sluts or whores?
LBJ and Hoover were able to lead the coup that killed JFK because most in powerful positions were aware that JFK was trash.
LBJ was going to jail for murder, his ticket out was Elm Street as he squashed that investigation per Barr McClellan, one of LBJ's lawyers.
Hoover of course had files on everybody. Hoover in many respects was the most powerful man on Earth and he was not going to give up his power if JFK was re-elected. Without Hoover, of course, the coup would have been easily exposed.
"What I don’t understand is why a 69 year old grandmother would divulge this. Don’t tell me money...I can’t wrap my brain around that."
I would presume that she is a Democrat. Liberals are proud of their sex scandals.
Were I a female who had an experience like this, I believe that I’d just keep it to myself and spare my family the embarrassment. And, a grandmother, no less!
You see, when Dems cheat on their spouse, their heroic figures to the MSM (Kennedy, Clinton etc.) When Republicans do it, it’s a character issue (Cain, Gingrich etc.)
An immoral young woman grown old and even now she sounds proud of her behavior.
" politicians are the scum of the earth."
Yes...they are, aren’t they? Huge egos, who demand the love of the public...and then rip us off often for hundreds of millions of dollars once out of office.
The ONLY honest guy out there is Ron Paul...but some of his ideas are so crazy he’s impossible to support. Because he’s honest, of course, he has no chance.
Here we are are fifty-two years after the “amazing” West Virginia primary when JFK defeated the protestant Hubert Humphrey...in a ninety percent protestant state...what amazing people...they actually voted for a Catholic.
Hundreds of thousands of dollars were placed in brown paper bags...and handed out to every election officer in every W. Va county.
What a bunch of lies it all is.
Meh, it’s beleivable but he’s not here to defend himself. My grandmother moved in some of the same circles as the Kennedy’s. My mother knew JFK and Bobbie slightly and didn’t like either of them very much. Said they were rude, crude, egotistical thugs. She was in the same hotel on two occasions when despite the Kennedy money and fame they were forcibly removed due to boorish and destructive behavior. This was, of course, when they were late teens and 20 something spoiled rich kids.
To this day I still maintain any time a Kennedy dies the country becomes a better place.
and somehow people think JFK is great...
Character does matter...PERIOD.
Our country is going down the tubes and we are getting exactly what we deserve.
Voting is a WMD.
I guess it is too much to ask of American women now days to show a little shame, self-respect, virtue, and dignity. What a state we have come to. And what a profligate example this woman has now set for her grandchildren. May God help us. We truly have become the land of the Kardashians and Jersey Shore.
I take it the new rules forbid any hint that St Obama might be gay?
Would we ever know about it if they were?
Perhaps teenage boys are more in line with Barrys tastes.
Or middle-aged crack smokers.
Or basketball players.
Or choir boys.
This is no different than how Musolini raped women by using his power and the knowledge that his political machine would protect him. But this lady wasn’t in Italy; she was where we have law
Another intern proud to tell the world that she was a whore.
Was it just me or did I read this quote wrong?
"Although historians have dissected Kennedy’s actions, none was privy to what he confided to Mimi.
“I’d rather my children red than dead,” he told her"
I thought it was BETTER DEAD THAN RED! To me it always will be...
The homos, the muslims, the media, PC and the government has
collectively destroyed our beautiful country..I'm sad beyond words.
"The Camelot presidency ... what BS."
More like Came-a-lot
--- Well played, Freeper.
No girls for Barry the White House boy ‘cause he's gay
I always thought Slick was a Kennedy.
It wasn't just Clinton's looks, but his connection to organized crime.
A friend of mines grandfather was a union boss in Mass. and was part of the Mafia. He knew the Kennedy's quite well. Couldn't stand them.
Big myth about the Kennedy's was they were trying to break the mob.
They weren't.
They were trying to get control of the mob for themselves.
My buddies grandfather always hoped it was the mob that took the Kennedy's out.
Kennedy was Lord of the Pigs.
The typical democrat party scumbag. You or I would be serving long jail sentences for things these democrat party vermin do every day.
Someone ought to email her on the record and ask if she still votes Democrat, whether or not she supported Bill Clinton, and how she feels about Newt Gingrich.
