I don't ever remember such a thing happening at an inauguration. Republicans would just never do such a thing because we have a great sense of respect for the Office of the Presidency."
Democrats and liberals for the most part, have no class.
Let’s see if they’ll boo and hiss Bush after they see the mushroom cloud tomorrow.
"I agree completely. We should never be act like this and be disrespectful as the Dems have been for the past eight years."
I disagree, pResident Obama is a pig and should treated as such.
Bush gave more money to Africa than any other president. Clinton talked about contributing to fight AIDS in Africa, but he never did it. Bush actually initiated the requests and gave the funding. And this is how he gets rewarded by the mindless followers of our African Fuhrer.
Sorry guys. This one isn’t worth getting in a lather over. Not thrilled about them booing Laura - but we did Boo Clinton when he left office. I was there.
Buyer’s remorse is going to be a B!@#H when it arrives.
I’m going to enjoy every minute of it too, regardless what happens.
Bastards asked for it and they’re definitely going to get it.
Classy bunch of Birkenstock-wearing dope-smoking hippies.
I hope they get everything they so richly deserve from Obama.
God Bless America
God Save the Republic
He keeps this country safe for 7 years, he liberates millions of muslims, he presided over a booming economy until last year, and this is the thanks he gets?
Sometimes I wonder if this country is worth saving.
Trash is now running this country. Reminds me of how the Jackson democrats acted after beating JQA. Disgusting.
I swear, last evening as I rode the DC Metro underground home after a long day, I could not believe the riff-raff crowding the Metro cars and station. Amazing, a bunch of back-pack wearing 20-something year-olds, none in a suit or clean clothes, singing and clapping and chanting and dancing. . .”Obama, Obama, Obama. . .” Bleated over and over again. And these people have the right to vote? I travel quite a lot, and a substantial portion of my travels include Africa (sub_saharan and South Africa).
I truly witnessed African tribal behavior on the Metro, the dancing and chanting, and all that was missing were the AK-47’s and shots being fired into the air.
They are unwashed, obviously weak-minded and swayed by a personality cult. They are NOT thinkers. They are not men. They are unthinking children following the most colorful ribbon and glitter-stone.
It is a sad thing to observe, as these Obama-bots worship the man, not his ideas (what are those?), and they whole-heartedly voted him into office?
This is not good for the US.
When President Regan was elected, the jubilation was not for the man, per se, but for his ideas, ideas that extolled the virtues of this Great Nation and championed the American people and cause.
The Big O, The Messiah, The Chosen One, is worshiped not for his ideas—what are they anyway—but because, well. . . just because.
I am truly for the first time, concerned for the future of the states.
Bu that's just me. . . and today, inauguration day, is a troubling demonstration of the power of personality over ideals.
Basically, I have seen nothing to sway my opinion that Obama-bots are nothing more than simple dirty hippies.
I think I’m going to be sick!!!!!!!!!!1
These A-holes will one day not be laughing so loud...
a country full of idiots. Next time you go into a store ask the clerk if they can make change without looking at the register, you get the deer in the headlights stare. This is my point, exactly. I beleive as a society, each generation from the 1940s has become more like trained robots without being able to think for themselves. Society has become more arrogant and less respectfull because our todays society has fallen away from courtesy and morals. The 1960s had a saying “if it feels good do it”. Look at the 1970s with disco and how the night clubs let anything go on. This is the type of societal evolution that brought down the Roman empire. Unfortunatley, we don’t teach true history at colleges anymore just lies.
That’s how I feel. This whole election cycle has gone beyond just “I don’t like that guy” to total fear for the nation. I have never feared for the end of America. Maybe some pains, maybe worried about taxes being too high, but never that the end could be in sight.
I do fear that today. Amongst the chanting, the singing and hand clapping.
Well one thing for sure, when Obama leaves office in 4 years or less and our new person takes over, Obama will not leave being mocked, he will leave to at least light applause, because we are not them, and as angry as I am that they did that, I am happier to know we, even tho we may want to, would not.
They learn from their new King and the Queen of Hate. This is going to be a carnival side show for the next 4 years.
I interrupted my total news blackout today to scan FR and this is the first thing I saw. I cried for my country after reading it.
These people have absolutely no class. But I am absolutely sure of one thing. The Lord is watching and He is not pleased.
You stay classy, FreeP.
ReplyDeleteCognitive Dissonance: The Website!
ReplyDelete"African tribal behavior." But remember, they're NOT racists, and you're the REAL racist for even suggesting it!
ReplyDelete"Trash is now running this country. Reminds me of how the Jackson democrats acted after beating JQA. Disgusting."
ReplyDeleteI ask again. How fucking old ARE these people?
Hahahaha founding toddler JQA shows up again.
ReplyDelete"This is the type of societal evolution that brought down the Roman empire."
ReplyDeleteDidn't the Roman empire convert to Christianity 30 years before the first sack of Rome, 75 years before the second sack of Rome, and 94 years before the official end of the Roman Empire?