(That would reveal for example, whether sexual harassment bordering on statutory rape is OK or not, or whether it is conditionally OK, or whether the condition on its being OK is power alone, power and personal charm, or just being a Democrat.)
Funny we need a license to drive...
We need a permit to carry...
But we have absolutely no boundaries on voting and I would contend voting is far more dangerous.
Photos like this seem to be a bit too much of a coincidence, IMO.
How may future presidents from less than meager backgrounds who have missing periods in their biographies, spent time in the former USSR in their early adulthood, and have communist sympathies just happen to have pictures of themselves shaking hands with former iconic presidents.
--- Yes, this poster is suggesting that Joe Kennedy Jr., who died in 1944, is the biological father of Bill Clinton.
JFK was likely pondering the next tryst as Oswald pulled the trigger. This has a symmetry.
Fifty years of liberal myth-building has gone up in smoke.
"Profiles in Courage" should be renamed "Profiles in Craven".
If I were her husband, I’d be sleeping in another room. I don’t think I could live with a woman who essentially lives with two me, one in her mind and the other that she doesn’t care for as much.
Why would a 69 year old Grandmother admit she was a slut when she was 19 years old. That she had sex with a married man many times over.That she gave in to the Kennedy power and mystique.
Claims of her virginity fall on these deaf ears.Virgins just don’t slide off into another woman’s bedroom and have sex with her husband.
If JFK is doing it to her so many times, where is the babies? I always laugh at those TV made mini series where woman sleep with so many guys and lovers, yet somehow the babies never get produced????!!!
Friday, February 3, 2012
Article from The Hill
Excerpt: Jen Talaber said the five-term lawmaker "left quietly" in the middle of the president's remarks.
“He was disturbed and offended by the president’s use of prayer and reflection time for partisan politics and class warfare,” Talaber said. “Rep. Gingrey enjoyed listening to the keynote speaker and found the breakfast to be inspiring until President Obama began politicking.”
Nobody can ever accuse any Ubama of having one shred of class.
I bet that more than one person quietly walked out.
the (excretalbe) O'Bozo, is using every opportunity to spread his smelly message.
Why only one republican? The Nat’l Prayer Breakfast has never been about crass politicking. They would all have been within their rights to leave.
Of course, Obama’s professions of Christianity are a complete fraud and he will answer to a higher power for being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. His real religion is politics, as it is for all leftists.
I told my husband this morning that wild horses could not have gotten me to go to that event, because I’m sure I would have vomited in the middle of it.
Then I said maybe I should have gone precisely BECAUSE I would have vomited at it. Somebody, somewhere needs to give the appropriate response.
Sounds like this guy gave the next-best response.
Slipped out --maybe he should have been more visible if he was so offended
Excerpt: Jen Talaber said the five-term lawmaker "left quietly" in the middle of the president's remarks.
“He was disturbed and offended by the president’s use of prayer and reflection time for partisan politics and class warfare,” Talaber said. “Rep. Gingrey enjoyed listening to the keynote speaker and found the breakfast to be inspiring until President Obama began politicking.”
Nobody can ever accuse any Ubama of having one shred of class.
I bet that more than one person quietly walked out.
the (excretalbe) O'Bozo, is using every opportunity to spread his smelly message.
Why only one republican? The Nat’l Prayer Breakfast has never been about crass politicking. They would all have been within their rights to leave.
Of course, Obama’s professions of Christianity are a complete fraud and he will answer to a higher power for being a wolf in sheep’s clothing. His real religion is politics, as it is for all leftists.
I told my husband this morning that wild horses could not have gotten me to go to that event, because I’m sure I would have vomited in the middle of it.
Then I said maybe I should have gone precisely BECAUSE I would have vomited at it. Somebody, somewhere needs to give the appropriate response.
Sounds like this guy gave the next-best response.
Slipped out --maybe he should have been more visible if he was so offended
Why Jan Brewer's disrespect will motivate black voters for Obama
Summary: Brewer's clear disrespect for the president will remind black voters of their personal, mutual history and will motivate them to come out for a president with whom they were identifying less and less.
Ubama is the most powerful man in the world, yet he is so thin-skinned a little girl talking back to him can get him in a tizzy.
Frightening, really.
From what it looked like to me it was Obamasshole that was doing the disrespecting not Brewer. She was standing up to the punk and we all know Holders people don’t like that. Who cares who they vote for?
Obama will not be on the ballot for them to vote for him!
Big deal! Obama is toast!
I doubt Obama voters even watch or read the news to the degree news junkies do or even casual observers.
They all ready have a motivator, it’s called race. Another one would be redundant.
Ubama is the most powerful man in the world, yet he is so thin-skinned a little girl talking back to him can get him in a tizzy.
Frightening, really.
From what it looked like to me it was Obamasshole that was doing the disrespecting not Brewer. She was standing up to the punk and we all know Holders people don’t like that. Who cares who they vote for?
Obama will not be on the ballot for them to vote for him!
Big deal! Obama is toast!
I doubt Obama voters even watch or read the news to the degree news junkies do or even casual observers.
They all ready have a motivator, it’s called race. Another one would be redundant.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Breaking: Two dozen Senators call on Komen to reverse Planned Parenthood decision
Please. PP doesn’t even do the screenings, from what I’ve read, they just send the women someplace else. Plus, those donations were fungible to be used for whatever they wanted. And it’s obvious what they spend most of the money on and it’s not preventative care.
Who the hell do these 22 ‘RAT buffoons think they are? What the Komen Foundation does with its money is none of these commie bass turds’ business. ‘RATS Gone Wild again.
You have to keep in mind the motivation behind most pro-aborts. It’s that they viscerally KNOW it’s murder of the most innocent, and don’t want any reminders from anywhere that there might be a moral component to abortion. Any indication that there might be something less than moral about abortion, including not fully publicly funding it, leads inexorably to the conclusion that they advocate the murder of innocents in the name of convenience.
This shows this was not about mammograms, but about the idolatry of abortion. No one ever anywhere should ever be able to reverse a position favoring abortion. The Feminazi’s are showing their TRUE COLORS.
Not so fast. Komen hasn’t said they are permanently halting the funding just that they won’t provide said funding while Planned Parenthood is under investigation. Wait and see what happens once the investigation is concluded.
Women that have abortions have an increased risk of getting breast cancer.
How about Great Leader just issue an edict from on high demaning the Komen organization provide on-demand abortion and give half of all their proceeds to Planned Parenthood? That would solve the problem, right? I mean, it’s not like the Federal Government has limits on private individuals or organizations or anything. Golly people - get with the pogrom.
Who the hell do these 22 ‘RAT buffoons think they are? What the Komen Foundation does with its money is none of these commie bass turds’ business. ‘RATS Gone Wild again.
You have to keep in mind the motivation behind most pro-aborts. It’s that they viscerally KNOW it’s murder of the most innocent, and don’t want any reminders from anywhere that there might be a moral component to abortion. Any indication that there might be something less than moral about abortion, including not fully publicly funding it, leads inexorably to the conclusion that they advocate the murder of innocents in the name of convenience.
This shows this was not about mammograms, but about the idolatry of abortion. No one ever anywhere should ever be able to reverse a position favoring abortion. The Feminazi’s are showing their TRUE COLORS.
Not so fast. Komen hasn’t said they are permanently halting the funding just that they won’t provide said funding while Planned Parenthood is under investigation. Wait and see what happens once the investigation is concluded.
Women that have abortions have an increased risk of getting breast cancer.
How about Great Leader just issue an edict from on high demaning the Komen organization provide on-demand abortion and give half of all their proceeds to Planned Parenthood? That would solve the problem, right? I mean, it’s not like the Federal Government has limits on private individuals or organizations or anything. Golly people - get with the pogrom.
Muslim woman says gas station refused her service
Summary: A woman wearing a niqab, the face veil, went to a gas station and tried to pay $20 in cash. The gas station attendant threw the money back at her and told her to leave. The muslim woman got the police involved, and the gas attendant claimed she was just following company policy. The company is now saying it was a "misunderstanding" because company policy requests that people remove facial coverings like ski masks, in case of robbery.
Towards the beginning, a few people defended the Muslim woman, but soon it all fell apart and racism/Islamaphobia prevailed!
What a jerk. Why does he have to see her if she’s paying in cash?
The female attendant was just exercizing her constitutional right to protest a cult which defames and abuses women.
Case dismissed. LeFluer, go back to Arabia or Iran and take your damn Moon-God with you.
Why would police get involved?
Isn’t this a civil matter?
why would they ‘escort’ her to get service?
If a private company does not want to do business with a private individual what right do the police have to MAKE THEM?
I think this is a wag the dog story- a set up to get something into court... which will lead to FORCED acceptance of muzzies.
If a man cam into your establishment wearing a facemask in the old days you would assume they were tryig to rob you. If people CHOOSE TO cover their faces or wear bulky clothing while DISPENSING GASOLINE then forgive me if I dont want to server them- but that’s my choice- she could have EASILY gotten gas elsewhere- but they are trying to force an issue.
I would not doubt it if the gas station owners are in on it.
“Very painful, very painful — (I) felt really embarrassed”
...as painful as having your own family stone you to death under the guise of “honor”?
...as painful as jumping from a 80 story building to escape 1000 degree heat caused by your uncle Mohamed wacky piloting skills? Go Home to whatever “stan” you’re from!
"Muslim woman says gas station refused her service"
Good, now get the murdering ragheads out of the US.
I’m afraid this woman definitely has a case. The only time facial covering is a problem is if you are trying to do something that requires some form of ID or you are pointing a gun and asking for the contents of the register. She was doing neither.
I have no problem with making muslims uncomfortable living here any more than I would making communists, nazis or any other kind of subversive traitor uncomfortable living here.
They are a clear & present danger to our way of life and as soon as they succeed in using our civil liberties to gain what they want will yank them away & enslave us all.
IMOP the cop should have ticketed the Muslim for endangering the general public by driving wearing a costume which restricted her view of the road. Then he should have had her car towed for the same reason. Then he should have explained to her that, unlike her native hell hole, this is a free country .... including the freedom to leave if you don’t like it.
This is part of an agitation operation, and it's nationwide. Here in my area: Muslim protest at Tarrant County College, U.S. as Christian nation,
Similar stories can be found all over. It's a soft tyranny-- this victimization game, and unfortunately, their targets seem to rollover, comply. It's a variation of the race card play.
Wakeup, people.
--- Freeper logic: there are lots of stories about discimination against Muslims, thus we can conclude that this is actually discrimination against me.
She should get a credit card; and use it at pump. Surely she has one. (Perhaps she was looking for an incident?)
Take off the mask, you freak! Every day isn’t Halloween.
As far as I’m concerned Muslims have zero right to be in this country. The believe in a subversive ideology, not a religion, and by default are here for unfriendly purposes. I wouldn’t let them in no more than I would have a ardent Soviet communist during the Cold War who claimed to be peaceful and non-violent.
Maybe the attendant thought she shouldn’t drive, because she is a terrorist...and they don’t have the right to drive in terrorist countries.
I understand that the company's policy that led to the refusal of service can cause some Muslims concern -- even to fear for their safety.. and I am compassionate to a fault.
I remember the time when Americans of Japanese origin faced similar threats and were relocated to remote areas for their own safety. (Mostly, but some who were suspected of helping Imperial Japan were held in camps.)
Some Muslims living here express great concern for their safety.. well we can do no less to protect them than we did to protect the Americans of Japanese origin -- and the sooner the better.
The company has a policy that has absolutely nothing to do with religion, go somewhere else.. but no! Some Muslims have other reasons -- Keep on yanking the junk yard dogs' chains, Muhammed. That's real smart.
--- Yes, you're actually seeing someone suggest that we set up internment camps for people of a certain religion. Surely this is the exception from Godwin.
I cannot fathom those who are so willing to extend our precious liberties to a group of people so dedicatd to our destruction.
In spite of the abundant evidence all over the world of how non-muslims fare under the influence of Islam.
Our how they treat each other, for that matter.
Another ill to thank the Kennedys for—opening up the country to the 3rd world muslims
It's hypocritical for them to claim religion when it comes to the veil but it's OK to drive. In Arab countries, women are forbidden to drive.
Towards the beginning, a few people defended the Muslim woman, but soon it all fell apart and racism/Islamaphobia prevailed!
What a jerk. Why does he have to see her if she’s paying in cash?
The female attendant was just exercizing her constitutional right to protest a cult which defames and abuses women.
Case dismissed. LeFluer, go back to Arabia or Iran and take your damn Moon-God with you.
Why would police get involved?
Isn’t this a civil matter?
why would they ‘escort’ her to get service?
If a private company does not want to do business with a private individual what right do the police have to MAKE THEM?
I think this is a wag the dog story- a set up to get something into court... which will lead to FORCED acceptance of muzzies.
If a man cam into your establishment wearing a facemask in the old days you would assume they were tryig to rob you. If people CHOOSE TO cover their faces or wear bulky clothing while DISPENSING GASOLINE then forgive me if I dont want to server them- but that’s my choice- she could have EASILY gotten gas elsewhere- but they are trying to force an issue.
I would not doubt it if the gas station owners are in on it.
“Very painful, very painful — (I) felt really embarrassed”
...as painful as having your own family stone you to death under the guise of “honor”?
...as painful as jumping from a 80 story building to escape 1000 degree heat caused by your uncle Mohamed wacky piloting skills? Go Home to whatever “stan” you’re from!
"Muslim woman says gas station refused her service"
Good, now get the murdering ragheads out of the US.
I’m afraid this woman definitely has a case. The only time facial covering is a problem is if you are trying to do something that requires some form of ID or you are pointing a gun and asking for the contents of the register. She was doing neither.
I have no problem with making muslims uncomfortable living here any more than I would making communists, nazis or any other kind of subversive traitor uncomfortable living here.
They are a clear & present danger to our way of life and as soon as they succeed in using our civil liberties to gain what they want will yank them away & enslave us all.
IMOP the cop should have ticketed the Muslim for endangering the general public by driving wearing a costume which restricted her view of the road. Then he should have had her car towed for the same reason. Then he should have explained to her that, unlike her native hell hole, this is a free country .... including the freedom to leave if you don’t like it.
This is part of an agitation operation, and it's nationwide. Here in my area: Muslim protest at Tarrant County College, U.S. as Christian nation,
Similar stories can be found all over. It's a soft tyranny-- this victimization game, and unfortunately, their targets seem to rollover, comply. It's a variation of the race card play.
Wakeup, people.
--- Freeper logic: there are lots of stories about discimination against Muslims, thus we can conclude that this is actually discrimination against me.
She should get a credit card; and use it at pump. Surely she has one. (Perhaps she was looking for an incident?)
Take off the mask, you freak! Every day isn’t Halloween.
As far as I’m concerned Muslims have zero right to be in this country. The believe in a subversive ideology, not a religion, and by default are here for unfriendly purposes. I wouldn’t let them in no more than I would have a ardent Soviet communist during the Cold War who claimed to be peaceful and non-violent.
Maybe the attendant thought she shouldn’t drive, because she is a terrorist...and they don’t have the right to drive in terrorist countries.
I understand that the company's policy that led to the refusal of service can cause some Muslims concern -- even to fear for their safety.. and I am compassionate to a fault.
I remember the time when Americans of Japanese origin faced similar threats and were relocated to remote areas for their own safety. (Mostly, but some who were suspected of helping Imperial Japan were held in camps.)
Some Muslims living here express great concern for their safety.. well we can do no less to protect them than we did to protect the Americans of Japanese origin -- and the sooner the better.
The company has a policy that has absolutely nothing to do with religion, go somewhere else.. but no! Some Muslims have other reasons -- Keep on yanking the junk yard dogs' chains, Muhammed. That's real smart.
--- Yes, you're actually seeing someone suggest that we set up internment camps for people of a certain religion. Surely this is the exception from Godwin.
I cannot fathom those who are so willing to extend our precious liberties to a group of people so dedicatd to our destruction.
In spite of the abundant evidence all over the world of how non-muslims fare under the influence of Islam.
Our how they treat each other, for that matter.
Another ill to thank the Kennedys for—opening up the country to the 3rd world muslims
It's hypocritical for them to claim religion when it comes to the veil but it's OK to drive. In Arab countries, women are forbidden to drive.
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